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A survey of MBA study programs in the Czech Republic is presented in this study. The authors share some of their first-hand experience gained during their own teaching in one of the MBA programs. The conclusion presented at the end of the study summarizes their views of developing trends in MBA programs in the Czech Republic. At present, MBA programs are offered by seven teaching institutions in the Czech Republic, three of which provide MBA studies of the American type, four of the European (British) type, and one of the distance-learning type.  相似文献   

World-wide, the MBA has become one of the most popular academic qualifications. In recent years, doubts have been raised regarding worth of the MBA degree, at least in its present form. This article examines the broad trends shaping business education and recommends how MBA curricula might be redesigned to make students globally aware, and be effective in the midst of global competition. Our focus here is on meeting future essential business needs that today's schools fail to sufficiently address. Although MBA education is at a crossroads, change will not be easy, as MBA education represents a sizeable global ‘industry.’ We conclude by listing issues which may be examined to make the change feasible.  相似文献   

The ethical tendencies of graduate business students from the United States were examined by analyzing their reactions to ethical dilemmas in a replicated study, which presented a set of ethical problem situations. These dilemmas dealt with coercion and control, conflict of interest, physical environment, paternalism and personal integrity. A comparison of these findings with the previous study of marketing managers indicates that the MBA students exhibited a greater degree of sensitivity to the ethical dimensions of business decision-making. Implications are drawn for business education and further research.  相似文献   

Master of Business Administration (MBA) education was introduced to Poland in the early 1990s with the purpose of preparing business practitioners for effective management and leadership in a market economy and increasingly globalizing marketplace. Due to individual, institutional, and national factors; adjusting teaching to address the complex needs of business professionals has proved to be challenging and often problematic for Polish faculty. The purpose of this paper is to examine these challenges in the context of Poland's nondegree MBA programs and to explore potential solutions. The main conclusion of this paper is that adjusting teaching is a slow and complex process that cannot occur without substantial changes in values as well as proactive leadership and collaboration at the individual, institutional, and national levels.  相似文献   

MBA教育在中国的发展现状及对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钱焱 《北方经贸》2003,(3):115-117
MBA专业硕士学位在中国才刚刚起步 ,由于各种原因使MBA的培养体制仍存在一些问题 ,严重阻碍了MBA教育在中国的发展。为使MBA教育走上正轨 ,培养更多的合格的管理人才 ,MBA教育必须进行改革。  相似文献   

Impact of MBA Education on Students’ Values: Two Longitudinal Studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of 2-year residential fulltime MBA program on students’ values was studied using a longitudinal design and data collected over 7 years from a business school in India. Values were measured when students entered the program, and again when they graduated. Sample in Study 1 consisted of 229 students from three consecutive graduating classes. Rank-order or ipsative measure of values was used. Results of matched sample t-tests show that self-oriented values like a comfortable life and pleasure become more important and others-oriented values like being helpful and polite become less important over 2 years. The moderating role of sex and functional specialization are also analyzed. Study 2 used a non-ipsative measure of values and a sample of 138 students from two consecutive graduating classes. Results show that management education enhances self-monitoring and importance of self-oriented values and reduces the importance of others-oriented values. The effect on both sets of values remains significant even after controlling for self-monitoring.  相似文献   

The majority of master of business administration (MBA) students are presently enrolled in part-time programs, yet little is known about their preferences, perspectives, and program selection processes. To fill this gap, the authors address three issues related to part-time MBA programs. First, they review important MBA program choice factors in the literature. Second, based on results of a survey with current MBA students, they identify the following as choice factors for part-time MBA programs: overall value/cost, location convenience, flexibility, and program quality. Third, the authors offer implications for part-time MBA programs that are related to employer reimbursement programs and program flexibility.  相似文献   

杨红娟  杨栩 《江苏商论》2013,(10):84-88
《管理学》作为MBA专业硕士研究生开设的核心课程之一,在MBA的培养体系中具有重要作用。论文针对MBA的培养目标、培养方式、学生特点,运用群体动力学、协作学习和协作知识建构理论,构建MBA《管理学》教学模式,提出基于协作知识建构的《管理学》教学六步骤,旨在提高MBA教学质量和水平。  相似文献   


