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Net neutrality generates wealth transfers from one type of internet content provider to another. In theory, these transfers might be socially desirable, and could be justified on the basis of informational externalities similar to those cited to justify fair use in copyright law. In practice, however, the conditions that justify fair use do not hold where net neutrality operates. Moreover, the internal subsidization required by net neutrality generates a regressive transfer. The welfare gains that might come from controlling anticompetitive abuse or government coercion through implementation of net neutrality can be achieved by alternative policies with less harmful consequences.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between Net Neutrality regulation and Internet fragmentation. We model a two-sided market, where Content Providers (CPs) and consumers interact through Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and CPs sell consumers' attention to advertisers. Under Net Neutrality, a zero-price rule is enforced. By contrast, in the Unregulated Regime, ISPs make access to their subscribers for CPs conditional on payment of a termination fee. Multiple impressions of an ad on the same consumer are partially wasteful. Thus, equilibrium ad rates decrease when audiences overlap. We show that ISPs may strategically set termination fees to induce fragmentation. This takes place when advertising revenues are potentially large but strongly diminished by competition among CPs, and when consumers are not highly sensitive to content availability. We therefore identify an important link between termination fees, the online advertising market and Internet fragmentation. We extend the model to account for multi-homing consumers, vertically integrated ISPs, third-party advertising platforms and heterogeneous CPs.  相似文献   

In its 2016 Broadband Report, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recognizes that a rural/urban digital divide remains prevalent—especially with respect to broadband adoption. It also highlights several policies that the FCC has undertaken purportedly to reduce the divide, including the 2015 Open Internet Order (OIO)—in which the stated intent is to enforce “network neutrality.” However, long before the OIO, studies have raised concerns that network neutrality policies will discourage investment by internet service providers (ISPs) in broadband infrastructure, to the detriment of broadband accessibility, and may increase average consumer costs—both of which would only further exacerbate the digital divide. In this paper, we provide a holistic analysis of the effects of net neutrality on the digital divide; in doing so, we draw from recent economic research on this issue. Our goal is to present a range of economic considerations that should be taken into account when evaluating the overall impact of the OIO, with particular attention to its impact on the digital divide.  相似文献   

How would abandoning Internet net neutrality affect content providers that have different sizes? We model an Internet broadband provider that can offer a different quality of service (priority) to heterogeneous content providers. Internet users can potentially access all content, although they browse and click ads with different probabilities. Net neutrality regulation effectively protects innovation done at the edge by small content providers. Prioritization, instead, increases both infrastructure core investment and welfare only if it sufficiently stimulates innovation from the large content provider.  相似文献   

本文从自主创新能力系统自身角度分析揭示了企业自主创新能力的形成机制.基于自主创新活动的过程分析识别了企业自主创新能力构成要素,接着通过分析自主创新能力构成要素之间的协同关系,构建了企业自主创新能力形成的协同机制模型.最后给出了企业自主创新能力构成要素之间协同度的评价方法,用以发现制约自主创新能力形成与提升的瓶颈,进而帮助企业采取针对性策略来提升自主创新能力.  相似文献   

Competitive Pressure and Innovation at the Firm Level   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper provides empirical evidence on the relationship between market competitive pressure and firms' innovation using panel data of Spanish manufacturing firms for 1990–2006. We depart from standard measures of competition, and construct variables capturing the fundamentals of competitive pressure (product substitutability, market size and entry costs) to test the theoretical predictions of Vives [2008, The Journal of Industrial Economics] for free entry. Our results line up favourably with these predictions. We obtain that greater product substitutability and higher costs of entry lead to more process innovation but less product innovation, whereas market enlargement spurs both product and process innovation.  相似文献   

信息网络的融合是经济发展的基础及社会发展的必然结果,但实现信息网络的融合却是一个十分复杂的过程,针对中国目前还没有实现真正的信息网络融合的现状,论文从制度开放、商业化运营模式创新及普遍服务新理念的建立进行了深入的研究。  相似文献   

