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Although technological complexity seems to be a crucial determinant of economic development, it remains insufficiently explored. Relying on microinformation stored in individual patent applications and by applying the network view of countries linked to the technologies they develop, we create a global technology space and derive complexity measures that position countries in this space. We use then the measures of technological diversification and the ubiquity of technologies present in a country’s technology portfolio as an input to explain the role of technological complexity in countries’ income and economic development. We show that a country’s position in the global technology space affects its level of income and growth. The main channel through which it happens is the exclusiveness and uniqueness of the technological portfolio a country has, as compared to the remaining countries.  相似文献   

对于新兴产业而言,把握产业技术融合现状对于引导产业发展、加强技术创新具有非常重要的意义。人工智能技术与其它技术融合是促进产业创新发展的主要内在动力,因此对技术融合趋势进行分析有利于提前、准确把握该产业技术发展方向。聚焦感知人工智能领域,率先采用专利分析方法对10 685项专利数据进行挖掘,结合ISI技术分类体系,基于技术共现次数及关联度识别感知人工智能融合核心技术,并从核心技术融合的分散度及专利增长量等方面考察感知人工智能技术融合情况。研究发现,目前感知人工智能技术融合正处在成长期向成熟期过渡的阶段,并很快进入技术融合衰退期,建议政府及投资者积极布局现有感知人工智能主导技术,以期在即将到来的技术融合成熟期掌握主动权。同时,应大力推广“感知人工智能+”模式,提升该领域技术融合动力,延缓融合衰退期的到来。  相似文献   

FDI的技术外溢性与我国的可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
可持续发展对科技创新提出了更高的要求,实证分析表明FDI为了保持技术上的垄断地位提高了新技术进入的成本,使我国的技术被锁定在了低水平的陷阱中。从产业分布可以看出,FDI对外输出的是高耗能、高污染的生产能力,阻碍了技术外溢。我国可持续发展所依存的技术条件必须通过自我有意识投资的提高来实现;同时,只有贯彻科学的发展观,提高利用FDI的质量和水平,优化其产业布局,才能最终实现发展的可持续性。  相似文献   

以专利数据分析为基础,首先提取出待创新系统的技术创新要素,形成专利技术创新要素形态矩阵,进而通过局部异常因子分析筛选出某时间段内较为活跃的专利,并以其包含的技术创新要素为基础,构建多维技术创新地图进行技术机会识别.以煤层气开采技术创新机会识别为例,系统阐述了该方法体系的应用过程,并提出了多个煤层气开采技术创新方案.应用结果表明,该方法体系提高了技术机会识别的客观性,从技术创新本质规律层面指导技术创新活动的开展,有助于企业较好地利用当前的技术积累挖掘符合自身发展的技术机会,预判出领域及行业的技术发展趋势.  相似文献   

Resilience is critical to stabilise and reduce shocks and create advantages over competitors in environments with dramatic change and unexpected crises. There is no generally agreed-upon definition of technological resilience, and there is not yet a well-developed theory of technological resilience at the country level. The objective of this paper is to contribute to technological resilience research based on patent indicators by analyzing OECD countries’ technological resilience. This paper provides a framework to analyze the quality of selected patent indicators used for estimating technological crisis. More specifically, four sets of patent indicators, i.e. collaboration, knowledge, diversity, and legal protection, are employed to evaluate technological resilience, which is characterised as crisis probability, intensity, and duration. We found that higher technological coverage leads to higher crisis probability, more original technology leads to higher crisis intensity, and interpersonal collaboration enhances the chance of passing a crisis.  相似文献   

Linking technological innovation with high-quality economic development is a complex process. So far, there has been little academic research on the mechanism and internal law of technological innovation related to high quality economic development. After streamlining the research context of technological innovation in the deductive development of economic growth theory, this paper summarizes and extracts the core connotation of high-quality economic development from the concept of high-quality development and at micro, meso and macro dimensions. The internal law of technological innovation promoting high-quality economic development is revealed from six aspects, including total factor productivity, supply of high-quality products and services, industrial structure upgrading, consumption structure upgrading, resources and environment, and promoting social equity. This paper then puts forward policy recommendations for technological innovation promoting high-quality economic development at micro, meso and macro dimensions. Microscopically, organizations including R&D enterprises, universities and research institutes should have their creativity enhanced; mesoscopically, the levels of industrial chain, value chain and regional technological innovation growth pole should be improved; and macroscopically, China should raise its overall technology competitiveness in the world for high-quality economic development driven by technological innovation. This paper proposes six issues on technological innovation related to high-quality development that deserve in-depth discussion, including identifying the standards and boundaries of innovation, capturing the orientation of technological innovation, and raising the rate of transforming technological innovation achievements, etc.  相似文献   

