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<正>所谓"病毒性营销",并非真的以传播病毒的方式开展营销活动,而是一种信息传递战略,它利用公众的积极性和人际网络,让营销信息像病毒一样传播和扩散,以"让大家告诉大家"的方式,将营销信息短时间内传向成千上万的受众。病毒性营销的核心是营销信息的传播,让营销信息象病毒一样传播和扩散。  相似文献   

病毒式营销是一种营销方法,它以人际传播、口碑传播为主要途径,在短时间内达到信息迅速传播扩散的目的。分析病毒式营销的特点和视频短片、即时通讯工具、电子邮件等传播途径,并且论述了实施病毒式营销要提供对受众有价值的信息;紧密结合产品卖点及特性;简化信息以便于传播;大范围播种等需注意的问题,试图为企业实施病毒式营销提供借鉴。  相似文献   

病毒式营销要想获得传播的成功,离不开深入了解受众的情感心理,只有触动受众情感让之受益的网络营销才能获得成功.本文从病毒营销的种类,成功病毒营销案例,受众情感,病毒营销的方法四个方面探析病毒营销与受众情感的内在联系,希望给尝试病毒营销的个人或企业一些有益的启示.  相似文献   

病毒式营销,让产品信息像病毒一样流行起来病毒式营销描述的是一种信息传递战略,包括任何刺激个体将营销信息向他人传递,为信息的爆炸和影响的指数级增长创造潜力的方式。这种战略像病毒一样,利用快速复制的方式将信息传向数以千计,数以百万计的受众。此策略可以耗费很少的人力物力,将信息在短暂的时间内快速地、爆炸式地传递给成千上万的消费者。病毒式营销明确地描述了营销领域正在发生的改变——规模的无效性、感染的重要性、允诺的中心位置。同样是做广  相似文献   

姜红 《中国广告》2011,(1):34-35
《中国广告》:您怎样看待当前红火的病毒视频营销? 王祥芸:病毒视频营销是通过用户的口碑宣传网络。信息像病毒一样传播和扩散,利用快速复制的方式传向数以千计、数以万计的受众。利用剧情与产品融合的表达方式,让用户在一种轻松娱乐氛围下接受某一款产品,不仅让受众加深了印象,而且有效地扩大了产品在受众群中的认知度和影响力。目前也有越来越多的广告主选择这种营销方式。  相似文献   

<正>病毒是一个贬义词。然而病毒性营销却是企业利用网络、利用大众传播,短时间、低成本扩大优质潜在客户的营销手段,是借力营销的典范。一、病毒性营销的特点病毒营销是指那些鼓励目标受众将市场信息像病毒一样传递给他人,使市场信息呈几何级增长速度传播的一种营销策略。它利  相似文献   

“病毒式营销”并非是新事物,它随着互联网而诞生,基因源自传统而最可靠的营销方式——口口相传,每个接受信息的个体同时是信息的媒体,使信息像病毒一样,一传十、十传百地传播和扩散,利用快速复制的方式传向数以千计、数以百万计受众的营销方式。  相似文献   

病毒性营销是指通过利用公众的积极性和人际网络,让营销信息像病毒一样传播和扩散,快速复制并传向数以万计、数以百万计的受众。越来越多的企业开始运用病毒性营销。但是病毒性营销并非是在任何情况下均适用,企业在运用病毒性营销时必须把握一定的实施要点。  相似文献   

网络广告的病毒式营销是一种利用"口碑传播"原理,运用发挥互联网广告传媒具有的特点与优势,催生孵化信息"病毒",爆炸性的扩散传播渠道,实现广告受众间的多重互动与交叉传递,从而迅速、高效的达到品牌宣传的目的。"依云宝宝"作为网络广告病毒式营销的典型案例,分析、研究、掌握其营销技巧,对于提高网络广告的市场营销功能,具有积极的借鉴意义和推动作用。  相似文献   