This paper models capacity utilisation as a cyclical variable that reflects both the value of precautionary capacity and the desire to hold strategic excess capacity. Business unit data from the Profit Impact on Marketing Strategy (PIMS) database of large, predominantly US, companies are used. Separate estimation is carried out for a number of SIC industry groups. Panel data estimation in first difference instrumental variable form is employed. Unlike many previous studies the utilisation variable is well determined. The results show significance for precautionary and strategic effects in particular industries. The paper discusses the reasons for the industry specificity of the results. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

基于模块化网络组织的价值流动与创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
模块化网络组织是在价值模块化的基础上形成的一种新型价值创造的组织形式,其内部价值流动过程包括价值的创造、转移、实现和分配四个阶段。引导价值的合理有序流动,既是模块化网络组织治理的重要方面,也是形成网络协同效应、增强模块化网络组织竞争优势的重要途径。模块化网络组织能够通过知识创新实现价值创新,其价值创新机制具有边际收益递增性、顾客参与性和非均衡性等特性。网络组织内部成员企业以自身核心能力要素参与模块化分工和模块化网络组织的价值创新,能够形成网络组织整体竞争优势,共同创造和分享网络租金。  相似文献   

Product Innovation,Process Innovation,and Size   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We test the hypothesis that large firms devote a higher proportion of their research and development (R & D) expenditure on process innovation thansmaller firms. According to the estimates, process- and product R & D expenditure rise less than in proportion to size. The size effect is somewhat stronger for process R & D but the difference to product R & D is in no way dramatic. This difference with regard to size elasticity of process- and product R & D is somewhat more pronounced when accounting for possible interrelationships between expenditure on process- and product R & D but remains statistically non-significant.  相似文献   

This work reports on an investigation of the dynamics of governance over breakthrough innovation within Fortune 1000 firms. The primary research question investigates the boundary of agency theory within the firm. Using agency and stakeholder theoretic perspectives, the study tests the hypothesis that innovation will thrive in firms that combine a board of directors operating in accordance with a high agency theoretic focus in addition to an innovation governance board operating deeper within the firm that employs a strong stakeholder theoretic orientation in its behavior. The model is tested with data from 98 large firms. Results suggest that the relationship between board of directors' behavior and the firm's overall innovativeness is mediated by innovation decision‐making boards that (1) promote projects that are breakthrough in scope, (2) incorporate input of diverse constituencies within the firm, (3) exhibit patience with financial results, and (4) engage in frequent, informal interactions with project teams. Firms exhibiting high board of director agency orientation in combination with loyalty to mandate, patient financial capital disposition, inclusiveness, and project team interaction as described above for innovation governance board decision‐making prove to be the most innovative as measured by external indicators. For firm innovativeness, consolidated managerial power and behavior is frequently present at the upper levels of the firm, but must be broken down at deeper levels of the firm. This research offers implications to innovation decision‐makers as to how to proceed if the intent is to offer commercializably successful breakthrough innovations.  相似文献   

"创造性毁灭"和网络经济条件下的自主科技创新   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
网络产业的自主技术创新对国民经济的整体发展具有重大影响.网络产业的技术创新呈现出与一般产业不同的特点.本文通过对网络经济条件下技术创新所面临的基本矛盾和基本问题的分析,指出网络经济下技术进步的主要特点以及技术创新过程中可能出现的主要市场失灵问题.本文特别分析了网络经济条件下技术选择中的超额动量和超额惯量问题,并结合从2G向3G移动通信的过渡问题,提出相应的政策选择.  相似文献   

基于价值网络重构的企业商业模式创新   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
建构价值网络逐步成为企业商业模式创新的重要方式,但狭义的价值网络观对企业盈利机理的解释并未突破价值链将投入转换为产品的传统逻辑。本文从更广义的价值生态系统角度剖析网络价值交换逻辑和企业价值的实现机理,从网络重构出发分析了五种不同的商业模式创新路径。本文认为,受竞争压力与技术变迁的推动,网络组织的价值创造逻辑呈现颠覆性变化:顾客价值创造与企业价值实现的分离。这种分离导致许多企业即使实现了顾客价值最大化也未必产生收入,尤其面对互联网的免费经济趋势,企业只有重构价值网络、拓展新的收入源才能实现盈利并保证商业模式的稳定性。  相似文献   

