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This study employs a selectivity model to account for the simultaneity existing between determinations of tenure status and level of spending. Important socio-economic characteristics affecting housing tenure were identified. Results indicate that income had a more important effect on the housing expenditures of renters than owners at a lower household income level. The race of the household head had a significant effect on variations in housing expenditures for owners but not for renters, suggesting that race may be a more important factor in owner-occupant than in renter-occupant housing. While household size may be an important factor in a family's decision-making in terms of buying a home, it is suggested that once tenure status is selected family size had no significant impacts on housing expenditures. Similarly, married couples were most likely to own their own homes than were other household types; however, married households did not spend more or less than other types of households on either owned or rented accommodation. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that in assessing empirical results, attention should be given to meaningful interpretation of estimated selectivity effects as well as to testing for occurrence of selectivity bias.  相似文献   

A path model was tested to ascertain the relationships between certain socio-economic and demographic variables, the percentage of household meals prepared and eaten at home (secondary household production), food expenditures, and the household's reported adequacy of food consumed. Significant positive predictors of secondary household production of food were the age of the head and household size. Negative predictors were education of the head, income of the head(s) and number of hours worked by the household head(s). By far the most important predictor was the number of hours worked. The strongest predictor of food expenditures was household size. Other positive predictors were income of the head(s), number of household heads and the degree of urbanization. Negatively affecting food expenditures was secondary household production of food, indicating the ‘saving’ effect of preparing meals at home. The household's reported adequacy of their food was predicted by the positive effect of education of the head, age of the head, tenure, hours worked by the head(s) and number of household heads. Although the number of hours the heads are employed decreased the percentage of meals prepared at home, and the percentage of meals at home negatively affected expenditures, the number of employment hours had no effect on food expenditures.  相似文献   

Based on upper echelon theory, this study has explored how CEO tenure affects ownership mode choice of Chinese firms investing abroad, and how some organizational factors, such as firm size, firm age and CEO duality, moderate this relationship. Using secondary data, this study finds CEO tenure has a positive relationship with the choice of full control mode, CEO duality can reinforce this relationship, but firm size and firm age have no significant moderating effect.  相似文献   

Town houses or cluster homes refer to housing developments where the exterior façade of adjacent units are architecturally identical or very similar. A pertinent disadvantage of this type of tenure is that residents are not allowed to alter the exterior of their homes to reflect personal differences. This study focussed on the probability that residents in these type of townhouses would make intentional effort to demonstrate their uniqueness through counter‐conforming choice of interior objects for the social areas of their homes where guests are received and entertained. The study involved 182 respondents who lived in townhouses in a major urban area in South Africa who were recruited through convenient snowball sampling. Findings indicate that townhouse residents' interior product decisions are predominantly of a creative counter conformity nature which is the safer alternative than avoidance of similarity or unpopular choice counter‐conformity practices that might evoke criticism from peers or reference groups. Interior product choices are therefore predominantly cautious and aimed to evoke the admiration of others rather than critique. A positive outcome of this study in terms of future research is confirmation of the usefulness of the measuring instrument, which was originally developed for clothing research. Findings are insightful for property developers, interior designers, interior decorators and retailers in terms of consumer facilitation and the appropriate marketing of interior products.  相似文献   

Training is seen as the key instrument in the implementation of Human Resource Management policies and practices in both the private and public sector. The choice of the type of training, focused on human or technical skills, is crucial in designing the training process. This field study investigates the personal and occupational characteristics of 444 public managers, candidates for human and technical skills training. A classification model is proposed which allows the selection and weighting of the candidate trainees' personal and occupational differences in order to participate in one of the two types of training. By means of the stepwise logistic regression method, gender, age, education, attitudes towards training, managerial level and job tenure have been identified as the significant variables associated with type of training.  相似文献   

Navigating organizations through a chang- ing environment is central to leadership. Thus, innovativeness has proven to be critical to the process of achieving strategic competitiveness (Yukl, Leadership in Organizations, 1998). This skill is particularly needed when the firm is confronted with the unique challenges of a religious organization. The existence of innovation and the depen- dencies that encourage or restrict its existence in this environment are largely unknown. Utilizing a sample of 250 religious organizations in five geographical areas this research explores the impact of the leader tenure on the degree of organizational innovation. An analysis of variance for innovative strategy use across the three tenure groups was significant, F (2, 247) = 6.08, p < 0.01, which indicated innovation differences across the three levels of leader tenure. Post hoc analysis indicated that the low tenure leadership group was associated with lower levels of innovation than either of the other groups. Detailed findings are presented and the managerial implications and suggestions are provided. This research has strong implications for implementation of leadership development and strategic management of the increasing number of socially conscious organizations and organizations with large volunteer components.  相似文献   

