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世界营销新走势及我国的对策严学军近十几年来,世界性市场营销出现了许多新的走势。这些新的走势,强烈地冲击着传统的营销方式,预示着21世纪的营销主流。加强研究这些新的走势,对于我国企业更好地走向新世纪、加速提高市场营销能力和参与国际市场竞争能力,无疑具有...  相似文献   

一、影响营销控制的环境因素营销控制效果的好坏 ,受到控制环境的直接影响。环境因素可分为宏观环境、市场环境、企业内部环境。宏观环境是指社会、政治、规章、经济发展状况、科学技术的发展程度、交通运输条件、潜在进入者、不稳定的行业需求、行业法规、产业政策的变化趋势 ,以及诸因素的不确定性和变化速度。市场环境是指供应商、客户和公司要直接打交道的利益相关者、产业内竞争强度、替代技术和产品、消费观念的变化。企业内部环境是指市场主导程度、财务状况、营销规模、营销部门对其它部门的依赖程度、营销任务的性质、营销部门的产…  相似文献   

知识经济对企业的影响及企业的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪的世界经济将是知识经济。知识经济对企业有多方面的重大影响,我们必须及早认识并采取对策,方能抓住机遇,迎接挑战。  相似文献   

信息化对企业的影响及东风汽车公司的对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业信息化在增强企业竞争力,提高企业经济效益方面显示了巨大的作用。世界先进企业清醒地认识到这一点,纷纷加强企业信息化建设,国内汽车行业的特大企业-东风汽车公司在企业信息化方面,也做了有益的尝试,取得了较好的效果,但比国外先进水平,仍有一定差距。  相似文献   

在市场经济的汪洋大海中,面对瞬息万变的经营环境和强手如林的竞争对手,企业组织要维系自身的生命力和竞争力,在市场竞争的角逐中占领有利地位,就必须处理好各类公共关系。本文先就公共关系与市场营销的关系及作用进行了分析,然后从培养员工公关意识、协调内部关系、搞好外部公共关系等三个方面探讨了运作良性公共关系的对策。  相似文献   

试论我国企业的知识营销   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
(一)知识营销作为一种新型的营销观念,它的产生是知识经济迅速发展的必然结果。经济、信息的全球化,特别是我国高新技术产业的迅速发展,加速了我国知识营销时代的到来。知识营销,是指依靠知识的积累,高新技术及其产品的不断创新,普及消费者科技知识,不断创造市场需求,靠智慧的资本快速创造企业价值,实现企业营销战略的一种营销方式。知识营销的内涵主要有:一是知识营销中的生产是知识密集型生产。生产以高新技术支持为主,而且技术呈现超前性和不确定性,其生产过程就是技术转化和知识吸收的过程。知识密集型产品技术复杂,但消费者使用时容易…  相似文献   

现代企业的成功是很多因素共同作用的结果,成功的营销是企业成功过程中不可或缺的。随着中国加入WTO组织,现代企业面临着国际国内的全面竞争,营销工作如何掌握和利用现代营销原则,是成功不可或缺的因素。何为现代企业?当代企业并非都是现代企业。现代企业为具有现代公司制度、采用现代大生产方式、从事大规模产销活动的组织。大规模产销活动是现代企业的显著特点,而大规模产销活动离不开市场、离不开营销。在很多情况下,营销比生产更加重要,也更加难做。市场并非总是明确地存在着属于企业的机会,它需要企业按照正确的方向去探索…  相似文献   

94版ISO 90 0 0标准要素 4 .14要求 ,公司应编写纠正预防措施程序 ,处理已发生的不合格项 ;制定纠正措施 ,消除不合格事实产生原因 ,防止不合格项的再发生 ;制定预防措施 ,消除潜在的有可能导致不合格项的因素 ,防止不合格项的发生。 2 0 0 0版IS090 0 0标准在要求的程序大大减少的情况下 ,强调分别制定纠正措施 (要素 8.5 .2 )程序、预防措施 (要素8.5 .3)程序 ,并规定了具体的实施步骤。ISO 90 0 0标准的这一要求及其改进 ,不仅提供了提高管理水平 (含体系 )的途径 ,并强化了自我完善力度。因而该要素是管理水平至善至美的根本保证。…  相似文献   

1 健全组织机构和管理机构1999年成立了“海洋石油总公司企业标准化委员会” ,在此基础上逐步调整和充实了各级标准化管理机构 ,总公司所属各单位都设立了标准化管理机构 ,配备了相应的专职或兼职的标准化工作人员 ;2 0 0 0年 ,海洋总公司为了进一步加强企业标准的制修订工作 ,又成立了以总公司 5个职能部门 ,即勘探、开发生产、海洋工程、安全环保、信息技术为主体的专业标准化技术委员会 ,共有专标委委员 74人 ;2 0 0 2年 ,为进一步加强专标委的工作 ,在原专标委的基础上进行了调整、充实和加强 ,现有专标委员10 2人。为提高效率、减少重…  相似文献   

