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李斌雄 《宁波通讯》2011,(15):32-33
“十一五”时期,宁波利用外资总量徘徊不前,与杭州等同类城市在外资利用上的差距逐渐拉大,利用外资优化宁波本土产业结构的作用有所弱化。但也正是这种差距,给“十二五”时期宁波通过利用外资推动产业转型升级提供了空间。宁波通过利用外资推动产业转型升级,有现实基础,也有各种有利条件,关键在于解放思想,创新思路,并加大工作推进力度。  相似文献   

战雁 《发展》2001,(3):35-36
改革开放以来,利用外资发展我国经济取得了重大成就,促进了我国、特别是东南沿海地区外向型经济的发展。这为我们实施西部大开发战略提供了有益的经验和良好的物质基础。如何利用外资促进西部经济的发展是值得我们进一步研究的问题。   一、西部地区利用外资的现状分析   改革开放以来,外商投资大规模进入。东部沿海地区有效地利用外资,极大地促进了本地区经济的发展,而西部地区在这方面远远落后于东部。西部地区直接利用外资比例低。 1978年— 1998年我国实际直接利用外资累计为 2674.3亿美元,东部比重为 87.83%,而西部比重仅…  相似文献   

今年5月份,我作为少数民族干部,受中组部、中共湖南省委组织部委派,到厦门市计委挂职跟班学习半年。在此期间,我就厦门市利用外资情况作了一番调查研究,发现他们有很多成功的经验值得我们学习借鉴。截止1997年底,作为经济或区的后门市累计批准利用外资183.1亿美元。1997年批准利用外资22.4亿美元,其中:批准外商直接投资460项,投资总额18.8亿美元,实际到资13.8亿美元;批准间接利用外资3.6亿美元,实际到资4.4亿美元。一、厦门市直接利用外资的主要做法一是重视投资环境的不断改善。对区一级政府下放宙批权限,提高办事效率,…  相似文献   

<正> 西部利用外资方式的比较1、传统利用外资方式的比较在众多的利用外资方式中,举借外债和吸引外商直接投资是我国吸引外资的两大传统手段。过去西部也主要是利用这两种方式吸引外资,但是由于西部地区投资环境差、企业信用偏低,利用外资又处于区位劣势及人缘、地缘劣势上,  相似文献   

西部地区利用外资的现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐鸿英 《特区经济》2005,(10):231-233
自西部大开发战略实施和加入世贸组织以来,中央和西部各省市政府出台了一系列新的吸引外资的政策和措施,因而,西部地区利用外资的速度大大加快,来西部地区投资的外商逐步增多。但与沿海发达地区相比,西部地区利用外资的差距还比较大,还有许多问题亟待探讨和解决。  相似文献   

利用外资与我国产业安全   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
革开放20年来,外商投资的区域、规模、领域、方式均在不断发展、扩大及多样化。截至2001年底,中国已累计批准设立外商投资企业390484户,合同外资金额达7459.09亿美元,实际使用外资金额3954.69亿美元。2002年1-10月份我国实际利用外资464.4亿美元,同比增长19.65%,合同吸收外资765亿美元,增长34.87%。外资经济不仅推动着中国经济的持续增长,而且改变着中国经济的增长方式,提高了中国经济增长的质量。在充分肯定我国利用外资已取得成绩的同时,应当清醒地认识到利用外资的目标…  相似文献   

随着我国利用外资规模的不断扩大,外商投资对我国出口总量扩大、结构调整、出口竞争优势的形成和出口产业的升级产生了不可忽视的影响。本文对外资进入条件下中国出口产业的升级进行全面深入的实证分析.提出了相关政策法规的调整思路.以促进外商投资对我国出口产业升级发挥更积极的作用。  相似文献   

改革开放20年来,引进外资对我省经济建设的贡献功不可没,截至今年8月底,广东已签订利用外资合同198123宗,实际利用外资达908亿美元。以广州市为例,1978年-1996年的18年间,实际利用外资达113.21亿美元,相当于人民币938.5亿元。18年来全市利用外资金额相当于1980年全市国内生产总值的16.3倍,固定资产投资的94.23倍。外资的大力引进对我省的经济格局,尤其是产业结构产生重大影响。反观20年的发展历程,我们不难发现,  相似文献   

经过近20年的外向型经济发展,杭州在对外开放、进出口贸易和吸收外商直接投资等方面取得了显著成效,促进了经济的高速增长,成为中国沿海外向型经济当中受益最大的区域之一.本文通过分析杭州地区利用外资的现状、利用外资中存在的问题及原因,有针对性地提出杭州地区进一步提高利用外资效益的对策.  相似文献   

姬建军 《特区经济》2011,(7):206-207
在如何吸引和利用外资的工作中,西部地区正面临着前所未有的挑战与机遇。本文在对当前制约我国西部地区利用外资的主要因素进行分析之后,对西部地区利用外资的对策进行了探讨  相似文献   

