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We investigate the role of audit verification in the resolution process following debt covenant violations. Using two sets of proxies for demand—audit fees and the independence and diligence of audit committees—we find evidence that covenant violations result in a demand for differentially higher levels of audit verification. Further analyses demonstrate the link between the increased demand for audit verification and the mechanisms designed to control agency costs in debt contracts. We document cross-sectional variations in the observed fee differential with respect to the level of reliance on financial covenants, the type of covenants violated, and waiver decisions. Moreover, we find that the observed audit fee increases are associated with more favorable movements in borrowing costs and the adoption of more conservative investment policies post violation. Our findings suggest that covenant violations increase the demand for audit services to help control contracting costs post violation.  相似文献   

Are restrictive covenants effective mechanisms in mitigating agency problems? Is the magnitude of the increase in the cost of debt due to agency problems non-trivial? We tackle these questions using a large dataset of public bonds. Contrary to the view that restrictive covenants in public bond contracts are standard boilerplates that serve little purpose, we find significant benefits in terms of reduction in the cost of debt associated with covenants. Restrictions on investment activities or issuance of higher priority claims reduce the cost of debt by about 35–75 basis points. These findings suggest that investors view bond covenants as important instruments in mitigating agency problems, and an increase in the cost of debt due to agency problems could be substantial. Additionally, we find that high growth firms and firms with low probability of default are less likely to include covenants suggesting that the costs of covenants outweigh benefits for these types of firms.  相似文献   

We examine the within-firm resource allocation and restructuring outcomes at firms violating debt covenants. Using establishment-level data from the US Census Bureau, we find that covenant violations are followed by reductions in employment, investment, and more frequent establishment closures among violating firms’ noncore business lines and less productive establishments. These changes are concentrated among establishments at which manager-shareholder agency costs are pronounced and when key lenders have industry experience. Our findings suggest that enhanced creditor control reduces managerial agency costs and encourages a more efficient allocation of resources within the boundaries of firms in technical default.  相似文献   

Abstract:   This paper analyses the relevance of two different reasons for banks to acquire firms' stock: the increase of agency costs in the lending relationship (the agency costs hypothesis), and participation in the expected profits of undervalued firms (the information asymmetry hypothesis). Results indicate not only that banks make equity investments for both reasons but also that the market exploits their lending decisions to learn which of the two motivations was in play. Bank equity investments concurrent with reductions in bank debt are consistent with the agency costs hypothesis, whereas bank equity investments concurrent with increases in bank debt are consistent with the information asymmetry hypothesis.  相似文献   

This study examines the causal link between a firm's leverage decisions and the characteristics of its CEO bonus plans. Results from a simultaneous equations model strongly suggest that highly levered firms are less likely to use return on equity (ROE) or ROE-based accounting performance measures to determine executive bonuses. Estimates also indicate that firms with fewer debt covenants, higher interest rates on debt, and a greater proportion of executive pay in the form of stock options are less likely to adopt ROE-based measures for use in CEO bonus plans. These findings lend strong support to the efficient contracting hypothesis. The conflicting interests of corporate stakeholders, especially between stockholders and creditors, encourage firms to tie executive pay to performance metrics like return on assets (ROA) that will strike the optimal balance between the agency costs of debt and the agency costs of equity.Data availability: all data are available from public sources.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of growth opportunities in a firm's investment opportunity set on its joint choice of leverage, debt maturity, and covenants. Using a database that contains detailed debt covenant information, we provide large‐sample evidence of the incidence of covenants in public debt and construct firm‐level indices of bondholder covenant protection. We find that covenant protection is increasing in growth opportunities, debt maturity, and leverage. We also document that the negative relation between leverage and growth opportunities is significantly attenuated by covenant protection, suggesting that covenants can mitigate the agency costs of debt for high growth firms.  相似文献   

This study examines the business environment of Egypt, a nation at the beginning of its transition to a market economy, to determine whether national culture is associated with the use of accounting-based debt covenants in debt agreements. As a country's economy develops, agency problems occur. One method of reducing agency costs is the use of accounting-based debt covenants. While there has been extensive research on agency theory, most of this research has focused on developed nations. We examine three periods of Egyptian economic development using 140 Egyptian debt agreements. The use of accounting-based debt covenants increased significantly during each successive period of development. Proxies for each of (Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture's consequences—International differences in work-related values. Beverly Hills, London: Sage Publications) cultural dimensions are significantly different between the three periods, suggesting that national culture changes with economic development. Three of the four cultural dimensions are significant when regressed on the number of accounting-based debt covenants in debt agreements. This indicates that as a country develops, national culture is associated with the control and understanding of the business process.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of tax avoidance on the cost of debt for SMEs. Tax avoidance may increase a firm’s cash flows on one hand, but also increase the agency costs, the information risk, and the risk of scrutiny by tax authorities on the other, affecting the cost of debt in opposing ways. Using a sample of Spanish SMEs for the period 2007–2019, our findings show that tax-avoiding SMEs face lower debt costs, suggesting that the positive effects of tax avoidance prevail over the negative ones for SMEs. This finding is consistent with a more favourable assessment of SMEs’ tax avoidance activities by their key finance providers (banks), given SME unique characteristics and their lower agency costs.  相似文献   

