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The purpose of this research was to determine and analyse diversity in various features of R&D projects implemented in the science sector in Poland, financed mostly from public funds. More exactly, the following aspects of R&D projects implemented in the science sector in Poland were examined: the relation between the actually achieved and the initially set goal, the project management methodologies and project time management methods used, features of the project team, the relation between the plan and the actual project realisation and management difficulties encountered in practice. These aspects and their diversity were examined in the context of the whole country, of various fields of science and various research units implementing pure research (the ‘R’ area) or applied research and experimental development (the ‘D’ area). The research was conducted by means of survey methodology covering a sample of participants of R&D projects in the science sector in Poland. The results were analysed by means of statistical methods (which constitutes a clear novelty with respect to the existing literature on R&D projects) and statistically significant phenomena gave rise to several important conclusions on how R&D projects implemented in the science sector are managed and what their realisation looks like in various fields of science and various institutions, in a relatively new EU members state and a former communist country like Poland. These conclusions may be the basis for important hypotheses (which require further research) on the project management quality in the science sector in Poland and in similar countries, which is closely linked to the problem of public money allocation, its efficient spending and control. Also, practical suggestions on improvement measures in the science sector with respect to R&D projects, limited not only to countries like Poland, but of a more general nature, are formulated.  相似文献   

The gap between science park aspiration and accomplishment is conceptualized as ‘innovation incommensurability,’ the persisting dilemma of a physical structure oriented innovation mechanism. A typology of science park impetuses and growth–analyzing critical elements, goals/ends and paths/means–suggests an appropriate balance between ‘exogenous’ and ‘endogenous’ innovation strategies in various regional circumstances. Alternative strategies of science park development are a ‘strategic research site’ to evaluate the roles of a university–industry–government triple helix in developing the science park model. Innovation incommensurability can be overcome by a longer-term endogenous strategy combined with significant public investment. Ambitious science park projects, which were either early failures or later lost support, may succeed once a triple helix base is built to achieve an innovation eco-system.  相似文献   

The concept of the gatekeeper as a means of improving information dissemination in science and technology has been given much attention. The criticism of the two-step flow model has been extensive in mass-media research. In principle, this criticism should also apply to studies of gatekeepers in R & D organizations. The two-step flow model does not tell us with whom the gatekeeper is communicating, what is being discussed, and what effect the gatekeepers have on the internal information dissemination. Using an empirical study of an R & D organization, the thesis is presented that gatekeepers can contribute to an eliteist pattern of distribution rather than to a reduction of the information gap. Finally, it is argued that studies of internal communication in R & D organizations should deal with communication relationships rather than with individuals as units of analysis.  相似文献   

This paper tells the story of how two biotechnologists used models, one working as a technologist and the other as a scientist. These stories were collected during the development of the key ideas about the nature of technology and technological knowledge during the latest curriculum development in New Zealand. Their stories of how and why they used models provided insight into the different role of modelling in technology and science. This difference can be linked to the fundamental difference between technology as a discipline that attempts to intervene in the world and create something other, and science as a discipline that attempts to explain the world. The stories illustrate the differences in the purpose, outcome and the underpinning reasoning across technology and science. We suggest that using such stories supports learning about the nature of technology and the nature of science and provides an opportunity to add a critical dimension to the development of technological literacy and scientific literacy.  相似文献   

Two possible patterns for the organization of advanced technological education can be detected in Britain since 1945. The dominant assumption links training closely to fundamental advances in the sciences, and centralizes teaching at a small number of specialist institutions. The influence of such a policy is seen in the decisions which limited the numbers of Colleges of Advanced Technology in 1956, and in the continuing pressure from science advisory circles for the establishment of a few high-level training centres. The alternative pattern seeks to respond to the diverse range of industrial demands at local level in a decentralized system of technological training whose goals and standards are readily influenced by the technical and manpower demands of neighbouring industry. Neglect of this alternative can be explained from persistent trends in British professional organization, but the economic consequences may well be momentous.  相似文献   