蔡悦 《特区经济》2006,(3):248-250
利用外资和国内企业的对外直接投资,二者在深层次上具有本质上的统一性。本文运用外国直接投资流入业绩指数对上海利用外资的业绩进行了分析。也剖析了上海企业在对外直接投资中的问题,并提供了一定的解决方法。为上海企业更为有效地扩大对外直接投资作出了积极的探索。  相似文献   

Review of World Economics - This study scrutinizes the ramifications of the strategic use of a consumer welfare argument in regulating foreign acquisitions and foreign market entry (i) on a...  相似文献   

Korea, an emerging donor country, largely considers its economic relations to recipients when allocating its aid. Such practices were preceded by Japan before the 1990s. We expect those similar practices between the two countries will make resemblance in aid outcomes. On a macro-level, we show similarities in aid allocations by type, region, income, and sector. The similarities are ascertained also at a micro-level by our statistical analysis on the relationships between aid and FDI. The analysis based on the FDI gravity model and panel dynamic system GMM estimation shows that only aids from Korea and Japan create more inflow of FDI into their respective recipient developing countries. Those are contrasted with other donors’ aids, which are not related to FDI or the substitute for FDI.  相似文献   

The author examines problems posed by the rapid increase in the number of illegal aliens in Japan. The reported number of such immigrants has increased from 28,000 in 1986 to 278,872 in 1992, and is increasing at an estimated rate of 10,000 per month. A sharp increase in crimes involving foreigners is noted.  相似文献   

Foreign workers play a crucial role in channelling resources and information flows both within the boundaries of firms and between foreign firms and the host country economy. In this study we employ a novel firm-level database (UNIDO Africa Investor Survey 2010) in order to investigate the factors that determine the employment of foreign workers by foreign firms in Sub-Saharan African countries. We shed light on important firm-level as well as host–home country characteristics which shape the demand of foreign workers in developing countries. We show that differences between investors are largely explained by the role played by economic and institutional distance between home–host countries as well as by firm-level heterogeneity in the degrees of knowledge intensity and local embeddedness.  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO过渡期的行将结束,WTO的规制对我国贸易政策与措施的约束将更为严格与规范,我国原有的强干预型的保护贸易政策的运行空间日趋缩小,许多政策手段和工具遭遇“收缴”和“剥夺”,整个贸易体系面临重构。如何构建一种既符合WTO规制要求,又有利于提升我国产业国际竞争力的贸易政策,是一项具有重大现实意义的课题。  相似文献   

In response to the 1997 Asian financial crisis that devastated the Korean economy, the government performed promotional efforts, comprehensive structural reform, and implemented policies to create a favorable environment for foreign direct investment (FDI). While the Korean government announced deregulation plans to support foreign companies, the public also became more aware of the need for foreign capital to overcome the crisis and revive the economy. The change of atmosphere and the perception on the need to induce the inflow of foreign capital provided the basis for this study. In addition, the crucial role of foreign multinational companies and their efforts to achieve market recognition in a more comprehensive way have provoked this study on the localization of foreign multinational companies in Korea. Investment purposes, entry methods, and the degree of competition by multinational companies in Korea were the variables that lead these companies to respond to localization.  相似文献   

唐文龙 《特区经济》2005,(7):341-342
根据中国加入WTO后的承诺,到2004年,葡萄酒的进口关税已经降到了14%(散装酒或称原酒)、10%(瓶装酒),这将从价格上直接降低国外葡萄酒品牌及其产品进入中国市场的门槛。很长时间以来,人们就一直在讨论随着中国加入世贸以及进口关税的逐渐走低,国外葡萄酒会如潮水般汹涌而来,对中国葡萄酒企业形成强大的竞争压力。但是中国市场对国外的反应并没有象人们预期的那样,除了在产品品种上有所增多外,其它方面并没有多大的改观。文章试图通过从SWOT(优势、劣势、机会与威胁)的角度来分析和解释目前国外葡萄酒在中国市场的竞争态势,从而为企业采取…  相似文献   

This paper analyses the determinants of the factors that might influence inward FDI in Cambodia by referring to its economic, geographic, and political characteristics. Using exclusive unbalanced panel data sets during 1995–2005, for both approved and realized FDI for, respectively, seventeen and fifteen home countries, the estimation results show that the determinants of approved FDI and realized FDI are somewhat similar. The FDI home country's GDP, its bilateral trade with the host country and the exchange rate have a positive impact on inward FDI flows into Cambodia. As expected, geographic distance negatively affects the level of FDI inflows in Cambodia.  相似文献   

Features of development of investment processes during the reform period in Vietnam are discussed. The focus of attention is on measures of dynamics, industry and regional structure, foreign investment, and the investment relations of Vietnam, mainly with Southeast Asian countries, and its comparison with these countries by degree of investment attractiveness. The author only deals with foreign direct investment because foreign portfolio investment is almost nonexistent because of the underdevelopment of the stock market in Vietnam. Factors determining the investment climate in Vietnam are described and recommendations for its improvement are given.  相似文献   

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