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党的十六大确定的“以信息化带动工业化 ,以工业化促进信息化 ,走新型工业化道路”的战略决策 ,为我国加快工业化进程指明了方向。南通作为一个中型城市 ,如何将这一战略决策落到实处?南通市经贸委在深入调研的基础上 ,根据本市信息产业基础较弱、传统产业占比高的实际 ,选择了  相似文献   

在信息经济迅速发展的大趋势下,信息化是我国实现工业化和现代化,顺应知识经济潮流、实现社会生产力跨越发展的战略决策。其有两层含义:一是信息产业自身的发展,二是信息技术向传统产业的渗透。文章主要从后者角度对信息化带动工业化做以探究。  相似文献   

张英 《商业研究》2005,(10):108-109
按照新型工业化的要求,工业化的过程应当是工业化与信息化的相互促进、互为推动的过程。目前,我国的信息化程度很低,已严重制约工业化进程。分析我国经济社会信息化的现状及存在的问题,指出了实施信息化带动工业化发展战略的构想  相似文献   

由中国国家信息中心和中国信息协会联合主办的“无处不在的网络与中国IT发展战略研讨会”今天在这里隆重召开,我代表国家发展和改革委员会向大会表示衷心地祝贺。  相似文献   

2008是中国年,奥运联结着所有华夏儿女的心,原本在这次沙龙上,我们是要谈谈“体育营销”这个话题的,但在5月12日,四川省汶川县发生8.0级地震,灾情发生后,社会各界立即伸出援手,组织抢险救灾。各大企业更纷纷慷慨解囊,以实际行动支援灾区群众,伊利也在这次赈灾中迅速反应,首家成立救援抢险专队。将救灾物资送达灾区。所以,本期《互动行销沙龙》带着“抗震救灾”和“体育营销”这两个话题,走进腾讯奥运大讲堂和您一起探讨。  相似文献   

International business education (IBE) scholarship is extensive and is continuously growing. Nevertheless, to date there is no systems perspective overview of the literature dedicated to this topic. Using latest advancements in scientometric analysis, this study structures and visualizes the entire IBE scholarship, which allows to identify gaps in research and propose a number of future research directions. Data extracted from 894 peer-reviewed documents made available through the Scopus database allows to map the scholarship across five identified research directions in IBE – IB, political economy environment, and education; student learning and experience; the lingua franca and communication; interrelationship of IBE and the ecosystem; and business school curricula and internationalization. The scholarship was also compared to the Academy of Management Learning and Education and to the Journal of International Business Studies together with the Journal of World Business journal scholarships to recommend further prospective directions for the future development of IBE.  相似文献   

The use of focus groups is a well-established qualitative research method in the social sciences that would seem to offer scope for a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in the field of business ethics. This paper explores the potential contribution of focus groups, reviews their contribution to date and makes some recommendations regarding their future use. We find that, while the use of focus groups is not extensive, they have been utilised in a non-negligible number of studies. Focus groups are usually used as a supplementary method, often as part of the development of a research instrument. Whether used on their own or in conjunction with other methods, we find that in the majority of cases there is insufficient information for a reader to judge that the method has been carried out well and hence that the ‘findings’ may be trusted. Nor is it easy for future researchers to learn about the practical application of the method in business ethics contexts. We therefore recommend improved reporting in future published studies. Based on an analysis of a subsample of papers that provided a reasonable level of methodological detail, we provide further insights into, and recommendations for, the use of focus groups in business ethics research.  相似文献   

Based on a classic conceptual model of corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication, we developed an empirical research study to test how several aspects of CSR message content (i.e., issue importance, impact, motives, fit, commitment) are associated with external support responses (i.e., purchase, advocacy). We also tested the moderating role of stakeholder‐ and company‐specific factors (i.e., issue support and industry, respectively) in the proposed model. Data were collected from 302 participants who evaluated the same CSR information displayed in the websites of a fictitious bank and a fictitious restaurant chain. The findings suggest that better perceptions on how the CSR message reinforces issue importance, corporate CSR impact and altruistic motives lead to higher purchase and advocacy intentions. CSR fit is related only to advocacy, while CSR commitment does not have any significant impact on participants’ responses. Some new interdependence relationships are also identified among issue importance, motives, fit, and commitment. The moderating role of issue support and industry is confirmed.  相似文献   

Flora 《广告大观》2007,(2):31-33
Allegra Network旗下的Sign Now Allegra Network有限公司联系着他们在北美洲和英国超过600个的据点。联合投资人Thomas S.Monaghan给公司带来了很大的转变,并写了一本关于特许经营的书。  相似文献   

沈翔 《广告大观》2009,(11):133-134
有被标题唬愣了吗?卖弄玄虚的背后,其实想借现今网络营销众多手段中的Internet Community(网络社群)及AR(Augmented Reality扩增变境)技术,来分享一个重要概念:Create Time(创造时间)。  相似文献   

During the 1950s and 1960s, most developing nations, particularly the larger ones, strongly opted for a policy of import substitution industrialization (ISI). This was based on heavy protection and generally led to very inefficient industries. Since the early 1970s, an increasing number of developing countries deregulated their economies and liberalized trade, and this stimulated efficiency and growth. Some developing nations also tried strategic trade policies and to endogenize growth (as postulated by endogenous growth theory), but with only limited success. It seems impossible and inconsistent under the new international trade rules, however, for other developing countries to duplicate the East Asia “miracle,” which was based on strong government support for domestic industry while stimulating competition and efficiency among domestic firms. The successful completion of the Uruguay Round is expected to greatly benefit developing countries through continued deregulation and increased access to developed-country markets.  相似文献   

The rate of business formation is higher in countries that rank better on dimensions of social progress. This creates a need for investment capital and helps drive a positive relation between social progress and IPO activity. For example, my results suggest that a one standard deviation improvement in a country's Social Progress Index is associated with an additional 0.372 IPOs and a $69.416 increase in cumulative IPO proceeds raised per million people. The relation is stronger for emerging markets than for developed markets. Social progress is also positively correlated with the proportion of IPO firms that receive venture capital funding.  相似文献   

<正> 在棉花放开经营和我国加入WTO后,供销合作社的生存与发展面临着严峻的考验。供销合作社迫切需要在参与和推动农业产业化经营中寻找新的出路。为此,有必要就供销合作社参与和推动农业产业化经营的若干认识和方法问题作进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

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