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This paper suggests the use of Chinese proverbs in the teaching of finance to Chinese-speaking students. Familiar proverbs facilitate teaching to Chinese students by appealing to students' prior knowledge, improving retention of new material, and creating a friendlier classroom environment. Using Chinese proverbs in finance instruction also benefits North American students by promoting the understanding of Chinese culture. This paper presents thirty-six financial concepts accompanied by related Chinese proverbs. Strategies for the effective use of Chinese proverbs in the classroom are suggested as well.  相似文献   

Think Different     
刘强 《中国汽车市场》2013,(29):4-M0001
我跟朋友说:每当我看到一本好书,看到一篇好文章.在欣喜激动、感觉很有收获之余.更有一种恐慌的感觉。这种恐慌源自对自己的无知的深切感悟。  相似文献   

为了解一省资本流动的运动趋势、深入研究省内资本的运动规律,必须先透彻了解省内资本分配的具体情况。本文将安徽省划分为沿江、皖南、皖北、皖中四大区域,对改革开放特别是90年代以来影响省内资本分布的各个因素——区域经济增长差异、财政转移支付差异、信贷投放差异、外商直接投资利用差异进行了深入分析并对四者所反映出来的情况与问题做了系统研究,从而发现省内资本流动的一些趋势及特点。  相似文献   

为比较不同温度不同包装对平菇保鲜的效果,以PP保鲜袋包装平菇和HDPE保鲜袋包装平菇为试验材料,在室温(约10℃)和低温(约1℃)两种不同的贮藏条件下,对平菇感官品质、失重率等指标进行分析。结果表明,低温贮藏能够有效抑制平菇品质的变化;相较于HDPE包装,PP袋包装均可较好地保持平菇的色泽和感官品质,有效延长了杏鲍菇的货架期。  相似文献   

在WT0的背景下,国内产业何去何从,成了一个日渐沉重的话题。两年来,国内产业在奋力搏击,寻找自身的立足之地。  相似文献   

In recent years, business has been heavily preoccupied with two themes: merger and acquisition activity, and the development of the Single European Market. The topic of this paper combines the two: Continental mergers. The authors argue that the costs and benefits of Continental mergers are different from those of their domestic counterparts, and they need to be handled in different ways. This has implications both for the form of integration and for the way in which it is implemented. Most important, it is relevant to the selection of the right partner.  相似文献   

The People's Bank of China (PBC) lifted yuan trading restrictions in July of 2010 that led to offshore yuan spot trading in Hong Kong. Based on causality analyses, we find that price discovery is absent between the onshore and offshore spot markets. However, we document the presence of price discovery between onshore spot and offshore nondeliverable forward (NDF) rates. These seemingly inconsistent results present a puzzle wherein one offshore market appears to be more informationally integrated with the onshore market than another. We conclude that price discovery differences in the offshore markets stem from the offshore spot and forward contracts tracking different aspects of yuan rates (e.g., the offshore nondeliverable rate tracks onshore spot rates whereas the offshore spot rate tracks onshore interest rates). Moreover, the introduction of offshore spot trading in Hong Kong has led to an increase in cross‐market price discovery between onshore spot and offshore NDF rates. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 34:103–123, 2014  相似文献   

为了工作,我走了很多国家,接触过很多外商,也看过很多风景。经历过后,总会有丝丝缕缕的感受停驻在心。而这些感受,就好像外贸商旅途中一个个小小的插曲,虽并不嘹亮,但总能让人有所回味。  相似文献   

The past few years have seen a revival in the academic debate over the economic functions of German banks. This paper takes the position that large non-financial firms have become highly autonomous of the banks, and the corporate governance role of banks, while still important, is much less significant than widely presumed. German banks, however, do fulfill certain economic functions to a greater degree and in a different manner than banks in other countries. These bank functions of long-term commercial financing, comprehensive management consulting, and supporting diversified quality production strategies are made possible by the institutional character of the banking system itself and the institutional context in which it operates. A complex web of government laws, regulations, and government financial aid combine with bank group competition to create an extensive and successful financial support system for German SMEs. This system faces various adjustment challenges — from international financial market integration to EU regulatory harmonization — but it has thus far managed to adapt while sustaining its core functions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the influence of four different marketing claims and price information on consumers’ product choices for novel fruits and novel fruit products, using a choice experiment. In total, 1,652 people in Greece (n = 400), the Netherlands (n = 419), Poland (n = 423), and Spain (n = 410) participated in the study. The marketing claims entailed (1) information about scientific findings concerning health benefits, (2) social norm information, (3) information about the products’ naturalness, and (4) information about the products’ time-until-expiration. The results showed that all four marketing claims and price information influenced consumer choice, but the effect of naturalness depended on the specific novel fruit product being advertised, and the effect of time-until-expiration depended on both country and fruit product. These results suggest that marketing communications should be tailored to different national markets and to specific fruit products.  相似文献   

