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Knowledge is recognized as an important ingredient for economic growth in addition to physical capital and labor. While transforming knowledge into products and processes it is exploited commercially. Nevertheless, the existing knowledge stock and the absorptive capacity of actors like employees at firms and researchers at universities and research institutions are conditional for the ability to produce, identify, and exploit knowledge. Since incumbent firms do not exploit new knowledge to the full extent, realized entrepreneurial opportunities may arise. This paper tests the hypothesis whether or not entrepreneurship is an important vehicle for knowledge flows and economic growth. The empirical results indicate that an increase in innovative start-up activity is more effective than an increase in general entrepreneurship for economic growth.   相似文献   

新经济增长理论在一定程度上解释了以中国为代表的东亚经济高速增长现象,其面临的最大问题就是如何进行实证分析.目前.这种实证分析主要沿着两条路线进行:一条是进行国别间的研究,寻找内生增长的证据,另一条是利用一国的长时段数据,进行一国的经济增长研究.从实证分析来看,目前还有一些问题没有解决,但是在估计方法,变量调整,数据调整,定性因素的量化等方面取得了一些成绩.从未来发展趋势看,新经济增长理论将沿着两个方向进行:一方面是沿着非线性动态模型路线进行,以更为复杂的数学模型来模拟现实经济世界,另一方面是用计量经济学手段,进行实证检验研究.  相似文献   

用简单内生增长模型考察资源禀赋所有权结构对经济增长的影响发现,随着政府拥有的资源份额提高,均衡税率会降低,储蓄率和经济增长率则会升高。在一定的条件下,以平衡增长路径上分散经济的增长率可以达到社会经济增长总量最优的水平。在内生增长框架内,引入自然资源可以明显改变政府行为,并提高经济增长绩效。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship,Innovation and Economic Growth: Evidence from GEM data   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Studies on the impact of technological innovation on growth have been largely mute on the role ofnew firm formation. Using cross-sectional data on the 37 countries participating in GEM 2002, this paper uses an augmented Cobb–Douglas production to explore firm formation and technological innovation as separate determinants of growth. One area of interest is the contrast between different types of entrepreneurial activities as measured using GEM Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) rates – high growth potential TEA, necessity TEA, opportunity TEA and overall TEA. Of the four types of entrepreneurship, only high growth potential entrepreneurship is found to have a significant impact on economic growth. This finding is consistent with extant findings in the literature that it is fast growing new firms, not new firms in general, that accounted for most of the new job creation by small and medium enterprises in advanced countries.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to explore how different underlying worldviews in marketing affect the perception of the environment and how these impact the choice between transactional or relational offerings. Furthermore, we aim to show that not only positivistic and interpretivist paradigms are present in all of the management disciplines, in strategy, in organizational theory, in marketing, etc., but also that managerial disciplines seem to be moving from the reign of the positivistic schools, through the emergence of the interpretativist schools, and now towards a pluralistic approach. The analysis of the underlying worldviews is important for relationship marketing in practice because it may provide another, deeper-level explanation for the choices that managers make regarding transactional, relational and pluralistic offerings. At the theoretical level, it may help explain how and why the new RM paradigm developed in the marketing.  相似文献   

Recent empirical research has demonstrated that the growth process of entrepreneurial firms is frequently achieved through the formation of business groups: i.e. a set of companies run by the same entrepreneur (or entrepreneurial team). This has been hypothesised as result of a growth process by diversification of the original activity. This entrepreneurial growth process offers an alternative explanation for the formation of business Groups, than that arising from managerial efficiency and expediency. The main aim of the article is to explore group formation through entrepreneurial diversification using a sample of high growth entrepreneurial firms. The analysis demonstrates that the running of a group of companies by the same entrepreneur is not only induced by the geographical extension of their operation and by diversification but also by the differentiation policy aimed at serving different market segments within the same sector. This seems to contrast with the diversification policy and organisational setting of large, managerial firms  相似文献   

社会资本、人力资本与内生经济增长   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过构建基于社会资本、人力资本的内生经济增长模型,研究社会资本、人力资本与经济增长之间的影响机制,并基于社会信用这种社会资本,运用面板数据对人力资本、社会资本、经济增长之间的影响机制进行实证检验,结果显示:私人生产性的教育消费支出和公共教育支出总体上促进了人力资本的积累,但前者作用大于后者;相对于政府培育社会资本的公共支出,人力资本积累更加有利于促进社会资本的积累;社会资本对中国经济增长产生了积极的影响。但是,上述三个方面的影响存在着较大的地区差异性。  相似文献   