“新的杀菌技术、保鲜技术、活性包装技术、抗菌包装技术等将随着设备被引进中国,这些技术在中国还未开发研制,一部分企业将会借鉴这些技术发展自己的新产品。‘十一五’期间,高端产品的国产设备占有率大约只有1/3,而近几年进口较多的设备大部分将会被国内借鉴开发。由于科研  相似文献   

通过对油站和污水站的化学成分分析,找出了电脱水器跳闸的原因:由于污水中的一些成分导致腐蚀,腐蚀产生的硫化铁和铁颗粒,随着油水混合液在管线中运移,在电脱水器上越积越厚,致使电脱水器上导电率增高,电脱水器跳闸。提出了改善注入水水质,减缓腐蚀的有利措施。  相似文献   

最近,记者从美国包装机械制造协会(PMMI)的《2003年采购计划研究报告》中了解到,今年全球包装机械销售将有较大的增长。据调查,2003年全球消费品和工业品企业将加大其在包装机械上的花费,增幅较去年增长1.5-2.5%,将达到50.84亿美元。PMMI“第六期年度采购计划研究报告”认为,食品行业、制药行业、饮料行业、个人护理行业和家庭化学品行业等五大行业的增幅在今年将达到3.2%至4.9%,而这些行业占到美国和加拿大包装机械80%的市场份额。而更多的企业在2003年中均计划增加包装机械方面的支出,约占33%;而减少支出的仅占27%,还有34%的企业今年…  相似文献   

This study explores the role of short sale constraints in explaining the variation in premiums to Net Asset Value (NAV) in REIT pricing. We use proprietary information on short sales between June 2006 and September 2008 to examine how short sales and short sale constraints affect the variation in monthly REIT NAV premiums using panel vector autoregression models. We find that variation in short sale activity across individual REITs can account for at least one‐third of the variation in NAV premiums. Short sale constraints tend to be binding when there is strong demand and limited supply of shares to short. Excess demand leads to overvaluation and the correction of the overvaluation explains the under‐performance of premium REITs.  相似文献   

This study provides novel evidence that the outcome from REIT sales of office and apartment property is signaled in the transaction price managers accept relative to the fundamental value. The identification strategy recognizes opportunistic sales as sold at prices above fundamental value. Opportunistic sales are followed by positive abnormal returns, measured relative to the market and associated benchmark indices. Assets sold below fundamental value are liquidated by firms with low profitability, low cash and low investment opportunities. Discounted transactions experience zero abnormal returns. Returns following asset sales are influenced by accounting measures, the flow of funds and financial constraints.  相似文献   

The study of Key Account Management (KAM) is ubiquitous in business-to-business marketing research. Despite its importance within B2B research, however, few authors have questioned why actors may actually resist its adoption. In a novel 18-month longitudinal ethnographic study following one organization's endeavours to implement KAM (Fitcorp), we examine the approaches adopted by organizational members to resist KAM implementation. Our understanding of how and why actors might resist KAM implementation reveals a continuum of resistance strategies that vary in severity (spanning disengagement to hostility). Further, we find a number of explanations that actors draw on to justify their resistance to KAM implementation. These findings are discussed and implications for theory and practice are offered.  相似文献   

This research investigates the impacts on firm performance of (1) technology versus design innovation and (2) their potentially synergistic interaction. Synergies could arise from complementarities, in particular the utilization of technology innovation as a platform for design innovations. Both sales and Tobin's q are examined as dependent performance variables, with sales tapping consumer responses and Tobin's q reflecting investor responses. Moderation by branding strategy (i.e., Corporate Branding versus Mixed Branding versus House of Brands) is analyzed because innovation may impact performance differently depending on branding strategy. Advertising effects, the number of new product introductions, their interaction, R&D expenditures, operating margins, and firm size are also modeled as covariates. The results show that all main and interaction effects are significant in at least one of the branding groups, and that moderation of model paths by branding strategy was pervasive. Overall, except for technology innovation → Tobin's q, Corporate Branding coefficients for technology innovation, design innovation, and their interaction were almost always significantly different from Mixed Branding and House of Brands coefficients, which were not significantly different from each other. Since Mixed Branding and House of Brands proved very similar, these groups were combined under “Non‐Corporate.” First, for technology innovation, the impact on both sales and Tobin's q for Corporate Branding was less than or equal to Noncorporate. Noteworthy was that the technology innovation → Tobin's q relationship was equal across all branding strategies; technology innovation appears to be key for investors. Second, for design innovation, the impact for Corporate Branding was positive while for Noncorporate it was null; the same pattern was observed for sales and Tobin's q. Third, for the interaction, the impact for Corporate Branding was significantly less than the positive impacts for Noncorporate. For Noncorporate, the marginal impact of design innovation on sales or Tobin's q increased with the level of technology innovation. For Corporate Branding however, there was no interaction in the case of sales and a negative interaction for Tobin's q. Thus, the marginal impact of design innovation on Tobin's q decreased with increasing levels of technology innovation. These decreasing marginal effects could reflect limits to corporate brand name extensions, as perceived by investors.  相似文献   

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