经济批量博弈是库存博弈的子问题,已经建立了经济批量的模型以及相关的基本理论知识,为研究经济批量模型所对应的博弈奠定了理论基础,对于合作博弈需要保证合作联盟的稳定性,因此需要研究经济批量博弈的凸性。利用合作博弈论的理论知识,线性函数的凹性,对推广的经济批量博弈证明了其凸性,进一步完善了经济批量博弈的数学理论。凸博弈保证合作联盟的稳定性,减少了商家的成本,增加了商家的利润。  相似文献   

同股同期在一年期银行存款利息率不同的市场上,股价和市盈率不同,对这种现象国内外理论界和职业投资人中有不少人认为不正常.在对上述问题进行理论和实例分析后,得出了同股不同价、不同市盈率是正常的、合理的结论,反之却是不正常、不合理的.内地投资人非理性地到香港去炒股,必将损失惨重.  相似文献   

作为五四反传统战斗中的主将,鲁迅曾激烈地抨击过一大批传统文人。他对宋玉评价的背景和原因,他们文体特征背后所体现的审美特征,他们的文本中对秋的描写所蕴含的浓重的悲感和苍凉,表现了鲁迅与传统文化复杂的联系。  相似文献   


This paper aims to investigate the effect of the institutional environment variables on the organizational choice by franchise chains that share a business format. Inasmuch as this type of franchising requires strict standardization, a comparative analysis of the same franchise chain operating in different institutional environments allows for the control of several variables, such as product and firm strategies, so that the observed organizational differences may be attributed to institutional variables. Different rules of the game may explain different governance structures in the transaction between franchisor and franchisees and their procurement contracts. In this paper, we did case studies based on semi-structured interviews with procurement and franchising managers of McDonald's in France and Brazil. The main finding is that McDonald's uses in Brazil governance structures that provide more control on transactions, both in the transactions with their outlets and their suppliers. In accordance with our results, institutional environment features explains differences in the organizational choice in each country. Results suggest the need for further research in two directions: a larger sample of countries and the investigation of other franchise chains.  相似文献   

王颖 《商业研究》2004,(18):145-146
商标是商品的标记,在商业交往中起着重要作用。但由于各民族的价值观念等存在不同,词的化内涵也因此而不同。从动物、植物、颜色等三个方面探讨了商标词的化差异,这是在国际广告中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

How are large diversified firms like IBM, AT&T, and NEC coping with competition from more narrowly concentrated companies like Intel, Microsoft, Compaq, MCI, and Ericsson? The answer is by increasing the segmentation of their activities in smaller, more autonomous, business units in the hope that this will produce better focus, flexibility, speed of response, and efficiency. But increased segmentation contradicts one of their major potential advantages – their ability to reap benefits from the interdependence – or synergies – of their activities. How are they coping with this contradiction? Will they succeed?  相似文献   

Colin I. Bradford and William H. Branson (eds). Trade and Structural Change in Pacific Asia Jimmy M. Wheeler and Perry L. Wood, Beyond Recrimination: Perspectives on US-Taiwan Trade Tensions Bruce Dickson and Harry Harding (eds), Economic Relations in the Asian-Pacific Region  相似文献   

曾朝晖 《广告大观》2007,(2S):72-73
如果营销是一场战役,那么很显然,这场战役既有进攻者,也有防御者,还有游击队。 进攻者应该首先考虑领先者在市场中的强势,然后要找到其弱点,并攻击此弱点,接着善于拾遗补缺,在尽可能狭窄的阵地上,发动进攻。下面几个案例向我们很好地展示了这则营销战场上的黄金法则。  相似文献   

融资租赁方式的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨亚西  杨波 《商业研究》2003,(24):111-112
融资租赁具有融资与融物双重职能。其在发展过程中已形成了多种不同的方式 ,每种方式在功能上和成本上都有所不同 ,在明确融资租赁涵义的基础上 ,着重比较了不同融资租赁具体方式的功能和成本 ,为企业融资租赁的正确选择提供了依据  相似文献   

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