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Logistics’ contribution to corporate performance has increased over recent years, particularly due to supply chain innovations. Opposed to common innovations focusing on the improvement of product or information flow, supply chain finance (SCF) targets the financial flow and allows buying firms and their suppliers to improve working capital and reduce costs. However, the adoption process of SCF is complex and rather unexplored in academia. This article provides an early step in building knowledge about SCF and in particular how firms adopt SCF, why they adopt differently, and what role suppliers play in the adoption process. The objective was therefore to close the gap between our knowledge on product and information flow oriented innovations and financial flow innovations along the supply chain, namely SCF. For this explorative research, we opted for an inductive multiple case study approach with six European firms. Based on our findings, four sets of propositions are posited and an extended SCF adoption framework is proposed revolving around the interrelated adoption processes of buying firms and their corresponding supplier bases.  相似文献   

马勇 《商业研究》2003,(23):75-77
信息技术在与金融业的冲突与融合中改变着金融业的面貌。由于信息技术要素的加入和不断发展,网络银行应运而生并渐成为世界银行发展的潮流。在我国,网络银行存在较多的制约因素,但平稳有序地发展网络银行是我国银行业必须坚持的经营策略。  相似文献   

新经济发展的两大支柱是科技与金融,两者的结合是高新技术产业发展的需要,而金融服务创新是金融发展不竭的动力。基于金融服务支持高新技术产业发展的原理,通过对金融服务支持该产业科技活动投入的现状分析,提出金融服务创新支撑广东高新技术产业发展的具体实现路径和保障措施。  相似文献   


There remains academic debate on the association between credible financial information and small firms’ access to diversified sources of finance. This study investigates the role of credible financial information and its interaction with a country’s legal and regulatory environment on the access of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to diversified sources of finance in 129 developing countries. The findings indicate positive impacts of financial information quality and a country’s legal and regulatory environment on small firms’ access to diversified sources of finance. SMEs operating in a weak legal and regulatory environment benefit more from providing credible financial information. The findings are robust after controlling for the endogeneity of firms audit decision using a two-stage instrumental variable method. Our evidence suggests that firms’ credible signaling of the quality of their financial information helps reduce the adverse selection problem for finance suppliers, increasing small firms’ access to diversified sources of finance.  相似文献   

我国金融业务中,个人理财业务在短短的几年时间中得到了长足发展。这种变化是金融体系内部技术、管制、竞争等因素作用的结果,是一种适应全球金融业发展的必然趋势。个人理财业务的发展历史很短,对其系统化的提升和总结需要较长的一段时间,理论上的探讨还不够成熟。探讨个人理财的理论基础将是我国个人理财发展过程中必须面对的一个课题。本文将探讨生命周期理论和现代理财学中的有关理论,以期为个人理财业务提供理论基础。  相似文献   

刘雪晶 《商业研究》2003,(16):75-77
加入世贸组织使得我国经济一体化进程不断加快 ,网络技术 (包括Internet、Intranet)和电子商务的广泛应用 ,使得财务软件的应用平台、开发技术、功能体系也在不断的更新。计算机网络正在改变企业的业务形态和运营方式 ,也必然影响和改变财务管理模式以及财会工作方式。传统财务走向网络财务已势在必然。财经类高校如何培养网络经济环境下的应用型人才 ,是财务教育工作者引以重视的问题。仅从网络财务的技术、构建措施等方面 ,谈谈网络财务教学实验系统的建设。  相似文献   

自从2005年《信贷资产证券化试点管理办法》实施以来,在政策红利、经济发展、消费刺激以及技术深化的时代背景下,对互联网消费金融进行资产证券化日益成为金融市场发展的热点。互联网消费金融机构通过资产证券化,可以全面实现期限转换、信用转换、流动性转换以及风险转换等金融核心功能;但互联网消费金融资产证券化的过度创新发展,同时也带来了诸多法律风险,包括基础资产的真实性风险、破产隔离和真实出售的风险、信息披露不透明的风险以及杠杆率水平过高的违规风险。对此,本文通过分析目前我国互联网消费金融资产证券化的监管现状与不足,以给出互联网消费金融资产证券化健康发展的监管建议。  相似文献   

我国房地产融资模式的改进与制度创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王诚庆 《财贸经济》2005,(11):69-72
我国房地产融资模式自上世纪90年代初的第一次创新之后,经过10多年的经济增长和市场发展,目前已发展到了亟须进行以融资渠道多元化为核心内容的第二次创新的阶段.本文从我国房地产融资结构的现状出发,讨论了为了维持房地产业的持续健康发展和有效地防范金融风险所需进行的融资工具创新问题和制度创新问题.  相似文献   

近2 0年间,随着我国国际贸易规模、数量和范围不断扩大,进出口商面临着资金短缺的困难,而商业银行贸易融资业务是解决进出口贸易资金融通问题的一个选择。与发达国家商业银行相比,国内银行在科技和管理水平、金融服务及经营方式等方面存在明显差距。本文运用规范性分析方法对国际贸易融资创新及风险进行了探讨,注重理论和实践的结合、微观和宏观分析的结合、比较分析,通过横向和纵向比较,总结国际贸易融资业务发展状况和趋势。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,金融为农村经济发展发挥了积极作用,但农村地区“融资难”现象依然存在。为进一步深化农村金融改革,促进农村经济发展,需要出台支持涉农金融机构发展的优惠措施,大力创新农村贷款担保及保险业务,加快建立健全适应“三农”特点的多层次、广覆盖、可持续的农村金融体系,鼓励和引导金融机构创新信贷产品和信用模式,发挥地方政府在农村金融改革发展中的主导作用。  相似文献   

