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By building a bridge between the conceptual discussion of education science and entrepreneurship, this article demarcates the role of entrepreneurship education as a form of pedagogy and its connection to a progressive movement. As a form of pedagogy, entrepreneurship education changes the idea of the human being, brings action-orientation, autonomy and interplay between risk and responsibility to the centre of the learning process and challenges the previous ontological, epistemological and to some respect axiological bases of earlier learning paradigms and also presents new ideas for pedagogy and didactics. Thus, seen from an educational perspective, entrepreneurship can now be perceived as a form of pedagogy that renews the previous learning paradigms and furthers educational institutional practices.  相似文献   

德意志,作为一个民族,她的存在有一千来年的历史;作为一个统一的国家,德国至今只有100余年的历史(包括第二次世界大战后德国长达40多年的分裂),所以她是一个迟到的民族国家.在德国文化史上,最初一批伟人是:天文学家开普勒(1571-1630年),数学家兼哲学家莱布尼茨(1646-1716年).比起中华民族的文化史,德意志民族文化史、教育科学史不知要短多少年.当庄子写下"判天地之美,析万物之理"格言大训的时候,德意志民族还没有形成;当李白写下"天地者万物之逆旅,光阴者百代之过客"时,德意志民族才刚是个满月的婴儿.  相似文献   

As it is currently taught, instruction in engineering ethics centers on cognitive learning even to the extent of suppressing the involvement of emotions in ethical decision making. The common belief is that emotional involvement will increase the likelihood of poor judgment. Recent neuroscience research with positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging indicates that emotions actually play a significant role in ethical decision making. It then follows that emotions should be part of ethics education: That is, discussions of ethics should not be limited to cognitive thought. Instruction to improve emotional maturity must be accompanied by teaching of cognitive subject matter if long‐term learning is to occur. Emotions influence the solution of ethical problems as they affect the accuracy of the problem assessment and the accuracy, intensity, and duration of an emotive response. Specific emotions that relate to ethical decisions are listed. A theory of emotive learning is presented, and its application to the teaching of engineering ethics is discussed. Strategies for emotive learning are also presented.  相似文献   

This paper aims at analyzing main features of the German vocational education. It builds on a simple model of firm specific human capital accumulation in case of learning by doing. A main result is a positive effect of government financed schooling on creating learning by doing jobs. This finding relies on simple strategic arguments and does not depend on long term labor contracts or any cross productivity effects between learning inside and outside the firm.  相似文献   

针对独立学院学生的特点,我们在对其进行德育教育的过程中,应做到:坚持以学生为本,贴近学生;加强校园文化建设,特别是宿舍文化建设;建设一支稳定的、高素质的辅导员队伍;加强心理健康教育。  相似文献   

The institutional approach to entrepreneurship research. Introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main argument of the presentation of this special issue is that entrepreneurship research based on institutional theory is a promising field of research. After a brief explanation of the nature, scope and philosophical foundation of institutional theory and the distinction between old and new institutionalism, an attempt is made to justify why entrepreneurship research using the institutional approach is promising. A reference to some previous research in this field illustrates not only its potential but also the long tradition in institutional economics. A brief reference to the content of each of the articles included in this special issue closes this presentation.  相似文献   

P. Krishnan 《Socio》1977,11(6):307-311
Information theory is employed to look at certain aspects of migration. It is suggested that the dividedness of a population into “movers” and “stayers” is better assessed by migration entropy. The notion of “migration inequality” is introduced and the principle of minimum entropy suggested as a criterion for fitting migrations models. Canadian census data are utilized for illustration purposes.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of tourists is uneven and it can include some areas at regional and/or sub-regional level. The social–economic and environmental impacts of tourism, are concentrated in different areas. Some recent contributions show the usefulness and the effectiveness of network analysis (NA) approach in revising the organization of tourist facilities and services. This paper proposes to apply methods borrowed from NA to map the spatial distribution of tourism mobility in Sicily. So, we analyze the network features of tourism in a multi-destinations net. By means of traditional measures of NA, we propose to measure the links among destinations. The study aims to connect destinations, represented as nodes, to define a territorial network of tourism demand. In the specific instance, the degree centrality, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality are used to localize central areas and the main routes. We test survey data collected on a sample of tourists leaving from airports and ports of the main Sicilian cities, who visited two destinations at least. Then, we study tourism mobility on those areas selected by tourists. Finally, employing measures derived from NA, the work attempts to set out territorial networks. This approach could be useful to plane tourism development policies.  相似文献   

