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目前我国经济面临对内通货膨胀、对外贸易资本双顺差的内外经济失衡。内部失衡是造成外部失衡的原因,通过数据分析,形成内部失衡的主要原因是政府预算赤字、储蓄不足以及贸易顺差共同对国内商品市场造成超额需求。要实现经济内外均衡,必须进行经济结构调整,提高国内需求能力,促进国内商品市场均衡  相似文献   

由于结构性失衡和市场分割的缺失,中国房地产市场远非一个“完整”的市场。2014年初,信贷泡沫持续暗涌,房产税争议未见消停,房地产金融的结构性问题再次浮出水面。对此,复旦大学世界经济研究所所长华民指出,由于结构性失衡和市场分割的缺失。中国房地产市场远非一个“完整”的市场,人口和资本流动是房价最终的方向标。  相似文献   

文章通过对失衡与均衡的经济学分析,说明全球经济失衡也表现为一种动态均衡,近年来国际经济环境的深刻变化是理解失衡的背景,而失衡的根源可能与重大的技术创新和制度创新有关。世界经济发展过程就是一个从失衡走向均衡的过程,对失衡的调整过程也是市场力量自动纠错和成长进步的过程。  相似文献   

我国的资本市场目前存在着比较严重的结构失衡问题 ,这将制约资本市场发挥其应有的作用。本文主要对我国资本市场中存在的股市与债市的失衡问题进行了分析 ,并从资本市场与金融市场的相关关系角度 ,论述“只有保持资本市场中股市与债市的共存与协调比例发展 ,才会有助于资本市场或金融市场对于一国经济发展产生积极影响”这一观点  相似文献   

文章通过对失衡与均衡的经济学分析,说明全球经济失衡也表现为一种动态均衡,近年来国际经济环境的深刻变化是理解失衡的背景,而失衡的根源可能与重大的技术创新和制度创新有关。世界经济发展过程就是一个从失衡走向均衡的过程,对失衡的调整过程也是市场力量自动纠错和成长进步的过程。  相似文献   

近年来,云南省房地产市场发展持续加快,对地区经济拉动作用明显,但也出现房价上涨过快、市场结构性失衡等问题。本文在阐述云南省房地产市场发展情况基础上,分析了全省房地产市场面临的投资回落风险加大、房地产供需结构失衡、房企资金压力加大等问题。建议通过构建房地产调控长效机制、加强房地产市场跟踪监测和预警等举措,确保房地产市场健康平稳发展。  相似文献   

近年来我国信贷市场出现了信贷失衡的现象,主要表现为信贷资金集中流向效益好的大企业,而中小企业成为信贷收缩的对象,这种信贷失衡既是我国商业银行信贷行为短期理性的表现,但同时也带来了很大的负面效应。本文从信贷行为中的委托代理关系出发,揭示了我国信贷市场上激励机制的失败是导致信贷失衡的重要原因,并据此提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

近年来我国信贷市场出现了信贷失衡的现象,主要表现为信贷资金集中流向效益好的大企业,而中小企业成为信贷收缩的对象,这种信贷失衡既是我国商业银行信贷行为短期理性的表现,但同时也带来了很大的负面效应.本文从信贷行为中的委托代理关系出发,揭示了我国信贷市场上激励机制的失败是导致信贷失衡的重要原因,并据此提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

经济失衡是推动过去数年股市上升的根本原因。中国目前推出的大规模经济刺激方案主要针对投资,而非刺激消费,这将进一步加剧中国经济失衡局面。未来失衡恶化到不得不纠正的地步时,对于资本市场的打击可能更为剧烈。  相似文献   

为补足房地产市场发展短板,有效解决房地产市场结构性失衡,我国提出加快建立租购并举的住房制度,健全住房租赁市场,满足居民居住需求。本文通过构建一般均衡模型,分析住房租赁市场发展对宏观经济的影响,并采用1998~2010年全国30个大中城市季度数据分析在房地产市场化改革前期房地产市场结构失衡对宏观经济的影响,采用2002~2019年全国月度数据分析实施租购并举住房制度后房地产市场结构改善情况下,宏观经济变化以及货币政策对房地产市场的调节效应。研究结果表明:第一,房地产市场化改革前期,住房以"居住"属性为主,"投资"属性相对较弱;第二,租购并举制度下房租房价之间"剪刀差"的缩小能够有效改善房地产市场失衡的状况;第三,货币政策对房地产市场具有显著影响,但不同的货币政策会产生截然相反的作用。  相似文献   

An efficient rescheduling of the debt must take into accountthe market value of the debt. I argue here that the appropriateapproach is not to write down the debt to its value on the secondarymarket, but to scale the flows of payments on the debt. Thekey to an efficient rescheduling is to offer debt relief reflectingthe market discount, where the relief is contingent upon thecountry's adjustment effort (rather than setting repayment terms"once and for all" as in the Brady plan). I propose, as an example,that stabilization or adjustment programs under the aegis ofthe International Monetary Fund or the World Bank could includeprovisions allowing debt servicing or repurchase for a set durationat the secondary market rate. This would both reflect and provideincentives to increase a country's ability to repay.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between intra-industry trade (IIT) expansion and labor market adjustment in Taiwan. We adopt a panel data set containing detailed employment information and utilize various measures of labor market adjustment to conduct empirical estimations. After controlling for industry-specific effects and occupational composition, the empirical results demonstrate that IIT expansion does have a smoothing effect on labor market adjustment. Moreover, industries with abundant skilled workers experience lower employment adjustment costs.  相似文献   

