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This article provides a contextual framework for the new agenda for development, represented in the economic strategy known as Strategy 2010, and the regional spatial plan known as Shaping Our Future. These are considered in the following two articles. This article begins by setting a perspective on the political economy of Northern Ireland and follows with an outline of the spatial planning process. In conclusion, it raises the key challenges facing attempts to renew the region.  相似文献   

基于管理学视角的旅游规划失灵分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆相林 《特区经济》2007,216(1):182-183
当前,旅游规划“重编制、轻实施”、“有规划、不实施”现象比较严重。文章明确提出并界定了旅游规划失灵的概念,提出了旅游规划失灵研究的演进理念。从管理学的四大职能角度对旅游规划失灵进行分析,提出旅游规划失灵的克服途径包括:吸纳管理学中的计划理论,加强旅游规划伦理建设,加强政府主导力度,明确领导者及其责任,确立旅游规划的法制地位,保证当地社会的广泛参与等。  相似文献   

吴波 《乡镇经济》2011,(5):79-84
完善社会管理,有利于维护社会的公平正义,有利于社会的安定有序,有利于实现社会的利益均衡。依据分配不公的现实,从公平分配的视角,在构建社会主义和谐社会的大背景下,提出建立更新社会管理理念的先导机制;建立健全社会管理利益平衡的主导机制;创新社会管理方法的向导机制。  相似文献   

This study focuses on regional economic development in South Africa, across provincial political jurisdictions. The article argues that remote hinterlands can be more usefully understood as forming an integrated whole, rather than functioning as the poor rural cousins of their provincial metropoles. This article considers three propositions: that key transport projects (such as airports) may unlock regional development; that this may stimulate regional spatial integration; and that this may spur the South African government to address its weak regional planning system. All three propositions are speculative, drawn from the international literature, but they contribute to an argument for greater spatial coherence in South African planning in rural regions. The argument is illustrated with reference to the Karoo region of South Africa, and the potential of a new airport to impact on regional economic dynamics. Furthermore, the article argues that such impacts will require new regional planning systems, which are currently absent from the South African political system.  相似文献   

The reconfiguration of South Africa's internal territorial spaces after 1990 was a logical outcome of the need to undo the effects of decades of territorial dismemberment under apartheid. In spite of the spatial reordering of areas which were controlled and administered by town councils established during apartheid, the Town Council of Groblersdal and its area of jurisdiction have remained unchanged up to the time of writing. This article attempts to explain and analyse the survival of the town council of Groblersdal in the Northern Province. It argues that the town council used the vacuum created by the provincial boundary dispute between Mpumalanga and the Northern Province to maintain the status quo in spite of legal struggles to determine its political future.  相似文献   

何怡沁 《改革与战略》2014,(10):125-128
文章从非受益群体对于经适政策公平性的质疑角度入手,挖掘出导致社会普遍不公平感的更深层次原因,着重体现公民的情感接受,并借助经济学理论,尝试重新定义社会保障公平性原则,以社会保障均等化概念代替社会公平概念来解释经适房政策,从而推进政府角色的进一步转变。  相似文献   

营运资金被认为是企业"流动的血液",维系着企业的生存和发展,营运资金管理的好坏直接关系到企业经营的成败。营运资金管理可分为营运资金政策选择、营运资金管理绩效评价等。本文对营运资金的相关研究进行了梳理和总结,将营运资金管理的研究集中在管理绩效评价上,主要包括:其一,营运资金概念的界定;其二,营运资金管理绩效的评价。在对已有文献总结归纳的基础上,构想未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Development axes are phenomena which occur world‐wide and which are widely used in the physical planning process as a working tool to regulate economic and geographical space. Different interpretations of the phenomenon lead to considerable differences in its application as a planning instrument ‐ also in South Africa. An attempt has been made to analyse different approaches to the concept against the background of its fundamental morphological properties. It is argued that there is still today a need for a development axis policy in the Southern African development area (SADA). Finally an alternative approach is suggested which makes it possible to illuminate some of the most important disadvantages in the current application of the concept in Southern Africa.  相似文献   

薛乾明 《科技和产业》2023,23(19):128-135
随着信息化、大数据以及数字孪生技术的快速发展,建设智慧城市已经成为国家城乡一体化与协同发展的重要课题,传统的城市空间规划方法已经不适应现代高速发展的城市建设,因此城市转型既是必然要求也是时代所需。通过对数字孪生、智慧城市等文献的梳理,认为在大数据的背景下可以为城市规划提供相应的城市空间规划研究方法,应运而生了一种新的数据思维理念和城市规划方法,并从多个角度分析和解决新形势下的城市问题。因此,以智慧城市规划方法研究为主线,从智慧城市空间规划背景概述、智慧城市规划方法与建设重点以及智慧城市未来可持续发展策略3个框架,对传统城市的框架进行丰富和补充,对新型城镇化建设以及数字城市的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

概述了北京市生活垃圾处理发展趋势。介绍了北京市生活垃圾焚烧厂规划、建设情况和运行现状.分析了焚烧厂规划建设与运营过程中应注意的若干问题并提出了解决问题的措施。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between local economic development and a new approach to the problem of crime–i.e., ‘restorative justice.’ The latter concept is introduced and briefly explored, followed by a short review of Richard Florida's recently proposed theory of creative-class economic development. Against the backdrop of these theoretical innovations, an empirical question that arises is whether the specific character of creative-class economic growth enhances the probability that a given city will adopt a restorative justice paradigm in its efforts to reduce crime. Addressing this question using logistic regression analysis, the article provides preliminary evidence that creative-class economic development encourages experimentation with innovative approaches to social problems such as crime. Missouri Western State University—U.S.A. This article is a revised version of a paper presented at the 58th International Atlantic Economic Conference in Chicago, Illinois, October 8, 2004.  相似文献   