This study investigates determinants of debt covenants in Japanese loan markets. We focus on a unique monitoring mechanism by Japanese banks and hypothesise that debt covenants substitute for the traditional main bank governance. Consistently, we find that debt covenants are less likely to be used for firms with stronger ties with their main banks. We also document that such use of debt covenants results in borrower’s upward earnings management. Overall, our evidence suggests that, in the Japanese context, debt covenants are used as a substitute for the main bank system yet they alone are an incomplete monitoring mechanism.  相似文献   

We propose a supplementary way to assess the information content of a financial statement disclosure based on the comovement of asset returns in different markets in response to information that has price implications for both. The influence of a signal that strongly influences at least two asset markets measures a dimension of information content less clearly reflected in single‐market responses. We apply our method to debt covenant violation (DCV) disclosures. These are the outcome of a debt renegotiation when the covenant promises in a debt agreement to manage the agency costs of debt are broken. We find that stock and bond return comovement is highest one day before DCV disclosure and differs depending on whether the debt covenant is waived or not waived. We find that stock and bond return comovement in the days following a DCV disclosure decreases more for non‐waiver disclosures than for waiver disclosures. This supports the theory that a non‐waiver outcome shifts control rights and bargaining power to the creditors. Consistent with this theory, single‐market tests show that bonds with a non‐waiver disclosure versus a waiver disclosure earn positive excess returns following a DCV disclosure whereas the reverse is true for stocks.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive analysis for the choice of contract terms in UK Eurobonds. Typically, the theory associates the choice of debt contract terms to firm and market characteristics, arguing that an adequate choice of these terms allows for the reduction of debt contracting costs. We use a panel data approach to examine the validity of extant predictions concerning the choice of maturity, call options, convertible options and protective covenants. Findings provide support to the agency prediction that debt contract terms function as alternative control mechanisms. Additionally, complementary role is found for the use of convertible and call options. Evidence that managers follow a maturity-matching rule, favour capital structure's flexibility in high growth scenarios and use protective covenants when firm's credibility is low corroborates further agency predictions.  相似文献   

Event risk covenants (ERCs) became popular as a bondholder protection measure during the height of restructuring activities in the 1980s. We investigate the empirical relation between firm characteristics and the likelihood of ERCs in bond indentures. In particular, we examine whether a firm's agency costs of debt, financial distress costs, and/or takeover potential influence its decision to include ERCs. Employing bonds with and without ERCs issued during 1986–90, we provide evidence that the likelihood a firm will include ERCs is positively related to the firm's agency costs of debt and to its potential for takeover. The results, however, do not support the financial distress costs hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of accounting-based covenants and other sources of information in signalling financial distress in UK MBOs. Using an in-depth questionnaire and follow-up interviews to investigate the perceptions of senior UK MBO lenders, we find that: MBO loan agreements contain more covenants than general corporate lending agreements; monthly management accounts and telephone communication are more frequent first indicators of distress than are accounting-based covenant breaches; lenders with specialist MBO lending units are more likely to waive covenant breaches and less likely to recall loans in default than those without such units; syndicate members find both information flows prior to breach and subsequent action taken to be less effective than do syndicate leaders or sole lenders; and the presence of a specialist MBO lending unit provides the skills and reputation needed to establish a high degree of trust between the banks on the one hand and the MBOs and the equity houses on the other, but there is wide variety in the ways that banks manage these relationships. These findings confirm the expectation that the relatively more acute adverse selection and moral hazard problems inherent in MBO lending increase the demand for monitoring via covenants, and that the closer the lender/borrower relationship, the more effective the monitoring.  相似文献   

Loan syndication involves a repeated game between lead banks and syndicate members. Lead banks do not use their private information to exploit syndicate participants but rather focus on accurately certifying loan quality. Using borrowers' financial ratios (shifts in Altman's Z scores) after origination to proxy for bank private information, we find that lead banks syndicate larger proportions of loans that subsequently do not experience lower Z scores. Performance pricing covenants under which borrowers commence to pay higher spreads if ratios (or credit ratings) deteriorate constitute a positive signal reducing agency costs and are associated with higher proportions of syndication.  相似文献   

