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本文对过饱和短路漏抗的计算,提出了用饱和迭加的计算方法。文中给出了一般计算公式。最后用一个计算实例具体说明本文的计算方法。并将该计算结果与普通方法的结果相比较。  相似文献   

本文依据截流水力计算的基本原理,给出一种立堵截流求解龙口单宽流量的数值计算方法。此方法与工程上普遍应用的图解法比较,具有计算工作量小、计算速度快、计算精度高的优点。  相似文献   

重点解读页岩气地质行业标准DZ/T 0254—2014《页岩气资源/储量计算与评价技术规范》,该规范从页岩气地质储量计算、计算参数确定、技术可采储量计算、经济评价及经济可采储量计算等多方面对页岩气资源/储量计算进行分析。以涪陵页岩气田运用此规范开展页岩气资源量计算工作,有助于气田勘探开发效果的评价。  相似文献   

纸箱空箱抗压强度计算是包装设计工程师的日常工作。本文介绍了抗压强度计算常用的凯里卡特公式;分步骤阐述了如何利用Office Excel办公软件,设计一套纸箱空箱抗压强度简易计算方法,并通过实例进行验证。结果表明利用Office Excel办公软件开发的简易计算方法与利用公式进行烦琐的手工计算方法的计算结果一致。  相似文献   

由于生产需要,经常需做联巷从已知巷道按固定倾角向斜巷(包括缓倾角)贯通,对于贯通点的计算,以往的计算方法或是计算过程复杂、计算量大;或是利用近似值,存在设计误差。这里提供一个算法,思路简单,计算过程简单,计算准确,便于使用。  相似文献   

由于营业税属于价内税,即计算营业税税额的工程造价内包含应纳的此项营业税税额及以营业税税额为计征基数的城市维护建设税税额和教育费附加税额,从而财政税务部门的税率不适应于建筑安装工程造价计算程序中工程税金的计算。为此,造价管理部门根据有关税法及税务部门计算含税工程造价的规定,列出“综合税率”,用于税务部门以含税工程造价为基数计算工程税金;“计算税率”用于施工企业以税前工程造价为基数计算工程税金。对综合税率和计算税率作了易于理解的详尽推导,并求出了误用税率计算税金税额时而产生的税金差额。  相似文献   

建立了水利工程工期-费用优化中最优工期计算的线性规划法模型,结合实例采用Excel中的规划求解功能进行了计算,并与传统的循环推导方法进行了对比分析。计算结果表明该方法可行,且计算简单,避免了繁琐的推导计算,便于应用。  相似文献   

以滚动轴承静力学模型为基础,对球轴承在单一载荷条件下的轴向刚度、径向刚度的计算过程作了详细推导。同时,对刚度计算相关的非线性方程(组),提出了数值计算的方法。理论计算模型和计算结果更接近实际情况,更有助于球轴承的设计和选型。  相似文献   

经典的牛顿—拉夫逊法等常规计算潮流的方法在低压配网计算中存在收敛性较差的问题,而基于模式搜索法的配网潮流计算方法能有效解决这一问题,该方法简单有效,易于实现,但是存在计算量大的缺点,在对较多节点的网络进行计算时,耗时过大。对导纳矩阵的求逆计算进行了优化,使得该方法的计算量大大减少,极大地提高了该方法的实用性。  相似文献   

利用电子表格对汽轮机热力性能进行计算,其计算过程与结果表明,采用此方法能使计算一目了然,易学易用,也方便调整文档和查看结果,适合科研人员开发汽轮机热力计算程序和电厂技术人员详细分析计算过程,理解热力参数的变化机理。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Clark, Jon, Managing Change and Innovation: People, Technology and Strategy
Casey, Catherine, Work, Self and Society-After Industrialism
Grint, Keith, Gill, Rosalind, The Gender Technology Relation: Contemporary Theory and Research
Phizacklea, A, Wolkowitz, C, Homeworking Women: Gender, Racism and Class at Work
Harding, R, Technology and Human Resources in their National Context: a study of strategic contrasts
Taplin, I, M, Winterton, J, Restructuring Within a Labour Intensive Industry
Lee, Eric, The Labour Movement and the Internet. The New Internationalism  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Towers, Brian, (ed.) Employment Relations in Britain: 25 years of the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration services
Rigby, Mike, Smith, Roger and Lawlor, Teresa, (eds.) European Trade Unions: Change and Response
Turner, Lowell, Fighting for Partnership: Labor and Politics in Unified Germany
Elliot, Robert, Lucifora, Claudio and Meurs, Dominique, (eds.) Public Sector Pay Determination in the European Union
Lind, Jens and Hornemann Möller, Iver, (eds.) Inclusion and Exclusion: Unemployment and Non‐standard Employment in Europe
Clark, Ed and Soulsby, Anna, Organizational Change in Post‐communist Europe: Management and Transformation in the Czech Republic
Dark, Taylor, The Unions and the Democrats: An Enduring Alliance
Freeman, Richard and Rogers, Joel, What Workers Want
Whetten, David and Godfrey, Paul, (eds.) Identity in Organizations: Building Theory through Conversations
Tsutsui, William, Manufacturing Ideology: Scientific Management in Twentieth‐Century Japan
Barker, James, The Discipline of Teamwork: Participation and Concertive Control  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Sako, M. and Sato, H. (eds), Japanese Labour and Management in Transition: Diversity, Flexibility and Participation
Ferguson, Charles and McKillip, Donal, The Strategic Development of Credit Unions
Cannell, W. and Dankebaar, B. (eds), Technology, Management and Public Policy in the European Union
Ransome, P., The Work Paradigm
Rinehart, James; Huxley, Christopher and Robertson, David, Just Another Car Factory: lean production and its discounts
Dent, Mike, Professions, Information Technology and Management in Hospitals  相似文献   

