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This paper explores the use and evaluation of external information sources in consumer decision-making. Information sources were evaluated by respondents according to six possible applications for the information-based on information use and hierarchical levels in the decision process. The research setting is nonprofit retirement apartments and the subjects are recent movers to those apartments. The empirical findings of this study have marketing implications for marketers of nonprofit retirement housing and social service agencies serving the elderly. They also suggest further research for other nonprofit marketers.  相似文献   

This article offers a commentary on consumer behavior in modern telecommunications markets, based on advances in behavioral economics. An original analysis of the decision‐making environment faced by telecommunications consumers identifies four specific properties of the market, of which rapid technological change is just one. The core argument is that this combination of properties, which is unique to telecommunications, is likely to foment decision‐making biases established by behavioral economics. This central insight is used to address two issues of concern from a pro‐consumer perspective: low levels of switching between providers and failure to select optimum tariffs. Competing explanations for low switching and accumulating evidence of consumer detriment in tariff choice are outlined. The commentary concludes by considering ways that consumers might be helped to meet the challenges identified.  相似文献   

The marketing information system is intended to solve the businessman's dilemma of having too much information of the wrong kind in the wrong form. The ideal system should generate an orderly flow of pertinent data for decision making, providing instantaneous information for each management level. The author describes the steps in the construction of such a system: obtaining support; reviewing and appraising the marketing organization and its policies; organizing development; and determining the level of sophistication. More and more such systems will be established as managers recognize their contribution in utilizing the information explosion.  相似文献   

随着近几年中国葡萄酒市场竞争激烈程度的加深,企业的营销成本也在逐渐上升。然而在飙升的营销费用面前,你的营销开支究竟有多少是属于有的放矢,能够切实影响或者加速消费者的购买决策,尤其是当营销人员面对经过进一步细分的红酒市场,就更需要在着手营销预算与制定营销策略之前  相似文献   

网络点击合同的效力不等同于传统格式合同效力,从主体缔约能力的确定、意思表示的真实性、电子格式条款的效力判定分析有助于维护消费者权益,实现网上交易的公平。设立网店实名制度和撤销权制度等配套制度、规制网络点击合同电子格式条款是网络消费者权益保护的法律应对措施。  相似文献   

The relationship between ethics and trust is ambiguous as ethics can promote trust, whilst trust can simultaneously be abused resulting in unethical behaviour. In this contribution to the debate on trust and ethics the focus is specifically on the role that ethics can play in facilitating trustworthiness. The article starts with a definition of the concept trustworthiness. It then reports on an empirical longitudinal study on trustworthiness that was conducted in a South African company in the insurance industry. The facilitators of trustworthiness that were identified in this study and their relative contributions to trustworthiness are then discussed. Finally the implications of these findings for the ethical conduct of managers are discussed. It is demonstrated how ethical managerial conduct can enhance the trustworthiness of managers.  相似文献   

陈道平  刘伟 《消费经济》2005,21(3):68-72
在这篇文章中,选取性别、居住城市、职业、文化程度、年龄、家庭人口、家庭月平均收入、住房类型、住房面积9个变量作为消费者特性变量,选取消费者近期是否购买微(小)型汽车作为行为变量,然后以消费者特性变量为自变量而行为变量为因变量,使用最优尺度回归方法建立回归模型,以此模型为基础对消费者特性进行分析。分析结论为:消费者的家庭月平均收入、职业、年龄、文化程度和住房类型对其购买行为产生显著影响,且影响程度差别很大,其中最重要的两个影响特性是家庭月平均收入和职业;此外,若对第一次购车消费者和第二次购车消费者加以区分,则所得显著影响特性又有不同。文章最后还给出了结论的可能应用。  相似文献   

This paper describes how to design systems that support large scale collaboration between enterprises on the cloud. To do this, the paper proposes an innovative modeling method for large scale collaboration. The modeling method identifies the collaborative spaces in the collaboration and describes ways to support the collaboration in cloud environments, including defining knowledge flows across system boundaries.

