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遏制房地产价格的过快上涨,已经成为全社会普遍关注的热点问题.税收作为影响房地产市场健康发展的一个重要因素,其行业总体税负偏重、税负结构不合理、税制设计滞后,在一定程度上助推了我国房地产价格的不合理上涨.本文通过对我国房地产价格高涨背后税收原因的解析,提出遏制我国房价过快上涨的税收对策建议,期望通过改革和完善我国房地产税制实现对住房消费和房地产收益的调节,促进房地产价格的理性回归.  相似文献   

周晓红 《魅力中国》2012,(35):34-34
一、引言 我国房地产市场经过20余年的发展,已经成为国民经济的重要支柱产业,特别是2000年以后,我国房地产业一直保持着高速增长的速度,房地产价格波动与宏观经济波动的关系日益紧密;与此同时,商品房价格不断攀升,全国平均房地产价格在1988—2008年间上涨了671.58%。房地产价格的持续上涨不仅侵蚀了居民在其他领域的消费能力,对金融稳定乃至宏观经济运行都产生了巨大影响。  相似文献   

房地产市场垄断与住宅价格的关系目前,我国住宅价格持续上涨,但对住宅的需求却不降反升,有悖于一般价格规律。房价指标是房地产市场运行的综合反映,分析房价上涨原因是复杂、多方面的,除了分析供求关系外,还要从房地产市场结构上进行研究。  相似文献   

本文在定性分析我国房地产市场供给和需求因素的基础上,应用宏观经济系统模型.预测2013年我国房地产价格走势.实证结果显示:2013年我国房地产价格总体将保持上涨趋势(涨幅约为13.5%),一线城市上涨幅度明显高于三线和四线城市.文章最后提出了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

作为国家的支柱产业,房地产的稳定发展关乎国计民生.近几年,房地产价格飞速上涨,连创新高.在这种情况下研究房价的影响因素,具有重要的理论和现实意义.文章基于面板数据对影响我国房地产价格进行了实证分析,实证探讨对我国房地产供求的影响显著的因素,以及对于利用什么样的政策能更有效地调整房地产价格使之增长减缓甚至下跌.  相似文献   

房地产泡沫是一种价格运动现象,是由于人们预期变化导致产生群体投机行为,使得房地产价格脱离了市场基础而持续上涨.在房地产泡沫形成、膨胀的机理中,人们的非理性行为是基本前提,正是由于人们的非理性预期,才在市场上表现出了众多的投机、从众行为等现象.文章收集整理了大量有关国内外房地产泡沫的资料,在分析了"房地产泡沫"产生的原因和讨论了对房地产泡沫进行检测的具体方法的基础上,提出了一种新的检测是否存在房地产泡沫的方法.  相似文献   

我国的房地产市场是伴随着政府停止住房实物分配的政策逐步推行,在20世纪90年代真正形成的.从这十几年房地产价格走势看,房价确实呈现持续上涨的态势.文章从需求和供给的角度分析了我国房价上涨的原因并对怎样抑制当前过高的房价给出了一些建议.  相似文献   

北京大学中国经济研究中心教授姚r洋日前表示,保持房地产价格的稳定,是中央政府的重要政策目标之一.为此,在过去十年间出台了一系列的房地产调控政策.然而,这些政策收效并不明显,房地产价格非但没有被抑制住,而且上涨明显,北上广等一线城市房价更是上涨数倍.国家统计局对70个大中城市的监控数据显示总体房价上涨不明显,主要原因是这些城市的建成区不断向更远的郊区扩散,郊区新建住宅的较低房价压低了城市的总体房价.姚洋认为,导致房价上涨的因素很多,不断出台的调控政策进一步强化了民众对房价上涨的预期,"新国五条"的所得税条款更是直接助长房价的上涨.  相似文献   

胡焱 《产权导刊》2007,(10):47-49
近几年,我国房地产市场价格大幅度上涨,房地产行业在不同程度上存在着一定的泡沫成份.我国的房地产是否存在寻租行为,以及应该如何去解决与规避这些寻租行为,成为影响房地产行业健康发展的关键因素.  相似文献   

国家统计局一份研究报告认为,今年我国房地产价格总水平将在平稳中略有上涨.  相似文献   

房产已是一种特殊商品,房价暴涨,实质是社会经济发展与市场经济制度之间存在着不相适应的矛盾。现有的诸多主张和办法并没有从制度上找到房价暴涨的原因,所采取的措施还不能有效地抑制房价。市场经济发展出现的问题只有通过制度改革和创新来解决。本文主张设立政府投资和控制下的商品房期货交易有限公司,立即向市场抛售5年期期房券,以满足市场对投资产品的需求,并抑制和调控房产的价格。  相似文献   

房价问题比较复杂,影响房价的因素很多,征收物业税是其中之一。物业税不可能大幅降低目前的房价。过高或过低地估计物业税对房价的影响都不可取。物业税对房地产市场真正的影响,是通过其具有的功能来促进房地产市场的制度性建设,从而对理顺房价产生间接作用。  相似文献   

