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Communal property rights have long symbolized the apparent backwardness of rural Russian society in the late nineteenth century. Drawing on newly compiled data and qualitative sources, this article summarizes the institutions and practices of rural property rights in late Imperial Russia and shows that there was substantially more heterogeneity in what constituted peasant property rights than is commonly assumed. Archival and documentary accounts suggest that the emblematic practice of repartitioning communal land occurred relatively infrequently and, when undertaken, was generally managed in low‐cost ways. Econometric evidence from Moscow province implies that repartitions were driven more by concerns over the distribution of associated tax burdens than the desire to reallocate productive assets. Along with an analysis of cross‐sectional data on property rights and grain yields from European Russia, these findings suggest a weaker causal link between communal land practices and agricultural productivity than is typically asserted.  相似文献   

This article reviews the results of the second Russian forecast of world energy development by 2040, threats to the Russian economy and energy development as a result of transformations in world energy markets, and ways to eliminate them.  相似文献   

The article discusses the role of environmental and climate factors in the modernization of the global and Russian economies in the context of the challenges presented by the new industrial revolution. It is emphasized that a restraining effect of these factors on economic growth is primarily caused by qualitative characteristics of technologies used for resource utilization and the adaptation of population and facilities to global climate changes. The article considers a growing urgency of eco-innovations, as well as “green” technologies overall, as a factor affecting the economic growth and modernization of the economy; the unevenness of the development of these technologies in the countries of the world; and strategic risks of Russia’s lagging behind the leading world economies in this area. A special emphasis is placed upon (i) a substantiation of the significance of the mineral, raw material and fuel and energy complexes, as well as the forest-industryl and agro-industrial complex, as priority sectors for the development eco-innovations and green technologies in Russia and (ii) arguing that in Russian conditions a long-term development policy is in essence a strategy for green economic growth.  相似文献   

开园梦想起航 "山东看青岛,青岛看市南".市南区作为青岛市的政治、经济、文化、商贸、旅游的中心城区,也是青岛市动漫游戏产业的核心区.青岛国际动漫游戏产业园的惊艳亮相,成为市南区落实"空间有限,发展无限"理念的又一次生动实践.在游戏界一年一度的盛会--第五届中国游戏产业年会上,中国游戏产业最具震撼力、最重要的年度大奖--"金凤凰奖"也隆重揭晓,青岛市市南区人民政府和青岛国际动漫游戏产业园有限公司获得了"2008年度中国游戏产业支持奖".这一刻,在青岛市发展软件产业的历史上,留下浓墨重彩的一笔.  相似文献   

自工业化萌发以来,英、美、德、日等发达国家曾经独领风骚,而今群起的"新兴经济体"已崭露头角。在2008年全球金融危机爆发以后,新兴经济体已成为牵引世界经济复苏的重要力量,世界经济格局也因此正在发生重大变化,西方发达国家正不得不重视新兴经济体的发展与壮大,新兴经济体发展过程中的问题越来越引起学术界的关注。本文记录了2010年8月在复旦大学经济学院召开的"世界经济中的新兴市场经济"学术研讨会上国内专家学者在这个问题上的主要观点。  相似文献   

王开良 《走向世界》2007,(21):28-29
"穿上双星鞋,潇洒走世界"。昔日的一句广告语印证了双星集团今天的国际化之路。近年来,双星集团不断坚持内、外销两条腿走路的发展策略,在挺进国际市场,实施"走出去"战略中,创新拓展国际市场的方法和策略,通过实施"七攻略",在国际市场激烈  相似文献   

This article studies the effects of the real interest rate on labor market performance. Using a much larger sample of countries and more indicators of labor market performance than have been used in previous articles, it finds that a rise in the real interest rate increases the unemployment rate, raises the share of long‐term unemployed, and reduces the employment rate. The magnitude of these effects is very small in the short run but much more pronounced—though still fairly small—in the long run. Young people are disproportionately affected. The results are robust to variations in specification.  相似文献   

国内采购392亿高速动车组打造时速350公里商业化之最铁道部组织北京铁路局与中国北车股份有限公司于3月16日签署100列新一代高速动车组采购合同,合同总金额达到392亿元。分析人士称,综观全球铁路  相似文献   

