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As health care organizations increasingly adopt health information technology, time-sensitive data that track patients' requirements for nursing care and nurses' responsiveness to these needs might be available to support evidence-based nurse staffing decisions. care information technologies available in hospitals and on nursing units may provide valuable sources of information that can be translated into usable data. In this study, the usefulness of electronic data obtained from a nurse tracking call light system as a source of information for quality measurement was explored. The findings point to what might be under-utilization of existing health information technology to track patients' needs and nurses' responsiveness, patient census, and patient movements. The authors recommend health information technology be used less as support for other organizational systems and more as an administrative resource that can allow nurse executives to be more actively engaged within and across nursing environments.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a series of 20 case studies of office productivity and office technology in major US corporations. The case studies were carried out between the mid-1980s and he early 1990s, and involved over 1700 employees in 95 distinct offices. These studies were shaped by a new conceptual model of the office which focuses on the inteleectual content, rather than the physical attributes, of office work. Our major finding is a significan lack of intellectual specialization among managers and professionals. That is, managers and professionals devote a relatively small fraction of their work time to management and professional level work, and a relatively large fraction of their time to support and non-productive tasks. In addition, we found significant staffing imbalances throughout our cases: in nearly every office, there were more manaers and professionals, and fewer support workers, than were required to perform the work cost-effectively. Out analysis suggests that a typical organization could reduce its annual office payroll costs by 15% by recalibrating its staffing mix and increasing the intellectual specialization of its office workers. Further, we find that the apparent failure of massive corporate investments in office technology to achieve commensurate in white-collar productivity is likely to be due, in large decisions. The paper offers a specific methodology for measuring and tracking office productivity, for developing a coherent office productivity strategy, and for improving office staffing and technology decisions.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a series of 20 case studies of office productivity and office technology in major US corporations. The case studies were carried out between the mid-1980s and he early 1990s, and involved over 1700 employees in 95 distinct offices. These studies were shaped by a new conceptual model of the office which focuses on the inteleectual content, rather than the physical attributes, of office work. Our major finding is a significan lack of intellectual specialization among managers and professionals. That is, managers and professionals devote a relatively small fraction of their work time to management and professional level work, and a relatively large fraction of their time to support and non-productive tasks. In addition, we found significant staffing imbalances throughout our cases: in nearly every office, there were more manaers and professionals, and fewer support workers, than were required to perform the work cost-effectively. Out analysis suggests that a typical organization could reduce its annual office payroll costs by 15% by recalibrating its staffing mix and increasing the intellectual specialization of its office workers. Further, we find that the apparent failure of massive corporate investments in office technology to achieve commensurate in white-collar productivity is likely to be due, in large decisions. The paper offers a specific methodology for measuring and tracking office productivity, for developing a coherent office productivity strategy, and for improving office staffing and technology decisions.  相似文献   

Effective staffing is at the very core of quality patient care. Staffing that achieves a balance between quality, safety, labor costs, and staff satisfaction is incredibly complex. Technology can make the complexity manageable and provide health care leaders with the tools to optimize their most valuable resource--their employees. Through such a partnership, the business intelligence brought forth will not only meet the unique needs and goals of each organization, but will also result in innovations and advancements in best practices around excellence in staffing.  相似文献   

Schmidt LA 《Nursing economic$》2004,22(6):295-306, 291
Noticeably absent in the discussions surrounding nurse staffing and adverse events is the patients' perspective, except for their satisfaction with various aspects of their hospitalization experience. The results of a study undertaken to test a theoretical model of patients' perceptions of nurse staffing, the nursing care they receive, self-reported adverse events, and overall satisfaction with the hospital experience are presented. Perception of nurse staffing only weakly predicted the number of adverse events reported by patients, but was a strong predictor of the perception of nursing care received, and the perception of nursing care received was the only significant predictor of overall satisfaction with the hospital experience.  相似文献   

Staffing in hospitals has a history of being based in opinion and tradition, not evidence. In recent years, for many, staffing practices have spun out of control creating chaos in overtime, the use of incentives, entitlement behaviors, dissatisfaction and frustration among nurses, and has opened doors for such things as staffing ratio legislation. Unprecedented pressures around budgets and financial performance have no doubt compounded this situation. We are in a new day, where technology can help us more than ever in a move towards staffing excellence and staffing practices based on evidence. Highly successful implementations of new technologies are the result of good leadership. The effectiveness of staffing and scheduling has significant business, safety, and quality implications that sit at the heart of the nurse executive's role.  相似文献   

智利政府重视研发与创新,智利的科研主力军是智利公立和私立大学.智利大学、智利天主教大学和康塞普西翁大学等3所大学被誉为智利“科研基地”.智利拥有得天独厚的天文观测条件,国际上最著名的天文观测台纷纷在此建站.智利天文科学研究具有明显优势,近年来,智利加大了技术创新投入.为提高企业创新能力,政府采取有效措施,促进可再生能源的健康发展,并积极开展同发达国家和新兴国家进行科技交流与合作.  相似文献   

投资体制是支撑国有投资效益的基石.投资审计是促进国有投资效益提高的重要手段.深化投资体制改革,同时加强投资审计监督,才能从根本上提升国有投资的效益水平.  相似文献   

This paper studies incentives to develop advanced pollution abatement technology when technology may spillover across agents and pollution abatement is a public good. We are motivated by a variety of pollution control issues where solutions require the development and implementation of new pollution abatement technologies. We show that at the Nash equilibrium of a simultaneous-move game with R&D investment and emission abatement, whether the free rider effect prevails and under-investment and excess emissions occur depends on the degree of technology spillovers and the effect of R&D on the marginal abatement costs. There are cases in which, contrary to conventional wisdom, Nash equilibrium investments in emissions reductions exceed the first-best case.  相似文献   

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