Traditional IB programs have received mixed reviews from the corporate world. With this in mind, the Suffolk GMBA was benchmarked against the leading international business programs. The Suffolk GMBA was designed to be different and to ascertain the global environment in which business operates. A unique feature of the GMBA curriculum detailed in this article is the combination of Boston's international business locational advantage with functional integration of the many disciplines that make international business unique. Borrowing components from the fields of economics, government and politics, finance, marketing, ethics, and law, a curriculum matrix was developed identifying and sequencing the key topics to be taught. The authors also explain potential pitfalls and outline a model which can be successfully implemented in other graduate international business programs. This program is shaping the thoughts and actions of tomorrow's global business leaders through its integrative decision-making framework of global perspectives and competencies.  相似文献   

A methodology for assessing ethics educationneeds in a Masters of Business Administration(MBA) program is proposed and applied at oneinstitution by comparing the ethical judgmentof MBA and MPA (Masters of PublicAdministration) students over a variety ofbusiness scenarios. Implications are discussedfor ethics education and its assessment in thisand other MBA programs. MPAs were chosen asthe comparison group because their education,organizational knowledge, and work experienceare expected to promote reasonable judgments. They were also selected because future negativeconsequences are likely from an ethics gapbetween MBA and MPA graduates. MBAs were lesscritical in the current study, and were alsomore likely to report reliance on egoism, aprinciple strongly associated with greatertolerance of the practices described. Anadditional factor, however, appeared tocontribute to the MBAs' less critical judgment. Ethical decision-making models suggest thisfactor was ethical perception. Suggestions aremade for modifying ethical principles andperceptions where indicated. Decision makersare urged to assess ethics education needs intheir own MBA programs, particularly if theyhave not added significant ethical content totheir curricula.  相似文献   

高质量的会计学课程教学,对提升MBA教育的内在质量、提高MBA教育的社会声誉至关重要。本文对MBA会计学的课程设置、教学内容、教学方法以及教材与案例的选择等相关问题进行了研究,强调教师对MBA差异化教育规律、教学内容以及教学方法的不断探索与恰当运用是提升教学质量的关键所在。  相似文献   


This paper provides Latin American Executive MBA students' approaches to studying, achieving profile, preferences and perceptions of instructional methods used in teaching marketing courses and educational marketing segments based on their preference ranking of instructional methods and approaches to studying. Results indicate that, in general, these students have a strong need for excellence, and for gaining status with experts. Their approach to studying is directed first at understanding what they learn, and then at doing well in their courses. Results also indicate that such students strongly prefer courses using participative instructional methods, such as case studies, to the instructor-dominated lecture method. Thus, there appears to be a gap between the types of instructional methods now being emphasized in MBA classrooms and the methods preferred by the students. These students can be placed into four distinct segments, namely Technology Sophisticated Learners, Academic Success Seekers, Degree Seekers and Instructor-Oriented Learners. Managerial implications from the results are drawn both for the administrators and for the faculty members teaching in an EMBA program.

RESUMEN. Este estudio ilustra el enfoque do los estudiantes latinoamericanos de MBA Ejecutivo sobre las materias de estudio, trazado de un perfil, preferencias y percepción de los métodos de enseñanza utilizados en los cursos de mercadeo y mereadeo educacional en base a sus preferencias, que se utilizaron para desarrollar un sistema de clasificación de los métodos y enfoques de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. De acuerdo a los resultados, los estudiantes sienten una gran necesidad de alcanzar la exceleneia, y de adquirir renombre junto a los expertos. Ellos encaran sus estudios eonsiderando prioritaria la función de comprender lo que aprenden, y tienen como meta secundaria el obtener buenos resultados en sus cursos. Además, los resultados también indican que estos esludiantes prefieren claramente usar métodos de enseñanza participativos–tales como los estudios de caso–al método disertivo dominado por el profesor. Consecuentemente, nos parece que existe una brecha entre los métodos de enseñanza que se están implementando en las salas de aulas de los cursos de los MBA, y los métodos preferidos por los alumnos. Estos estudiantes pueden dividirse perfectamente en cuatro segmentos, o sea, Estudiantes de Tecnologías Sofisticadas, Buscadores de éxito Académico, Buscadores de Diplomas y Estudiantes Orientados por el Instructor. En el estudio trazamos las implicancias administrativas inherentes a estos resultados, así como para los docentes que están enseñando el programa EMBA.

