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越来越多的企业采用了情感诉求广告,但是这种诉求方式并非适用任何产品。情感诉求广告运用日益广泛的原因,在于技术的发展使得产品严重同质化。情感诉求广告的作用机制,是基于经典条件反射理论。情感诉求广告,适用于严重同质化的产品、低卷入产品和炫耀性产品。  相似文献   

郑贺瑛  李伟 《时代经贸》2010,(22):140-141
旅游产品的综合性、无形性,生产和消费的同步性、不可转移性等特点决定了旅游广告诉求的方法和策略要有别于一般的商品广告。本文主要从旅游商品的特点和旅游者消费心理出发探讨旅游广告该如何进行有效诉求。  相似文献   

旅游产品的综合性、无形性,生产和消费的同步性、不可转移性等特点决定了旅游广告诉求的方法和策略要有别于一般的商品广告.本文主要从旅游商品的特点和旅游者消费心理出发探讨旅游广告该如何进行有效诉求.  相似文献   

感性诉求广告是营造信息差异化认知的重要信息诉求方法,以信息差异化机理为支撑,通过消费者信息搜寻和信息认知过程的心理分析,运用情感诉求信息下的心理效应、情感移情、品牌认知差异等心理构建感性诉求广告的认知效应,深入解读了感性诉求广告的传播过程和效果,体现了信息差异对企业树立品牌形象和提高市场竞争力的推动作用,并从调查研究消费者的独特情感卖点、构建感性诉求广告的"中国元素"表现体系、借助合适时机和优势媒介进行广告投放等方面指出了增强感性诉求广告差异认知效应的实现途径。  相似文献   

旅游广告是以说服为目的的信息传播形式,它要求有针对性地对消费者进行诉求。由于旅游产品和普通商品在存在形式、消费形式等方面都存在明显差异,所以在广告的诉求策略上也应该是不同的。普通商品广告诉求策略有理性诉求策略、感性诉求策略和情理结合等策略。旅游广告应该根据旅游产品的特点,探究旅游活动发生的独特的心理动因,以感性诉求为主,科学运用情理结合的诉求方式,以促成目标消费者的购买行为。  相似文献   

在产品生命周期不同阶段广告诉求策略的表现和应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
徐波 《经济研究导刊》2009,(10):106-107
在产品生命周期中的四个阶段,企业面临的竞争特性不同,需要对广告诉求策略进行调整。产品的导入期的广告诉求主要是告知性,以介绍产品的功能为主;成长期的广告诉求策略主要是扩张性,以塑造品牌概念和内涵为主;成熟期的广告诉求策略主要是竞争性,以品牌形象广告为重点;衰退期广告诉求策略主要是提醒性,唤醒人们对品牌的怀旧意识。  相似文献   

儿童产品的广告创作探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童产品的广告诉求对象既可以是儿童,也可以是家长。由于两者的消费心理存在着极大差异,使得儿童产品的广告创作与一般消费品广告创作有所不同。儿童产品的广告创作应该把握儿童的广告接受特点,明确广告诉求对象,针对诉求对象分别制定不同的广告策略,同时在广告创作中要注意避免不利于儿童成长的负面影响。  相似文献   

林亚红 《经济师》2007,(12):230-231
进入21世纪后,中国的广告随着社会文化价值观的演变也宣告了"我时代"的来临,然而作为人基本需求的交往需求永远都不会过时,人与人之间的良好的人情关系依然是广告的重要的感性诉求。以人情为诉求的广告即人情广告。但就目前的中国广告情况而言人情广告的运用没有得到应有的重视,归纳其原因主要还是在于广告的创意思维不够开阔,表现方式过于单调雷同。对此,文章提出可以通过人情诉求的多样化、广告商品表现方式的多样化以及广告表现技巧的多样化来解决,从而更好地使用人情广告。  相似文献   

以提出“品牌形象论”著称的广告大师大卫·奥格威从创意入手提出了广告三原则(beautiful——美女、beast——动物、ba-by——婴儿,通称“3B”),并解释说以此为表现手段的广告符合人类关注自身生命的天性,最容易赢得消费者的注意和喜欢,以展示美女形象或特写肢体部位的性诉求方式作为最易调用的资源很自然地被广泛使用。如果说在奥格威抱怨广告效果和提起暗示之前,广告中性诉求手段的使用还有些羞羞答答的话,那么此后便泛滥而一发难收了。与文化比较开放的美国相比,我国广告传播的情况也差不多。据统计,遭投诉和查处最多的两类广告,一类是…  相似文献   

通过跨界联合的方式快速“出圈”并赢得消费者的关注和青睐,已成为本土品牌营销实践的新趋势。以往研究聚焦于单一品牌利用“稀缺性”启发式增强产品广告的说服效果,但对跨界联合广告诉求如何影响消费者品牌态度缺乏足够的探讨。基于酷感知视角,通过三项实验探究跨界联合广告诉求对消费者品牌态度的影响及其机制。研究结果表明:差异性广告诉求比有限机会广告诉求更能提高消费者品牌态度,酷感知在跨界联合广告诉求与品牌态度之间发挥着中介作用;品牌互补与比较焦点是酷感知中介效应存在的边界条件,即在合作双方为低属性互补或消费者启动差异性聚焦的情形下,该效应才会存在。研究结论丰富了品牌跨界联合广告说服相关研究,对本土品牌跨界营销实践具有重要的管理启示。  相似文献   

