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麦麸膳食纤维乳酸饮料的研制 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以小麦麸皮为原料提取膳食纤维后与脱脂乳混合,接入乳酸菌发酵。经调配、均质等工艺过程,制成一种新型的功能性乳酸发酵麦麸膳食纤维饮料,为麦麸的开发利用提供了一条有效途径。 相似文献
以小麦麸皮为原料提取膳食纤维后与脱脂乳混合,接入乳酸菌发酵。经调配、均质等工艺过程,制成一种新型的功能性乳酸发酵麦麸膳食纤维饮料,为麦麸的开发利用提供了一条有效途径。 相似文献
介绍了小麦膳食纤维的物理生理功能及其应用,并对用现代生物工程技术从小麦麸中提取膳食纤维的研究作了说明。 相似文献
以玉米为主要原料,经过不同的加工方法生产出不同风味的玉米食品,为玉米的深加工创造更高附加值提供了有效途径. 相似文献
Dwi Suhartanto Mohd Helmi Ali Kim Hua Tan Fauziyah Sjahroeddin Lusianus Kusdibyo 《Journal of Foodservice Business Research》2019,22(1):81-97
This study assesses the direct influence of food quality and e-service quality on customer loyalty toward online food delivery (OFD) service and its indirect influence through the mediation of customer satisfaction and perceived value. This study uses a survey of 405 OFD service customers from Bandung, Indonesia. By applying variance-based partial least squares to evaluate the proposed model, this study confirms the direct effect of food quality on online loyalty, but not e-service quality. Further, this study discloses the partial mediation role of customer satisfaction and perceived value on the relationship between both food quality and e-service quality on online loyalty toward OFD services. 相似文献
本文介绍了采用固体过氧化物生产聚丙烯专用树脂Z50S的生产过程.通过控制过氧化物加入量来控制产品熔体流动速率(MFR),保证生产的稳定.Z50S的MFR控制为22~28 g/10 min、灰分小于0.03%、拉伸屈服强度大于28 MPa、黄色指数测试值小于4.产品在江苏灵达化学品有限公司试用,加工性稳定,纤维制品力学性能好,满足FZ/T54001-9l质量标准. 相似文献
One type of boundary rarely explored in international marketing are the cultural boundaries dividing Europe into regions with individual cultural backgrounds and different consumption patterns. This article explores information about such patterns of food consumption based on information from a database originating from a 1989 pan-European lifestyle survey comprising around 20 000 people in 15 European countries divided into 79 regions. The degree of homogeneity in the different nation-states and regions was analysed. The article contributes with new, specific empirical evidence about Europeans' food-related behaviour and attitudes and provides culture-based explanations and interpretations of observed differences and similarities. It is shown that nation/language boundaries still have a strong impact on European food cultures. 相似文献
Konstantin Von Normann 《International Journal of Consumer Studies》2009,33(4):382-391
The German youth is relatively well informed about healthy eating, but does not act in accordance with this knowledge. It is also known from empirical studies that there is an association between lifestyles, food knowledge and the eating patterns of older teenagers. However, is there a similar correlation in regard to younger children? This article shows results of a study addressing this issue by empirically investigating leisure time activities, food intake and food knowledge. The study conducted with 907 children, on average 12 years old, out of an urban region in northwest Germany using a written questionnaire, implies that food patterns and food knowledge have to be improved because they are – on average – only marginally acceptable. On this level, they are not in line with a healthy future. For the first time in Germany, food patterns and food knowledge of seventh grade pupils were analysed in relation to their lifestyles. The study revealed four lifestyles. One family‐oriented lifestyle and three non‐family oriented lifestyles: outdoor and sociable youth, culture‐oriented youth, and multimedia kids. The family‐oriented lifestyle influences the children's food patterns in a positive way; the three found non‐family‐oriented lifestyles lead to less preferable food patterns. The results imply that there is a phase of unhealthy food patterns at the beginning of the second life decade, which seems to be linked to the detachment from the parents and the gained independency, expressed by the first self‐chosen lifestyles. As lifestyles have such a vital influence on healthy eating, and family is no longer the place where children get their everyday competencies, school has to enable pupils to make healthier food and lifestyle choices. 相似文献
