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经济全球化对世界经济的影响是多方面的,其中一个重要的影响是它带来了全球性的公司治理问题,包括两层含义:一是参与全球化的各个国家的公司治理结构的构建或是进一步完善的问题,二是跨国公司的治理问题.由于跨国公司在全球化中的作用越来越显著,使得它的治理问题也越来越突出.近年来出现的一些案例说明跨国公司治理已经面临着几个方面的挑战,即外部制度环境的变化、跨国并购、母公司本身的治理结构、母公司对国外子公司的控制等.解决这些问题已成为跨国公司进行跨国投资经营、实现全球化战略的重要前提条件. 相似文献
企业治理文化是企业文化的有机组成部分,不同的治理文化会对企业治理结构产生不同的影响。本文在分析企业治理文化及其影响因素的基础上,着重探讨了国有企业治理文化及其治理结构效应,说明了加强国有企业治理结构建设,必须高度重视国有企业治理文化建设。 相似文献
Hyun Jin Lee 《Global Economic Review》2016,45(2):189-205
Using a unique dataset of corporate bond trading information and corporate governance evaluation scores, this study examines the determinants of corporate bond market liquidity in Korea. In particular, this study explores whether corporate governance performance of a company influences liquidity of bonds issued by the company. The paper reports three important findings. First, the issue size and age of bond are important determinants of bond liquidity. Second, liquidity of corporate bonds is influenced by changes in macroeconomic conditions. Third, and most importantly, better corporate governance increases liquidity of corporate bonds. This result suggests that corporate governance is an important determinant of bond liquidity, as it lowers transaction costs by improving transparency and reducing asymmetry of information. This paper contributes to the literature by providing new evidence that corporate governance performance is an important determinant of liquidity in corporate bond markets. 相似文献
This article focuses on the World Trade Organization (WTO) andthe International Monetary Fund (IMF). It starts by noting thatthe case for creating such institutions is not self-evident,since the liberal order of the nineteenth century lacked comparableones. Nevertheless, these institutions perform valuable functions.The article then considers the criticisms of the WTO and theIMF. It finds most, thought not all, unjustified. It concludesthat the WTO could be improved. But, without it, the big powerswould do what they want to an even greater extent than theyalready do. Similarly, while the IMF has made significant mistakes,notably in its promotions of capital-market liberalization,prior to the Asian financial crisis, the charges against itare exaggerated. Finally, the article considers the possibilityof creating new institutions to cover investment, migration,taxation, and the environment. 相似文献
流行的公司治理理论以公司组织结构以及与其相对应的结构性制度的建设为核心,凸显组织制度约束在公司治理中的机制作用。这种理论传统导致在公司治理研究中对公司伦理机制的忽视。公司伦理作为公司基本的价值判断和价值准则,对公司所面临的社会问题、内部问题以及不完全缔约困境等具有特殊的治理效应,是公司治理结构的重要组成部分。将公司伦理嵌入公司治理不仅是公司治理机制的进一步完善,而且,也为重新解构公司治理结构提供了新的思路。完整的公司治理结构是一种由制度机制与伦理机制交互作用所构成的二维结构。公司伦理观的完善、公司伦理的职能化以及不断提高公司伦理的控制强度,是架构二维治理结构的必要条件。 相似文献
Melvin D. Ayogu 《Revue africaine de developpement》2001,13(2):308-330
We survey, using international criteria, the institutional record for quality corporate governance in Africa. The record leads us to the conclusion that corporate governance in Africa is enriched by expanding the framework of analysis beyond the conventional criteria (homo economicus) to incorporate moral sentiments– the influence of norms and values. Such considerations, we argue, can improve our understanding of boardroom dynamics and the characteristics of the decision management and decision control they engender in ‘Business Africa’. 相似文献
Vicar S. Valencia 《Atlantic Economic Journal》2018,46(1):43-58
