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基金的两种基本运作方式分别是开放式基金和封闭式基金.开放式基金是指基金规模可变动,可以根据市场需求发行新份额或者由投资人赎回的投资基金.近两年来,随着开放式基金在我国的日益发展,开放式基金的投资策略问题显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

萧端 《南方金融》2001,(8):39-40
开放式基金是指基金规模不固定、投资者可以根据基金净值报价随时申购或赎回的投资基金.随着开放式证券投资基金试点工作的推进,我国首只开放式基金即将面世.作为我国证券市场上全新的投资品种,开放式基金在运作中有哪些优势,又将面临哪些风险,是值得我们认真探讨的问题.  相似文献   

本文通过四因素模型对我国市场上混合型开放式基金的投资绩效进行了实证研究和分析。研究表明,我国混合型开放式基金并没有获得显著的较高的超额收益率;在投资策略的选择上较为一致的选择了高贝塔、中小盘股、价值型策略,而在动量收益股票抑或反转收益股票的选择上并不明显。  相似文献   

开放式基金收益率低于封闭式基金 我们可以从以下两个方面理解这一问题:其一,开放式基金是以净资产为买卖标准的,这意味着不存在二级市场差价.由于开放式基金随时要面临投资者赎回的要求,因此,在其风险管理上有特别的要求,即在投资比例和投资品种上会更多地考虑股票的流通性和变现性,在投资规模上应保留相当的现金和现金等价物,以应付投资者赎回压力.  相似文献   

开放式基金是目前所能提供的较好的专业理财工具,一方面开放式基金的信息披露和管理运作是目前金融机构中最为严格和透明的;另一方面,开放式基金相比个人投资,因为其拥有的是股票组合而不是单个或某几只个股,有助于分散投资的风险,而且投资回报在长期来看要远远好于银行存款利率和国债投资。在选择基金时,主要是两条标准:(1)值得信赖、投资能力强的基金管理人;(2)选择适合自己风险承受能力的基金品种,如货币市场基金就适合那些对风险极为厌恶的投资者,而股票基金就适合那些有一定风险承受能力的投资者。目前市场上对基金普遍存在一些错误认…  相似文献   

随着我国证券市场发展和企业投资范围的逐步放开,开放式基金已经成为流动性充裕企业重要的投资对象.由于现行税收政策对企业投资者从开放式基金取得的分红所得和对赎回取得的差价收益实行不同的所得税政策,影响了企业投资开放式基金的投资行为及税务选择.笔者通过分析政策差异导致企业投资开放式基金常见的税务筹划及影响,指出企业进行税务筹划上存在的风险以及该差异政策的缺点,最后提出政策改进建议.  相似文献   

投资基金的基本策略之一,是关注类别,这个常识性问题常被投资者忽视。现结合各类开放式基金在2009年上半年的绩效表现,再次重申当前投资开放式基金的一些策略。  相似文献   

随着南方稳健成长基金、华安创新基金、华夏成长证券投资基金三只基金以及今年新推出的两只基金陆续发行,开放式基金日益被中国的投资者所熟悉.由于发行期间正逢股票市场低迷,抑制了特别是中小投资者的投资热情,而且相对于封闭式基金和股票,开放式基金的交易费率比较高,使一些投资者对开放式基金望而却步,所以新基金的发行并未出现期待中的火爆场面.但是在发达国家的资本市场上,开放式基金早已成为一种成熟的,占主流地位的投资品种.  相似文献   

费率问题是开放式基金设计中的一个非常核心的问题,它直接关系到能否吸引到投资以及相关各方尤其是基金管理公司的收益状况。因此基金管理公司在设计开放式基金品种方案时,应结合开放式基金处于起步阶段的实际情况确定合适的比例。  相似文献   

选取沪深两市2003年6月至2007年6月共55只封闭式基金与18只开放式基金及其重仓持有的126支股票为研究对象,通过构建MT指标考察中国证券投资基金经理惯性投资策略对股价惯性的影响.研究表明,中国开放式基金经理大多倾向于采取追涨杀跌的惯性投资策略,并且惯性收益随MT值的上升而上升,说明证券投资基金经理的惯性投资策略影响了重仓股股票的惯性收益.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether mutual fund families acting as service providers in 401(k) plans display favoritism toward their own affiliated funds. Using a hand‐collected data set on the menu of investment options offered to plan participants, we show that fund deletions and additions are less sensitive to prior performance for affiliated than unaffiliated funds. We find no evidence that plan participants undo this affiliation bias through their investment choices. Finally, we find that the subsequent performance of poorly performing affiliated funds indicates that this favoritism is not information driven.  相似文献   

We examine the performance and investment behavior of female fixed‐income mutual fund managers compared with male fixed‐income mutual fund managers. We find that male‐ and female‐managed funds do not differ significantly in terms of performance, risk, and other fund characteristics. Our results suggest that differences in investment behavior often attributed to gender may be related to investment knowledge and wealth constraints. Despite the similarities between male and female managers, we find evidence that gender influences the decision making of mutual fund investors. We find that the net asset flows into funds managed by females are lower than for males, especially for the manager's initial year managing the fund.  相似文献   

