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康汉真 《消费导刊》2012,(5):192-193
效用论提供了分析研究消费者行为规律的基本思路和框架,包括基数效用论和序数效用论两种,是微观经济学的基本理论之一。本节课的任务是在对效用论进行简要介绍的基础上,对基数效用论知识进行讲解。教学中要理论联系实际,引导学生把握基数效用论的基础知识和基本观点,并激发学生对微观经济学理论学习及学以治用的兴趣。  相似文献   

对效用的不科学认识是制约经济学发展的最主要原因。效用是表现于个人主观评价系统的欲或不欲的强烈程度。效用可以用基数数值计量,但不具有加总性。效用的不可加性决定了边际效用分析法和无差异分析法都无法正确解释消费者行为。效用具有主观性,受人们的价值观、信仰以及个人性格等的影响。在有能力满足欲望的条件下,满足极大化的条件是:所有商品和劳务的最后效用程度都相等、且等于财富或货币积累的最后效用程度。  相似文献   

关于边际效用理论的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
<正> 一、边际效用理论是一种唯心主义的理论学说吗? 一提到边际效用理论,一些经济学者就会认为这是一种唯心主义的、庸俗的资产阶级经济理论。因为这种理论认为商品的价值取决于商品的边际效用,而效用则是人们对商品能够满足其需要的一种主观感受,这一理论无视经济现象之间的本质联系,避开了决定价值的客观因素——劳动,掩盖了资本主义社会中人剥削人这样一种生产关系,因而是庸俗的、唯心主义的、为资本主义制度进行辩护的一种经济理论。  相似文献   

反思传统经济学中的效用理论,追问效用的可测度性,探究基数效用论到序数效用论的嬗变,并重新审视效用的深刻内涵.梳理、评述研究幸福的文献,剖析经济学与幸福融合发展的脉络,论证经济学领域对幸福的研究实际上是与其他学科不断融合的过程.传统经济学中的效用理论只有在嬗变中不断调整,与其他学科相融合发展,才能扩展经济学的研究领域,使其成为社会科学中的“帝国主义者”.  相似文献   

基数效用理论通常用边际效用递减来解释需求规律,但存在令人感到困惑的地方,即“货币边际效用不变”假设与边际效用递减规律相矛盾,而后者所支持的“货币边际效用递减”也常被广泛认同,这就影响了基数效用理论的解释力。本文通过分析,解释了这一矛盾,让读者全面认识货币边际效用和需求曲线。  相似文献   

基数效用理论通常用边际效用递减来解释需求规律,但存在令人感到困惑的地方,即"货币边际效用不变"假设与边际效用递减规律相矛盾,而后者所支持的"货币边际效用递减"也常被广泛认同,这就影响了基数效用理论的解释力。本文通过分析,解释了这一矛盾,让读者全面认识货币边际效用和需求曲线。  相似文献   

效用是微观经济学中最经典的术语之一,具有主观性、可计量性、递减性、可再生性等主要特性。通过效用论来论证理性的消费者能够实现既定资源的有效配置,满足自己的最大欲望,推导出消费者均衡的条件是:消费者应该使自己所购的各种商品的边际效用与价格之比相等;或者说,消费者花在每一种商品上的最后一元钱所带来的边际效用相等,即货币的边际效用相等。  相似文献   

张伟 《商业研究》2006,(11):36-38
在研究耐用商品垄断定价时需要对个体特征进行深刻的分析,一些学者也基于偏好强度对消费者类型进行了分布假设,认为他们是两点分布,或是均匀分布,以此为基础讨论不同类型消费者的需求选择以及垄断厂商的最优定价。如果深入研究就会发现此类分析方法在本质上与序数效用理论相违背。所以应该以对消费个体的边际效用比分布状况的研究作为整个定价问题的核心。  相似文献   

西尼尔认为:价值取决于效用。效用为人们的主观评价,其受稀少性制约;稀少性根源于供给阻力;供给阻力根源于生产成本。所以生产成本决定价值。仔细研读,可以看出,西尼尔的价值理论在西方价值理论的演进中起到了承上启下的作用。承上——试图化解萨伊体系中的矛盾。启下——不仅对约.斯.穆勒有重要影响,而且对现代西方经济学中的主观价值论和均衡价格论也有重要影响。因此其历史地位不可小觑,理应受到重视。  相似文献   

基于消费者行为的决策过程理论和效用理论,在已有研究基础上提出奢侈品网络消费行为效用函数,并在序数效用的理论指导下,画出不同消费者的奢侈品消费效用序列曲线,并指出序列曲线在营销策略中的应用原理。  相似文献   

This paper studies the link between real exchange rates and commodity prices, over the period 1993M1–2018M12, for commodity-exporting countries by analysing countries individually and considering the possibility of structural breaks. Our results suggest that: (a) the movements in the price of the main commodity (i.e., the one whose share is at least 20% of total commodity export) affect significantly to the real exchange rate; (b) the sign of the effect of commodity prices on real exchange rate is not clearly positive (as was found by earlier analyses using panel data), but it depends on the country considered; and (c) the negative effects of the possession of natural resources observed in the past decades seem not to be now overwhelming.  相似文献   