RESUMO. Este trabalho apresenta a visão de estudantes do MBA Executivo da América Latina, em relação ao estudo, à formação do seu perfil, às preferências e às percepções dos métodos didáticos utilizados nos cursos de marketing e nos segmentos educacionais dc marketing, baseados no ranking de suas preferências pelos métodos didáticos e pelas abordagens do estudo. Os resultados indicam que, em geral, estes estudantes buscam rigorosamente a excelência e a conquista de status através de especialistas. A sua abordagem do estudo está direcionada. primeiramente, ao conhecimento e, em segundo lugar, ao sucesso do seu desempenho. Os resultados também indicam que tais estudantcs preferem nitidamente os cursos que utilizam o método didático participativo, como o estudo de casos, ao método de ensino tradicional expositive Assim. parece haver uma lacuna entre os tipos de métodos didáticos atualmente sendo enfatizados nas aulas de MBA e entre os métodos preferidos pelos estudantes. Estes alunos podem ser classificados em quatro segmentos distintos: Aprendizes da Alta Tecnologia, Perseguidores do Sucesso Acadêmico, Perseguidores de Títulos e Aprendizes Orientados por Instrutor. As implicações gerenciais, a partir dos resultados, são delineadas tanto para os administradores quanto para os membros do corpo docente que ensinam no programa de MBA Executivo.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the MBA, probably the most successful academic program of the last 50 years, negatively affects the theory and practice of management with regard to ethics through its pedagogy, structure, and its underlying epistemic assumptions. In particular I seek to demonstrate how the syllabus, the pedagogy and the epistemological assumptions of MBA programs together make managers/leaders unable and unwilling to deal with ethics. I also argue that while the what (content) and the how (pedagogy) play a very important role, it was only the emergence of a radical philosophical underpinning (the why) that has put management education on a negative trajectory. The paper thus examines MBA education from a meta-level perspective, connecting the pedagogical model with epistemological beliefs.  相似文献   

Although the primary purpose of hedging is to reduce earnings volatility, corporate hedging may also increase firm value. Using publicly-available data, we found that hedging reduces the probability of financial distress, reduces the agency costs of debt, and reduces some agency costs of equity. However, we found no support for the hypothesis that hedging increases firm value by reducing expected tax liability. In addition, we suggest that corporate ownership structure may affect the desirability of hedging. We also found that large firms have a stronger tendency to hedge, firms with a larger percentage of value derived from growth opportunities are more likely to hedge, and convertible debt serves as a substitute for corporate hedging. With a dummy variable for multinational corporations as a proxy for operational hedging, we found that operational hedging and derivative hedging are complements rather than substitutes.  相似文献   

The digital age has posed challenges to the convenience store (c-store) industry regarding the types of technology investment required to compete in the digital world, and the c-store industry has experienced years of customer count declines. This research empirically examines what store stimuli are important to c-store consumers and how these factors affect the customer experience, satisfaction, and revisit intentions. The data were collected from 502 c-store consumers, and the covariance-based structural equation modeling technique was used to test the hypothesized associations. We found that hedonic customer experience mediates the association between store image, price, service quality, omnichannel, and customer satisfaction. Utilitarian customer experience mediates the association between store image, product assortment, price, and customer satisfaction. In addition, customer satisfaction has a positive effect on the revisit intentions. The findings of the research contribute to the theory building of customer experience of convenience stores. This research reveals that emphasizing hedonic experiences could be the answer to reversing the declining consumer trips in the convenience store industry. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

热闹的长安大街上此时只能看到稀稀落落跑过的车,只有沿路亮起的路灯静默的高耸陪伴着寂寞的马路,此时仁和集团会议室中的灯依旧通亮,大家都在安静的等待着,终于一个浑厚稳重的声音打破沉寂,说:“就用周杰伦!”,仁和集团杨文龙董事长一锤定音,周杰伦出任闪亮代言人![第一段]  相似文献   

We examine the role of gold as a hedge and safe haven from the perspective of Chinese investors. Using the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE)-Gold futures prices and the CSI 300 index from 2008 to 2017, we find that gold is not a hedge against the Chinese stock market on average. However, gold acts as a safe haven when market returns are below their 1%, 5%, and 10% quantiles and during the two crash periods. Our findings apply to most of the industry sectors as well. We also show that the role of gold can change drastically due to some market policy reforms.  相似文献   

This article describes the design and implementation of a unique course developed to deeply engage MBA students in the complexities of the field of international management. This experiential course was designed around an integrative project based on the cruise industry. The professor worked with the leadership team of a major cruise line to develop an in‐depth case study around which the course was built. Students consulted to the executives of the cruise line, conducted a comprehensive study and analysis of the strategy and human resource challenges of the organization, and prepared presentations of their evaluations and recommendations for the executive team.  相似文献   

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