煤炭科技发展现状及前瞻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“科学技术是第一生产力”,煤炭工业要走新型工业化道路,必须加速发展煤炭科学技术,必须广泛应用最前沿煤炭科技成果,只有这样,才能保障全面建设小康社会宏伟目标对能源的需求,才能保障国民经济持续,快速,健康发展。  相似文献   

Research summary: In this article, we document a shift away from science by large corporations between 1980 and 2006. We find that publications by company scientists have declined over time in a range of industries. We also find that the value attributable to scientific research has dropped, whereas the value attributable to technical knowledge (as measured by patents) has remained stable. These trends are unlikely to be driven principally by changes in publication practices. Furthermore, science continues to be useful as an input into innovation. Our evidence points to a reduction of the private benefits of internal research. Large firms still value the golden eggs of science (as reflected in patents), but seem to be increasingly unwilling to invest in the golden goose itself (the internal scientific capabilities). Managerial summary: There is a widespread belief among commentators that large American corporations are withdrawing from research. Large corporations may still collaborate with universities and acquire promising science‐based start‐ups, but their labs increasingly focus on developing existing knowledge and commercializing it, rather than creating new knowledge. In this article, we combine firm‐level financial information with a large and comprehensive data set on firm publications, patents and acquisitions to quantify the withdrawal from science by large American corporations between 1980 and 2006. This withdrawal is associated with a decline in the private value of research activities, even though scientific knowledge itself remains important for corporate invention. We discuss the managerial and policy implications of our findings.  相似文献   

刘凯 《中国纺织》2003,(8):18-21
山东如意集团是以毛纺织、服装为主,兼有棉印染、兔毛纱、针织、化纤、房地产等多种产业的国有独资大型企业集团.是国家520家重点企业之一。山东省首批“管理示范企业”,连续十年被评为济宁市经济效益支柱企业,已跻身全国同行业五强,多次荣获“中国名牌”、“山东省著名商标”、“国家金桥奖”等荣誉,2000年企业被评定国家级高新技术企业、2002年集团完成销售收入57128万元,利税7177万元,利润4108万元,三项指标同比增长20%。如意集团在科技创新技术进步方面主要抓了六项工作。  相似文献   

《Food Policy》2002,27(1):65-80
Consumers are questioning the ability of the modern food system to provide safe food. This review of the use of monosodium glutamate (MSG), food irradiation, pesticide residues, and genetic engineering highlights the differences in views between public interest organisations, governments and industry associations and some of the reasons behind them. Whereas governments and industry generally support the adoption of new technologies, consumer organisations question the underlying need, which results in less willingness to accept the risks, even when they are small. Given that Uruguay Round of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) has made the recommendations of the Codex Alimentarius Commission the benchmark for food standards and that countries are allowed to adopt stricter standards only if they are scientifically justified, this review concludes that there is a need to better integrate the consumer interest at the international level.  相似文献   

Careers in public sector science: orientations and implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is consensus that the world of science is changing (Ziman, 1994; see for example Nowotny et al., 2002). The environment in which scientists work is typified now as increasingly dynamic, managerialist and commercialised. This paper focuses on how scientists within different organisational and national contexts understand and enact their careers in the face of such changes. Based on empirical work in the UK and New Zealand, this paper introduces four career orientations evident in the career accounts of these participants. The categories are further analysed in terms of the key drivers to career: science, the organisation and the individual. Implications for career management are discussed in each section. In conclusion, the paper makes two related contributions. First, the evidence presented poses a challenge to highly individualised notions of the career actor central to current career thinking, instead revealing scientists' continued attachment to old institutional arrangements alongside new and emerging ways of understanding career. Second, with reference to the issue of career management of research scientists, the study highlights the need for those involved in management to look beyond employing organisations to other life interests, and science itself. It argues the need for those involved in career management to recognise the variety of legitimate ways to run a scientific career.  相似文献   