通过对德国斯图加特原掷弹兵兵营居住开发项目目标、规划论证、规划编制过程、规划用地布局和规划控制措施的剖析,为了解德国当代福利住房开发的城市规划方法提供了一则详尽的案例,并总结出德国当代福利住宅开发注重社会公平和可持续发展的特点。  相似文献   

Academic research increasingly focuses on environmental sustainability as a specific societal mission to be addressed. However, the effects of the increasing sustainability orientation on output generation in public research organizations are largely unexplored. In this paper, we analyse the effects of the increasing importance of sustainability-oriented research topics on research and teaching efficiency in German universities in 2018. Our results are mixed. On the one hand, we find that a higher share of publications related to sustainability increases research efficiency. On the other hand, it decreases teaching efficiency. The latter negative effect seems to relate primarily to a notion of teaching efficiency associated with quantity rather than the quality of teaching output. We conclude that the tendency to focus academic research on challenge-driven sustainability orientation can have non-trivial effects on the efficiency of output generation and therefore needs to be considered ex-ante by policy-makers, administrators and university managers.  相似文献   

Hector Correa 《Socio》1978,12(3):135-143
This paper first presents the hypothesis relating the education of the labor force to production, along with some observations about its statistical verification. The conceptual basis for the manpower approach to educational planning appears next, followed by a discussion of its use with and without the assumption of constant labor productivity. Finally, the human resources approach to manpower and educational planning is extended to include income distribution planning. The method developed is applied to Mexico.  相似文献   

Residential land planning, which is concerned with the physical development of land for residential use, is a multidisciplinary activity wherein the physical planner, engineer and architect play very prominent roles. Cost is paramount for low-income households. Therefore, in residential land planning for producing lots for this economic group, all possible efforts have to be made for reducing the cost per lot consistent with acceptable standards. To achieve this objective, residential land planning should be concerned not only with physical planning but should also take into account the interaction between the spatial design, the architectural design of the dwelling and the design and layout of utility systems so that the cost per lot including the service connection cost is minimised. In the paper, the systems nature of the residential land planning problem has been discussed and a cost-optimisation model for obtaining the optimum physical design of a planning module (a unit of design) fulfilling the given constraints has been developed using the technique of geometric programming. Application of the model is illustrated with a number of example problems using the field data, which show large cost differences from one system solution to another. This establishes the need for such an approach if cost reduction is the primary objective. The geometric programming technique of optimisation adopted in the paper could be used by a designer in the smallest design office with the help of a low-cost programmable calculator and the programmes developed by the author.  相似文献   

审计模式的演进表明了审计的发展方向,研究审计模式的转变对于中国社会经济的发展具有重大的现实意义。本文从经济学角度分析注册会计师行业的实质,并对审计模式演进的背景和特点进行了回顾。提出了审计模式的内在演进原因。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on entrepreneurship by academic leaders. With the use of patents, inventions, and spin‐offs to measure commercialization, and directors, research group leaders, and business owners as academic leaders, results, using a sample of more than 2,500 German researchers, show differences across academic leaders and commercialization. Findings for spin‐offs are different from those for patents and inventions. Academic leaders in sciences were more likely to commercialize. Doctoral degrees helped patents by business owners and spin‐offs by group leaders, whereas female business owners and female group leaders faced challenges patenting and inventing, respectively. For business owners, age increased the likelihood of patenting but lowered spin‐offs.  相似文献   

Arye Perlberg

Gil Shaal 《Socio》1969,2(2-4):297-313

The purpose of this paper is to describe a model for interdisciplinary research and to analyze the problems inherent in the application of this methodology. The discussion is illustrated by an analysis of a case study of the seafaring occupations in Israel.  相似文献   

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