The modeling focuses on the ability to deploy the cloud to quickly create collaborative environments. Common access to the cloud makes it an enhancer of collaboration, especially across large business networks such as outsourcing or co-design and to support the agility needed in such collaboration. The paper proposes that cloud provides an advantage where it can foster the collaboration needed to maintain sustainable communities and defines the support needed from the cloud for collaboration. This is particularly relevant to smart cities and the greater emphasis on the Internet of things.  相似文献   

跨境电商作为国际贸易的新方式,在国家宏观政策指导下,各省市根据自身特点频频出台相关扶持政策,跨境电商呈现"几何式"快速增长。认清跨境电商为传统外贸带来的机遇以及面临的挑战,将是正确引导跨境电商助力传统外贸转型升级的关键点。跨境电商助力传统外贸转型升级的对策是:市场为主,加强政府监管,引导健康发展;各方齐头并进,力促企业与产业链、供应链协同发展;以顾客需求为核心,提升企业服务质量。  相似文献   

Using two samples drawn from contrasting developed and developing countries, this investigation considers the powerful, unique Millennial consumer group and their engagement in ethical consumerism. Specifically, this study explores the levers that promote their ethical consumption and the potential impact of country of residence on cause-related purchase decisions. Three distinct subgroups of ethical consumers emerge among Millennials, providing insight into their concerns and behaviors. Instead of being conceptualized as a single niche market, Millennials should be treated as a collection of submarkets that differ in their levels of awareness of ethical issues, consider discrete motives when making consumption decisions, and are willing to engage in cause-related purchasing to varying degrees. These findings have several critical implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

In 2018 restaurants in the United States will need to provide calorie information on their menus as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In the present research, we examine the efficacy of this legislation in reducing restaurant based food calorie consumption. Specifically, we explore the likely effect of the new policy on both the supply and demand side, that is, consumer and retailer behaviors. To achieve this, two studies are included in this research: a meta-analysis of 186 studies investigating the effect of calorie disclosure on calories selected, and a meta-analysis of 41 studies examining the effect of calorie disclosure on calories offered by retailers. Across these two studies we reveal a significant and unequivocal calorie disclosure effect for menu labels; disclosure results in both fewer calories selected (?27 Calories) and fewer calories offered by retailers (?15 Calories).  相似文献   

李红  陈珺 《中国市场》2009,(6):36-38
步入21世纪以来,人们的生活水平日益提高,对日常饮食的质量要求也逐渐提高。食品企业实施绿色营销战略已是大势所趋,但是受绿色市场的信息不完全、消费者的绿色消费意识不足以及政府的监管力度不严等因素的影响,绿色营销举步维艰。本文讨论了消费者与绿色营销食品企业、非绿色营销食品企业以及虚假营销食品企业之间的博弈,在此基础上提出了建议。  相似文献   


Followers frequently incur market share penalties due to delayed entry. How might they then respond to a pioneer? This paper attempts to answer this question. Followers are assumed to be able to respond by choosing a time interval of entry relative to the pioneer, and by focusing on consumer relative preferences for their brand. These choices potentially involve different trade-offs. For example, achieving higher relative preferences may result in an entry delay that would increase the leadtime. We argue that the follower's response will depend on the magnitude of the pioneering effect. Our analysis of the ASSESSOR database indicates that followers respond primarily by reducing leadtimes. We further find that later followers achieve higher consumer relative preferences than earlier followers do. While these findings merit generalizability as they concern multiple brands and categories, many of which still exist, their implications should be qualified with caution since the data do not go beyond 1984.


消费者购买决策影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
许彩国 《消费经济》2003,19(1):51-53
本文对影响消费者购买决策过程的因素进行分析和阐述,即消费者个人特点、心理因素、社会因素。虽然我们分析讨论每个因素,但必须注意它们在影响消费者购买决策过程中是互相联系的。  相似文献   

This article proposes a model for conceptualizing advertising ethics theory based on a distinction between philosophical and occupational ethical systems and the assumption that the fundamental goal of occupational ethics is to address the imbalance of power between the practitioner group and the community or communities they serve through practices that cultivate a relationship of trust. An analytical model is proposed as the basis for future empirical research to test and clarify the suggested relationships. It is suggested that a more refined theoretical meta-model could provide a common framework within which research in specific advertising ethics issues might be revisited.  相似文献   

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