国外石油石化公司面向新世纪的发展战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界石油石化公司为迎接新世纪的挑战,采取了诸多发展战略:兼并联合重组,建立战略联盟,产业结构调整,全球化经营,规模经济,技术创新,高效利用天然气,开发石油替代能源,环境保护,发展电子商务等。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Friedman, Gerald State Making and Labor Movements: France and the United States, 1876–1914
Abernathy, Frederick, Dunlop, John, Hammond, Janice and Weil, David A Stitch in Time: Lean Retailing and the Transformation of Manufacturing — Lessons from the Apparel and Textile Industries
Waterman, Peter Globalization, Social Movements and the New Internationalisms
Jackson, Paul and Van der Wielen, Jos (eds) Teleworking: International Perspective, from Telecommuting to the Virtual Organisation
Ferber, Marianne (ed.) Women in the Labour Market
Dench, S. and O'Regan, S. Helping Parents to Work: A Study for Kent TEC
Browne, Kingsley Divided Labours: An Evolutionary View of Women at Work
Barnes, Helen, Thornton, Patricia and Maynard, Sue Disabled People and Employment: A Review of Research and Development Work
Zey, Mary Rational Choice Theory and Organizational Theory: A Critique
Maclagan, Patrick Management and Morality
Parker, Martin Ethics and Organizations  相似文献   

Drawing on Holland's vocational theory, Schneider's Attraction‐Selection‐Attrition model, and the Big Five/narrow traits model of personality, the present study identified key Big Five and narrow personality traits that both distinguish scientists from members of other occupations and related these to their career satisfaction. A sample of 2,015 scientists had significantly higher levels of openness, intrinsic motivation, and tough‐mindedness, and significantly lower levels of assertiveness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, extraversion, optimism, and visionary style than a sample of nonscientists (n = 78,753). Seven traits were significantly correlated with the career satisfaction of scientists: agreeableness/teamwork, assertiveness, emotional stability, extraversion, openness, optimism, and work drive. Based on these results, a psychological profile of scientists was presented. Findings were discussed in terms of the functional value and person–occupation fit of these traits for the work of scientists. Implications were described for the recruitment, selection, management, and promotion of scientists, as well as their training, development, coaching, counseling, and mentoring.  相似文献   

4月21日,广东省汕头市澄海展览中心彩旗飘扬,锣鼓喧天。第10届中国澄海玩具礼品博览会在此隆重召开。虽然受台风影响,当日举办开幕式时天降大雨,但这丝毫没有影响到万众瞩目的盛会召开。4月21日至24日,为期4天的展会,共接待了来自美国、英国、德国、法国、日本、巴西、阿根廷、印度、泰国、阿联酋、伊朗、埃及、安哥拉、澳大利亚等5大洲65个国家和包括台湾、香港、北京、上海、天津、重庆、四川、湖南、江西、广西、河北、辽宁、黑龙江、新疆等30多个省(市)自治区90多个城市的上万名专业买家前来参观洽谈,展会取得空前成就,为10届的澄海国际玩博会写上了圆满的句号!  相似文献   

为分析陕西关中环线滑坡对公路的影响,找出滑坡的成因及整治方法,对滑坡进行实地调查,分析了气象、地形地貌、水文、地质构造、底层岩性与地震等主要孕灾环境条件,通过现场监测数据,从地层岩性、地形地貌、气象水文及地下水等方面阐述了地层岩性不均匀、地形整体性差、区域集中强降水及地下水位高等滑坡的形成原因和致灾机理,根据滑坡稳定性计算结果和地形地质条件,提出了以抗滑桩支护、地下排水和回填压脚等方式组合的滑坡综合防治对策。  相似文献   

机械经过长期的使用后,零件或者配合件由于磨损变形,疲劳、腐蚀、穴蚀松动或者其他原因失去了原始的工作性能,使机械的技术状态逐渐变差,出现了工作不正常,甚至不能继续工作的现象,这种现象通称为机械故障,为了使机器处于正常良好的技术状态,必须设法防止和减少故障的发生,机器事故性破坏是可以避免的,但自然损坏不能完全避免,只要掌握零件的磨损规律,采取各种预防措施,是可以大大减轻的。  相似文献   

一、专业买家的比例和分布情况 1、国际买家(包括港澳台)占9.5%,来自约旦、韩国、俄罗斯、伊朗、委内瑞拉、印尼、泰国、科威特、香港、台湾,共10个国家或地区。  相似文献   

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