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杜超英 《乡镇论坛》2009,(24):F0002-F0002
同心县位于宁夏回族自治区南部.是一片干旱少雨的黄土地。农历初七,是同心县城的集日。二三里长的一条大街上.摊位一家挨着一家、吃、穿、用各类商品应有尽有.街道上人来车往.摩肩接踵。男人们多是头戴小白帽.女人们大多裹着白头巾.有着浓郁的回族风情。  相似文献   

<正>2008年底,位于伦敦的巴宝莉(Burberry)专卖店,史无前例地在离圣诞节还有一个月时就推出了新品八折的降价活动。普拉达(Prada)、夏奈尔(Chanel)、古奇(Gucci)等国际一线大牌的联合品牌,也纷纷在以低至3折的价格出售……种种迹象表明,众多国外知名服装品牌开始迈入了萧条期。世界经济金融危机中,中国服装业不仅要活着,而且要活得更好。  相似文献   

模式如果单位想要举办会议或者一次商务活动,需要租赁一块场地,一般流程是找相关租赁公司或者直接询问各大酒店。一通通电话下来,劳心劳力,场地和价格还未必合适。于是,满足这种需求的网站就出现了。  相似文献   

跳蚤,一种在夹缝中求生存,不易灭绝,跳跃力惊人的昆虫。虽然跳蚤们不招人喜欢,但以跳蚤命名的市场却深受大家的喜爱。因为在这里,买卖双方都能满载而归。这次就让我们一起来看看,活跃在世界各个角落的跳蚤市场吧!  相似文献   

我国现代化城市中尚存很多传统集市。从文化景观视角考察这些集市,可以发现其成因与商业需求、地域环境、城市化进程和日常生活的延续性有关。城市中传统集市的构成可以从空间、时间和文化三个方面研究。空间上,在城市化进程中保留下来的传统集市的位置多延续最早集市形成时的选址,位于交通便利的节点位置;城市传统集市数量基本呈现出由中心城区向郊区递增的分布趋势;空间形态呈现出线状、网格状和面状的特征。时间上,集市的集期受到传统习俗与现代生活节奏的双重影响。文化上,这些目前仍活跃在城市中的传统集市具有传统商业文化、地域民俗文化和传统日常生活公共空间文化价值。在现代城市化进程中对传统集市文化景观的承续发展应该采取活化保护的原则,体现在传统文化的传承和景观的有机更新上,可以通过作为现代城市商业体系的有益补充、作为地域民俗文化的展示平台和作为具有活力的传统日常公共生活空间三条路径实现。  相似文献   

欧元崩溃的威胁暂时缓解,但是恢复单一货币的元气需要数年的痛苦。改革和削减预算的膻力对希腊、葡萄牙、西班牙和意大利最为猛烈。但是,一个令这些相形见绌的更为严重的问题正摆在面前:法国。这个国家一直位于欧元的心脏地带,同时也是欧盟的心脏地带。法国仍然具有许多长处,但是其弱点已经被欧元危机暴露无疑。多年来,法国一直都在丧失相对于德国的竞争力,同时由于德国降低了成本和推行了重大改革,这种趋势已经加速。  相似文献   

杨燕  于爱清 《东南置业》2007,(12):88-91
生活在别墅,往往已经不仅是居住,更多的是一种享受。 只是门口的小径,就已经让人觉得迷离,有种置身异国他乡的恍惚感觉。绅士的管家为你推开大门,迎接你的就是着欧式风格带来的气派与尊贵的家园。开阔的视野,良好的采光,庄重的颜色,浑厚的质感,设计师的精心设计让每个细节都充满了异国的温情。精致的餐桌,紫色天鹅绒的椅子,典雅的烛台,配合着落地窗外的美景,无须佳肴已是十足的享受。  相似文献   

面对企业数据仓库由于规模扩大产生的沉重负担,提高其海量数据访问能力和业务分析能力显得越来越迫切.文章以饮料业成本费用分摊管理为例,在原有数据仓库的基础上建立数据集市来满足需要不断调整优化数据库的需求.  相似文献   

