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森林生态补偿方式运行实践探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现阶段建立长久有效的森林生态效益经济补偿机制已成为推进中国林业向纵深发展的关键性措施,并受到政府及广大学者的高度关注。文章阐述了中国森林生态补偿方式的运行现状,重点分析了现阶段国内森林生态补偿方式在实践中存在的问题,并认为完善政府财政支付体系、制定科学的补偿标准、明晰产权机制以及与市场化补偿相结合是未来森林生态补偿的发展方向。  相似文献   

从森林生态效益的内涵、森林生态效益补偿、国有林场生态公益林建设现状等方面对生态公益林补偿制度进行了分析,并对完善生态效益补偿制度提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

森林生态系统生态补偿标准研究——以伊春林管局为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对生态补偿标准确定依据的比较分析,认为生态补偿应以成本补偿为主,并考虑森林生态区位的重要性,森林生态系统的林分、林龄等自然属性来制定差异化的补偿标准。在运用层次分析法确定生态区位和森林生态效益调整系数的基础上,构建了森林生态系统补偿标准计算模型,并对伊春林管局森林生态系统补偿标准进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

国家把森林作为陆地生态的主体,将林业定位为生态建设的主体部门,并将森林生态效益补偿列入公共财政支出。因此,研究森林生态效益补偿方法及其核算,是林业财务工作者的重要课题。一、生态公益林的概念及其分类准确地界定生态公益林并对其进行科学的分类,是确定森林生态效益方法的重要前提。(一)生态公益林的概念生态公益林是指为人类社会提供生态效益、社会产品或服务的森林、林地及林木。其主体功能是维护和改善生态环境,保持生态平衡等满足人类社会的生态需要和国民经济可持续发展。如各种防护林、特种用途林等。商品林、经济林和…  相似文献   

从2001年实行森林生态补偿机制以来,补偿标准不断提高,但在补偿机制、资金的分配、管理等方面仍存在许多问题。结合工作实际,对森林生态补偿的现状及存在问题进行分析,并提出建议及对策。  相似文献   

叶浩然 《水利经济》2016,34(2):36-40
在湿地补水的社会实践中,湿地补水生态补偿成为解决相关地区之间及利益相关者之间利益冲突的有效方式。对湿地补水生态补偿机制进行了规范研究和实证分析,并从补水方案、湿地补水补偿关系、生态补偿标准、生态补偿方式和分担分配等四个主要方面对生态补偿机制进行了详细论述。从法规体系、资金保障、管理制度、信息公开和协商机制等方面,提出了进一步完善湿地补水生态补偿机制的对策建议。  相似文献   

基于对森林生态效益补偿制度逻辑基础的分析结论,评述森林生态效益补偿制度的实施现状以及存在的问题。现行森林生态补偿制度在公益林区划与管护环节倾向于保障生态利益,补偿标准偏低导致农户经济利益受损,并未有效实现外部经济性的内化及森林生态公益与私益的均衡,提出了应当在公益林区划、管护及补偿等环节进行改进的进建议。  相似文献   

森林具有经济、社会、生态三大效益,近年来,森林生态问题已越来越引起了人们的高度关注,我国目前正在实施的森林生态效益补偿制度对森林生态效益的发挥起到了非常重要的作用,但在资金管理和运行上还存在许多不足,本文以怀化市为例,对森林生态效益补偿资金管理的现状及问题进行了简要分析和评价,并提出建议.  相似文献   

森林具有经济、社会、生态三大效益,近年来,森林生态问题已越来越引起了人们的高度关注,我国目前正在实施的森林生态效益补偿制度对森林生态效益的发挥起到了非常重要的作用,但在资金管理和运行上还存在许多不足,本文以怀化市为例,对森林生态效益补偿资金管理的现状及问题进行了简要分析和评价,并提出建议。  相似文献   

在国内,森林资源非常有限,并非绝大部分都分布在经济欠发达区域。如何才能够为森林生态效益的提供者给予一定的补偿,实现生态的公平性,建立出森林生态补偿机制就显得尤为关键,同时这也是国内外研究的焦点话题之一。结合国内的实际情况,对森林生态补偿现状进行分析,然后从问题出发,通过森林生态补偿机制制度建设来完善存在的问题。  相似文献   

