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Contemporary literature on intermediary organisations does not cover the history of these organisations in the early twentieth century or how their roles evolved. To understand the evolution of roles, this paper extends the application of dynamic capabilities theory from firms to intermediary organisations. It does this by studying a Dutch government innovation agency between 1910 and 1940 with dynamic capabilities in mediation and knowledge development. These capabilities are illustrated by nine examples that reveal how the agency's consultants modified and extended their resource base in order to continue supporting small and medium-sized enterprises while coping with considerable challenges and changes. Thereby, this paper shows that the dynamic capabilities theory can explain how intermediary organisations can adapt their roles. 相似文献
Loet Leydesdorff Daniele Rotolo Wouter de Nooy 《Technology Analysis & Strategic Management》2013,25(6):641-653
The process of innovation follows nonlinear patterns across the domains of science, technology, and the economy. Novel bibliometric mapping techniques can be used to investigate and represent distinctive, but complementary perspectives on the innovation process (e.g. ‘demand’ and ‘supply’) as well as the interactions among these perspectives using animations. In a map, the different perspectives can be represented as ‘continents’ of data related to varying extents over time. For example, the different branches of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) in the Medline database provide sources of such perspectives (e.g. ‘Diseases’ vs ‘Drugs and Chemicals’). The multiple-perspective approach enables us to reconstruct facets of the dynamics of innovation, in terms of selection mechanisms shaping localisable trajectories and/or resulting in more globalised regimes. By expanding the data with patents and scholarly publications, we demonstrate the use of this multi-perspective approach in the case of RNA Interference (RNAi). The possibility to develop an ‘Innovation Opportunities Explorer’ is specified. 相似文献
《Structural Change and Economic Dynamics》2001,12(4):425-455
This paper examines the determinants of the substantial decline of West German production-related carbon intensity in the face of falling energy prices. A computable general equilibrium model is used to determine the simulated effects of observed changes of world energy prices and domestic energy policy on the sectoral patterns of carbon emissions, energy consumption, output, value-added and other indicators of structural change. The structural changes not accounted for by energy prices and energy policy are attributed to changing patterns of productivity growth in Germany and the rest of the world (ROW) and changing patterns of ROW demand. Weights on these driving forces are selected by least squares. One key finding is that the contribution of ROW productivity and demand patterns to emission-relevant structural change unaccounted for by energy prices and energy policy is just under 30%. The remainder is split almost equally among patterns of domestic autonomous energy efficiency improvement and domestic labor efficiency patterns. 相似文献
In this paper we analyze the influence of productivity differentials in the dynamics of the real dollar–euro exchange rate. Using nonlinear procedures for the estimation and testing of ESTAR models during the period 1970–2009 we find that the dollar–euro real exchange rate shows nonlinear mean reversion towards the fundamentals represented by the productivity differential. In addition, we provide evidence about the ability of this variable to capture the overvaluation and undervaluation of the dollar against the euro. 相似文献
This paper examines the relation between segregation and the gender wage gap in the public and the private sectors in Denmark from 2002 to 2012. The analysis shows that male–female differences in the share of females in occupations, industries, establishments and job cells (occupations within establishments) constitute 46 % of the raw gender wage gap in the private sector, while segregation in the public sector accounts for as much as 63 %. Segregation thus plays a substantially more important role in accounting for the gender wage gap in the public sector than in the private sector. While the importance of segregation for wage formation decreased substantially in the public sector over time, it only decreased slightly in the private sector. Although the remaining gender wage gap, after controlling for segregation, is close to zero in the public sector, a substantial within-job cell differential remains after controlling for segregation in the private sector. 相似文献
