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Situated on China's eastern coast, Shandong Province is an important opening coastal province. Over the past 15 years, average gross product in the province increased by 11.9 percent each year. Since the beginning of the 1990s, its opening up and economic construction have entered a new stage of  相似文献   

During the Ninth Five-Year Plan Periodfrom 1996 to 2000,the developmentpolicy and strategy of China's autoindustry is:based on Chinese-made partsand components to develop sedan cars andupgrade the product structure;giving firstplace to large groups for the promotion ofunited reorganization step by step and therealization of scale production and  相似文献   

Since Shandong restarted its insurance industry in 1980, it has set up 180 domestic insurance businesses in four categories, namely property, Iife, liability and guaranty. And insurance for foreigners has been expanded to all parts of the province from Qingdao to Yentai. There are now 31.400 enterprises, 620,000 vehicles, and 11.5 million households involved in property insurance and 20 million  相似文献   

Located at the easternextreme of the new Asian-European continental Bridge,the LianyungangDevelopment Zone was anarid and saline seashore tenyears ago,but today it hasbecome one of the mostdynamic opening areas inLianyungang City andJiangsu Province strewn withfactories and thoroughfares,churning out an annualindustrial output value ofRMB1.8 billion. The development zonewas approved by the StateCouncil to be established inthe Zhong Yun Dai area ofLianyungang City inDecember 1984.InSeptember of the followingyear,the city broke theground for the construction.  相似文献   

In handling patent disputes, China observes an operational method of mutual cooperation and coordination through two channels: judicial adjudication and administrative settlement. Over the past decade, practice has proved that the specific way of handling patent disputes by patent administrative organs has played an important role in the prompt resolu tion of patent disputes, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of patent-  相似文献   

Situated in the central part of China along the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, Henan Province is the cradle of the nation and one of the birthplaces of traditional Chinese culture. It is also an important producer of energy resources, raw materials and agricultural and sideline products in China. The average annual temperature in the province is about 13 degrees to 15 degrees Celsuis, the total amount of sunshine in a year is 2000-2600 hours, and the frostless period lasts 190-230  相似文献   

In the logistic of food refrigerated supply chain, food refrigerated transport is the most important. The transport we say includes middle-distance transport, long-distance transport, short-distance.Since 1978, with the improvement of people's living standard, the consumption of the perishable food has increased rapidly and the refrigerated rail transport has developed too. But compared with the developed countries, we should realize that we have a long way to go.  相似文献   

Since April 1990,Pudong hasfocused on the infrastructureconstruction anddevelopment of its SEZs andurban area,aiming atboosting Shanghai,servingChina and facing the worldand at creating a changeeach year and drasticchange in three years.  相似文献   

At the east-west economic and tradeexchange and cooperation conferencesponsored by the China Council forthe Promotion of International Trade, Shaanxi'sVice-Governor Jiang Xingzhen spoke aboutShaanxi's investment environment and itsdual opening strategy. Firstly Mr. Jiang made a briefintroduction on Shaanxi. Shaanxi, located atthe junction of the middle and western areasof China, is one of the origins of China'ssplendid ancient civilization. Its rich mineralresources include 92 varieties of provenreserves, 28 of which, including molybdenum,rhenium, mercury, coal and natural gas havereserves ranking in the first three and 58ranking in the top ten in the country. The  相似文献   

Communications and Transport Guizhou Province has formed a communications and transport network radiating in all directions, with Guiyang as the center, the four railways of Qiangui, Chuanqian, Guikun and Xiangqian crossing the entire province, with a service mileage of 1468 kin. The Guikun, Chuanqian and Xiangqian railways have realized electrification, with an opera-  相似文献   

Scientific progress has greatly improved the technical level of China'shighway and waterway transport in the past decade.In order tomodernize communications and transport and raise competitivepower of enterprises as early as possible,the Ministry of Communicationshas decided to add more scientific investment,planning to double theannual expense on scientific investment during the Ninth Five-yearPlan period compared to the Eighth Five-year Plan period.Theministry will also conduct cooperative research,development,designand production with foreign scientific institutions and internationalorganizations.  相似文献   

It was approved by the State Council in I984 to establish economicand technological development zones in 14 coastal port cities tofunction as windows for those cities to attract foreign investment,introduce advanced technology and management methods andexpand the export-oriented economy.Since 1992,18 other developmentzones have been approved by the Council,increasing the number ofsuch zones to 32.  相似文献   


At the Fourth China InternationalGarments and Accessories Trade Fairheld in Beijing in the late spring of1996,the sponsors put forward a slogan"China'S name brands march towards theworld market". With the gradual approach of China'seconomy to the world,the line of demarcationbetween the domestic market and the worldmarket has been diminishing.The hugeChinese market has attracted foreign business  相似文献   

Trade marks are the marks of thecommodities and services. They arealso passes for the enterprises to enterthe market, and can reflect the economicbenefits and credit of the enterprises in acomprehensive manner. With thedevelopment of the market economy and theexpansion of foreign trade and business,trade marks are playing a more and moreimportant role in the economy. To establishits own famous brands as well as to protectthe trade marks more effectively, China willspeed up its steps to implement the trade  相似文献   

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