刘洋  毕军 《水利经济》2018,36(3):10-15
在概述国内外生态补偿内涵和理论依据的基础上,针对生态补偿的核心问题——补偿标准的计算方法进行归类综述。分析认为,补偿标准计算多基于成本费用法,较少应用生态系统服务的定量评价结果。未来流域生态补偿标准的研究应根据不同类型的生态系统服务,综合多学科的理论知识,在分析流域水污染控制政策的基础上,建立多情景的补偿标准方案;同时结合微观个体行为分析,动态优化补偿标准,促进流域生态补偿政策实施的有效性、精准性及持续性。  相似文献   

采用分层等距抽样技术,并利用SPSS软件对在长三角地区发放的旨在调查公众对森林环境服务付费意识的600份问卷(其中有效问卷551份)进行统计后获知:⑴公众对森林生态旅游服务收费的认可程度最高,其次是水文服务,而对生物多样性和固碳服务的支付意愿最低;⑵直接影响公众付费意识高低的因素包括:家庭收入、公众对自己从森林环境服务中受益程度的认识、公众对森林环境服务所具有的道德责任感等;⑶公众对森林环境服务重要性的认识、对森林环境服务收费的态度、森林环境服务的作用范围则间接地影响了其支付意愿的大小。因此要注重把森林环境服务保护的重要性与公众的切身利益相连,增强公众的受益感,加强环境伦理道德的建设以提高公众的支付意愿。  相似文献   

岷江上游森林生态系统服务条件价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对岷江上游森林生态系统服务现状,采用条件价值评估法(CVM),以支付卡形式设计了374份调查问卷,调查了岷江流域居民对上游森林生态系统服务的支付意愿(WTP)。结果表明:岷江流域60.80%的居民家庭对岷江上游森林生态系统服务存在支付意愿,平均支付意愿为每户每年44.00元。按照岷江流域现有家庭数量计算,岷江上游森林生态系统服务价值每年是5 507.48×104元。利用二元Logistic模型,对支付意愿与个人社会经济变量进行了较为详尽的分析,并对影响居民支付意愿的主要因素作了环境经济学解释。  相似文献   

以国际森林水文服务市场的发展动力、交易机制、市场参与者、交易范围等方面研究为基础,深入探讨了我国森林水文服务市场发展的2个问题:⑴从购买方、法律与政策、供应方的角度出发,探讨市场发展动力不足及如何进一步推动市场发展问题;⑵通过对流域下游公众森林水文服务意识、公众对森林水文有偿服务的态度及支付意愿的调查,对现阶段创建全流域森林水文服务市场的可能性进行探讨。  相似文献   

将生态系统服务付费(PES)工具分为经济类和非经济类两种,根据生态服务生产者和付费者的支付意愿,进一步细分为双方自愿支付、集体自愿支付、强制双方支付、强制集体支付四种具体的PES制度,通过分类介绍PES机制在全球的各种实践案例,归纳PES机制成功推行的共同点,分析PES系统的社会和环境挑战与由此产生的生物多样性风险之间的关系。  相似文献   

Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, conservation and sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon (REDD+) are considered to be important cost effective approaches for global climate change mitigation; therefore, such practices are evolving as the REDD+ payment mechanism in developing countries. Using six years (2006–2012) data, this paper analyses trade-offs between carbon stock gains and the costs incurred by communities in generating additional carbon in 105 REDD+ pilot community forests in Nepal. It estimates foregone benefits for communities engaged in increasing carbon stocks in various dominant vegetation types. At recent carbon and commodity prices, communities receive on average US$ 0.47/ha/year of carbon benefits with the additional cost of US$ 67.30/ha/year. One dollar’s worth of community cost resulted 0.23 Mg of carbon sequestration. Therefore, carbon payment alone may not be an attractive incentive within small-scale community forestry and should link with payments for ecosystem services. Moreover, the study found highest community sacrificed benefits in Shorea mixed broadleaf forests and lowest in Schima-Castanopsis forests, while carbon benefits were highest in Pine forests followed by Schima-Castanopsis forests and lowest in Rhododendron-Quercus forests. This indicates that costs and benefits may vary by vegetation type. A policy should consider payment for other environmental services, carbon gains, co-benefits and trade off while designing the REDD+ mechanism in community based forest land use practice with equitable community outcomes. The learning from this study will help in the formulation of an appropriate REDD+ policy for community forestry.  相似文献   

