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In 1984 over $95 billion of new tax-exempt debt issues were sold to the public. A criterion for judging competitive bids which is enjoying an increase in usage is that of minimizing true interest cost (internal rate of return). The true interest cost bidding problem may be formulated as a non-linear integer program. By utilizing a novel linearization in concert with a special purpose integer programming algorithm, minimum true interest cost bids can be generated in a matter of seconds. Computational results from an actual bidding problem are presented.  相似文献   

Willem Buijink 《Abacus》2006,42(3-4):296-301
In this introductory paper at the Abacus Forum on International Financial Reporting, I contend that it is difficult to argue that financial reporting and disclosure regulation around the world is evidence-based. Anecdotes and references to more systematic research and surveys of research are used to demonstrate this. 'Evidence-based' is a term that I borrow from medicine. There the term stands for basing medical patient care and health policy choices on the 'current best [scientific] evidence'. I contend that financial reporting and disclosure regulation (and perhaps practice as well) are currently not evidence-based in the specific sense of not being based on the current best scientific evidence available about accounting and auditing. Next I discuss possible causes of this state of affairs and look at future possibilities for financial reporting and disclosure regulation to become (more) evidence-based. The discussion ends by providing a link with the papers that follow in this issue.  相似文献   

This article describes how large UK companies communicate with their institutional shareholders, and investigates how this private disclosure process relates to financial reporting. The article draws from case studies based on interviews with senior executives in 33 UK companies. Four insights into corporate disclosure arise from this case data. Firstly, a private disclosure process to institutional shareholders is outlined. Secondly, the private disclosure activity is recognised as a significant part of a larger corporate decision concerning public versus private voluntary disclosure. Thirdly, a range of factors are identified as encouraging private disclosure. These include the perceived limitations of financial reports (annual reports and interims), both as a disclosure mechanism in their own right and by comparison with private disclosure channels. Finally, despite these limitations, financial reports are recognised as a central component of a larger corporate disclosure system. The article therefore provides a novel insight in the role of financial reports in the larger corporate disclosure process, and ends by exploring new directions for research in financial reporting, including how the wider corporate disclosure system can be reformed in a systematic manner.  相似文献   

There is significant evidence of the practice of creative accounting by large listed corporations. However, little is known about the process by which such schemes are devised and succeed in escaping legal and regulatory sanction. This study examines this process of creative compliance in the case of complex convertible securities issued by U.K. listed companies between 1987 and 1990. There was an active dialectic of creativity in the design of these instruments — a shift from avoidance to rules to avoidance again. The evidence shows how a small group of professionals in finance, law and accountancy cooperated in the development of these instruments. They helped the issuers to manage their financial reporting process in a way in which compliance was assured. Where regulatees are able to command such creative compliance skills and resources, regulators may find themselves facing an uphill struggle.  相似文献   

I review new empirical evidence from the recent financial crisis on the relation between financial reporting and financial stability. I draw the following conclusions: First, there is still no evidence that fair value accounting caused widespread fire sales of asset or contagion. Second, the empirical evidence suggests that accounting and regulation might have contributed to the crisis by allowing several banks to delay actions. Third, even if share prices reacted positively to the relaxation of fair value accounting rules during the crisis, the origin of the problem might be lax rules that allowed banks to run into financial and regulatory problems. Fourth, fair values can be relevant for assets that a bank intends to hold until maturity if that bank strongly relies on short-term financing. Fifth, the recognition of fair values is no substitute for information that allows investors to judge a bank's risk exposure and the validity of reported fair values.  相似文献   

Authoritative accounting pronouncements almost always require more, rather than less, financial reporting disclosures and accountants rarely, if ever, act to overturn the required disclosures. Since the personality literature suggests that desire for more information is linked to an individual's intolerance for ambiguity, this study tested selected hypotheses about the relationship between accountants' intolerance for ambiguity and their desire for financial reporting alternatives. The findings of the study did not disclose a significant relationship between accountants' intolerance for ambiguity and their desire for financial reporting alternatives. However, the results did disclose a relationship between education level and two dependent variables: desire for disclosure and consistency of desired disclosures with generally accepted accounting principles. Therefore, additional research should pay more attention to the effects of demographic information, which may in fact be more informative than many previously tested variables such as personality characteristics.  相似文献   