企业廉政管理就是按照计划、实施、检查、总结的循环方式,对企业廉政工作进行科学化管理,把党风廉政建设工作的内容渗透到企业生产、经营过程中,使所有的企业工作过程中  相似文献   

统计资料表明,中国企业的数量已达1100万家,分布在各行各业,但尤其以制造型企业占的比重最大。从管理的角度来说,各个行业都具有其管理的特殊性,对于制造业来说这个问题表现得就更明显。  相似文献   

文章回顾了煤炭企业科技信息工作的历史与现状,阐述了煤炭企业科技信息工作的作用与效应,就煤炭企业科技信息工作存在的问题,提出了改进建议.  相似文献   

本文首先从资本结构、财权配置、激励约束机制、财务信息披露四个方面对美国上市公司的财务治理现状进行了分析,然后结合我国上市公司财务治理中存在的问题,提出了完善我国上市公司财务治理机制的具体方法。  相似文献   

This mixed methods case study discusses how the introduction of new technology changed the work of departmental administrators at a Swedish university, drawing on Cockburn's theories on gender and technology, viewing organisations as fields of contestation. This paper argues that jobs seem more fragmented with less discretion, as a result of computerisation. However, time saved by a new division of labour enabled by digitalisation has increased the possibilities for specialisation and job crafting. This new division of labour also led to increased tensions between academics, administrators and management. As the risks and possibilities connected to computerisation are matters of social relations, as much as being governed by technology, this paper adds to the debates on work and technology by exploring the complexity of social relations at work place level experienced by this overlooked group at the periphery of the managerial and academic power centres in academia.  相似文献   

一名瑞士亿万富翁委托一家英国公司打造的一座超豪华玩具屋,造价15万英镑。这座玩具屋是一套严格按照比例缩小过的两层山间豪宅,还附带照明系统和暖气!据了解,这座玩具屋长5.5米,宽4.5米,高3.6米,由坚实的松树木制成。  相似文献   

为了提高区域创新质量、改善区域创新环境、实现区域创新能力的提升,以中国27省为研究对象,构建了包含创新资源要素(知识基础与人力资本)、创新经济要素(地区经济水平与对外开放度)与创新政策要素(政府支持与政府竞争)3个维度、6个条件变量的创新要素群落,应用模糊定性比较分析法,探索了区域科技创新高绩效组态。研究发现:1)区域科技创新高效率路径归结为独立开放型和全面驱动型;2)对外开放、无政府间竞争是实现区域创新高效率的关键要素,区域科技高创新效率一定离不开高对外开放度;3)组态视角下政府支持对实现区域科技创新高效率的作用相对较低。研究成果在一定程度上丰富并扩展了区域科技创新效率的研究情境,对各地区开展区域创新活动具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, we suggest that constructivism has the potential to inform research in strategic management. The realist paradigm currently dominates strategy research, and constructivism, a well‐established tradition in the philosophy of science, is often ignored. However, a study of strategy literature and research reveals that it is drawn upon more frequently than is explicitly acknowledged. Constructivism occupies a methodological space characterized by ontological realism and epistemological relativism. Ontological realism is an important cornerstone of a field as applied as strategy, while epistemological relativism helps us explore the constructed nature of the field, where the researcher is an active participant rather than a reactor or information processor. In this paper, we demonstrate the precedents and possibilities for constructivist research in strategic management. We examine some of the existent constructivist works in the strategy literature, and point to specific techniques, including historical analysis, to demonstrate how this perspective may advance the boundaries of strategy research. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为分析吸入给药的研究热点、前沿动态和发展趋势,通过CiteSpace软件对Web of Science数据库中2011—2020年吸入给药的相关文献进行研究,根据国家、机构之间的合作网络,关键词共现网络以及文献、期刊之间的共被引网络研究分析结果,共检索到相关文献2580篇.结果显示:1)近10年来吸入给药领域相关文献的...  相似文献   

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