利用2000—2010年我国29个省级行政区大中型工业企业技术创新投入和产出的相关数据,运用面板数据聚类分析法,根据各省级行政区的技术创新综合实力,将29个省级行政区分为7类。运用偏最小二乘法测度了7类区域的技术创新产出弹性,并分析了回归模型的精度。得出如下结论:在分析期内,关键的技术创新产出及其重要影响因素存在较明显的地区差异;多数地区大中型工业企业的研发能力和科技成果转化能力普遍较强,但国际竞争力仍偏低;专利产出和发明专利产出具有几乎相同的弹性结构;除了私营企业集中的地区以外,专利主要体现为发明专利;经费投入是影响技术创新产出的最重要因素,而人员投入的影响相对较弱。最后,根据所有地区的共性和个性表现,就提高企业技术创新绩效提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文建立结构分解分析(SDA)模型,以大连经济技术开发区生态工业园区为例,定量分析了2001-2010年资源与环境压力的驱动因子和效应。结果表明,土地因子对生态工业园区资源环境压力的效应为正,相对较小且稳定,而效应随园区经济发展逐渐减弱则说明土地开发不再是造成资源环境压力的主要因素;经济因子的效应为正且逐年增大,是园区资源环境压力的主要动因,表明典型园区在经济高速增长阶段对资源和环境造成了破坏;技术因子的效应为负,相对较大且稳定,但随着园区经济因子正效应的逐渐增大,技术因子负效应开始抵消不了经济因子的正效应,表明园区在后期的发展会遇到节能减排技术创新的瓶颈,技术因子减小园区的资源环境压力的效应呈边际递减。  相似文献   

The anticipation and forecast of technological changes are of vital importance, as technological advances become increasingly fast and complex. What is at the core is identification of the current technologies that will drive technological changes over the coming few years. In this respect, numerous approaches have been devised to assess future technological impacts based on patent citation information, but do not provide a fair reflection of dynamic and idiosyncratic aspects of technological impacts as they are deterministic methods based on simple citation counts. We propose a stochastic patent citation analysis that can assess future technological impacts in a time period of interest by employing the future citation count as a proxy. At the heart of the proposed approach is a Pareto/NBD (Negative Binomial Distribution) model for taking into account the dynamic and idiosyncratic aspects of technological impacts. A patent citation matrix is first constructed for each time unit with citation patterns of the past. The future technological impacts are then derived by Pareto/NBD sub-model and gamma–gamma sub-model. A case study of the display technology patents is presented to illustrate the proposed approach. We believe our method can be employed in various research fields, from narrow patent valuation, to broad technological analysis and planning.  相似文献   

中国农业发展方式的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用非参数的莫氏(Malmquist)指数法,研究了1978-2009年期间中国农业全要素生产率增长、构成的时序特征及其农业增长方式转变的绩效。结果表明,中国农业全要素生产率在1978-2009年的31年间,年均增长率为26%,农业全要素生产率的增长主要来自技术进步,中国农业仍然保持粗放型发展方式,目前主要处于低度粗放型阶段。在未来农业生产方式转变中,通过技术进步、劳动者素质和生态环境保护来提高生产要素的使用效率,实现农业发展方式的转变。  相似文献   

As a needed methodological complement to the existing large-scale complex policy modelling for energy technology diffusion, this paper contributes to an analytical exposition of the fundamental mechanism of international technology diffusion (ITD) for energy technological progress. We offer two different and complementary perspectives to explore the dynamics of energy technology diffusion and progress. We first develop a Solow-type efficiency-improving model of energy technological progress which is described by improvements in primary energy-augmenting efficiency. We further provide a Romer-type variety-expanding model of energy technological progress which is represented by the expansion of differentiated varieties of primary energy technology blueprints. Analysis based on two different models reaches consistent results: there are potential forces in the world economy – working through ITD – that pull individual countries to advance energy technology, ensuring a cross-country convergence in the growth rates of energy technology in the balanced growth path. While ITD plays a role in a cross-country convergence in technological growth rates, cross-country differences in the efficiency of undertaking indigenous research and the capacity of absorbing foreign technology spillovers would lead to a cross-country divergence in the absolute levels of energy technology.  相似文献   

3D打印在中国面临大规模产业化的起点,作为一项新兴的融合型技术,其产业化路径具有区别于传统技术的特异性。从专利情报和技术融合视角探究其产业化模式和路径选择,提炼技术融合对技术产业化的影响机理,依托迈克尔波特对零散型产业的界定,提出“3D打印+”产业化模式选择,探究其与制造业、互联网融合趋势及前景。应用产业技术融合测量方法,实证揭示中国3D打印专利在技术结构上的不均衡性和技术融合上的多样性,为中国3D打印技术及其产业化发展提出相关对策与建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, we distinguish between factor/output substitution and shifts in the production technology frontier. Our model includes the by-products of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions where the function requires the simultaneous expansion of good outputs and reductions in emissions. We estimate a directional output distance function for 80 countries over the period 1971–2000 to measure the exogenous and oil price-induced technological change. On average, we find substantial oil price-induced technological progress at the world level when long-term oil prices are rising, although the growth rate is more volatile in developed countries than in developing countries. The results also show that developed countries experience higher exogenous technological progress in comparison with developing countries, and the gap between the two has increased during the period of our study.  相似文献   