A fundamental concern emerging from the corporate literature is the agency problem of innovation. While innovation is considered as a major driver of corporate growth and profitability, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has an intrinsic reluctance to pursue innovation projects. The thrust of this paper is to identify the mechanisms of corporate governance which help attenuate this problem, thereby encouraging the CEO to have the propensity to innovate. The empirical results suggest that firms with a widespread dispersion of shares among shareholders are less likely to encourage the CEO to innovate. The likelihood of innovation appears to increase, however, in the presence of a large shareholder. Contrary to prevailing beliefs, there appears to be no association between innovation and board independence. The same result holds for board size. Also, a diverse board appears to negate CEO predisposition to innovate. On the other hand, innovation increases when the CEO is not the Board Chair but has equity ownership, although the incentive effect is economically small. The paper uses a sample of domestically-owned, publicly-listed Australian firms over the period 1994–2003. 相似文献
William R. Baber Sok‐Hyon Kang Lihong Liang Zinan Zhu 《Contemporary Accounting Research》2015,32(4):1413-1442
This study investigates how external corporate governance provisions, specifically statutory and corporate charter provisions that limit direct shareholder participation in the governance process, affect the likelihood of an accounting restatement. The analysis indicates that strong external governance (fewer restrictions on shareholder participation) is associated with a relatively low incidence of accounting restatements. The effect of external governance is incremental to that of internal governance, which is considered as provisions that foster effective board oversight of management. Such evidence supports the premise that shareholder participation improves financial reporting quality. 相似文献
公司治理问题是一个世界性课题,良好的公司治理是企业可持续发展、赢得竞争优势的关键所在。公司治理评价是对公司治理活动的反馈与剖析,据此可以明确公司治理现状,查缺补漏,纠正偏差,确保公司治理的效率和效果。本文在介绍公司治理评价内涵及研究背景的基础上,对国内外这一领域的研究进行了综述,总结了我国公司治理评价有待研究的问题。 相似文献
公司治理在公司的发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色。除了公司本身的内部治理,外部因素能有效作用于企业管理层并影响董事会的决议,从而改善企业治理中存在的舞弊行为和损害小股东利益的行为 相似文献
IT治理是一个新兴的交叉学科,已经成为公司治理研究的热点。IT治理机制是国内外IT治理研究的重要方向之一。构建新研究视角下的IT治理结构机制、治理流程机制与治理沟通机制,即基于公司治理的IT治理三要素机制,对于未来信息技术背景下的公司治理机制构建与研究具有导向作用。 相似文献
Corporate Governance in Emerging Economies 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Corporate Governance: An Assessment 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于公司治理结构的角度,对2004-2005年评选的32家环境友好型企业中的8家上市公司2010-2012年的环境责任指数与治理结构中的关键影响因素建立多元一次回归模型进行相关性分析,研究结果表明董事会规模、股权集中度、管理层持股比例的提高有助于提高企业环境责任的履行程度,监事会规模的扩大反而不利于企业履行环境责任,其他的因素与企业环境责任指数不相关。最后,就如何从治理结构方面上强化企业履行环境责任给出了几点针对性的建议。 相似文献
家族企业的契约复合性及公司治理研究的突破方向 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
公司治理在家族企业研究中一直是个难点,主要困难来自家族企业契约性质的复杂性.在涉及家族社会资源和关系的家族企业治理问题中,公司治理主要针对纯经济性企业契约的治理理论存在的适用性问题.治理对象和范围的拓展将有助于研究的深入,新的理论发展需要更加重视家族影响在企业治理中的作用,并对家族本身在企业内形成的契约关系进行治理. 相似文献
掏空、公司治理与盈余质量 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文以2002年度国内上市公司为研究对象,以控制权与现金流量权的分离为掏空程度衡量指标,分析了控股股东的掏空行为对上市公司盈余质量的影响。以岭回归为研究方法控制了模型中的多重共线性问题后,本文发现:控制权与现金流量权的分离显著地影响了上市公司的盈余质量,分离程度越高,盈余质量越低,而当上市公司附属于企业集团时,盈余质量的降低更为明显。此外,本文还发现,有效的公司治理有助于改善上述现象。 相似文献
“共同治理”的公司治理模式 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
传统企业理论认为公司控制权属于公司的所有者,即股东所有,公司治理奉行股东至上。新的利益相关者理论认为股东只是公司相关利益者中的一员,公司治理不能只考虑所有者,而应该是所有利益相关者参与的共同治理模式。本文揭示了共同治理模式的重要意义,并以债权人参与公司治理为例,部分地从财务角度对此作了详细分析。 相似文献