Mothers play a significant role in deciding their adolescents' educational expenditures. They increasingly rely on the Internet for information search and building online support networks to enhance their confidence. Thus, we use the psychological empowerment theory in this study to examine the association between social media use and educational expenditures. Through two studies, we show how a mother's use of social media (active/passive use) significantly impacts adolescent children's educational expenses via dimensions of psychological empowerment. We further demonstrate that the two dimensions of psychological empowerment differentially drive this relationship: intrapersonal (relying on the self) and Interactional (leveraging the community) empowerment. We discover that active (passive) social media use increases mother' intrapersonal (interactional) empowerment. We also find that cross-cultural differences play a role in psychological empowerment's effect on educational expenditures, where intrapersonal empowerment is vital in the United States, and interactional empowerment is more relevant in India. Our key contributions to literature are three-fold: we establish the relationship between a mother's social media use and educational expenditures for their adolescent children, identify predictors of different dimensions of psychological empowerment, and present evidence for cross-cultural differences in the empowering role of social media.  相似文献   

Many differences exist between founders that decide to maintain ownership of their firm and those that surrender ownership. Few studies have addressed what founders decide to do once their firm has been acquired, and even fewer have looked at this phenomenon from an international point of view. By utilizing Prospect Theory, we address this research question through a database of 6,271 founding entrepreneurs from North America, Europe, and Asia. We compare and contrast founders who choose to remain within the company with those that exit and move on to a different activity after their enterprise has been acquired. Our empirical analysis suggests that founders’ tenure, entrepreneurial experience, education level, international experience, and their world region of residence, together with the firm’s stock exchange listing, act as significant antecedents of the founding entrepreneur’s choice to exit the firm after acquisition.  相似文献   

通过建立Heckman模型,采用2002年、2004年和2007年美国都市住房调查数据进行实证分析,考察房产税对美国家庭住宅消费选择的影响。结果表明:在住宅权属选择方面,房产税具有负的影响效应;社会经济地位较高的家庭,更倾向于拥有住宅;随着单位面积上房产税税额的提高,具有较低社会经济地位的家庭,其住宅权属需求受到房产税的冲击更小。在住宅消费需求方面,房产税的影响效应显著为负,且对美国不同类型的家庭住宅消费需求的影响效应存在显著的收入水平差异:社会经济地位较高的家庭有更高的住宅消费偏好,随着单位面积上房产税税额的提高,其住宅消费需求受到的影响相对较小。  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the relationship between pharmacists' tenure in the community setting and their moral reasoning abilities. Design: Systematic random sample design. Setting: A large southeastern city in the United States. Participants:450 independent and chain community pharmacists identified from the state board of pharmacy list of licenced community pharmacists. Interventions: A mailed questionnaire that included a well-known moral reasoning instrument and collected demographic information. Main Outcome Measures: Moral Reasoning abilities and tenure of community pharmacists. Results: As a group, community pharmacists with greater years of tenure in community practice scored significantly lower on moral reasoning than those pharmacists with fewer years of tenure (p = 0.016). Conclusion: Four plausible explanations for the results are given including: a) a selection of lower ethical reasoners and/or an exodus of higher ethical reasoners from the community setting; b) a retrogression in the moral reasoning skills as community pharmacists obtain tenure in this setting; c) differences between the low and high moral reasoning groups may be due to a cohort effect; and d) the obtained practitioner sample may not have been representative of the population of community pharmacists.  相似文献   

We identify two factors that affect how quickly highly interdependent diversified firms recover from the performance disruptions that typically accompany M-form reorganizations: (1) organizational tenure and (2) the tenure of top management teams. We find that top management teams with a rare combination of long organizational tenure and relatively short team tenure are associated with faster performance recovery in diversified firms with extensive business unit interdependencies. The effects of managerial tenure on recovery time were found to be inconsequential in unrelated diversified firms where the reorganization task is less complex.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined the importance of various types of research for promotion and tenure decisions given the need of business schools to respond to internal and external pressures for change, such as globalisation and managerial relevance. U.S. business schools were classified as AACSB- and non-AACSB-accredited and as high-teaching-emphasis and low-teaching-emphasis schools. Respondents included management and marketing faculty and business deans. Contrary to expectations, few significant differences were found between the two classifications of business schools. While schools differed regarding the importance of theory-based and empirical research, no significant differences were found in terms of the importance of internationally oriented and managerially relevant research for promotion and tenure decisions. Significant differences, however, were found between deans and faculty responses, with deans being more responsive than management and marketing faculty to these pressures. Also, perceptions regarding monetary and non-monetary support varied significantly for all classifications.  相似文献   