当前,我国经济发展在总量规模扩张的同时,也正面临着严峻的结构性调整,产业结构升级愈来愈成为经济增长的关键。本文从资本市场的视角讨论了产业结构升级的运行机制,并根据1994-2005年我国资本市场和产业结构有关经济数据,对资本市场融资与产业结构升级的关系进行了实证分析,证明随着资本市场规模日益壮大,对我国一、二、三产业的发展和结构变迁起到促进作用。最后,对我国资本市场存在的不足提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

人民币国际化是市场选择的结果,它一般要经历贸易结算功能的国际化、金融交易职能的国际化和价值储备职能的国际化三个阶段。影响人民币国际化进程的主要经济因素归结为四个方面:中国出口贸易规模占全球比重、对外投资额所占全球的比重、金融市场的发达与开放度才及人民币币值的稳定性。人民币的国际化有利于中国对外投资的深入推进,同时中国对外投资的发展能够促进人民币国际化的进程,二者相互影响,相互促进。从对外投资的视角看,为了加快人民币国际化的进程,我国应该在对外投资区域、投资产业及投资方式作出重大的战略调整。  相似文献   

This article investigates how “systematic” adjustment costs proxied by market imperfections, and macroeconomic conditions affect capital structure dynamics in a cross-country setting. We document substantial variations in firms’ capital structure adjustments across countries and, particularly, over time. Consistent with adjustment costs impeding firms from rebalancing their capital structures, worse market imperfections are associated with slower speeds of adjustment (SOA) and larger leverage deviations. Intertemporally, capital structure adjustment is procyclical, with SOA increasing by 0.9 percentage point for a one-percentage-point increase in GDP growth rate. The procyclicality is attributable to good macroeconomic conditions mitigating market imperfections through channels of 1) facilitating free-ride restructuring and 2) uncertainty alleviation. Our investigation features a bootstrapping-based estimation method that addresses the mechanical mean reversion of leverage ratio.  相似文献   

基于中国主要粮食品种的收购价格、批发价格和零售价格数据,采用一种新的正则化贝叶斯门限估计法估计的三区制门限向量修正模型(TVECM),从交易成本视角探讨粮食市场垂直整合程度和非对称价格调整。结果表明:粮食收购市场与批发市场整合程度高于批发市场与零售市场整合程度;大豆和玉米市场垂直整合程度低于大米和小麦市场垂直整合程度;粮食市场垂直价格调整在不同区制具有非对称性;当价格偏离均衡程度低于交易成本时,也可能存在价格调整。  相似文献   

Earlier estimates of the behavior of the City of London office market are extended by considering a longer time series of data, covering two full cycles, and by explicitly modeling asymmetric space market responses to employment and supply shocks. A long run structural model linking real rental levels, office-based employment and the supply of office space is estimated and then rental adjustment processes are modeled using an error correction model framework. Rental adjustment is seen to be asymmetric, depending both on the direction of the supply and demand shocks and on the state of the space market at the time of the shock. Vacancy adjustment does not display statistically significant asymmetries. There is also a supply adjustment equation. Two three-equation systems, one with symmetric rental adjustment and the other with asymmetric adjustment, are subjected to positive and negative shocks to employment. These illustrate differences in the properties of the two systems.  相似文献   

This paper tests the hypothesis that stock returns in emerging stock markets adjust asymmetrically to past information. The evidence suggests that both the conditional mean and the conditional variance respond asymmetrically to past information. In agreement with studies dealing with developed stock markets, the conditional variance is an asymmetrical function of past innovations, rising proportionately more during market declines. More importantly, the conditional mean is also an asymmetrical function of past returns. Specifically, positive past returns are more persistent than negative past returns of an equal magnitude. This behaviour is consistent with an asymmetric partial adjustment price model where news suggesting overpricing (negative returns) are incorporated faster into current prices than news suggesting underpricing (positive returns). Furthermore, the asymmetric adjustment of prices to past information could be partially responsible for the asymmetries in the conditional variance if the degree of adjustment and the level of volatility are positively related.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of product market competition on the ownership choice of controlling shareholders in the Korean business groups known as chaebols. We find that member firms in more competitive markets have less disparity between the control and cash flow rights of controlling shareholders. The adjustment in ownership due to product market competition is implemented mainly through an adjustment in the ownership of affiliates rather than in the direct ownership of controlling shareholders. The disciplinary effect of product market competition is observed only in member firms with lower market power in their own industries. The result implies that product market competition works as a disciplinary mechanism that reduces the incentive of chaebols’ controlling shareholders to pursue the private benefits of control.  相似文献   

巫岑  黎文飞  唐清泉 《金融研究》2019,466(4):92-110
本文以2006-2015年我国沪深A股上市公司为研究样本,在“十一五”与“十二五”产业规划所处的时间区间内,考察了产业政策对企业资本结构调整速度的影响以及作用路径。结果显示,产业政策与企业资本结构调整速度显著正相关,且分别在非国有、小规模和融资约束较严重的企业中更加显著。区分调整方向后发现,产业政策能提高资本结构向上调整的速度,但只有重点产业政策能提高固定资产比例较低的企业向下调整的速度。基于作用路径的分析发现,产业政策提高了企业选择增加债务的方式来调整资本结构的概率;重点产业政策提高了特定类型企业以增加权益方式向下调整资本结构的概率。上述结果表明,产业政策主要通过债务融资方式影响资本结构调整速度,而只有受到重点产业政策支持的特定类型的企业能够通过权益融资方式提高资本结构调整速度。  相似文献   

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