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Using Italian data, we estimate an option value model to quantify the effect of financial incentives on retirement choices. As far as we know, this is the first empirical study to estimate the conditional multiple‐years model put forward by Stock and Wise (1990) . This implies that we account for dynamic self‐selection bias. We also present an extended version of this model in which the marginal value of leisure is random. For the female sample, the model is able to predict almost perfectly the age‐specific hazard rates. For the male sample, we obtain a good fit. Dynamic self‐selection results in a downward bias in the estimate of the marginal utility of leisure. We perform a simulation study to gauge the effects of a dramatic pension reform. Underestimation of the value of leisure translates into sizeable over‐prediction of the impact of reform. Due to lack of data, results for males should be interpreted with caution since we are not able to fully correct for dynamic self‐selection bias.  相似文献   

abstract The imposition of social obligations on the UK energy supply industry provides an important opportunity to examine how social responsibilities are construed by companies and how these constructions relate to perceptions of the role of regulation, specifically the scope for compromise and influence with the regulator. Our data suggest four templates for understanding this relationship: embracing social obligations, business as usual, management deliberation, and conflicts with commerce. First, embracing social obligations is based on competitive advantage and struggles for market leadership, and highlights informal mechanisms in attempts to influence the regulatory agenda. Second, business as usual reflects pre‐existing standard operating procedures and a generalized approach to serving the broad consumer base in line with regulation as formal policing procedures. Third, management deliberation is a way of either reflecting upon or stalling progress on social issues, and suggests compromise and passivity in regulatory relations. Fourth, conflicts with commerce focuses on the inherent difficulties of reconciling social obligations with economic regulation and a profit orientation, so that meeting minimum standards or the risk of regulatory censure may be sensible strategies. Together these templates emphasize the subjective and multiple nature of social responsibility and of regulatory relationships, and demonstrate struggles for the strategic and operational meaning over the nature of public interest and competitive advantage.  相似文献   

陈达 《物流技术》2011,(23):92-94
对价格垄断的法律体系进行国际比较,并结合中国反价格垄断法律体系的特点,梳理出前者对完善我国反价格垄断法律体系的立法启示与执法借鉴。  相似文献   

对价格垄断的法律体系进行国际比较,并结合中国反价格垄断法律体系的特点,梳理出前者对完善我国反价格垄断法律体系的立法启示与执法借鉴.  相似文献   

国外物流教育与我国物流教育的比较与思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从国外物流教育课程设置、培养模式、师资队伍、实践环节等方面的分析与我国物流教育的对比分析,指出国内物流教育的差距,并提出改革我国物流教育的思考与建议.  相似文献   

新型工业化应新在何处   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
党的十六大报告指出,“实现工业化仍然是我国现代化进程中艰巨的历史性任务”,“要坚持以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化路子”。在我国加入世贸组织后,党中央提出全面实现小康社会奋斗目标之际,明确提出我国要继续推进工业化,而且要推进具有时代新特点的新型工业化。但新型工业化究竟应新在何处呢,需要认真加以讨论。一、新型工业化新在拥有新的时代背景和体制环境新型工业化的新,是相对于先行工业化国家所走过的工业化道路、相对于…  相似文献   

在阐述美国、智利、台湾地区实行利率市场化改革历程的基础上 ,总结了其利率市场化改革的成功与失败的经验 ,并结合我国国情论述了这些经验对我国利率市场化改革的启示。  相似文献   

Coporate social responsibility (CSR) has grown enormously in the last ten years and the business case is compelling. That is not to say that CSR is the ‘silver bullet’ for achieving meaningful social change — this will require collaborative action. Part of this is a more mature relationship between charities and businesses — something beyond the worth ‘charitable donation’. Charities need to engage with business in a way that achieves mutual benefit; not ‘cap in hand’ but exploring the potential in shared objectives. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

1997年成立的北京宝瑞通典当行有限责任公司,隶属于北京东长安集团,虽然入行略晚几年,却与“金保”、“阜昌”和“华夏”三家典当行同  相似文献   

时近年底,“改革开放30周年”的专题非常有声势。2009年共和国60周年纪念又将开始。回望过去这段时光,发生了太多的事情。一年几乎长于过往十年。经济环境在金融海啸的涤荡之下,一片萧杀。作为中国人,当然乐见祖国在“改革开放”的光环护佑下,风景独好。然而,30年对一个全新的市场经济体系,毕竟还是成长阶段。这个时刻的发展总结,显得尤为必要。  相似文献   

