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Private insurance and national social security insurance do not coexist unrelatedly. The constitution rather presumes a complementary co-operation of both branches of insurance. Whereas private insurance is based on the doctrine of privity of contract, national social security requires statutory legitimation. However, the principle of the bipolar insurance constitution restricts social security insurance to the effect, that it cannot expand unlimitedly at the expense of private insurance. This constitutional basis is reinforced by European Community law in Articles 49, 81 pp. EC. An essential difference between private and social security insurance is the fact that private insurance is characterized by the principle of personal equivalence between contribution and benefit payments, whereas in social security insurance this relation is determined by the principle of general equivalence. Consequently, the principle of solidarity in social security insurance is enriched by additional social components, the most dominant being the principle of social protection. Contrary to the developments of the last decades, social security systems are not designed as a legal scheme to protect a status quo of possession but should primarily serve to fight poverty. Thus, social security law should recall its absorbing function in the social network and rediscover, guarantee and realize the principle of subsidiarity in social security.  相似文献   

The contribution first looks into the behaviour of the insured persons and its influence on the occurrence, scope and the course of the event insured against in German social insurance. At the same time the legal provisions are investigated bringing into account such influence and providing specific reaction to it. In the following, these provisions are classified doctrinally and hence divided into five categories (rules of conduct; limitations or exclusions of risks, duties to mitigate damages, economic incentives neutral in value, and appeals free of sanctions). On the basis of a historic retrospection it is finally shown that the instruments of control for the behaviour of the insured once arranged this way can be attributed to three fundamental principles: the principle of the ethic minimum, the principle of minimum solidarity and the one of calculating an advantage.  相似文献   

The decline in population will increase dramatically after the year 2030; this development is accompanied by a dramatic change of the social structure of the German society and the aging of the population. Policyholders of annuity contracts who are now in the age of 35 will probably retire in the year 2037 and their death can be actuarially awaited near 2060. That means those people are completely affected by the development after 2030. The annuity contracts with a guaranteed interest rate (legally fixed for the duration of the contracts) dominate the new business of life insurance companies. The period of time of the interest rate guarantee can be up to 40 or 50 years. Our demographic profile leads to the assumption that in 2050 we will miss 15 million people of our working population; this represents the actual figure of the working population of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland and Austria. Consumption, overall investments and the demand of borrowed funds will decrease. The level of the rate of return of bonds or other interest bearing assets will decline. On the other hand, the value of shares of those companies who belong to the winners of the global transition process we have started right now will increase. Unfortunately life insurance companies and pension funds — when they take investment risk — are forced mainly to invest in bonds or other debentures. The consequence can be a not attractive level of return of the premiums paid. A solution would be to reinforce the development and business of non guaranteed annuities and a higher quote of shares in the portfolios. Then it would be the duty of each policyholder to protect himself by diversification  相似文献   

For the prediction of the safety potential of driver assistance systems as a tool in automotive product development a variety of methods have been established. This paper describes different methodological approaches and the underlying data required.  相似文献   


1. Die Theorie des Risikos in der Lebensversicherung hat für die Praxis bisher wohl nie die Bedeutung erlangt, die man von verschiedenen Seiten für sie beansprucht hat. Die Beurteilung der Stabilität einer Versicherungsanstalt gegen Sterblichkeitsschwankungen, die Festsetznng von Höchstbeträgen auf eigenem Risiko, die Bildung und Verwaltung der Sicherheitsreserven — alles dies wird wohl im allgemeinen nach verhältnissmässig wenig durchgedachten praktischen Erwägungen geregelt, ohne dass dabei die Theorie zur Sprache kommen darf.  相似文献   

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