企业技术创新能够为企业发展提供源源不断的动力,专利是技术创新的集中表现。从专利视角出发,利用专利信息分析工具,对生物质发电技术进行深入的技术挖掘。并针对生物质发电技术中的除渣技术难点,通过检索和分析其相关专利文献,从而预测其技术发展,为生物质企业进行技术创新提供指导。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of rapid technological change in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector on economic growth in the United Kingdom. We find that technological progress specific to the ICT sector accounts for around 20–30% of long-run labor productivity growth. We demonstrate that a permanent increase in the growth rate of ICT-specific technological progress will increase the investment expenditure share of GDP but lower the aggregate depreciation rate, while an increase in the return to investment in ICT will increase both the expenditure share and the depreciation rate.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the correlation between the technological proximity measures in three areas: USA, Japan and the Europe. In each economic area, we use information from two international patent systems to construct the technological proximity for 240 large international firms. In particular, we select firms’ patents from United States Patent and Trademarks Office data and European Patent Office data. In order to compute the technological proximity, we follow the methodology developed by Jaffe [1986. “Technological Opportunity and Spillovers of R&D: Evidence from Firms’ Patents, Profits and Market Value.” American Economic Review 76 (5): 984–1001], where a technological vector is based on the distribution of patents of each firm across technology classes. Since the Jaffe distance assumes that spillovers only occur within the same technology class, but rules out spillovers between different classes, we develop also a distance measure which exploits the Mahalanobis norm to identify the distance between different technology classes based on the frequency that patents are taken out in different classes by the same firm. The contribution to the existing literature is to investigate the robustness of the technological proximity measure and the extent to which it may be affected by patent system features.  相似文献   

This research aims to analyze how a firm's technological diversification strategies influence its financial performances, in terms of ‘technological diversification’ in broad technology sectors and ‘technological concentration’ on its own core technology, especially in the case of Korean large firms. The data used in the analysis were panel data encompassing the years between 1990 and 2006, which linked Korean firms’ patent information registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office to the financial data of those firms collected from Korea Investors Service, Inc. (Kis-Value). For the estimation of the panel data, a fixed effect model, which considers the individual firms’ own effect on the financial performance, was used. Tobin's q was used as a dependent variable representing firm performance, while ‘broad technology diversity’ and ‘core technology diversity’ were used as the focal explanatory variables. The results show that a firm seeking to have more technological assets should invest in a broad technological diversification strategy in its search for new business opportunities; it should likewise concentrate on the core technology in order to maintain its financial performance.  相似文献   

Since the implementation of the reform and opening up policy, rapid growth has been witnessed in the Chinese economy, thanks to the introduced technological progress as well as the institutional advantages of the country. However, while this exogenous technological progress promotes economic growth quantitatively, it is, unfortunately, not conducive to the improvement of the quality of the economy. Structural imbalances have thus been produced, which hinder the high-quality development of the economy of the country. Besides, by way of the “supply and demand rebalance mechanism,” “resource optimized allocation mechanism,” and “new and old kinetic energy conversion mechanism,” original technological progress can effectively push forward the quality change, efficiency change and dynamic change in the economy, thereby promoting the innovation, coordination, greenness and openness as well as the shared development of the economy. Therefore, the current technological transformation in China needs to change from the second stage—the stage of transition from the introduced technological progress mode to the original technological progress mode then to the third stage—the stage mainly based on the original technological progress, which is the key to the successful transformation of the Chinese economy from the high-speed growth phase to the high-quality development phase.  相似文献   

专利作为技术和知识的重要载体,是研究技术演进和产业发展的重要信息源。目前缺乏针对专利集群网络中关键节点与关键路径中节点的比较分析和技术知识挖掘。构建基于关键节点和关键路径的专利集群网络演进模型,从两个层面综合分析技术演进特征。检索德温特数据库(Derwent Innovation Index)得到碳化硅肖特基势垒二极管(SiC-SBD)相关专利作为实证数据,时间跨度为1986-2017年。结果表明,SiC-SBD专利集群网络经历了萌芽期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期,其中,萌芽期专利主要涉及基础技术,成长期为器件结构,以完善器件结构、改进二极管性能为主要研究方向。近年来SiC-SBD专利年增长率下降,技术发展速度放缓,专利价值更多体现在其商业价值上。SiC-SBD专利集群网络关键节点与关键路径中节点重合度较高,核心专利识别可通过多视角分析得到。通过关键节点与关键路径分析专利集群网络演进过程,有助于更全面呈现技术演进过程,为决策者识别核心专利、预测技术发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Research and development (R&D) investment affects the growth of firms in the same industry differently according to their technological positions. This study empirically investigates differences in how R&D investment influences firm growth between technological leaders and followers. Additionally, this study investigates the moderating effects of complementary assets and market competition on the relationship between R&D investment and firm growth. Using a sample of 2322 observations from 492 firms in the U.S. chemical and allied products industry for the period 2000–2009, we show that an increase in R&D investment leads to greater firm growth for technological followers than for technological leaders. We also find that the moderating effects of complementary assets and market competition vary depending on whether a firm is a technological leader or follower.  相似文献   

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