营销模式差异化 如果巴伦(J.A.Bslen)有幸坐在北京长城电脑大厦4层会议室,听姚建疆讲述酷6视频营销的UGA模式,他一定会手舞足蹈,欣喜若犴。这位受众参与理论的创始人,曾极力主张受众拥有广泛的媒介参与权,坚决认为信息传播要有极强的针对性和互动性,打破传受双方的信息极端不平衡性。网络媒体的迅速发展不断实现着巴伦的学术主张,也印证了受众参与是未来信息传播的必然趋势。酷6网的UGA模式,则是受众参与理论在视频营销领中最完美的体现。  相似文献   

观看网络视频已经成为中国网民主要的娱乐活动之一,网络视频已日益成为旅游企业开展营销活动的新兴渠道。网络视频营销具有成本低廉、参与互动性、主动传播性等特点,适合旅游企业的品牌推广和产品宣传。旅游企业可以通过影视剧贴片广告、网络视频短剧植入营销、病毒式营销、主题征集营销等多种方式,将自身品牌和产品信息送达到潜在消费者手中。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(3):325-333
This article provides an organized approach for managers to develop social marketing strategies that target upstream decision and policy makers. A conceptual application model and five-stage process is presented for an upstream social marketing strategy based on integrated marketing communications (IMC). IMC concepts are described in the context of social marketing, as well as specific stages for creating an IMC social marketing strategy; these include target audience research and determination, channel selection and integration, strategic message creation, and measurement and control. A central and novel feature of the IMC social marketing strategy model is the simultaneous targeting of an upstream decision maker and influential peripheral (upstream) audiences in order to triangulate and increase campaign effectiveness. An IMC approach to upstream social marketing ensures consistent, persuasive messages specifically crafted for the selected target audiences and coordinated through precise channels to maximize impact. This multi-channel, multi-audience approach to message creation and channel selection produces synergies that increase the potential to influence an upstream decision/policy maker.  相似文献   


Research in the area of electronic marketing has focused considerable attention on consumers' and advertisers' perceptions of the Internet as a marketing communication medium. Whilst such research has been undertaken mostly in the private sector, it is important to recognize, and attempt to understand, the growing number of public sector organizations that have an Internet presence. Results of a study of the perceptions of managers in public sector organizations of the Internet as a marketing communication tool are reported. Findings suggest that decision makers in the public sector who feel that there is a need for their organizations to have an Internet presence, are more inclined to adopt the Internet as part of their marketing communications program. Furthermore, they are more likely to feel that use of the Internet will improve their overall marketing effectiveness. It is also interesting to note that the perceived complexity of using the Internet has a significant effect on both the adoption of and attitude towards the Internet as a marketing communications tool. This suggests that there is still some uncertainty amongst public sector organizations as to the usefulness of the Internet in marketing their services.  相似文献   

A multi-stage model of word-of-mouth influence through viral marketing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the growth and evolution of the Internet, electronic peer-to-peer referrals have become an important phenomenon, and marketers have tried to exploit their potential through viral marketing campaigns. At the same time, spam and e-mail-based viruses have cluttered electronic communications, making viral marketing campaigns problematic and challenging to deploy. The key driver in viral marketing is the effectiveness of unsolicited, electronic referrals to create awareness, trigger interest, and generate sales or product adoption. Yet, despite a large literature concerning interpersonal influence, little is known about how this electronic, or, indeed, any word-of-mouth process influences consumers' actual behaviors, particularly in a cluttered online environment. In this paper, we develop a model to help identify the role word-of-mouth plays during each stage of a viral marketing recipients' decision-making process, including the conditions that moderate such influence. We then present an innovative methodology for collecting data unobtrusively and in real time. We empirically test the model and methodology via a field study, where we observed the reactions of 1100 individuals after they received an unsolicited e-mail from one of their acquaintances, inviting them to take a survey and in turn spread the word about it. We found that characteristics of the social tie influenced recipients' behaviors, but had different effects at different stages: tie strength facilitated awareness, perceptual affinity triggered recipients' interest, and demographic similarity had a negative influence on each stage of the decision-making process. We conclude with a discussion of the theoretical and methodological contributions of our work and of managerial implications of these findings for online marketers interested in strategies for leveraging peer-to-peer referral networks.  相似文献   