欧洲每年的复活节庆祝活动都能吸引来自世界各地的游客,有信徒,也有非信徒;有成人,也有孩子;更有那些纯粹出于好奇心而前来的人们,那种热闹欢腾使人们几乎忘却了复活节的象征(巧克力蛋、野兔)来源于犹太基督教的历史。在主要信奉基督教的欧洲,人们适逢复活节都要庆祝什么呢?这要回顾一下圣经故事。圣周四,耶稣与门徒共进最后的晚餐;圣周五,耶稣被判处死刑并被钉在十字架上而死,作为静思冥想的象征,钟声停止了敲响,耶稣在死后的第三天(也就是周一)复活,钟声又开始彻响,庆祝耶稣基督复活。于是,就有了过“复活节”的传统。现在就让我们踏上旅程,观摩一下几个具有深厚复活节传统的欧洲国家是怎么庆祝这个宗教节日的。  相似文献   

本文针对联勤分部实施后勤保障过程中的需求数据相对稳定的特点,提出了后勤保障数据集市模型,定期更新需求数据。探讨了设计数据集市的元数据、模型库和中间组件的过程与关键技术,实现了动态生成数据抽取原则与转换标准的模型;异构数据源中数据的定期抽取与转换,最终为联勤分部指挥中心(联指)制定后勤保障计划提供正确、完整的需求数据。  相似文献   

This article studies the regulation of fixed‐term contracts and its effects on European industrial relations (2002–06). The study reveals a positive association between temporary employment and industrial conflict and evaluates three mechanisms that may account for this association in 18 European countries. The study reveals that the more these contracts are used, the lower the level of wages and job security workers can expect.  相似文献   

The new Central European members of the EU have been characterized by low employment rates, especially among unskilled workers, despite the GDP recoveries and large private sector shares in output and employment. Evidence points at skill shortages in Central Europe as a key impediment to faster labor reallocation and convergence to the EU-15 employment structures. In this paper, we develop a simple model of labor reallocation with transaction costs and show how skill shortages can inhibit firm creation and increase income inequality. We use the model to examine the impact of training subsidies and their financing on skill acquisition and start-ups of new private firms, and show that the positive effect of subsidies would be mostly offset by high wage taxes. Shifting financing from wage to consumption taxes would improve incentives for workers’ training and firm start-ups, while relying more on income taxes could reduce the income gap between workers and entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

This paper uses recent survey data to undertake a comparative analysis of management development across six Western European countries. Unlike most studies that compare management development practices, we rely on an institutional labour market perspective to compare managerial skills development and training. We suggest that, while there are few differences in terms of the priority firms from different countries give to developing managers, the methods that are used and skill profiles can differ considerably. Furthermore, institutional change may also challenge some conventional views of how managers are being developed. We conclude by distinguishing four country systems that reflect a series of common characteristic strengths and weaknesses of national managerial training systems.  相似文献   

We examine the international stock market comovements between Western Europe vis-à-vis Central (Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland) and South Eastern Europe (Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia) using multivariate GARCH models in the period 2006–2011. Comparing these two groups, we find that the degree of comovements is much higher for Central Europe. The correlation of South Eastern European stock markets with developed markets is essentially zero. An exemption to this regularity is Croatia, with its stock market displaying a greater degree of integration toward Western Europe recently, but still below the levels typical for Central Europe. All stock markets fall strongly at the beginning of the global financial crisis and we do not find that the crisis altered the degree of stock market integration between these groups of countries.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the career histories of the chief executive officers (CEOs) affiliated with the 500 largest organizations in Europe and the 500 largest in the United States. Our purpose is to determine whether frequent career moves across employers, a phenomenon we label an “external labor market strategy,” brings greater career rewards than moves inside the same organization. The results reveal that an external labor market strategy is negatively related to career success. On both continents, CEOs who have spent a smaller fraction of their career in their current organization or have changed employers more often have taken a longer time from the start of their career to be promoted to the most influential corporate positions. The labor market institutions in the 22 countries sampled do not influence the relationship between an external labor market strategy and career success, while the specific geographic region in which the employers are located has a limited impact on this relationship. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper takes a closer look at the conceptual grounds of the notion of causality in Granger’s sense. We start with the often jokingly made remark that ‘Christmas card sales Granger-cause Christmas’. Then, we extend the example to the more challenging case of chocolate Easter bunny sales and Easter. We show that any references to Granger-causality in these cases are due to the misinterpretation of the concept. Moving further on methodological grounds, we argue that the concept of Granger-causality calls for a multivariate framework of analysis. This is because taking all available relevant information into account is indeed required in Granger’s definition of causality. This is also in line with rational behaviour and learning under imperfect and incomplete information. The implications of employing a multivariate framework of analysis is discussed in terms of the additional insights it brings; namely, direct, indirect, and spurious cases of Granger-causality. Finally, we examine the semantics of the definition of causality in Granger’s sense.   相似文献   

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