Data on 2,810 elderly households were drawn from the Bureau of Labor Statistics 1990 Consumer Expenditure Survey. Multivariate Tobit analysis was used to examine spending pattern differences between households with a reference person aged 65–74 (young-old) and households with a reference person aged 75 and older (old-old). Significant differences in spending were found for expenditures on food at home, food away from home, alcohol and tobacco, housing, apparel and apparel services, transportation, bealthcare, bentertainment, personal care, and personal insurance. The impact of socio-demographic factors on expenditures by either age group was not uniform.  相似文献   

In this study, we focused on new product move as a form of corporate entrepreneurial activity. We developed hypotheses relating the characteristics of the top management team (TMT) to the order and timing of new product moves made by firms. We analyzed 223 new product introduction moves from the personal computer, long distance telecommunication, and brewing industries from the period of 1975–1990. We found that firms with larger TMTs were more likely to be first movers. The hypothesis that firms with larger TMTs are more likely to respond quickly to new product moves received marginal support. The hypothesis that TMTs more heterogeneous in terms of organizational tenure of executives are more likely to be first movers as well as earlier in the order of new product moves received marginal support. We found contradictory results with TMT organizational tenure and TMT educational background heterogeneity as predictors of order and timing of new product moves. Subsequently, we conducted industry-wise analysis that revealed important differences in this new product entrepreneurial activity across the three industries.  相似文献   

我国经济增长与预算内教育支出增长的VAR时间序列分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王俊  孙蕾 《财贸研究》2005,16(6):72-78
国内学术界对预算内教育支出规模增长的评价以静态分析为主,其缺点是难以反映在时间序列上教育支出规模与GDP的动态关系。本文以VAR模型作为基本分析框架,通过参数分析、脉冲反应和方差分解,从动态角度说明预算内教育支出规模与GDP在长期趋势上的相互影响和作用效果,借此说明GDP增长对预算内教育支出增长的冲击形态、冲击方向、冲击程度和冲击持续时间。  相似文献   

Family member and per capita clothing expenditures are estimated via tobit, using 1980–1981 Consumer Expenditure Survey data. Occupation categories are developed and implicit wage rates imputed for each wife in the sample. Employed-wife households have higher expenditures for clothing than do nonemployed-wife households and wife's occupation differentially affects family member expenditures. Wife's implicit wage is not significant, while wife's unearned income has a positive impact on all categories of expenditures except for infants. These results indicate that it is not possible to generalize across family members about the influence of income and socio-demographic variables on clothing expenditures.  相似文献   

This study investigates competing for theoretical stances (i.e., choice overload vs. choice cornucopia) and explores how increases in spending occur in high and low choice conditions following receiving promotional gift offers in a service consumption setting. This study includes a nonobtrusive field experiment (n = 200) that includes measured and manipulated variables: purchase versus nonpurchase conditions and size of expenditures. The study's context tests the use of two versus five promotional gift options and two levels of gift value (6 vs. €20). Findings using symmetrical (analysis of variance [ANOVA]) and asymmetrical (fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis [fsQCA]) methods of analysis support the choice overload hypothesis in this unobtrusive field experiment. Also, spending in the high versus low choice condition increased when hotel guests were offered a high‐value gift for using room service. Given the nature of the nonobtrusive field experiment, this study provides valuable information for marketers and consumers regarding the moderating effects of promotional gifts in many option environments. While prior studies explore the conditions of choice cornucopia versus choice overload, to date few or possibly no attempts to identify practical ways of reducing the negative effects of choice overload.  相似文献   

An important question for retailers is whether promotions induce households to increase their in-store expenditures or merely reallocate a predetermined shopping budget. Should expenditures be fixed, retailers might decrease their profitability when running promotions by displacing expenditures from high margin to lower margin products. Using household level store receipts and an extended AIDS model, we provide evidence that while household expenditures do increase with promotions, there is also a significant reallocation of expenditures among the different categories. This implies that retailers have to choose carefully which products are promoted, if promotions are to increase profits.  相似文献   

"The paper presents an econometrically estimated model where economic and demographic variables are determined simultaneously. It is used to quantify the importance of human capital expenditures in socioeconomic and demographic development as well as analyze the effects of rapid population growth on human capital expenditures. The simulation results indicate that human capital expenditures are important determinants of economic development, have appreciable negative effects on both fertility and infant mortality, hence, have negligible net effects on population in human capital expenditures per capita which implies a deteriorating quality of human capital."  相似文献   

Households with children spend more on food at home than do households without children. On the other hand, compared with households without children, households with children who are at least 12 years of age are associated with higher expenditures on food away from home expenditures. Households with employed spouses are associated with lower expenditures on food at home. Other determinants of expenditures on food at home are seasonality, house ownership, region, household size, education, age and income. House ownership, region, household size, race, education and income also affect expenditures on food away from home.  相似文献   

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