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This paper identifies statistically significant variations in retail grocery prices and relates these primarily to differences in store organizational structure.  相似文献   

This article examines the strategic use of mandatory labeling of biotechnology products, such as genetically modified food. A foreign dominant firm produces a biotechnology product and foreign competitive firms produce a conventional one. It is shown that if other trade measures such as tariffs are also available, the government of an importing country may impose mandatory labeling even in the case where there is no quality difference between biotechnology and conventional products. A combination of a discriminatory tariff on the biotechnology product and mandatory labeling shifts rents from the foreign dominant firm to the domestic economy.  相似文献   

This paper examines some methodological issues in the design and execution of food price surveys, and presents findings from a recent survey of fifty-eight grocery stores in the Cardiffarea. The methodology discussed includes the design of samples of goods to be surveyed (the ‘shopping basket’), of shops in which grocery prices are to be measured, and derivation of the shop-price matrices to be used in analyses of grocery pricing strategies. The empirical results show, as expected, significantly cheaper prices in multiple and co-operative stores compared with independent and affiliated. No significant difference is found between the latter categories of store. There is limited support for the hypothesis that the larger the store the lower the prices. Prices measured in the Cardiff area are also compared with average ‘shopping basket’prices derived from a national survey carried out concurrently by the Consumers' Association. Finally, the value to the researcher of ‘one-off’ price surveys is assessed.  相似文献   

姚成杰 《北方经贸》2002,(11):113-114
网络技术的发展给信息产品提供了一个新的销售平台 ,然而 ,销售信息产品的企业必须面对由信息产品特性带来的问题 ,本文拟对这些问题进行讨论 ,并给出解决方案。  相似文献   

会展业作为一个新兴行业已成为中国经济新的增长点,但是国内重复办展,片面追求数量效益的观点阻碍了此行业的健康发展。要想使中国会展业与国际接轨,成为世界名展,走品牌展览是一种必然趋势。文章从四个方面论述了如何打造中国的品牌展览,即:按专业办展、设置精品馆、与参展商共同开辟精品展览、政府宏观调控。  相似文献   

Managing the logistical issues resulting from changes in assortment depth in the retail supply chain is challenging, involving various complex tradeoffs. While increasing assortment depth can increase sales, it also increases inventory‐holding costs and reduces the amount of space for other items. As space is taken from existing items to increase assortment depth, it reduces the inventory‐holding capacity of existing items on the shelf, increasing expected annual cost of lost sales. The paper presents a conceptual model of the relationships between assortment depth, category gross margins, and the logistical concerns resulting from inventory costs and out‐of‐stocks. Evidence for the significance of depth and resulting costs are provided in an examination of 100 product categories from a case study of a retail grocery chain.  相似文献   

This paper reports data on the relationship between how couples perceive their family life quality and the division of household work. The sample consists of 210 Wisconsin couples. Time diaries and face-to-face interviews were used. Analyses indicate that the division of familiwork is not an important correlate of the congruency that the spouses hold concerning their family life quality. The one exception is that less traditional couples tend to be more dissatisfied with the work each does around the home.  相似文献   

绿色壁垒与中国农产品出口问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
绿色贸易壁垒既是世界各国保护自然资源、改善生态环境的手段,又是一种新型的贸易保护形式。对我国农产品出口遭遇到形形色色的绿色壁垒,应辩证地看待其影响:它一方面促进了我国农业生产方式的改进,另一方面又阻碍了我国农产品的出口,降低了我国农产品的国际竞争力。企业与政府应采取各种措施,冲破绿色贸易壁垒,扩大我国农产品的出口。  相似文献   

艾力枫社酒店以生态、自然、绿色、人文为特色,集住宿、餐饮、会议、娱乐为一体,处京津“金色走廊”,夺地理位置之优越,拥完善设施享品牌会议之嘉誉,顺行业形势,走品牌转型之新路。以变应变,把握优势,顺应大势,走好自我品牌创新转型之路,艾力枫社泗店走出了属于自己的特色,成就了自己的魅力。  相似文献   

In this article a model of vertical product differentiation with two firms (a home firm and a foreign firm) engaged in endogenous quality competition. The firms engage in a two-stage game, where in the first stage they choose qualities in a sequential manner. In the second stage, the firms compete in quantities (a la Cournot) moving sequentially again. In the second part of this article, the impact of quantitative restrictions (ike a VER or quota) on the quality choices and other related variables like prices, firm profitability, consumer surplus, etc.  相似文献   

贸易与气候变化:国际贸易.的新热点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球气候变暖是全人类共同面临的巨大挑战,保护气候安全是国际社会的共同目标.为了减缓气候变化,保护气候安全,国际社会需要密切合作,及早减少温室气体排放.在此背景下,贸易与气候变化的关系进入人们的视野,成为贸易领域研究的前沿问题.  相似文献   

Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) is a grocery industry strategy in which distributors and suppliers work together to improve value for consumers. It is well known and often cited in textbooks as an example of a modern approach to logistics strategy. However, little empirical research has been done on ECR and food retailers. Here, financial and operating results for thirteen grocers that adopted ECR are compared with twelve grocers that did not adopt.  相似文献   

[目的]利用DNA条码技术对狗咬胶专利产品熏料的植物物种进行了鉴定.[方法]采用CTAB法、CTAB-担体法和磁珠法从狗咬胶表面提取痕量的植物总DNA,对其中植物条码基因rpoB和rpoC1进行分析.[结果]疑似产品的植物熏料不是番薯,可能是旋花科的另一植物.建立了利用植物条码基因进行物种鉴定的实验体系.  相似文献   

钟国华 《北方经贸》2007,(5):123-125
文章在分析大学品牌管理的七个基本要素(质量、文化、人才、学术、服务、规范、竞争力)的基础上,构建了大学品牌管理的基本模式,即由三个模块构成:品牌质量管理、品牌系统管理、品牌规范管理;分析了大学品牌管理基本模式的优势。由此结论:大学品牌管理始于质量,而又超越于质量,大学品牌管理须有一套科学的品牌管理模式。  相似文献   

论景宁县旅游品牌的创建与营销策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
麻益军 《北方经贸》2002,(11):107-109
景宁县旅游业发展得天独厚 ,潜力巨大。景宁必须充分发挥自身的资源优势 ,尽快培育起自己的核心能力 ,以此为基础 ,构筑起技术平台和市场平台 ,并通过品牌创建和市场营销等活动 ,不断巩固和拓展自己的发展平台。打造“华东民族名城 ,浙江休闲绿谷”是能够成功的。  相似文献   

陈岩  张桃 《国际贸易》2007,(3):14-17
根据联合国工业发展组织的调查报告,从1995年到2005年这10年间,全球的制造业产值增长了34%,由57720亿美元增加到77470亿美元,而中国的发展速度接近全球平均速度的5倍,达到了156%,但销售利润率却只有4.26%。在这种困境下,中国要顺利地“走出去”,必须寻找新的战略。本文运用微笑曲线、要素理论和集成经济的思想,提出了创建以“技术 品牌”为核心的中国“走出去”战略,并就其必要性和实现机制进行了阐述。  相似文献   

加入WTO后,随着我国服务贸易的自由化程度不断加深,国内服务业面临的竞争也更加激烈,品牌效应在国际服务市场上的作用日益突出,所以,引入服务品牌竞争机制是我国服务贸易面对加入WTO冲击的有力对策。但是,目前我国的服务品牌处于起步阶段,仍需要服务企业的高度重视、科学培育和法律的有效保护,才能对服务贸易起到巨大的推动作用  相似文献   

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