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The contribution of different types of public infrastructure on private production is investigated using time-series of cross-section data for the 48 contiguous states over the period 1970–1986. A Cobb-Douglas production function is estimated with unobserved state-specific effects. Measurement errors in public capital stock and its components are detected and rectified.We would like to thank Baldev Raj and an anonymous referee for helpful comments. Also, Timothy J. Gronberg and Kay McAllister who thoroughly read the earlier draft and offered many constructive suggestions. We are, however, solely responsible for any remaining errors. The data set used in this research was generously provided by Alicia H. Munnell and Leah Cook of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Nat Pinnoi acknowledges the research support provided by the Texas Transportation Institute.  相似文献   

The idea of transferability is to employ in model estimation, fitted model parameters computed from a different data set. Thecombined estimator approach to the transferability problem is expressed as a linear combination of the unbiased direct estimators on the two data sets. The major gain is in variance reduction. The combined estimator is shown to have superior accuracy, in a Mean Square Error sense, to a unbiased direct estimator whenever the transfer bias is relatively small. A test that indicates if the combined estimator is superior to the direct estimator is provided. Variances of the direct estimators are assumed to be known. Monte Carlo experiments are performed to assess the quality of the approximations. The results show that the approximations used are highly conservative. An empirical example of the combined estimator applied to a discrete choice problem is presented.  相似文献   

The structural stability of money demand relations has been the issue of a substantial number of empirical studies. In most studies for the U.S. structural breaks were found in the 1970s and the 1980s. In the present study a money demand function is specified in error-correction-form which involves realM1, realGNP, the deflator and a short-term interest rate. Using flexible least squares it is shown for the U.S. that the long-run coefficients ofM1, GNP and the interest rate are relatively stable over a period of more than 30 years while the deflator does not enter the relation. The instability of the relation is mainly due to changes in the short-term dynamics.The author thanks Martin Moryson for outstanding research assistance. The computations were performed with a GAUSS program written by the late Wolfgang Schneider.  相似文献   

The experimental evidence against expected utility theo or unconvincing. When one modifies the experiments to mi tends to support traditional theory.Dewey H. Johnson Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, College of Business Administration, University of South Carolina. I am grateful for comments from seminar participants at the University of Melbourne, University of South Carolina, University of Stockholm, and the University of Western Ontario. John Hey provided a firm, but sympathetic, editorial hand.  相似文献   

Summary.  At a stationary Markov equilibrium of a Markovian economy of overlapping generations, prices at a date-event are determined by the realization of the shock, the distribution of wealth and, with production, the stock of capital. Stationary Markov equilibria may not exist; this is the case with intra-generational heterogeneity and multiple commodities or long life spans. Generalized Markov equilibria exist if prices are allowed to vary also with the realization of the shock, prices and the allocation of consumption and production at the predecessor date-event. (Stationary) Markov -equilibria always exist; as allocations and prices converge to equilibrium prices and allocations that, however, need not be stationary.Received: 2 March 2004, Revised: 2 April 2004, JEL Classification Numbers:   D50, D52, D60, D80, D90.Correspondence to: Felix KublerWe thank participants in seminars in Athens and Lund, at Penn, at IMPA and at Stanford, the 2002 CEME (NBER) General Equilibrium Conference and the 2002 SED meetings, and especially Martin Hellwig, George Mailath and an anonymous referee for very helpful comments.  相似文献   

The issue addressed in this paper is how robust dynamically efficient steady state equilibria in a 55 periods overlapping generations economy are to changes in the parametrization of the model. Numerical simulations are used to detect parameter constellations which lead to non Pareto optimal market solutions with the capital stock in excess of the so called Golden Rule level. The results suggest that rather unplausible values of the pure rate of time preference, the intertemporal elasticity of substitution or the annual population growth rate are required to obtain dynamic inefficiency.I would like to thank Prof. Roger Farmer as well as Albert Jäger for reading and commenting on earlier versions of this paper. The numerical model used in this work was programmed by Christian Keuschnigg. I am grateful to him for supplying me generously with his software.  相似文献   

When tax payments take place with a considerable time lag, inflation erodes part of their real value, and this loss may be comparable or even surpass the well-known gains from seigniorage. The paper finds that for the economy of Greece, a reduction of inflation will actually raise the total sum of tax collection and seigniorage, thus easing and not aggravating the debt-accumulation process.  相似文献   

This paper documents three stylized facts for the quarterly unemployment rate in the United States. Firstly, unemployment is asymmetric over the business cycle, i.e. it rises sharply in recessions and it falls slowly in expansions. Secondly, its seasonal fluctuations are not constant across the two business cycle stages in the sense that there is less seasonality in recession periods. Thirdly, the effect of shocks to the unemployment rate in expansions seem transitory, while this effect is permanent in recessions. Some implications of these stylized facts for empirical macroeconomics and seasonal adjustment are discussed.  相似文献   