The Biofuel Controversy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary  About a decade ago, the main OECD countries decided to promote the use of biofuels so as to reduce greenhouse gases, to contribute to energy self-sufficiency and to create additional demand for agricultural commodities. The introduction of mandatory blending requirements and lavish subsidies spurred fast adoption of this technology. In the course of 2008, the already existing controversy about the effectiveness of this strategy culminated as the resulting upward shift in demand contributed to staggering rises in food prices on world markets. It is uncertain as yet whether this will tone done current ambitions among policy makers to expand biofuel production. The paper shows that high ratios of energy prices to food prices are needed to make biofuel production profitable without the mandatory blending and subsidies. Yet, even if food-based biofuels disappeared, the issue remains that rising high energy prices will promote intensified use worldwide of land for energy crops, requiring huge amounts of mineral fertilizers and putting nature under additional pressure. In policy terms, this defines three major tasks. The first is replacing the current excise taxes on energy carriers by a uniform carbon tax, so as to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in an efficient manner, the second to prevent price fluctuations on the oil markets from destabilizing food markets, as happened in recent years. Introduction of upper limits on the use of food for biofuel could prove effective here. The third, much wider, task is to make the transition to a partly biomass based energy production possible and sustainable, that is establishing fair distribution of property and user rights over the lands, while safeguarding biodiversity and soil fertility and maintaining adequate labour standards and living conditions, also during periods that these become non-profitable following a drop in energy prices. The authors thank Lia van Wesenbeeck for her comments.  相似文献   

Commodity prices provide useful information about current and future global economic activity. First, we show that overall commodity prices indeed tend to comove with economic activity. Second, we try to extract the global demand factor(s) using many commodity prices. While commodity prices reflect both demand and supply factors, by relying on a wide variety of commodity prices, supply shocks can be filtered out as they tend to be commodity-specific idiosyncratic shocks except for widespread supply disruptions confined to a few historical periods. In this paper, we then show that factors extracted from commodity prices movement contain useful information to nowcast and forecast global GDP and industrial production.  相似文献   

牛俊英 《科技和产业》2014,14(12):27-30
理清近年来农产品价格大幅度上涨的原因对于建立农产品目标价格制度显得尤为重要。从国别视角出发来对现有关于农产品价格影响因素的研究进行了综述,其中国内因素视角分为农产品生产成本、城乡居民收入、货币供给量、国内通货膨胀四个小专题,国际因素视角分为国际农产品价格、国际石油价格、汇率、其他外部因素四个小专题。最后指出,影响农产品价格的因素主要还是供求状况,其他因素要么是通过影响农产品的供求来影响价格,要么对农产品价格的影响程度不大,或者是不同学者得出了不同的结论。  相似文献   

The article deals with natural gas pricing in Europe and Russia. Regression models on the dependence of the demand for Russian gas in the European Union from gas export prices and GDP growth rates in the European Union (far abroad) are developed. Adequate regression models are also developed for the dependence of the domestic demand for gas from gas prices and GDP growth rates in Russia. The coefficients of gas demand elasticity of gas prices and GDP growth rates in the European Union and Russia are estimated. The relationship between inflation and GDP growth rates in Russia and gas prices is estimated.  相似文献   

California's Electricity Crisis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The paper examines the economic and regulatory factors thatled to an explosion in wholesale power prices, supply shortages,and utility insolvencies in California's electricity sectorfrom May 2000 to June 2001. The structure of California's restructuredelectricity sector and its early performance are discussed.The effects on wholesale market prices of rising natural gasprices, increasing demand, reduced power imports, rising pollutioncredit prices, and market power, beginning in the summer of2000, are analysed, The regulatory responses leading to utilitycredit problems and supply shortages are identified. The effectsof falling natural gas prices, reduced demand, state power-procurementinitiatives, and price-mitigation programmes on prices beginningin June 2001 are discussed. A set of lessons learned from theCalifornia experience concludes the paper.  相似文献   

赵秀池 《特区经济》2011,(9):291-292
粮价、房价以及前段时间发生的"盐慌"问题是最近人们关注的焦点话题,本文在分析一般商品价格调控原理基础上,通过比较粮价、盐价与房价的调控,提出房价调控的政策建议:增加住房供给,尤其是增加中小户型住房的供给;限制投资性住房需求和投机性住房需求;完善住房保障制度。  相似文献   

张珊 《特区经济》2014,(8):201-202
本文从需求角度分析影响房价的各因素,包括经济发展水平、城镇化水平、城镇居民收入水平和通货膨胀等,并选取一系列房地产价格的影响指标在2001-2010年的十年数据,建立31个省市房价的多种面板数据模型。对不同模型间进行选择和比较,得出最佳模型为个体固定效应模型,力图揭示各选取因素是否能够对房地产价格产生显著影响,从而确定需求层面上房价的影响因素,以及得出相应建议。  相似文献   

Urbanization across the Roman Empire created a demand for building materials on an unprecedented scale. Quarrying was largely conducted by municipalities, institutions, or landed aristocrats, who owned or inherited the valuable land from which stone was extracted. By using principles of economics as a guide, and with greater coordination between theory and written and archaeological sources, this article examines the decision‐making processes involved in opening a quarry. Theories of economic rationality, resource economics, and statistical methods are helpful for understanding the prices for marble recorded in Diocletian's Edict, Roman jurists’ writings about exploitation on private land, and newly discovered quarries in the region of Aphrodisias, Turkey. Here it is argued that the exchange of local building stone took place in a competitive market where landowners actively tried to improve their financial situation, but did so at considerable risk. At Aphrodisias, examples of failed attempts exist alongside long‐running and successful enterprises. Entrepreneurs there did not extract a homogeneous set of resources, but chose to target marbles with inconsistent physical properties at increasing distances from the city in response to greater demand and rising prices. Roman jurists, primarily interested in protecting property value, made landowners calculate whether potential profits earned from sales outweighed the degradation of land.  相似文献   

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