The determinants of Internet financial reporting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Responding to the widespread adoption of the Internet and the rapidly growing demands for information from stakeholders, corporations around the world are using the Internet for business and financial disclosures. Internet reporting has the benefits of low cost, wider reach, frequency and speed. Despite these benefits Internet reporting varies across companies and across countries. We study Internet financial reporting (IFR), in particular the presentation and content of IFR, of 660 large companies in 22 countries to identify the firm, and environmental determinants of IFR. The study revealed that firm size, listing on US stock exchanges and technology were firm specific determinants of IFR. Given that IFR is not just about the content of disclosure, but also about employing new presentation methods, the environment of disclosure was included in the research. The overarching disclosure environment of a country was found to be an important environmental driver for IFR presentation and less strongly for IFR content. The presentation aspect of IFR was more associated with the identified determinants than the content of IFR, which suggests that Internet presentation technologies were more related to the determinants than the content of the reports on the company Web sites.  相似文献   

This article provides a comprehensive assessment of private firms’ financing sources and their relation with financial reporting practices. We consider debt financing (bank financing, leasing, and government guarantees), equity financing (family ownership, government ownership, employee ownership, and private-equity financing), and trade credit (supplier credit and factoring). Our primary conclusions are that there is significant heterogeneity in the way in which private companies are financed that is influenced by their specific business contexts, and that this heterogeneity in financing is associated with differential demand for and supply of financial reporting.  相似文献   

Motivated by theoretical models in economics which show that there is matching between CEO skill and firm size, we introduce a new measure of director skill which is based on the aggregate size of firms on which the director serves as an independent director. We validate our measure by showing that it is positively associated with director experience, financial expertise, industry expertise and managerial experience. We then examine whether our average measure of skill across board members is positively associated with monitoring quality. Controlling for the endogenous relationships between board composition and financial reporting quality, we find a positive association between our board measure for skill and monitoring quality, and we show that directors have a causal impact on monitoring effort and outcomes. Furthermore, consistent with the enhanced monitoring provided by skilled directors, we document a positive association between the level of and changes in our measure and firm value.  相似文献   

The municipal bond market is currently a topic of SEC scrutiny, courtroom debate, congressional investigation and media investigation in both the financial and general press. Rule G-37 (MSRB 1994) prohibits any player in the bond market from doing business with a state or local government or their funding entities for 2 years after that firm’s dealers, bond professionals or political action committee(s) contribute to an officeholder in those governments. This rule was prompted by the widespread perception that influence over municipal bond transactions is routinely used by elected officials to extract contributions from market players. This rule has also exposed the MSRB to intense criticism that it is de facto interfering in the political process. This research project addresses one aspect of the controversy: the reputed relation between political contributions and municipal bond transactions. We use elected officials and related bond issues in the State of Louisiana as the study subject. Our results provide only weak support for a connection between contributions from market players and the cost of public issues.  相似文献   

We investigate whether management's cognitions, values and perceptions are associated with fraud for 18 863 firm‐years for Chinese listed firms from 2000 to 2014. Demographic characteristics of the chief financial officer (CFO) are used as proxies for management's cognitions, values and perceptions. We find that fraudulent financial reporting is higher when CFOs are younger, male, and have lower education backgrounds. An analysis of inflated earnings, fictitious assets, material omissions and other material misstatements provide similar results, with the exception that CFOs with higher education levels are associated with more inflated earnings.  相似文献   

Standard setters advocate a balance sheet approach to financial reporting, which views assets and liabilities as primary, and income as just the derivative change in net assets. This paper argues that income is conceptually and practically better described as ‘adjusted net cash flows,’ where the adjustments are the accounting accruals. One proof of that is seen in the existence of whole accounting systems like tax accounting and national income accounting, which emphasize the determination of income but have no balance sheets. The paper also argues that an income-based approach to financial reporting is by nature better suited to reflect the success of advancing cash to earn more cash, which defines what for-profit entities do. There are two main features of the income-based approach. One is attention on the cash flows as the natural foundation for financial reporting because they are precisely determined, and provide a clear link to firm valuation. The other is attention on the accounting accruals, which serve to adjust the raw cash flows to better show the current success of investing cash to ultimately earn more cash. Specifically, the paper argues for revenue recognition which is close to current practice, and for expense recognition which is aligned with the matching principle.  相似文献   