We examine the implications of trade in an economy with two interrelated natural resources, focusing on the case of a simple predator–prey relationship. We derive a three-sector general equilibrium model where production functions are linked via the ecological dynamics of the natural system. Under autarky, this economy exhibits a steady-state equilibrium that overexploits the prey stock, reducing the linked predator population and overall welfare in the absence of harvesting controls. When two economies engage in trade, differences in the dynamics of the two resource systems can become the basis for comparative advantage. In this case, the predator–prey relationship leads to a source of comparative advantage in harvesting prey for a country with a lower autarky steady-state proportion of predators to prey. This feature has not been noticed in the literature and leads to a counterintuitive implication: free trade can help conserve predator and prey stocks in the country with the higher autarkic steady-state proportion of predators to prey. To illustrate the relevance of our analytic findings, we present the stylized empirical example of the effect of Chinook salmon imports on killer whale populations. 相似文献
Adam Szirmai 《Structural Change and Economic Dynamics》2012,23(4):406-420
This paper examines the emergence of manufacturing in developing countries in the period 1950–2005. It presents new data on structural change in a sample of 67 developing countries and 21 advanced economies. The paper examines the theoretical and empirical evidence for the proposition that industrialisation acts as an engine of growth in developing countries and attempts to quantify different aspects of this debate. The statistical evidence is not completely straightforward. Manufacturing has been important for growth in developing countries, but not all expectations of the ‘engine of growth hypothesis’ are borne out by the data. The more general historical evidence provides more support for the industrialisation thesis. 相似文献
Erkin Bairam 《Applied economics》2013,45(8):1277-1280
In this paper Kaldor's enine of growth hypothesis is examined and its validity is tested forr the Turkish economy. The results obtained, regardless of the specification and estimation techniques used, consistently support the hypothesis. 相似文献
《Research in Economics》2017,71(2):356-371
When will a public good or service be provided by the government, when will it be provided by a NGO, and when will we see a private–public partnership? This paper provides a model where a typical public good requires different inputs which raises the possibility of partnerships to exploit comparative advantages of different parties. But hold-up problems due to contractual incompleteness in specifying tasks discourage separation of ownership and management. The fact that public goods have the property of non-rivalry and non-excludability and that NGOs tend to be non-profits drives our key results. We apply the framework to NGOs in developing countries which, in the last few decades, have been increasingly involved in various capacities in the provision of a wide range of public goods and services. 相似文献
Stochastic growth models are often solved numerically, because they are not tractable in general. However, recent several studies find the closed-form solution to the stochastic Uzawa–Lucas model in which technological progress or population dynamics follow a Brownian motion process with one or two parameter restriction(s). However, they assume that the return on the accumulation of human capital is deterministic, which is inconsistent with empirical evidence. Therefore, I develop the Uzawa–Lucas model in which the accumulation of human capital follows a mixture of a Brownian motion process and many Poisson jump processes, and obtain the closed-form solution. Moreover, I use it to examine the nexus between human capital uncertainty, technological progress, expected growth rate of human capital, and welfare. 相似文献
Juan Carlos Cuestas 《International Review of Applied Economics》2012,26(5):565-578
This paper contributes to our understanding of the determinants and dynamics of surplus-value using quarterly UK data, 1955–2010, and the Johansen (1988, 1991) cointegration and vector error correction model (VECM). A model is introduced to define this Marxian concept, before we explain distribution, paying attention to three forces that are traditionally seen as drivers of power in this struggle: (i) working class militancy; (ii) the size of the ‘reserve army’ of the unemployed; and (iii) political party. Our results demonstrate the ongoing relevance of Marxian economics in providing an alternative, robust and significant explanation of distribution in the post-war UK economy. 相似文献
Carles Manera Ferran Navinés Javier Franconetti 《Journal of post Keynesian economics》2019,42(2):255-273
In recent work, the authors have proposed to the United States a model that explains the trend behavior of the rate of profit from share surplus, capital productivity, and the coefficient of financialization. The main results of the explanatory model allow the authors to affirm that with the change of control of Keynesianism to neoliberalism since 1980, there has been a substantial fall in the profit rate to half the values achieved in the years of Keynesian regulation (1945–1973). This significant fall in the level of benefits is due to a substantial fall in capital productivity. The authors are currently working on adapting the explanatory model for the U.S. economy to the main countries of the European Union (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, and Spain). The results show that the pattern of behavior of the variables described in the reference country—the world capitalist economic system, the United States—is repeated more or less precisely in the main countries of the European Union; Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, and Spain. 相似文献