Given current environmental concerns, the organic food market is an important issue in terms of sustainability. The consolidation of this market is based on trust. Many consumers rely on partial information to assess the quality of organic food and cannot determine its authenticity with certainty. They are led to trust the actors of the organic food chain and the government. In addition, numerous industrial and sanitary scandals have highlighted the need for the actors of the sector to establish relationships based on trust and transparency in order to guarantee the traceability of products and to protect the health of consumers. This research examines the impact of trust and confidence in producers and retailers on the intention to purchase organic food. To address this research issue, we conducted an online questionnaire survey of 316 organic food consumers in France. The results show the central role of quality as a strategy for building and maintaining trust with producers and retailers. They show for the first time the positive impact of trust in producers on trust in retailers. The results of this research allow us to provide advice to growers and retailers to maintain trust and promote purchase intent. 相似文献
Lindsay J. Taylor Marie Gallagher Fiona S.W. McCullough 《International Journal of Consumer Studies》2004,28(4):337-346
Every pre‐school child requires an adult to purchase and provide a variety of foods, to help ensure a balanced selection is included in the diet to avoid any nutritional deficiencies. Children under 5 years have a greater demand for nutrients and energy to support the body's requirements for growth and development than at any other time throughout their life cycle. The paper critically reviews the main factors that influence food choices made by parents on behalf of their pre‐school child. Dietary deficiencies in inner city areas remain a challenge for the government, educators and health professionals. A particular concern is iron deficiency as the prevalence of anaemia is common especially in British pre‐school children from various family backgrounds. Poor parenting skills often exacerbate the problem, especially the early introduction of pasteurized cow's milk, poor weaning practices and lack of dietary knowledge. Therefore, improving education and understanding about the importance of iron could potentially improve dietary iron intake. Phase 1 of the study was completed in West Bridgford area of Nottingham in the UK. This part of the study aimed to determine parental knowledge with regards to the feeding of their pre‐school child. A questionnaire and a 3‐day diet history method were employed. These methods enabled the diet adequacy of the pre‐schoolers to be analysed by NetWISP software. This study highlighted that iron deficiency remains a cause for concern and should be further addressed. The Sure Start programme is a possible means of education as it has the potential to access parents from all socio‐economic classes. The programme can support and empower parents to become healthier consumers. Good dietary habits, established early in life, contributes to a positive start, and can be advantageous to individuals throughout their lifetime. Such long‐term changes will help contribute to a healthier nation that the government envisages for the future. 相似文献
Nils Christian Hoffmann Claudia Symmank Robert Mai F. Marijn Stok Harald Rohm 《Journal of Marketing Management》2020,36(9-10):888-915
ABSTRACT The paper synthesises the existing research on the influence of key product characteristics on the consumers’ food decision-making. By applying network analysis on a sample of 233 empirical studies from the last three decades, the paper demonstrates how marketing-specific variables are embedded in a network of other predictors. The paper also analyses network structure and density using well established measures. The results show that there is still a lack of research concerning the interplay between marketing-relevant extrinsic product attributes (e.g. price, brand, labelling, country of origin) and intrinsic food attributes, policy-related factors, as well as aspects of the proximal and distal environment. The paper identifies gaps in the marketing literature and derives research propositions. Additionally, implications for marketing practice are developed. 相似文献
Kazuo Usui 《Journal of Marketing Channels》2018,25(4):211-235
AbstractThis article explores the historical development of Japanese wholesalers in the food and drink industry in modern Japan. Despite many criticisms of Japanese wholesalers as being “multi-layered,” “old-fashioned,” and “outmoded,” there were historical reasons for the existence of wholesalers. While the traditional wholesalers remained even after the Meiji Restoration, the new wholesalers emerged by dealing with new products that appeared for the first time in modern Japan. Utilizing the historical conditions of both producers and retailers, the newcomers such as Kokubu boosted their development by innovative activities and gradually superseded the traditional wholesale market, firmly establishing their position as general wholesalers before the Second World War. 相似文献
"一带一路"高质量发展为中新经贸合作带来更大发展机遇,"一带一路"倡议下的中新经贸合作受到双方外交关系、中美贸易摩擦、中国投资环境和彼此文化认同等因素的影响。要抓住发展机遇,改善现状,就要在正确分析其存在问题原因的基础上,强化中新高层战略沟通、推进中新经贸纵深合作、优化中国西部投资环境和实现中新民心相通互融。 相似文献