We study information flows across four wheat futures markets on four continents: Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE), South African Futures Exchange (SAFEX), Euronext/Liffe and Kansas City Board of Trade (KCBT). Three approaches for studying information flows among non‐synchronous markets are applied: cointegration techniques, vector autoregressive analysis and multiple regression proposed. Although comparable underlying assets are traded in the four markets, our results indicate that no long‐run links exist among them. ZCE is by far the most endogenous market, and Euronext/Liffe is the most exogenous one. Finally, the model points to KCBT as the most influential and sensitive wheat market. Our findings indicate that the relative openness of the SAFEX wheat market supports information flows and linkages from KCBT and Euronext/Liffe. Therefore, our results suggest that more supportive policies to incentivise higher wheat production in South Africa are required to mitigate the impact of price shocks emanating from the global wheat markets.  相似文献   

铁道部组织北京铁路局与中国北车股份有限公司于3月16日签署100列新一代高速动车组采购合同,合同总金额达到392亿元。分析人士称.综观全球铁路业.欧美主要发达国家的铁路发展已趋于饱和.他们想要通过铁路建设来拉动内需的可能性很小:相比之下,中国的铁路市场之大堪称世界之最,政府在铁路方面的大手笔投入很可能使中国铁路成为亚洲乃至全球的最大经济增长点,这一点让世界再次对中国流露出羡慕的目光。  相似文献   

We investigate whether management quality explains firm performance in Russia. We find that it explains relatively little in terms of firm performance, but it does explain some of the differences between firms in Russia’s Far East and the rest of Russia. Firms that have always been in private ownership perform better than state-owned firms. While management practices may not yet affect firm performance in a measurable way, they may do so in the future. This conjecture motivates us to look at the determinants of firms’ adoption of good management practices. We find that market pressure, both in the product and the labour market, has some impact on adoption of management practices, in particular in the Far East. It thus appears that the economy in Russia’s Far East may function according to different rules than in the rest of Russia, as market forces seem to be stronger there, in particular, because the Far East is more exposed to foreign competition than the rest of Russia.  相似文献   

中国与俄罗斯:谁更市场化?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在俄罗斯的经济改革进行了10余年之后和尚未正式加入WTO之前,欧盟就决定承认俄罗斯已进入市场经济体系;与此形成鲜明对比的是,中国已经进行了20多年改革开放,也已经加入了WTO,美国仍将中国视为"非市场经济"国家,而且,这种待遇将延续至中国加入WTO之后15年.这多少有些令人费解,人们不免问一句:这是为什么?  相似文献   

最近召开的全国科技大会上,党中央、国务院发出了“建设创新型国家”的动员。这不仅会促进经济社会的全面发展,也一定会促进中华民族的伟大复兴。  相似文献   

王庭东 《山东经济》2006,22(4):71-74
收入两极分化,经济外部性,公共产品供给短缺,不完全信息市场等是国民经济中市场机制的主要缺陷,这些市场机制的缺陷主要是通过国家政府来弥补的;全球化经济下的世界市场机制同样也存在着类似缺陷,并因缺乏一个世界政府而存在着治理上的重要差异。本文对世界市场机制的主要缺陷及其治理进行了剖析。  相似文献   

在全国政协十届四次会议上,政协委员们围绕构建社会主义和谐社会中大家关注的热点问题提出了许多很有见地的意见和建议,受到中共中央和国务院的高度重视。从本期开始,我们将在“委员建言”这一栏目中陆续刊发委员们在大会发言中与之相关的文章,以供参考。  相似文献   

本文考察了此轮石油等价格上升的特点与成因,主要观点是:1.石油等价格持续大幅上升是对全球经济的冲击;2.其主因是全球经济发展而不是名义货币和金融市场动荡;3.石油价格冲击会引起商品间比价调整,并因资源配置调整的滞后引起供给冲击型价格上升;4.坚定且有信誉的货币政策有助于防止商品与服务价格比价调整,演变为工资上升与通货膨胀加剧的螺旋;5.面对石油冲击,单一的总需求政策是不够的,加快推进更加深入的市场化改革,消除因政府管制、行政垄断和市场竞争不完全引起的价格刚性,保持我国生产率的高增长是应对石油价格冲击的基础。  相似文献   

贸易摩擦、移民限制是当前全球化过程中的显著现象。本文通过比较研究发现,与移民相比,新的贸易模式带来的就业岗位流动对北方国家劳动力市场冲击更大,影响更持久。对南方国家而言,就业岗位的流入使积极融入全球化的南方国家获得了就业创造的机遇,也有利于抑制智力外流。本文最后结合中国的开放形势提出了一定的政策建议。  相似文献   

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