  • This paper reports the research findings of an exploratory study designed to examine the role that planned efforts to establish and cultivate a student society play in the social integration of undergraduate students in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK. It identifies and explores the potential positive and negative benefits and outcomes that the operation of such a society can provide. The study aimed to achieve a better understanding of the role that a student society can play in the social integration of students. A qualitative methodology using 12 in‐depth interviews was employed. Data were analysed in relation to the key theme of the study, that is, student‐peer and student‐staff interactions. In addition, emergent themes were recorded and evaluated. The findings demonstrated that involvement in a student society did contribute to the social integration of students, it was found to be a key factor in reducing student attrition and dropout rates. The findings also demonstrate that a student society can make a meaningful and positive contribution to the management and administration of HEIs in terms of the perceived employability of students and the potential for student recruitment. It would appear that perhaps the value of a student society is currently under‐realised. Student societies could be viewed as a resource that with proper attention and development and could provide real benefits for both students and institutions across the entire HEI environment of the UK. Although there is a danger of student marginality occurring, there are ways to address this potential drawback.
Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This rejoinder ties in with a Point–Counterpoint debate on the rigour–relevance gap which was published in the May 2009 issue of JMS. Responding to our critics we advance four arguments: (1) Only practitioners, not management scholars, can ultimately assess relevance of research by applying solutions derived from research results. (2) Collaborative management research whose output, in the publishing process, has to pass reviews in which criteria of rigour dominate does not necessarily generate research of higher relevance. (3) The ‘body of scientific evidence’ which our critics refer to contains an abundance of contradicting findings and recommendations and is therefore not of much help for practitioners. (4) Since the academic management journals and the ranking systems are controlling management research, a change towards epistemologies that foster relevance of research, as envisaged by our critics, is not very likely.  相似文献   

我国物流配送中心现状及发展中应注意的问题   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
阎昌晶 《物流科技》2003,26(2):12-14
对我国物流配送中心的发展现状进行了简要简述,分析了中国发展物流服务的优劣势,从而提出我国在发展物流配送应注意的问题。  相似文献   

当前正是知识经济的时代,组织之间的竞争关键在于人力资源的竞争。开发人力资源,加强人力资源能力建设.已经成为各个组织发展的重大问题。监狱作为国家机器的一个重要组成部分,作为一种包含固定意义和特殊意义的组织,在人力资源建设蓬勃发展的今天,没有理由将人力资源的开发和发展拒之门外。组织是由个人构成的,他偿在组织理论中是分析的基本单位。  相似文献   

订单培养作为职业院校深化校企合作的重要途径,有力的促进了职业院校校企合作的深度融合。文章以天津中德应用技术大学为例,在分析职业院校订单培养取得的成绩和梳理订单培养模式的基础上,客观剖析订单培养在实践中存在的问题,进一步探讨职业院校订单培养深度开展的双重内涵,并从宏观层面和微观层面给出相应的初步对策。  相似文献   

Collateralized Social Relations: The Social in Economic Calculation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Traditionally, economists have viewed social relations as "friction" or "impediments" to exchange and have excluded social relations from their analyses by assuming autonomous actors. Recently, however, a number of scholars—economists, sociologists, anthropologists, and other social scientists—have begun to discuss the numerous ways in which social arrangements both prompt and channel economic activity. Rational choice theory, social capital and network analysis, and agency and game theory, are among those approaches that consider the effects of social relations on economic action. In this paper we extend that discussion by arguing that social relations can function as "collateral" or assurance that an economic transaction will proceed as agreed by the parties involved. We review recent microeconomic theories and conjecture how they might be developed following this observation, which is derived from sociological and anthropological studies of economic action and organization.  相似文献   

在社会治理体系中对科技类社会组织这一概念做出界定,研究了科技类社会组织的使命与定位、治理结构以及主要职能:汇聚人才、学术研究、科技项目管理、科技中介。  相似文献   

许多治理机制可以打破交易中存在的囚徒困境所带来的低效率均衡,自发的私人秩序、有组织的私人秩序和公共秩序具有互补性和替代性.城市居住小区的业主要实现有效的资源合作治理,必须让这些秩序及其组合发挥作用.由于业主自治具有公共资源管理性质,缺乏市场激励机制,因此现实中存在了种种障碍和弊端.论文主要探讨了业主内部应如何建立起私人秩序来保证合作的顺利进行.  相似文献   

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