广告公司商务模式与经济绩效有密切的关系。良好的商务模式对公司经济绩效和社会绩效具有显著正向积极影响。广告公司及时准确地调整商务模式结构的战略选择、运作流程、价值获取和价值维护四个维度,可以改善和提升经济绩效和社会绩效。  相似文献   

汉语广告语篇中语码转换顺应模式的实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汉语广告语篇中语码转换的顺应模式是指广告语篇中的语码转换作为语言结构的一个侧面和一种语用策略,其目的是为了实现对广告语言现实、社会规约和受众心理等方面的顺应,这种顺应是由广告语篇中语码转换多层次、多种类的功能相互交叉、相互融合而得以实现的。因此,语码转换的顺应模式对广告语篇的研究有着积极的借鉴作用,为广告语言创作注入了新鲜的色彩。  相似文献   

This paper applies the theories of exposure order effects, developed in the psychology literature, to an industrial organization model to explore their role in advertising competition. There are two firms and infinitely many identical consumers. The firms produce a homogeneous product and distribute their brands through a common retailer. Consumers randomly arrive at the retailer and buy their most preferred brands. The order in which a consumer sees the advertising messages affects his brand preferences. Under the primacy effect the consumer prefers the brand he first saw advertised, under the recency—the last encountered brand. The equilibrium of the advertising game is characterized separately under the primacy and the recency effects. In the first setting all consumers are initially unaware of the product existence. The equilibrium advertising intensities, remarkably, do not depend on the type of exposure order effect. In the other two settings some consumers have already formed their brand preferences. The primacy and the recency effects give rise to different equilibrium outcomes.  相似文献   

A firm’s reputation is one of the critical drivers of success, and two of the key levers firms use to influence their perceived reputation are corporate social responsibility (CSR) and advertising. The relationship between CSR and advertising is important because whether they are complements or substitutes has different implications for how firms use these activities. Using a unique panel dataset of US-listed companies between 2005 and 2014, we estimate flexible production functions to identify whether CSR and advertising act as complements or substitutes in the production of firm reputation. A secondary motivation of this paper is to examine whether the use of different stakeholder ratings of firm reputation matters. We find evidence consistent with advertising and CSR being substitutes toward the production of firm reputation. Our results also show that advertising, own-firm CSR activities, and industry-level CSR spillovers contribute positively to firm reputation. Lastly, we find that the effects of CSR and advertising vary across the stakeholder groups (general public, business executives, or CSR experts) used in the analysis.  相似文献   

We use data on a movie’s stock price as it trades on the Hollywood Stock Exchange, a popular online market simulation, to study the impact of movie advertising. We find that advertising has a positive and statistically significant effect on expected revenues, but that the effect varies strongly across movies of different “quality”. The point estimate implies that the returns to advertising for the average movie are negative.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the impact of the introduction of incentive regulation on firms’ advertising spending among the population of local exchange carriers in the United States telecommunications industry between 1988 and 2001. The results show that the hybrid rate of return method and other intermediate incentive schemes have a negative relationship with advertising spending. Conversely, the introduction of pure price caps schemes has had a positive and significant impact on firms’ advertising spending. These results highlight the importance of incentive compatible mechanism design in motivating firms to be market oriented and strive for superior performance.  相似文献   

We study the strategic interaction between a new good producer and a remanufacturer who use advertising campaigns to compete for a dominant share of the market for a certain good. Each firm chooses one of three possible strategies for running its advertising campaign. The two rival firms care only about capturing a dominant share of the relevant market. Hence, if a firm expects to capture dominant market share with probability p ∈ [0, 1], then its payoff in the game we study is also p. Our analysis leads to four results. First, we provide the normal form representation of the game between the new good producer and the remanufacturer. Second, we specify the game in matrix form. Third, we indicate what happens at each stage of the elimination of strictly dominated strategies. Finally, we show that the iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies yields a clear and unique prediction about the outcome of the advertising game.  相似文献   

创新扩散中广告投放效果的元胞自动机仿真   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
传统的研究方法忽略了消费者的差异,将其视为完全相同的个体,忽视了个体差异对产品扩散的速度和形态的重要影响,由此得到的结果并不能为厂商制定广告策略提供可靠的依据。元胞自动机作为一种空间、时间、状态完全离散的微观仿真模型,适用于扩散问题的研究。它从模拟个体行为入手,可以深入地刻画不同个体之间的差异,既可以得到扩散的宏观结果,也可以得到扩散的微观特征。通过仿真,论证了产品刚刚投放市场时应适当加大广告强度,而随着市场占有率的增加可以适当降低广造强度,这是一种最佳的广告策略;同时,得到了广告强度与市场占有率以及市场规模之间的量化关系。  相似文献   

This paper models entry and the subsequent changes in market structure in three segments of the UK car industry, 1958–83. The entry equation emerges from a dynamic optimization model which allows for the costs of acquiring market share. The model is used to explore the hypothesis that the market penetration of entrants in this industry was facilitated by a post-entry advertising war which the incumbent firms lost. The basic hypothesis under examination is that advertising both facilitates and restricts entry, but that it does so in a way that varies systematically over time. The data are consistent with this view, showing that high advertising shares readily translate into high market shares, but that the escalation of industry advertising caused by entry can make high advertising entry strategies increasingly costly over time.  相似文献   

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