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What behaviours do public servants regard as representing publicness? Do those same behaviours allow us to meet the challenges of an increasingly diverse and testing civicness? The authors think not. They argue that the existing psychological contract needs to be examined and collectively redefined, initiating a reinvention in how we behave when we do public service.  相似文献   

Though often accused of seeking to extend its control over local authorities, this Government has in fact put forward a series of measures designed to restore control of council spending to the local electorate. These include the recent reform of rate support grant, the ill‐fated proposal that authorities should seek approval, via a referendum, for additional revenue‐raising, and the creation of a new Audit Commission. But such measures do not in fact tackle the major obstacles to the control of expenditure through an effective system of local accountability.  相似文献   

This paper examines what local government leaders might do to achieve more major cost-saving innovations. It brings together the findings from four UK studies on what encourages innovation in councils, covering the perspectives of council chief executives, frontline employees, political leaders and middle managers. It discusses the similarities and the differences between different groups’ views. It suggests the most important actions local government leaders might take to successfully implement more significant innovations more quickly.  相似文献   

Managing sickness absence effectively can produce significant cost savings as well as other, less tangible, benefits. This article shows why it is vital that local authorities provide tailor-made training on absence management for first line managers (FLMs) to develop ‘soft skills’, as well as acknowledging their specific organizational context. Development in this area should be an ongoing process which is reinforced with appropriate support from human resources (HR) professionals, and should be monitored as part of an overall absence management strategy.  相似文献   

The challenge of using environmental management accounting (EMA) tools such as full‐cost accounting to improve waste and recycling management has been acknowledged for over a decade. However, research on assessing and understanding local government use of EMA, especially broader levels of EMA, is lacking. This study investigates the link between the nature and drivers of EMA practice for waste and recycling services based on a survey conducted with local governments in New South Wales, Australia. The study finds that although social and organisational factors are related to the uptake of EMA, local governments are subject to stronger functional demands than institutional pressures in their use of more expansive EMA such as indirect and external costs and impacts. This implies that the use of EMA in local government is viewed more as an adaptive activity to cope with functional challenges and achieve efficiency, than as an institutional imperative to achieve social acceptance.  相似文献   


This paper shows how ongoing accounting reforms in Brazilian local governments were affected by a shift from a universal to a gradual implementation approach. Deadlines being postponed led to a decrease in local governments’ willingness to reform. This effect varied according whether the accountants involved depended on commercial software to operate a particular accounting policy. An important finding from this research was that software providers are to some extent setting the IPSAS implementation agenda in Brazil.  相似文献   


Strategic positioning and structural alignment in the public sector is a neglected area of research. This paper analyses the strategic positions of prospectors, defenders and reactors and structural alignment in Norwegian municipalities. Top managers responding to a survey perceived that the municipalities did align their organizational structures to the strategic positions for prospectors and defenders, but not for reactors, as hypothesized, but these relationships were modest. The top managers often found it difficult to provide consistent responses on their organizations’ choices of strategic positions.  相似文献   

This article highlights the main reform trajectories put in place in French, Italian, German and Portuguese local governments during the recent crisis and identifies a number of important trends: for example increasing centralization of decision-making powers away from local governments. The authors explain why local governments have an opportunity to use reforms during the crisis to strategically reposition their value proposition.  相似文献   

Local authority HR departments have come under increasing government pressure to strengthen and professionalize their role. This article explores the perspectives of line and HR managers in two local authorities on how the HR function can best be organized to contribute to the development of their organizations. A new model of effective HR processes in local government is proposed.  相似文献   

Sustainability reporting research has historically focused on the corporate sector, with public sector research still very much in its infancy. This exploratory study extends such research in considering the current and future state of local government sustainability reporting in Australia. We utilized a mail survey instrument to collect data. We found that local government in Australia reports on aspects of sustainability, with 50% of respondents indicating that they report on at least one area of sustainability with social reporting being most prevalent. Reporting existed across an array of reports, with no standout reporting focus found. The future of sustainability reporting in local government looks promising, with almost 40% of current non-reporters indicating that they are likely to report in the future.  相似文献   

地方政府行为模式及其对地区金融生态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方政府可以通过各种方法控制劳动力、土地等要素的价格,事实上也就掌握了对地区金融资源的配置权.所以,银行微观治理层面的改善不能保证达成资源优化配置的宏观要求.要想进一步巩固和深化金融改革的成果,最终还须转换政府职能、强化全社会信用体系建设等.  相似文献   

Structural reorganization of local government is an addictive habit to which British government ministers and civil servants are peculiarly prone. In the latest instance, several unitary authorities were created where two-tier systems existed previously. Interviews and documentary research carried out before and after the reorganization demonstrate that many of the supposed benefits of structural change have not materialized, and some local authorities are still recovering from the resulting disruption.  相似文献   

Little is known about what distinguishes managerial thought and practice in successful councils, as opposed to poorly-performing or failing organizations. Managers in high-performing councils in England were interviewed about their improvement practices. Their responses highlighted the importance of an in-depth understanding of customers, staff and the organizational environment; coupled with an inspiring vision of a better future. A commitment to learning was fundamental, forming the basis for an ‘intelligent application’ model of the improvement process.  相似文献   

This article presents a comparative analysis of the perceived usefulness of performance information by managers in local authorities in Italy and Spain. Italy and Spain have similar cultural and administrative characteristics and in both countries there are external requirements (from central government) to adopt performance indicators. The adoption of performance indicators was found to be almost symbolic in both states.  相似文献   

This paper explores fiscal interactions in a developing country. We analyze whether public expenditures in neighboring municipalities influence local spending decisions within a comprehensive set of expenditure categories. Our analysis is based on panel data covering the universe of Colombian municipalities from 2000 to 2010. We offer a quasi-experimental identification strategy exploiting exogenous variation in municipalities’ exposure to changes in the world market price of oil, depending on the municipalities’ endowment with oil resources and controlling for municipality fixed effects. While we find evidence of strong spatial autocorrelation of total local public spending as well as in almost all expenditure categories, the quasi-experimental approach reveals that there are no significant causal fiscal interaction effects between municipalities. This highlights the importance of using additional sources of exogenous variation for the identification of fiscal interactions. In the developing country context, our findings suggest that fiscal decentralization policies do not lead to a race to the bottom in local public expenditures.  相似文献   

This article investigates third sector commissioning policy commitments and their relevance to English local government procurement. The conclusion is that there is confusion regarding the differences between commissioning and procurement. Policy commitments are not properly embedded in procurement policy, strategy, procedures and performance management. Other countries with an interest in these policy developments should take note of the issues regarding embedding in order to improve service delivery and commissioning decisions.  相似文献   

The relationship between credit risk and the pricing of local government bonds in China is explored in this paper. The pricing of local government bonds was found to reflect credit risk, but the risk premium was small. The type of bond (‘directional’ or ‘non-directional’) significantly affected pricing. Repayment source had no effect. The authors make recommendations for the central government, local governments and investors.  相似文献   

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