Privately owned forestland provides abundant ecosystem goods and services to society at scales beyond the individual forest parcel. However, successful mechanisms to encourage broad-scale management in privately owned, multifunctional, landscapes are relatively limited. In the United States, state agency and private foresters may be poised to help facilitate landscape-scale management given their role as gatekeepers to private landowner incentive programs or emerging markets for ecosystem goods and services. A key question remains as to the collaborative capacity of public and private sector foresters, especially in the face of evolving private forestry incentive programs, some of which have shifted toward public–private partnerships (PPP's). We used qualitative interviews and a social network survey with professional foresters in Northern Wisconsin, an area with a high demand for diverse forest ecosystem services, to identify the structure of current business networks among land managers in the region and characteristics of these relationships that may influence collaboration. Of the nearly 300 different individual professionals identified, most (86%) were state, consulting, or industry foresters, suggesting a relatively homogeneous network of professionals and potential need for other types of natural resource professionals to tie into existing foresters’ networks. We found that central network positions were occupied by all three types of foresters, while the qualitative analysis suggested the private forestry incentive program is likely driving, in part, network configuration. Interviews yielded a nuanced understanding of foresters’ relationships, including the impact of forest policy changes on public–private partnerships and specifically the growing role of private foresters in providing private lands forestry services and the need for successful mechanisms to reduce conflict and improve collaborative capacity among professionals.  相似文献   

Our article considers the economic contributions of forest ecosystem services, using a case study from Flores, Indonesia, in which forest protection in upstream watersheds stabilize soil and hydrological flows in downstream farms. We focus on the demand for a weak complement to the ecosystem services—farm labor—and account for spatial dependence due to economic interactions, ecosystem processes, and data integration. The estimated models have theoretically expected properties across eight different specifications. We find strong evidence that forest ecosystem services provide economically substantive benefits to local people and that these services would be substantially undervalued if spatial dependence is ignored.  相似文献   

Payments for ecosystem services (PES) have increasingly been applied as economic incentives for improving ecosystem services around the world. However, due to difficulties in measuring and attributing ecosystem services provisioning, a land-based approach has been popularly adopted as a proxy for the desired ecosystem services. In this study, we demonstrate the impact mechanism and outcomes of locally financed PES programs on conservation-based land use in a developed area of China. We present this work using a PES-land use proxy framework that is examined empirically through a variety of qualitative assessments. Our framework illustrates that, within the ecological, socioeconomic, and institutional conditions of developed areas, land use class, pattern and function would be impacted by (a) conservation effect, (b) stakeholder response, and (c) institutional adaptation mechanisms of local PES programs, with multiple land use trends as potential outcomes. We examine the framework using materials from Suzhou, China, which has implemented a top-down, partly involuntary (ecosystem services supply side), land based PES program. Our results show that, expected land use class, land use pattern and land use function are observed in areas where the PES programs were implemented. We also find that the conditions of developed areas and locally financed payments mechanism indeed played a crucial role in promoting conservation-based land use in Suzhou.  相似文献   

根据黑龙江省国有重点林区的调查问卷数据,建立了森林生态服务政府供给的影响因素与政府供给关系的结构方程模型。研究表明森林生态供给投入、森林生态政策、社会经济环境、森林资源经营管理是影响森林生态服务政府供给的关键因素。森林培育技术虽然有利于森林生态服务政府供给,但在黑龙江省国有重点林区,森林培育技术对森林生态服务政府供给影响不显著。  相似文献   

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