本文选取2008~2020年A股上市公司的面板数据,采用普通最小二乘回归、Heckman两阶段回归、倾向得分匹配等方法系统检验担保网络对企业创新投入和产出的影响。研究发现:担保网络显著抑制企业创新投入与创新产出,且这一影响的具体路径是担保网络的“风险效应”;进一步检验发现,企业加入担保网络的平均最短路径越短、节点数越多,企业创新水平越低。研究结论揭示了担保网络对企业创新的影响机理,为促进担保网络内企业的创新活动提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

顾客是企业的根本,定量包装商品的准确性直接关系到顾客的利益,根据国家质量监督检验检疫总局发布的《定量包装商品计量监督管理办法》标准,结合兰州石化公司定量包装产品的计量现状,建立并完善定量包装产品净含量监督检验机制,优化管理流程,确保定量包装产品净含量合格率,从而实现精细计量、准确计量,避免质量投诉事件的发生,为顾客和企业负责,实现经济效益最大化,提高企业的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

This study examines why some firms are better able than others to reap benefits from collaborating with their competitors in innovation. Whereas on the general level, collaborative innovation has been studied widely, and firm‐specific success factors in collaboration between competitors (i.e., coopetition) have not been exhaustively addressed. Earlier literature describes coopetition as a risky but potentially rewarding relationship in which sharing, learning, and protection of knowledge are recognized as the key issues determining the possible benefits and hazards. This study provides evidence of factors related to this, suggesting that the firm's ability to acquire knowledge from external sources (potential absorptive capacity) and to protect its innovations and core knowledge against imitation (appropriability regime) are relevant in increasing the innovation outcomes of collaborating with its competitors. This study also distinguishes between incremental and radical innovations as an outcome of coopetition, and provides differing implications for the two innovation types. The empirical evidence for the study was gathered from a cross‐industry survey conducted on Finnish markets. The data are analyzed with multivariate multiple regression analysis. The results of the analysis suggest that (1) potential absorptive capacity and appropriability regime of the firm both have a positive effect in the pursuit of incremental innovations in coopetition, and (2) in the case of radical innovations, appropriability regime has a positive effect, while the effect of absorptive capacity is not statistically significant. However, the results also indicate that there is a moderating relationship between these variables, in that the potential absorptive capacity is positively associated with creation of radical innovations within high levels of appropriability regime. These results yield important theoretical and managerial implications. As a whole, the results presented in this study provide new evidence on which types of firms can reap success in the challenging task of collaborative innovation with rivals. In the case of incremental innovation, a firm‐level emphasis on knowledge sharing and learning will positively affect the results of coopetition, as will an emphasis on knowledge protection. Thus, when incremental developments are pursued in coopetition, firms should not only seek to exchange knowledge to create value but also remember to secure the firm‐specific core knowledge within the firm's borders to stay competitive. On the other hand, when the firm is pursuing radical innovation with its rivals, the heaviest emphasis should be on protecting its existing core knowledge and also emerging novel innovations and market opportunities. Capabilities in knowledge acquisition are also beneficial in these cases, but the full benefits of knowledge exchange realize only when the firm's knowledge protection mechanisms are sufficiently strong, allowing for safe knowledge exchange between rivals.  相似文献   

推动经济增长的主导因素由传统的劳动力、资本积累向创新要素数量与网络化程度转变。从来源看,区域创新源于区内自主创新与区外创新溢出。区域自主创新能力直接受创新要素禀赋条件的影响,集聚经济因素通过空间外部性作用直接影响区域创新要素集聚能力与水平。同时区域经济发展过程中形成的空间依赖产生区间创新溢出;对外开放过程中产生创新的国际溢出,都对区域创新绩效产生重要影响。实证分析结果表明,从整体上看,集聚经济与创新溢出皆对区域创新绩效有显著影响。因此,应通过强化集聚经济效应,构建开放式创新环境,提高吸收能力以充分利用创新溢出效应,并促进企业价值网与区域创新网“两网合一”,降低交易成本,不断提升区域创新绩效。  相似文献   

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