Building on contract theory, we argue that financial covenants control the conflicts of interest between lenders and borrowers via two different mechanisms. Capital covenants control agency problems by aligning debt holder–shareholder interests. Performance covenants serve as trip wires that limit agency problems via the transfer of control to lenders in states where the value of their claim is at risk. Companies trade off these mechanisms. Capital covenants impose costly restrictions on the capital structure, while performance covenants require contractible accounting information to be available. Consistent with these arguments, we find that the use of performance covenants relative to capital covenants is positively associated with (1) the financial constraints of the borrower, (2) the extent to which accounting information portrays credit risk, (3) the likelihood of contract renegotiation, and (4) the presence of contractual restrictions on managerial actions. Our findings suggest that accounting‐based covenants can improve contracting efficiency in two different ways.  相似文献   

The conflicts of interest among managers, shareholders and creditors resulting in agency costs, can be mitigated by restricting managers’ adverse behavior, through financial covenants to better align the various stakeholder interests. Thus, debt contract strictness represents an important aspect of agency costs between creditors, shareholders, and management that is not always captured by interest rates. The contract setting provides a unique opportunity to investigate how creditors may rely on auditors to alleviate information uncertainty stemming from reliance on management's financial reporting and thus alleviate the creditor's potential loss of invested capital. After controlling for borrower risks, loan characteristics, and audit factors, we show that auditor industry specialization is significantly associated with a reduction in the strictness of debt contracts, consistent with creditors viewing certain industry expert auditors as effective monitors against financial reporting manipulation aimed at the avoidance of debt covenant triggers that protect creditors against potential loss. Further, we find that the association between loan strictness and auditor specialization is attenuated by stronger corporate governance systems, external monitors, and prior lender relationships.  相似文献   

We examine how governance characteristics are related to the corporate choice between public and private debt. We find that firms with fewer takeover defenses and larger outside blockholder ownership are more likely to borrow from banks and to issue 144A debt. We also document that public debt cost is more sensitive to takeover exposure than bank debt cost. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that banks mitigate the expected negative effect of takeovers on debt value through covenants and debt renegotiations. Moreover, we show that firms with weaker internal monitoring are less likely to borrow from banks.  相似文献   

Considerable research has documented the role of debt covenants and conservative financial accounting in addressing agency conflicts between lenders and borrowers. Beatty, A., Weber, J., and Yu, J. [2008. Conservatism and debt. Journal of Accounting and Economics, forthcoming] document interesting, but mixed, findings on the relation between debt covenants and conservative accounting, and the extent to which the two contracting mechanisms act as substitutes or complements. In this paper, I discuss the economic roles of financial reporting, debt covenants, and conservatism within the debt contracting environment, and attempt to fit BWY's findings within this context.  相似文献   

A. T. CRASWELL 《Abacus》1986,22(1):29-38
Clinch (1983) examined the possibility that there are cash-flow effects involved in the decision not to comply with the requirement to depreciate buildings. He interpreted his results as evidence that non-compliance involved greater auditing costs than compliance and provided possible benefits associated with avoiding violations of debt covenants. In this paper, the analytical and empirical grounds for expecting increased auditing costs are discussed and it is argued that, in general, such cost increases may be expected to follow qualified opinions. However, as the sample tested by Clinch consisted predominantly of continuing qualifications, it is suggested that the increasedaudit fees reported by Clinch may not be attributable to the non-compliance qualifications. A further test of the bond-covenant hypothesis was conducted using an alternative research design. The results from this test are inconsistent with those reported by Clinch and with the suggestion that decisions not to depreciate buildings are driven by bond-covenant considerations.  相似文献   

We use Dealscan , a database of private corporate lending agreements, to provide large–sample tests of the debt covenant hypothesis. Dealscan offers several advantages over the data available in previous studies, principally larger and more representative samples and the availability of extensive actual covenant detail. These advantages allow us to construct powerful tests in which we find clear support for the debt covenant hypothesis. We also use these data to provide broad evidence on the economic role of debt covenants. We find that private lenders set debt covenants tightly and use them as "trip wires" for borrowers, that technical violations occur relatively often, and that violations are not necessarily associated with financial distress. Finally, since we measure covenant slack directly, we report evidence that the extensively–used leverage variable is a relatively noisy proxy for closeness to covenants.  相似文献   

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