Mutual funds are held by investors in taxable and tax‐qualified retirement accounts. We investigate whether the characteristics, investment strategies, and performance of mutual funds held by these diverse tax clienteles differ. Examining both mutual fund distributions and mutual fund holdings, we find that funds held primarily by taxable investors choose investment strategies that result in lower tax burdens than funds held primarily in tax‐qualified accounts. Despite these differences, we find no evidence that any investment constraints that may arise from these tax‐efficient investment strategies result in performance differences between funds held by different tax clienteles.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of investment restrictions on mutual fund performance. Utilizing a unique panel of mutual fund contract changes, we explore several ways these changes affect a fund, including: performance, funding risk, and managerial contracting. We find that the general shift towards fewer restrictions over the period 1996–2011 has provided little benefit to mutual funds. Specifically, neither performance nor flow increased and we observe no changes in risk on average. We do find, however, an increased likelihood of management turnover when restrictions are removed. We conclude that contract restrictions do not explain the general underperformance of mutual funds, and that these investment restrictions are not binding.  相似文献   

In this paper we add several new perspectives to the growing body of empirical evidence on the investment performance of international mutual funds by applying a pooled cross-sectional/time-series regression methodology to a large data base over an extended period. Risk-adjusted and unadjusted investment returns are not related to whether a fund is load or no-load, and asset size, expense ratios, and turnover rates are not related to investment performance. We find no reward for paying a load fee when investing in mutual funds. It is noteworthy that performance is not affected by fund size, given the explosive growth of international mutual funds.  相似文献   

Among the decisions that most mutual fund portfolio managers make is the number of stocks to hold. We posit that there is an optimal number of stocks for each mutual fund, reflecting the trade‐off between diversification benefits versus transactions and monitoring costs. We find a significant quadratic relation between number of stock holdings and risk‐adjusted returns for U.S. equity mutual fund portfolios during 1992–2000. Moreover, we find that changes in the number of stocks held over time are more highly correlated with mutual fund flows than with funds' investment returns.  相似文献   

Portfolio Manager Ownership and Mutual Fund Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the association between a mutual fund manager's personal fund investment and mutual fund performance. From a data set of newly released managerial ownership disclosures, I find that fund ownership levels are diverse and, in many instances, quite large. Mutual fund returns are increasing in the level of managerial investment, consistent with personal ownership realigning decision-maker and shareholder interests. Also consistent with the reduction of agency costs, I find that managerial ownership is inversely related to fund turnover. However, there is no evidence of an association between managerial ownership and a mutual fund's tax burden.  相似文献   

李斌  雷印如 《金融研究》2022,507(9):188-206
公募基金是我国重要的机构投资者之一,分析其投资逻辑对理解机构投资者行为和公募基金的选择至关重要。基于2005年至2019年主动管理偏股型开放式基金数据,本文检验了公募基金对A股市场87个异象因子的挖掘。为解决因子维度过大问题,本文采用非参方法从87个异象因子中提取有效信息的综合指标A-Score,并根据基金持仓构建基金的异象投资指标AIM(Anomalies Investing Measure)。结果显示:(1)中国公募基金挖掘了市场异象;(2)利用AIM可以选择表现更好的基金,并能获得0.45%的月度多空组合收益;(3)基金经理的选股能力、风格选择能力和风控能力是其挖掘异象收益的主要来源;(4)异象挖掘可以为基金带来长期资金流,同时也缓和了市场的错误定价。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine whether mutual fund managers in Taiwan produce superior performance through concentrated investment strategy, and find that mutual funds with higher degree of concentration have higher investment performance and lower risk during the period 2001–2009. Moreover, when the degree of industry concentration of fund holdings is higher, there is less impact on stock market performance. However, the premium of the market portfolio has more impact on the performance of funds when there is lower degree of industry concentration. We also find that the stock-picking and market-timing abilities of mutual fund managers result in funds with high degree of industry concentration having more returns and lower risks than the funds with low degree of industry concentration.  相似文献   

李凤  吴卫星  李东平  路晓蒙 《金融研究》2023,511(1):150-168
投资者教育是保障资本市场平稳运行、良性发展的重要举措,也是我国资本市场重要的基础性制度建设。本文利用20000多份全国公募基金个人投资者调查数据,分析了投资者教育对基金投资收益的影响,并基于行为金融学框架探究了其背后的作用机制。以往文献研究表明,金融知识水平对投资收益会产生显著影响,本文研究发现,获取金融知识的渠道也会影响投资收益。相对于自己学习金融知识、相关工作经验累积金融知识、向亲戚朋友学习金融知识,投资者教育(如参加金融机构的投资教育活动、接受金融经济类课程或培训)更有助于投资者缓解趋势追逐、频繁交易、处置效应等交易行为偏差,从而获得更高的投资收益。进一步分析表明,投资者教育通过提高“理性程度”来提升基金投资盈利概率、投资总收益率和年均收益率的中介效应分别为19.41%、17.09%和12.75%。此外,不同群体参与投资者教育的积极性和受教育效果存在显著差异,投资者教育要更多采取“分类教育”的形式。本文研究对进一步加强投资者教育、更好地推动资本市场发展具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

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