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对西方“经济人”理论的一些思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济人是西方经济学最基本的人性假设,随着经济学理论的演进,经济人假设被发展为有限理性经济人假设,后再发展到异质有限理性经济人假设,构成了西方经济学的经济人理论。但不管经济人理论如何修正和完善,其始终存在着重大的缺陷。本文正是基于马克思主义经济学的视角来对西方经济学的经济人理论进行深入的剖析,为我国社会主义经济建设提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

会计舞弊的机理可以用行为经济学的基本原理加以阐释。“有限理性”假设可以说明会计舞弊为何产生;前景理论可以解释会计舞弊中的合谋现象;锚定效应、过度自信和从众行为可以表明为什么经济主体和个人甘冒舞弊被发现和受到处罚的风险。  相似文献   

完全理性是经济学的一个重要假设,与人类知识的进展相关,知识的进展强化了人类对理性的认知。有限理性提出以来,完全理性假设既受到挑战又与有限理性共生于经济理论之中,如何使两者有机地统一起来,对于经济学理论的发展具有重要意义。本文将知识分为关于自然的知识和关于人类自组织的知识两个方面,引证出理性主要由人类自组织的知识通过模式化认知构建,并通过对人的生物性价值认知模式的研究,提出有限理性在于知识的有限性,而完全理性也在于知识的不断扩展,使经济理论理性假设归结到知识。  相似文献   

程丽娟 《财会通讯》2011,(10):116-118
本文介绍了制度经济学的相关理论,并依据其原理对政府成本过高的现象进行了剖析,认为政府也是"有限理性经济人",公众的虚位使对政府代理人的监督成为空谈。国际化大背景下的竞争,正在由企业制度层面向政府制度层面过渡。而制度是降低政府成本、保障政府有效运行的基础。通过明确政府职能定位,建立透明化政府,强化预算约束等手段,能有效地降低政府成本。  相似文献   

刘霞飞 《价值工程》2013,(2):327-329
交易费用经济学(TCE)和产权理论(PRT)是不完全契约理论两个重要的理论分支,威廉姆森(2010)对TCE发展刚做了阶段性归纳整理,哈特(2011)则正在引领PRT迈向行为经济学,近年来TCE和PRT的理论发展都取得不少进展,现在正是对这些工作进行阶段性总结的时机。本文将在介绍TCE和PRT理论的基本思路和发展的基础上,针对契约不完全的理解、有限理性假设、事前激励与事后激励等关键问题进行理论探究。  相似文献   

一、“有限理性”的理论溯源众所周知,会计学理论是在经济学理论指导下发展起的,研究会计学中的诸多重要问题必须从经济学理论与计学理论的关系入手,否则,就很难找到解决问题的正途径。本文所说的“经济学理论”指的是经济学家西蒙授倡导的“有限理性”理论。他认为人的完全理性是不在的,只存在有限理性。他还进一步从“有限理性”理论出了“程序理性”和“结果理性”两个层次。所谓程序理,是指行为是在适当考虑其结果的条件下进行的,或者行为过程符合规范的标准,则该行为就是程序理性的,此行为的程序理性取决于某项行为的过程是否合规;结理…  相似文献   

在当今纷繁复杂的经济环境下,在人是“有限理性”的前提下,只有审计程序合理及过程规范,才有审计结果的理性可言。审计专业判断在审计理论中占有重要的地位,并贯穿于审计过程的始终。“有限理性”理论的运用,要求我们更加重视审计实务的程序理性和审计专业判断的理性,以保证审计结果步入良性循环。  相似文献   

基于科层理论的企业内部控制系统构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于对企业内部控制系统是开放理性系统的认识,本文借鉴组织经济学与组织行为学的相关理论,通过对内部控制与科层理论致性的论证分析,从组织科层理论的角度构建分别以股东、经营者、管理者以及员工为主体的四层次内部控制框架及其整体性制度安排,针对科层科制自身存在的局限性,提出完善四层次内部控制框架的若干对策。  相似文献   

新古典经济学实质上是按照"效率—稀缺"维度的经济理性行为建立的经济学理论体系。而以"效率—风险""效率—时间""效率—空间"和"效率—公平"维度所建立的理论体系往往以非主流经济学的形式存在。现代经济学理论的"经济理性"行为的基本假设应当具有多维度特征。大多数个人"偏好"行为可以被解释为按照其他维度决策的经济理性行为。现实中的经济决策往往是一个多维度选择与"排序"优化的过程。  相似文献   

诱导效应是指通过增加不对称信息把决策者置于有限理性的环境下,使其对最初的选择产生背离,产生可预见的不理性的决策行为。本文回顾了诱导效应理论研究现状,解释了诱导效应的机理,分析了企业应用诱导效应理论的意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop a methodology which will use economic data to detect the existence of boundedly rational economic agents. The bounded rationality model presented in this paper generalizes a linear dynamic rational expectations model by nesting two types of expectations. In this paper, it is claimed that the bounded rationality model as presented can be transformed into an optimal regulator problem with distortions. As a result, the methodologies developed by the optimal control theory can be used to solve the model. The likelihood function for the model is constructed by the Kalman filtering using the solution of the model. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is performed to test for bounded rationality in the U.S. cattle market for the period from 1900 to 1990. The empirical results indicate that some fraction of economic agents in the market are boundedly rational.  相似文献   