Does it make any difference to econometric results whether ones uses the Laspeyres or Paasche index? In general, the divergence between these two is small, suggesting that index choice makes little difference to econometric results. We estimate 72 Malthusian models and because the Paasche and Laspeyres indices we use show below average divergence, these reslts should be conservative. We find that parameters differ substantially, that parameter signs can be reversed, thatr 2s change markedly and that hypothesis test results are reversed. These findings indicate the importance of estimating exact indices.  相似文献   

In this study the process of retail meat price determination is depicted in the form of an inverse demand system taking into consideration the dynamic adjustments present in monthly consumption data. The general dynamic framework identifies both long run and short run effects in a systematic manner and allows direct estimation of the long run price and scale flexibilities that are consistent with theory. The empirical application based on monthly U.S. meat products data provides reasonable and promising results.The authors are senior econometrician, Department of Risk Management, TRS, American Express Co., Phoenix, and assistant professor, Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, respectively. The work was performed when the first author was an assistant research scientist at the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Department of Economics, Iowa State University, Ames. Journal Paper No. J-15784 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 3109.  相似文献   

Supplying work in the home country or abroad must be seen as the result of the same decisional process. If that is true, the same set of variables should be used to explain the participation in the labor market and the emigration rates.Based upon empirical results, we discuss some of the traditional conclusions of the economic literature. Our empirical results, for example, show that: 1) there is a strong support for considering home wages and the wages in the country of destination asymmetrically, 2) imperfections in the capital markets seem to play an important role when workers must pay for their moving expenses and 3) there is a differential in coefficients between the period before 1974 and after that date, as 1974 is the year most of the Central European countries changed their immigration policies.  相似文献   

An intertemporal model of consumption and investment under uncertainty is formulated, and compared with the existing literature; it is argued that an assumption of myopia is necessary for its empirical applicability. It is estimated by maximum likelihood with quarterly British data. A specification search for a satisfactory form of expectations is made, and the estimated model is compared with a static demand system. Strong intertemporal separability is formulated as a nested hypothesis, and strongly rejected by a likelihood ratio test.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationships between stock returns, changes in production, and changes in interest rates in three European countries: France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The results obtained using annual data are much more conclusive than those obtained using quarterly data. Stock returns are affected by current changes in interest rates and by future changes in production. The dependence on changes in interest rates seems to be higher than on changes in production. Furthermore, the influence of future changes in production on stock returns diminishes substantially when contemporaneous changes in interest rates are taken into account. With reference to these points, the European markets behave in a similar fashion, but are in sharp contrast with the U.S. market.I am very grateful to Kay Davidson, Patric Hendershott and two anonymous referees for useful comments and suggestions. I am solely responsible for all remaining errors.  相似文献   

This paper updates and extends the time-series evidence on the convergence of international incomes using a set of 29 countries over the period 1900–2001. Time-series tests for stochastic convergence are supplemented with tests which provide evidence on the notion of “β-convergence” predicted by the Solow model. The evidence indicates that the relative income series of 21 countries are consistent with stochastic convergence, and that β-convergence has occurred in at least 16 countries at some point during the twentieth century. Further examination of the properties of the β-convergence test provides anecdotal evidence of conditional convergence in three additional countries for which the convergence hypothesis was initially rejected. Consideration of convergence clubs strengthens the evidence in favor of convergence. Analysis of the cross-country dispersion of incomes over time also suggests that convergence has occurred over the 1900–2001 period, particularly within certain clubs, with structural breaks associated with World War II in many countries causing a break in the convergence process.   相似文献   

This study is concerned with the impact of wages on job search decisions in Eastern Germany immediately after reunification and in later periods. Several concepts measuring wage effects are used. The results of bivariate probit estimates with incomplete classification for a global and local job search show that the wage level had stronger effects on the former than on the latter job search decision directly after the collapse of the Berlin Wall. The degree of satisfaction with current income and the earnings capacities were irrelevant for the search decision. Low-paid East German workers had a higher propensity to search for a new job in the old Länder than others. This is contrary to the misleading result of isolated estimates about the job search in Western Germany. In the subsequent periods the situation has changed. The difference of earnings capacities between Eastern and Western Germany, specific East German wage premiums and intraregional wage inequality affect the decision to search for a new job in the west.For helpful comments I thank Michael Burda, Knut Gerlach, Robert A. Hart, Stefan Niermann, Liz Regan and two referees.  相似文献   

This paper examines the labour supply behaviour of married women in France. A sequence of models is specified and estimated which incorporate different amounts of information on observed weekly hours. In all models the distinction is drawn between search and non-participation among non-workers. We provide extensive specification diagnostics, including Heckman-Andrews tests, as well as Hausman tests for the comparison of different handlings of the hours information. It turns out that distinguishing between part-time, full-time and long hours gives virtually the same results as treating observed hours as reflecting desired hours.  相似文献   

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