Jeroen Hinloopen 《Economics of Innovation and New Technology》2013,22(4):317-329
We show for a widely-used class of models for strategic R&D that optimally subsidizing cooperative R&D or noncooperative R&D leads to the same level of private R&D investments. We then highlight the limitations of the framework that are responsible for this finding and conclude that policy recommendations based on the type of model used here should be treated as highly tentative. 相似文献
Richard A. Miller 《Journal of post Keynesian economics》2018,41(1):126-138
Hyman Minsky’s primary legacy to Keynesian macroeconomics involves two related features. He emphasized that real (market) analysis and financial (market) analysis should be analyzed together, not separately; and that the macro economy is inherently unstable (his “financial instability hypothesis”). He melded financial analysis and the “real” market economy to interpret cycles in economic activity. An economy in boom (euphoria, animal spirits) eventually runs out of steam, reaches a peak, and descends into recession. The recession after the Minsky-moment peak segues through several financial stages based on the financial conditions of individual firms; he termed these stages as hedge, speculative, and Ponzi finance. The fragility of the economy depends on the relative weights or importance of the economy’s firms in each of the three stages. 相似文献
Stanley D. Brunn 《Geopolitics》2013,18(3):144-149
Spiegel classifies the world's states as high‐tech, nationalistic, or transitional in character, along with some fluidity. His thesis is that ‘traditional geography’ has declined in importance in international politics and has been replaced by information and communications technologies (ICT). He seems unaware of recent developments in political geography, especially to the manner in which geographers consider space, cyberspace and ICT. Territory is one element of political space; others include identities, networks, regionalism, transboundary processes and non‐state actors in regional and global politics. 相似文献
This paper proposes a decision-making process based on trust. Imagining the relationship between patients and physicians, based on the trust that the former put in the latter, which is the effect of experimental activities on the researcher’s (and/or medical center’s) reputation? Is it admissible to suppose a positive correlation between pharmaceutical clinical research and the return in terms of image for the medical care suppliers? This is the research question of this paper. Through empirical analysis, this work supports the proposed decision-making process and tries to answer this open issue. Considering Italy between 2002 and 2006, the analysis concerns the patients’ mobility process among regions and how pharmaceutical research can affect patients’ perception of the quality of medical treatments. Results suggest that mobility is clearly affected by a decision-making process based both on already existing good reputation (i.e., cognitive) and on confirmation of that image (i.e., behavioral). The latter is the phase in which the physician’s effort in the informed consent session of an experimental activity might make the difference in the reputation of the health care suppliers and, therefore, be a key factor in hospitalization choice. 相似文献
Roberto Romani 《European Journal of the History of Economic Thought》2018,25(2):295-326
The article considers Paul Samuelson, Robert Solow, James Tobin, Walter Heller, and Arthur Okun qua political economists. The focus is on their combination of a faith in economic science and a passionate public spirit. The article aims to substantiate two related arguments. The first is that these “new economists” were public intellectuals, regularly addressing public opinion, and engaging with the major economic and social issues of the times; the second is that their value judgements gained the upper hand over scientific discourse when they were confronted with the 1970s inflation. 相似文献
Victoria Golikova Boris Kuznetsov Maxim Korotkov Andrei Govorun 《Post - Communist Economies》2017,29(2):139-157
The aim of this article is to conduct an empirical investigation and reveal which types of modernisation strategies and characteristics of regional institutional environment are likely to be associated with patterns of the performance of Russian manufacturing firms in 2007–2012. In addition to estimating the impact of ex-ante behaviour on the rate of sales growth, we use hierarchical cluster analysis to reveal the typical trajectories of firms’ sales growth. We find that the dynamic of sales for more than 90% of firms can be described by just two types of performance curve: (a) crisis decline with recovery and growth; and (b) crisis decline with weak recovery and stagnation. Firms that invested more prior to the crisis and implemented active restructuring were more likely to have positive post-crisis dynamics of sales. We find evidence that firms in the regions with lower levels of corruption (both administrative and everyday) were more likely to recover successfully after the crisis. 相似文献