有限理性是比完全理性更符合社会经济实际情况的假说。论文在相关文献梳理的基础上,主要从决策者自身和决策环境两方面来考虑,采用定性分析的方法对影响个体决策者有限理性的四大因素——认知、心智成本、不确定性和信息成本进行系统研究,分析有限理性与这四个影响因素之间的复杂关系,并对影响因素之间的交互效应进行研究。  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of this essay is to explore the relationship between the simple and the complex in economics by anchoring our analysis on bounded rationality. Much of the conventional literature focuses on ‘un‐bounded rationality’ of the rationality‐as‐consistency variety. Theorizing of bounded rationality tends to assume that the problem to be solved is independent of the nature of bounded rationality. Following the insights from the works of Herbert Simon and contributions from outside economics, both bounded rationality and the environment are inextricably linked. The boundaries between bounded rationality and its environment can shift. The form in which bounded rationality is found depends on the complexity of the environment. Furthermore, if local interactions between bounded rational agents result in the formation of hierarchies – the complexity of the collective system will change. Whether this will occur depends on the nature of bounded rationality at the individual level.  相似文献   

This study explores how farmers' managerial behavior in their production planning processes influences the economic performance of their farms, measured through input‐oriented and output‐oriented technical efficiency. A conceptual framework in which differences in managerial behavior were assumed to be due to bounded rationality was developed. The 3‐year means (2006–2008) from a panel data set on grape‐producing family farms in FYR Macedonia were analyzed. Technical efficiency was estimated with the nonparametric data envelopment analysis approach. The impact of farmers' managerial behavior was assessed in a second‐stage regression. The results suggest that bounded rationality in farmers' production planning decisions causes inefficiency. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

当前的公允价值俨然成为一个基于市场参数和主观判断的估计价格。因而,市场的无效、人的有限理性和机会主义行为都会导致所估计的公允价值在事实上并不"公允",从而产生了公允价值的基础性失真、行为性失真和违规性失真。针对公允价值失真的不同类型,应采取不同的分类治理模式。  相似文献   

Abstract Since its origins in the 1950s, the notion of bounded rationality has been incorporated into economic theory using an array of methodological approaches. This paper presents a taxonomy by which these approaches can be categorized and understood, evaluating each approach against a range of important criteria. At a time when the foundations of economic theory are being re‐examined, this paper should be viewed as a first step towards an assessment of the appropriate role that this more realistic view of cognition should take in different areas of economic theory, and also of the desirable characteristics of models that incorporate it.  相似文献   

赵丹华 《价值工程》2014,(26):18-19
通过对超市管理人理性认知模式和决议选择的分析,探讨在有限理性视角下的超市管理人的行为机理,得出,有限理性视角下的超市管理人的博弈行为对我国能否有效顺利实施"农超对接"起着关键作用,本文从有限理性经济人的角度出发,通过博弈模型剖析超市参与"农超对接"行为,发现"农超对接"实施中存在的根本问题,为促进我国"农超对接"快速发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Previous political models of macroeconomic phenomena have been erroneous due to the interpretations researchers have attached to the political dichotomies specified in their models. It is claimed that direct stimuli interpretations of political nominal scaling misrepresent the true nature of the impact political determinants exert upon macroeconomic endogenous outcomes. Furthermore, it is suggested that a proper specification of an economic phenomenon requires the consideration of both political and economic information. The consideration of political content, given its expectational nature, somewhat bridges the gap between substantive global rationality and procedural bounded rationality theories in economics and political science (as well as cognitive psychology). When a fuller specification is brought to bear, economic determinants play a mixed role in macroeconomic modeling. Such determinants are subject to direct stimuli and expectational information. On the other hand political determinants exert a pure expectational impact upon endogenous economic determinants.  相似文献   

张玲  张峥 《物流技术》2021,(3):59-64,101
通过考虑消费者剩余,企业利润中引入承担社会责任参数,建立了具有异质性有限理性的古诺寡头博弈竞争模型,分析利润相关参数对系统博弈均衡稳定性的影响,并进行了数值模拟。研究表明单方有限理性系统比双方有限理性系统稳定。产品成本超过一定阈值应避免产量竞争,可以通过承担社会责任,提升产品价格来增加利润,但当企业承担社会责任增加时,系统稳定性降低。此时降低调整产量的速度,观察竞争对手产量调整速度,避免系统进入混沌状态,失去最优产量优势。  相似文献   

A new policy approach that seeks to formalize street vendors by immobilizing them in designated places has been taken as an alternative to exclusion in Guangzhou, China. This article develops an analytical framework for understanding this spatial formalization by drawing upon Foucault's concept of governmentality. Formalization can be understood as a form of spatial governmentality that seeks to guide the behaviour of informal economic individuals towards officially desired norms by creating bounded spaces. While the formalization programme reflects a moral form of political rationality that directs modern governments towards principles of social justice, it is fundamentally founded on a dispositional spatial rationality that imagines the dependence of social control on the ordering of space. However, this spatial rationality entails a tension between the goal of formalization and its practical effects, resulting in a failure to respect vital attributes of street vending and vendors’ counter‐responses to it. The article concludes by questioning the government's formalization approach, given its ignorance of the reality of informality, and opens up the question of what might be good formalization.  相似文献   

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