作为一种美德,正义是衡量人类行为的标准和最高裁判官。罗尔斯《正义论》发表之后,正义成为了现代政治哲学的核心理念之一。在社会现实中,正义越来越被统治阶级赋予抽象性形式,但是,形式上的普遍性并不代表内容的普适性,相反,它受既定条件的影响。从关系性的角度重新界定正义的观念,为克服资产阶级所宣扬的价值规范之无根性开启了可能的路径。正义的核心主张,正义思想的形成除了与产生其道德原则的社会阶级相关外,还受生产方式的作用,因而这种正义观必与社会历史观相结合,而衡量正义与否的唯一标准就在于历史发展的必然性。  相似文献   

李浩 《改革与战略》2012,28(5):125-127
作为一个空间概念,区域经济发展的影响因素很多,区域文化就是其中的一个重要方面。文章首先阐述了区域文化的形成过程和地域文化、地方文化等相关概念的界定,然后分析了区域文化对区域经济发展意识、发展动力、发展特征的影响,最后,从区域文化的视角,给出了基于区域经济价值观念、区域文化比较优势、区域文化与外来文化融合和特色产业培育的区域经济发展的创新策略。  相似文献   

公平正义是社会主义核心的价值追求,但我们不能仅仅从社会生产关系领域去理解社会主义公平正义问题,而必须结合人类社会发展的普遍规律来进行社会主义公平正义实践。邓小平对生产力观的变革,在实践领域丰富和推进了社会主义实现公平正义的过程。  相似文献   

董培姗 《乡镇经济》2008,24(7):72-75
“城中村”问题是在城市化过程中由于城市范围不断扩大而造成的,因此“城中村”的改造问题也成了城市规划中一项亟待解决的问题。在改造过程中,牵涉到开发商、村民、政府这三个利益主体,这三者在改造过程中策略相互依存,利益相互争夺。文章通过研究这三者彼此之间的博弈,分析三者的行为,并根据博弈的结果给出建议和意见,为其实现自身利益最大化,达到动态均衡寻找途径。  相似文献   

张颖  卓贤 《改革》2021,(1):146-155
我国城镇化动力已出现结构性变化,城乡人口迁移不再是城镇化第一动力。城城之间人口流动规模加大,城市之间日常人口流动的重要性日益凸显,我国已进入以核心大城市边界扩张为主要形态的都市圈化阶段。本文利用百度地图慧眼大数据量化城市网络间的人口往来,识别出20个都市圈,并从四个新视角评估我国城镇化发展的新特征。为有效发挥都市圈化蕴含的结构性增长动力,国土空间规划要充分考虑大数据所反映出的城镇化新特征;在各都市圈内应设立跨行政区域协调委员会,实现公共服务资源均衡化;利用以公共交通为导向的(TOD)模式开发都市圈。  相似文献   

Geographic information system concepts for land management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Geographical Information System (GIS) has recently been developed for the assessment of the agricultural potential of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. The main value of this GIS is the integration of agricultural resource information from the SADC countries in order to support regional planning. The development of GIS technology makes it possible to compile, store, retrieve, analyse and display vast quantities of spatial data on, inter alia, the climate, topography, soils and infrastructure of the region. This article aims to give background information on the nature and general application of a GIS. Attention is given to the capabilities of a GIS, the spatial questions that drive analyses, basic database requirements, analytical and operational functions, as well as the applications of a GIS in land reform. More detail on the spatial agricultural resource data captured and its use by means of the SADC GIS will be described in a later article.  相似文献   

李少平 《特区经济》2009,(1):270-271
要落实科学发展观,必须加强经济伦理学的研究,在实现经济的合理性与伦理的正当性的统一过程中,推进中国特色社会主义事业。经济伦理为贯彻和落实"以人为本"的科学发展观提供了道德基础;经济伦理为全面协调可持续发展提供道德支持;经济伦理推动统筹兼顾,实现社会公平正义。  相似文献   

《World development》2001,29(8):1345-1359
Conservation-with-development (CWD) models currently influential in public policies in Brazil are inappropriate for environmental problems in its agro-pastoral regions. Community mobilization, biodiversity, environmental services, and top-down conservation are severely limited as environmental policy initiatives. Using the case of western São Paulo, I illustrate these limitations and outline a more appropriate definition of environmental problems, use of spatial scale, and forms of resource governance. The case study and critique illustrate the need to define appropriate biophysical and land-use regions for public policies and to support initiatives within drainage-basin planning institutions.  相似文献   

优化城市生活类服务设施的空间布局和配套情况,有利于促进社会公平、提高居民幸福感,同时对城市规划具有重要借鉴作用。基于长沙市生活服务设施兴趣点(POI)数据,利用标准差椭圆、相关性分析、改进的CRITIC方法,探索生活类设施空间配套情况,结果表明:①各类生活服务设施空间分布方向一致,总体呈西北——东南走向;②各类生活类设施在空间上两两相关性存在差异,医疗、教育、购物、餐饮与居民小区相关性较高,生活休闲类设施相关性较低;③高等级生活配套区域呈现单中心布局,次级核心区沿交通干线零星分布的格局。  相似文献   

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