The marketing landscape has evolved to a great extent with the advent of Internet strategy integration, refined Internet marketing metrics, increase in wireless networking, rising consumer ownership of computers, the era of big data and e-commerce, influencer marketing, and the evolution of the Internet. To tap this virtual environment, newer methods of Internet research are required. This article studies the usage of two Internet research methodologies—Netnography and Social Network Analysis—and explores their potential toward the domain of marketing. An exhaustive literature review was conducted and after analyzing the previously published literature in this domain, it is seen that a clear link between these methodologies and the field of marketing has not been established. With a detailed analysis of previously published research work, using these two methodologies the authors are able to derive correlations with marketing concepts and are able to establish the future potential of the two methodologies of Netnography and Social Network Analysis as marketing research methodologies.  相似文献   

闵洁 《中国广告》2013,(11):143-146
本文针对当下的媒体发展状况提出穆动互联网营销的新策略方向。结合经典案例分析了移动互联网的特征.移动互联网营销的优势,跨媒体营销策略。阐述了数字媒体时代移动互联网已迅速崛起.充分运用移动营销的优势.实行跨媒体移动整合营销将是符合时代发展需求的营销策略,展望了移动营销的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Product placement, the practice of placing brands into non-advertising media, is a growing marketing phenomenon, which has received relatively little attention from business ethicists. Such attention is timely because the UK regulatory framework for television product placement is under review at the time of writing. In this paper, we seek to locate product placement in relation to traditional frameworks of marketing ethics. We suggest that this location is problematic because product placement is a form of marketing communication in which the message, the sender and the precise intention behind a brand seen in a television (TV) show, movie or computer game are often implicit. We suggest that the possibilities for an ethically principled regulation of product placement rest on two key issues: (1) the extent to which programme makers, media owners and brand owners make their product placement strategies explicit to audiences, and (2) the degree of commercial sophistication, which regulators attribute to non-expert entertainment audiences.  相似文献   

The astonishing growth of the Internet coupled with its unique capabilities has captured the attention of the marketing community. Although many businesses are acknowledging the importance of a Web site, to date, little attention has been given to the business community'sperceptions of the ethicality of this new medium. A national sample of marketing executives was surveyed regarding their perceptions of: (1) regulation of the Internet, (2) the potential ethical issues via Internet marketing facing their industry, and (3) the role of ethics and Internet marketing in their organization. Results and recommendations for incorporating Internet ethical guidelines into organizations are discussed.  相似文献   

The Internet has been shown to facilitate elements of internationalisation such as information accumulation and network opportunities. However, there is limited understanding of how the Internet combined with marketing capabilities drives international market growth. This study, based on a sample of 224 Australian firms, develops and tests, using structural equation modelling (SEM), a conceptual model of Internet marketing capabilities and international market growth. Results indicate that firms deploying Internet marketing capabilities will benefit due to the reduction of information uncertainty and increased capacity to develop international network capabilities. Moreover, Internet marketing capabilities indirectly lead to international market growth when the firm has a high level of international strategic orientation and international network capabilities. Overall, Internet marketing capabilities enhance the firm's ability to generate other internal capabilities within the firm, which in turn have a positive impact on the international market growth of the firm.  相似文献   

The concept of viral marketing has been discussed in the literature for over 15 years, since Jeffrey Rayport first introduced the term in 1996. However, the more widespread use of social media has recently pushed this idea to a whole new level. We provide insight into the relationship between social media and viral marketing, and illustrate the six steps executives should take in order to dance the social media/viral marketing waltz. We define viral marketing as electronic word-of-mouth whereby some form of marketing message related to a company, brand, or product is transmitted in an exponentially growing way—often through the use of social media applications. We consider the three conditions that need to be fulfilled to create a viral marketing epidemic (i.e., giving the right message to the right messengers in the right environment) and present four different groups of social media viral marketing campaigns (nightmares, strokes-of-luck, homemade issues, and triumphs). We conclude with five points of caution that managers should heed when trying to launch their own viral marketing campaign.  相似文献   

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