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世界丁辛醇生产技术与市场分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文系统阐述了丁辛醇生产技术及发展趋势,介绍了国内外丁辛醇的供需及消费情况,并对今后我国丁辛醇工业发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国内外丁辛醇的供需及消费情况,2005年丁辛醇生产能力达到约380万t/a.  相似文献   

低压丁辛醇技术是使用丙烯和合成气(氢气与一氧化碳的混合物)生产正、异丁醛的低压羰基工艺。这些丁醛再转换为辛醇和正、异丁醇。丁醇用作涂料和粘合剂的溶剂,辛醇用作PVC的增塑剂。在过去30多年里,Davy工艺技术与联合碳化公司共同营销低压丁辛醇技术并提供技术转让和服务。至今,已在全球15个国家和地区建成了33个项目。低压丁辛醇技术被认为是世界领先的允许转让的丁辛醇技术,  相似文献   

一种天然物质改性的抑菌剂合成方法;一种用离子交换树脂处理含六价铬废水的方法;硫酸自由基氧化水处理方法;一种深度处理氨氮污水的方法;一种丁辛醇生产中产生的废碱液的处理方法  相似文献   

大庆石化公司丁辛醇装置异构物塔原设计F-1型浮阀塔板间距过小,存在雾沫夹带较大、塔板效率较低、水利学负荷过大等问题,改造扩产后的异构物塔不能满足提高产品产量与质量的要求.用高性能塔盘代替原F-1型浮阀塔板后,使产品产量与质量均得到较大提高,取得了显著的经济效益.  相似文献   

8月初国内正丁醇厂家销售比较平稳,报价小幅走低。吉化丁醇装置正常运行,厂家出货一般,出厂价15300~15600形t(低端船运价格);齐鲁正丁醇装置运行正常,厂家有一定库存,对外报价在15820~16120形t;大庆石化丁辛醇装置停车,车皮供货比较紧张,厂家外发少,出厂报价15300~15600形t;北京化四丁醇装置停车,厂家库存不多,主要用于互供,报价16200形t。  相似文献   

一种辛醇加氢精制催化剂及其制备方法一种辛醇加氢精制催化剂,属于加氢精制催化材料领域。所制备的催化剂利用稀土元素对载体进行修饰,减少活性组分镍粒子进入载体骨架的量,提高表面镍物种含量;采用水热沉积法进行活性组分负载,利用水热的高温高压条件,  相似文献   

本文系统阐述了国内外辛醇生产中有机废水处理方法,对各种处理方法进行对比分析,建议工业化采用酸化萃取法,并介绍废水处理的最新进展情况.  相似文献   

简要介绍了丁腈胶乳的特性和各类,质量指标和用途,重点对丁腈胶也国内生产和消费状况,国内的进出口状况及应用发展方向进行了分析。  相似文献   

2010年2月初辛醇及DOP市场逆势大涨,涨幅双双达千元。凌厉的涨势迅速打破了买卖双方博弈僵局,使买卖双方心态发生变化。卖方对后市强烈看好,封盘囤货待沽,但下游望价兴叹、成交量减。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the determinants of household consumption of newspapers and the amount spent on their purchase by considering several explanatory variables related to household characteristics and the main household wage earner. Results show that the variables have quite similar effects on both the relative probability of buying newspapers and the amount spent. The key variables are the age and occupational status of the main wage earner, the number of household members, income and having to pay for the house, as well as a number of geographical variables. However, certain differences are also observed. The most important is the education of the main wage earner: while its effect on buying newspapers is very small (only those who did not complete primary education are less likely to buy), its effect on the amount spent increases with the level of education. As other studies of cultural goods and services consumption have suggested, education and occupational status are more relevant determinants than income.  相似文献   

民用船舶是导航雷达的主要市场,成本与性价比需求决定了船用导航雷达与军用雷 达大不相同的发展进程。简述了导航雷达市场行情,技术现状与发展趋势,并介绍了导航雷 达在安全监视、生态保护等非导航领域的最新应用。  相似文献   

“非市场经济地位”是我国遭遇大量反倾销调查和反倾销败诉的主要原因。近年来,连发展中国家印度也频繁动用非市场经济地位武器对付中国。本文先分析了印度未给予我国市场经济地位待遇的情况及原因,论述了印度拒绝承认我国市场经济地位所带来的危害,并且从政府、企业和行业协会三个层面提出了如何争取印度承认我国市场经济地位的具体措施。  相似文献   

本文总结了对华反倾销的特征,探讨了倾销与反倾销应诉的公共品性质,并分析我国容易遭受反倾销,且反倾销应诉率低、胜诉率低的原因。指出出口产业集中度低是形成当前对华反倾销应对困境的重要原因。并指出通过建立和发挥行业协会、商会等中间组织的作用,协调出口竞争,可以通过集体供给,提高企业参与反倾销应诉的热情,提高反倾销的应诉率与胜诉率,并在此基础上提出了集体应对反倾销的策略。  相似文献   

回顾和总结了世界空间系统发展的整体情况,分析了美国、俄罗斯、欧盟、日本、印度等国家或组织研发军事卫星系统的现状,阐述了世界范围内卫星系统发展及军事应用的新动态,总结了空间系统在近几次局部战争中的实际应用.  相似文献   

Setting the “right” price essentially remains an empirical question. The issue is especially problematic owing to pricing managers' proclivity to impose subjectivity into their analyses. For instance, people tend to have biases in complex or uncertain situations, contexts with information overload, and circumstances with time pressure—all which are common in the price management process. In this paper, we examine why a status quo bias plays a significant role in price management and why it explains the gap between the theoretical and practical sides of price management. Because the actions of organizations are the result of individual actors' activities, we adopt a micro-foundations perspective on price management in our studies. We explore the status quo bias in price management in four quantitative experiments, as well as the possible moderation impact of three of the Big Five personality traits (extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness) and the locus of control. Moreover, we investigate the influence of decision makers’ self-interest—in the form of a monetary bonus—on their susceptibility to the status quo bias. In addition to a significant main effect of the status quo bias in all four experiments, we show that conscientiousness and internal locus of control, as well as the presence of a self-interest, significantly moderate susceptibility to the status quo bias.  相似文献   

从整体上看,黑龙江的科技创新体系建设还存在薄弱环节,主体地位不够突出,原始创新能力还不够强,科技技术基础建设滞后,科技中介服务能力较弱。要着力完善鼓励创新的政策体系,创立科技新主体地位。加强科技基础设施建设,建立区域科技创新体系,提高整体创新能力,促使高新技术企业项目快速成长。  相似文献   

本文综合性地介绍了国内外表面安装技术与表面安装元件的发展现状、技术水平、市场动向,以及今后尚需开发的主要课题。  相似文献   

企业内部控制体系设计的起点是选择控制目标,从业务流程入手,以风险的识别、评估和应对为主线,重整流程,施以信息化应用,推动配套的制度重整、组织架构重整和管理模式重整,设计内部控制评价作为制度保障,并用S公司的案例论证了"风险管理为主线,流程管事、制度管人"的设计路径的可行性和合理性。同时,在内部控制设计中,还应注意领导重视、会计部门地位高低和企业文化建设等问题。  相似文献   

We show that an economy grows or stagnates depending on which of three objects people most esteem as tokens of status. If the main object of status preference is consumption, then a steady state with full employment is reached. If it is physical capital (which is a producible asset), then permanent growth with full employment occurs. However, if it is money (which is not a producible asset), stagnation with persistent unemployment arises.  相似文献   

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