Previous studies that investigated the impact of exchange rate volatility on the trade flows employed aggregate trade data and standard estimation techniques. They provided mixed results. In this paper we use disaggregated import and export data for 177 commodities traded between the United States and the United Kingdom to investigate whether volatility of the real bilateral dollar–pound exchange rate has any detrimental effect on trade flows at the commodity level. Additionally, we employ the bounds testing approach to cointegration and error‐correction modelling that is suitable for the models used mostly because it does not require pre‐unit‐root testing and variables in the model could be stationary, non‐stationary or a combination of the two. In most trade flow models estimated, we found a negative effect of exchange rate volatility on commodity trade.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the equilibrium exchange rates for commodity and oil currencies as well as the discrepancies of their observed exchange rates to these equilibriums. To this end, first, we estimate a long‐term relationship between the real effective exchange rate and economic fundamentals, including the commodity terms of trade. The estimation relies on panel cointegration techniques and covers annual data from 1980 to 2007. Our results show that real exchange rates co‐move with commodity prices in the long run and respond to oil price somewhat less than to commodity prices. Second, we assess the degree of misalignment of these currencies, as the gap between their observed exchange rate and the estimated equilibrium exchange rate. We show that these misalignments are not significantly related to the exchange rate regimes adopted by the countries, either pegged or floating. However, for pegged currencies, the size of misalignments significantly depends on the anchor currency, either the euro or the dollar. A comparison of misalignments of pegged commodity and oil currencies across different periods confirms these results: during periods of dollar (euro) overvaluation, currencies pegged to the dollar (euro) tend to be overvalued; the reverse being true when the dollar (euro) is undervalued. Consequently, pegged currencies are often driven away from their equilibria by wild fluctuations in the key currencies, on which they are anchored.  相似文献   

传统经济理论认为,商品价值形成的过程结束于生产阶段,但完整的商品价值形成过程应该既包括生产阶段,也包括流通阶段,这是流通企业价值观存在的理论前提。流通企业价值观是在继承马克思生产劳动价值论基础上提出的,认为生产劳动与流通劳动都是创造商品价值的劳动。同时,在继承马克思社会劳动决定商品价值的原则下,对创造商品价值劳动的社会性进行了再研究,既包括了生产劳动的社会性,也包括了流通劳动的社会性,还包括消费者对包含在商品中的生产劳动和流通劳动的认可。流通企业价值观的提出,对流通经济学的完善和发展具有一定积极意义。  相似文献   

论文运用灰色系统理论,建立了有效的商品住宅市场短期需求预测模型,并以沈阳市为例对模型进行运用,结果证明该方法具有科学性,能为政府进行商品住宅市场短期平衡和控制提供决策依据。  相似文献   

结合具体实例,对商品市场扩张中的距离衰减效应、市场与城镇协同发展规划、资源型城市的商业规划特色、市场规模扩张与产品特性的关系等理论问题进行了论述,指出距离因素不是影响商贸型企业成功扩张的唯一且主要的因素,市场的选址、功能定位、管理水平、经营者素质、政府的扶持政策、同类市场的竞争状况等是比距离更为重要的影响因素;理性预期是市场和城镇发展规划的重要依据之一,但由于市场信息的非对称性或非充分共享性,人们不可能都把预期建立在理性思考的基础上,发生预期失误将给市场和城镇的协同发展带来风险;优秀的商业规划应该是具有地域特色的规划;市场规模的扩张应考虑产品特性的差异,旨在为我国商品市场的发展和成功扩张提供科学依据.  相似文献   

李颖 《财经论丛》2015,(10):32-40
本文借鉴ELES模型,利用横截面数据对我国不同收入等级的城镇居民八类消费性支出进行了微观模拟,对其需求的价格弹性进行测算。在此基础上,分析了居民在消费支出过程中承担增值税、消费税和营业税的情况,对税负转嫁的方式和力度进行了实证评估。结果发现,我国商品税不具有明显的累退性,商品税“中性”特点显著。但在不同收入阶层之间税收负担份额是不同的,居民税收负担与商品税征税范围、税率等要素高度相关。基于此,提出要逐步降低商品税比重、进一步扩大“营改增”范围、完善消费税功能、以及将价内税改为价外税等政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the predictive properties of import and export prices of commodities on the exchange rates. A period from 1993 to 2016 is considered. We find that forecasts of the exchange rate adding commodity export and import prices are superior to those neglecting these variables. This holds irrespective of whether the countries are net exporters or importers of commodities. However, the forecasting power was even better in the 1990s and seems to have decreased since that that time. Nevertheless, forecasts can even today be improved considerably by adding commodity prices.  相似文献   

This paper draws three conclusions from a regression study of disaggregated commodity arbitrage between the U.S. and Canada: (1) Inability to detect commodity arbitrage characterizes a majority of commodity classes, which can potentially be described as nontradeables. (2) Commodity arbitrage is never perfect. (3) When commodity arbitrage is detected, Canadian prices invariably respond as much or more to the exchange rate as they do to U.S. prices.  相似文献   

Fairtrade consumers, by enacting their political and moral concerns through consumer choice, are at the same time constructing themselves as ethical selves. I will argue that they can only do so by drawing on cultural contexts. While fairtrade is instituted in supranational organizations and acts on a global level, there are still differences on a national level. On the basis of an Anglo‐German study, this paper seeks to map out the cultural contextualization of fairtrade consumption on both a supranational and a national level. The paper identifies the framing role of global consumer culture and an implicit ethics of equitability inscribed in capitalist practices of exchange and specifies how these play out differently in Germany and the UK. In both cases, there are strong references to sovereign consumer choice, and expectations of equitability in commodity exchange have been found. But while, in the British case, there is more emphasis on individual choice and taste, German fairtrade consumers seem to follow more what they perceive as an authoritative discourse. And, while British respondents envisaged the relation to be achieved with producers along the lines of a business relationship, German respondents conceptualized it more as a paternalistic employment relation between fairtrade organizations and producers. Differences will be explained in terms of distinctive consumer cultures, national moral economies and colonialist histories. I will argue that the two national settings not only offer different opportunities and challenges in terms of market success but also pose distinct ethical questions for fairtrade marketers.  相似文献   

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