生产服务业、内生比较优势与经济增长:理论与实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文借助新贸易理论,构建了一个反映生产服务业同经济增长之间因果关系的模型。生产服务业知识、信息密集的特性使得其具有规模递增的产业特点,进而可创造出内生比较优势,促进经济增长。文章利用中国实际数据对模型进行了检验,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The Effect of Entrepreneurial Activity on National Economic Growth   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
Entrepreneurial activity is generally assumed to be an important aspect of the organization of industries most conducive to innovative activity and unrestrained competition. This paper investigates whether total entrepreneurial activity (TEA) influences GDP growth for a sample of 36 countries. We test whether this influence depends on the level of economic development measured as GDP per capita. Adjustment is made for a range of alternative explanations for achieving economic growth by incorporating the Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI). We find that entrepreneurial activity by nascent entrepreneurs and owner/managers of young businesses affects economic growth, but that this effect depends upon the level of per capita income. This suggests that entrepreneurship plays a different role in countries in different stages of economic development.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurs are thought to engage in riskier behavior than nonentrepreneurs, yet little empirical evidence supports that intuitively appealing notion. We argue instead that differences in information, not risk aversion, may explain the decision to launch or grow a venture. We separately test risk taking propensity and risk assessment. We hypothesize that entrepreneurs will not differ from nonentrepreneurs on risk taking propensity. Additionally, we propose and test a model of risk assessment. The sample size for this exploratory study is n=53 with 30 respondents declaring themselves as entrepreneurs and 23 declaring themselves as nonentrepreneurs. The study’s design is a simulation. Each respondent is provided with data on a potential acquisition that would result in either the launch of a new venture or significant growth for an existing firm. Consistent with the hypotheses, the results show no difference between entrepreneurs and nonentrepreneurs on the risk taking measure. We also find that we can predict entrepreneurial behavior based on risk assessment. We close with a discussion of limitations and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship, Economic Growth and Public Policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is an introduction to the second Global Entrepreneurship Research Conference. The conference focused on developing a better understanding of the relationships among entrepreneurship, economic growth and public policy, and variations according to the stage of economic development. The papers in this special issue conduct analysis with GEM micro-and-macro data, and offer several important policy recommendations. First, middle-income countries should focus on increasing human capital, upgrading technology availability and promoting enterprise development. It is important to start enterprise development policies early because the main drivers are perceptual variables that are difficult to change in the short run. Second, for developed economies, reducing entry regulations, in most cases, will not result in more high-potential startups. Both labor market reform and deregulation of financial markets may be needed to support growth of high-performance ventures.   相似文献   

内生增长理论是现代经济增长理论中的一个核心内容。从长期经济增长所依赖的路径来看,人力资本和技术进步作为经济增长的内生因素,可以弥补因其他要素收益递减而带来经济增长停滞这一局面。如果经济增长率是由内生因素决定的,那么财政政策对经济增长的影响将再次成为人们关注的焦点。在国家财政政策干预下,以内生增长为动力,逐步形成有利于经济增长的物质资本投资向人力资本和技术进步等方面投资的转换机制。  相似文献   

科技进步为经济增长创造条件,而经济增长又反过来对科技进步起到拉动作用。形成科技进步与经济增长的良性循环。通过对黑龙江省1983—2006年的样本数据进行平稳性和协整检验,发现黑龙江省的科学事业费支出、企业挖潜改造支出占财政支出的比重与黑龙江省的全要素增长率之间存在协整关系,这意味着黑龙江省的经济增长与黑龙江省财政的科学事业费支出、企业挖潜改造支出之间存在着长期的稳定关系。  相似文献   

改革开放2 0多年来,中国经济增长异常迅速,中国的经济增长问题成为世界经济学界的热门话题,国内外学者的关于中国经济增长问题的综述,为我们提供了观察的视角,为我国经济的进一步稳定发展提供了很好的参考  相似文献   

科技进步为经济增长创造条件,而经济增长又反过来对科技进步起到拉动作用,形成科技进步与经济增长的良性循环。通过对黑龙江省1983-2006年的样本数据进行平稳性和协整检验,发现黑龙江省的科学事业费支出、企业挖潜改造支出占财政支出的比重与黑龙江省的全要素增长率之间存在协整关系,这意味着黑龙江省的经济增长与黑龙江省财政的科学事业费支出、企业挖潜改造支出之间存在着长期的稳定关系。  相似文献   

This article presents results of a study that investigates egocentric network differences between female and male entrepreneurs and their entrepreneurial outcomes in Tanzania. Based on a random sample of 272 micro-, small, and medium-size enterprises, the study reveals that female and male entrepreneurs have diverse networks. However, when compared to their male counterparts, female entrepreneurs' strong ties included more kin members. No significant gender difference in the composition of weaker ties was observed, suggesting gender differences in the choice of individuals with whom to have strong ties but not with whom to have weak ties. A significant gender difference in entrepreneurial outcomes at both start up and at the time of research was found, suggesting an antecedent networking behavior influence on performance.  相似文献   

为了探讨最优财政支出构成比例,本文将不同产出弹性的生产性财政支出项目内生于生产函数中,构建了基于最优经济增长的财政支出结构模型。按照功能将预算内全部财政支出进行分类汇总后,利用1997-2010年的省级面板数据检验了全国、东部、中部、西部财政投入的现状,实证结果发现经济建设类支出对经济增长的拉动作用最大,公共服务类支出次之,社会性支出最小,最后提出了财政支出项目未来调整的几点建议。  相似文献   

资源、技术、制度三类因素在经济增长中的作用得到学术界越来越广泛的承认。从静态的角度,资源的数量取决于技术水平;一定技术水平决定了一个国家的潜在最大产量,而制度则决定了这种潜在量转变为现实量的程度。从动态的角度,技术变迁和制度变迁是解决人类与自然紧张关系的两种手段,不存在谁一定决定谁的关系;在经济发展的不同阶段,资源、技术和制度对经济增长的贡献不同。  相似文献   

创业韧性是个人在面对创业逆境、压力和不确定状况时有效运作的能力,是创业成功的关键要素,对于创业理论研究与大众创业实践具有重要的意义和价值。文章梳理了创业韧性、韧性以及创业研究中的相关文献,介绍了创业韧性的概念、测量与维度、影响因素和影响结果,同时从创业韧性量表的开发、创业韧性影响因素的实证研究和创业韧性应对——品味作用的探索等方面对未来研究进行了展望,期望为国内研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, we review two seemingly unrelated debates. In business ethics, the argument is about values: are they universal or emergent? In entrepreneurship, it is about opportunities – are they discovered or constructed? In reality, these debates are similar as they both overlook contingency. We draw insight from pragmatism to define contingency as possibility without necessity. We analyze real-life narratives and show how entrepreneurship and ethics emerge from our discussion as parallel streams of thought.  相似文献   

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