A genre is a category of texts marked out by the conventions employed in their production. A genre-theoretic approach draws out the complex, subtle and elusive nature of financial reporting as communication. It provides scope for examining the features of the reporting process that contribute to its complexities and subtleties in a systematic, comprehensive and integrated way, embracing both technical and social dimensions. This paper discusses aspects of genre theory, as employed in discourse analysis, and their application to financial reporting. Relevant features of the approach include financial statement composition as a challenging process; knowing users; an engaged discourse community; situated communication; intertextuality; and structural dynamism. A genre-based approach has a number of implications for financial reporting research, at both methodological and substantive levels, which are explored in the paper, and may ultimately offer the potential for integrating market-based and interdisciplinary work together with the best of the classical tradition.  相似文献   

我国市场经济的建立与发展为我国会计理论的研究开辟了新的土壤.研究会计理论,规范我国的证券市场,特别是规范我国上市公司的财务报告,是当前会计学术界应重视研究的课题之一.本文从三个方面对市场经济和财务报告的规范问题进行探讨.第一部分提出了在市场经济条件下是否需要对公司的财务报告进行规范的问题;第二部分从财务报告规范的性质、行为和影响等方面探讨了市场经济条件下如何对财务报告进行规范的问题;最后一部分归纳了财务报告规范理论给我们的一些启迪.  相似文献   

We address the Dodd Frank Act controversy about the usefulness of the CEO pay ratio to investors by investigating the relationship between that ratio and financial quality, measured by the level of discretionary accruals and the likelihood of restating previously issued financial statements. We test two conflicting explanations of pay disparity: (1) competition for CEO talent and (2) managerial rent-seeking. Though we find that the unconditional relationship between the CEO pay ratio and financial quality is negative, the sign of this relationship is sensitive to CEO power and competence. Our findings suggest that the pay ratio does shed light on the fairness of compensation structures.  相似文献   

Visual rhetoric within communication seeks to persuade through the use of picturing and encompasses words and colour. Visual rhetoric is present within annual reports. The specific role of colour in financial reporting is a neglected field of enquiry. A survey of 100 Hong Kong annual reports related colour usage to profitability change and found companies used more colour when profitability both increased and decreased. The eight most popular colours published in reports were identified and an experiment used them to proxy a pervasive form of visual rhetoric. Results show that some colours are associated with more (less) favourable perception formation and with more (less) investment allocations. Gender differences also were examined with some positive results. However, the story is not about identifying and advocating any specific colour associations for annual report usage or avoidance. The focus is about whether colour can influence perception formation and investment judgments. The evidence suggests that colour may not possess neutral effects in annual report communication. If replication studies with larger samples and in different cultural settings can corroborate this as a phenomenon then the implications may be far-reaching for annual report preparers, auditors and users.  相似文献   

Within the UK's proactive financial-reporting enforcement regime, we examine the effect of increased regulatory scrutiny on equity values. We find that a fourfold increase in the likelihood of regulator-initiated reviews of financial reports reduces equity values by 1.3% on average. Reductions in equity values are largest for firms with strong private oversight that likely ensures that they are closer to their equity-value-maximizing level of transparency. Additional evidence suggests that competition increases and that managers' investment horizons decrease in industries selected for increased regulatory scrutiny, consistent with direct compliance costs not fully explaining the reduction in equity values.  相似文献   

Paul Rosenfield 《Abacus》2005,41(1):1-20
This article discusses a concept of the focus of attention and its implications for financial reporting, a concept that has essentially been ignored in the financial reporting literature. Ignoring it has made dealing with the conflict between the proprietary and the entity theories of the firm the most intractable problem in financial reporting. Exploring the concept of the focus of attention permits abandonment of the conflict rather than continuation of the attempt to solve it. It permits avoiding the errors committed by those involved in the conflict: dealing with the wrong level of abstraction and incorporating contradictions, fictions, and false assumptions. Applying the concept of the focus of attention helps solve a number of issues not solvable by consideration of the theories of the firm.  相似文献   

The purpose of our paper is to examine the development of the financial reporting environment in Malaysia. We explore the influence of environmental factors such as social, political, economic, legal and cultural in the development of accounting and Malaysia’s recent move towards the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). We find that Malaysia’s colonial past and the reformation of corporate governance have significantly influenced the country’s financial reporting practices. Although there are a number of reforms in place more needs to be done in order to improve the transparency of corporate financial reporting practices in Malaysia. Our conclusion suggests the necessity to improve the quality of financial reporting practices and to build the confidence of stakeholders and potential investors. The findings of our study are particularly important to the standard-setters, regulators and accounting professionals to improve the financial reporting practices in Malaysia and other developing countries throughout the world.  相似文献   

Accounting educators have called for greater emphasis on both conceptual and case teaching material in the curriculum. In this paper, an approach to delivering such materials in a financial accounting course is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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