我国金融发展对国际贸易的影响机理阐释及经验证据   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在传统贸易比较优势逐渐丧失的背景下,实现外贸可持续发展战略给金融业提出了更高的要求,正确认识我国金融发展对外贸的作用机理和效应有助于相应的政策调适。本文的理论分析表明:金融发展主要通过金融制度、技术创新、资源配置、分散风险和汇率调整等途径来影响国际贸易;经验分析表明经济货币化、经济金融化、汇率贬值因素都对我国外贸发展起到了重要的促进作用,而经济证券化因素则不然。从静态的角度来看,经济证券化因素并没有促进我国外贸的发展,但从动态的角度来看,经济证券化因素仍会对我国外贸产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

金融电子化对我国金融监管的挑战与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘浩 《商业研究》2005,(16):169-172
我国金融电子化在经历了后台电子化、前台电子化之后,目前已进入了以网络开发为标志的技术集成化应用阶段。随着商业银行综合业务处理、资金汇兑、银行卡等电子应用系统的建立,金融业的面貌为之一新。但是,人们在享受了金融电子化带来的金融效率的同时,又面临了一个全新的金融监管课题,即如何处理新的金融活动方式与陈旧的金融监管模式的摩擦与冲突。在这一背景下,我国金融监管面临的问题与挑战,促使中央银行必须采取相应对策。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,我国的资本市场虽已从单一的财政拨款形式发展为财政、信贷、证券等并列的多元格局,但与国际比较还有很大的差距。加之我国加入WTO及信电技术的发展和金融理论的突破,我国的金融市场日益与国际接轨,国际上各种新型的金融创新不断启迪着我国金融界。其中资产证券化也是人们关注的焦点之一。  相似文献   

集中与协同——网络财务的精髓   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理型财务软件、因特网以及电子商务的兴起,将网络财务这一崭新的模式引入财务管理,并成为财务领域研究的热点问题。网络财务有时间、空间和效率三重特征,引发了财务管理模式的变革,其精髓体现为集中管理与协同业务,将呈现网络财务与管理信息系统和电子商务融合的发展趋势。  相似文献   

各类房地产金融创新为开发商和购房者提供了充足的金融支持,出现这一局面的根本原因在于房地产市场是一个生产者主权市场。这些金融创新不仅抑制了房地产金融调控效果,还在商品房供给增加的同时推动房价不断上升,使得房地产市场和房地产金融市场风险加速聚集。对此应改变房地产调控思路,增加供给,管理预期,转变银行的信贷管理思路,加强对非银行金融机构的房地产金融业务监管。  相似文献   

2014年阿里巴巴在纽约证券交易所的正式上市,我国互联网金融企业迎来了一个春天。互联网涉猎于金融行业相关的服务及产品之中。互联网金融的发展在一定程度上促进了相关金融行业的整体发展,实现了相关服务信息的透明化和公开化。一方面,中小微企业相关金融服务存在融资的手续繁琐,成本相对较高,信贷配给量过低,融资渠道单一;另一方面,互联网金融实现了小额信贷的规模化和金融服务的订单化,保证了低成本服务的覆盖面积,实现了融资模式的创新。  相似文献   

基于网络环境下的财务管理的几个重点问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王斯 《商业研究》2005,(14):202-204
网络经济的快速发展,给企业参与市场带来了新的机遇,同时对企业传统的财务管理也提出了挑战。传统的支付方式与网络财务发展已不相适应,取而代之的应是新兴的网上支付方式和电子货币;同时,网络环境下要建立与之相配套的高效的集成管理信息系统,以使企业加快对财务信息的处理和利用,提高企业的竞争力;网络财务的诸多优点给企业带来了巨大的商机和财富,也不可避免的引起了一系列的安全问题。  相似文献   

In recent years, small businesses have received much attention from policy makers and researchers, in that these businesses are considered important for economic growth and job creation. At the same time small businesses are assumed to face major problems in securing long-term external finance, which is regarded as restraining their development and growth. Small business managers are assumed to use institutional finance as a means of meeting the need for resources, and as a consequence the major part of the research on small business finance has focused on constraints in the supply of institutional (market) finance.As we see it, most small business managers handle the need for resources using means other than external finance by applying different kinds of financial bootstrapping methods. Financial bootstrapping refers to the use of methods for meeting the need for resources without relying on long-term external finance from debt holders and/or new owners. However, these other means of resource acquisition have, with few exceptions, not been focused on within earlier research on small business finance. Against this background, the purpose of this study is to describe small business managers' use of different financial bootstrapping methods, and, more importantly, to develop concepts that can help us better understand small business managers' financial bootstrapping behaviors.The research process was initiated with a number of unstructured interviews conducted with small business managers, accountants, consultants, bank officials, and researchers, in order to identify different financial bootstrapping possibilities. On the basis of the interviews and an earlier study on financial bootstrapping, resulting in the identification of 32 bootstrapping methods, a questionnaire was constructed and sent to 900 small business managers in Sweden. Given the limited knowledge within the area of financial bootstrapping, the study is based on explorative factor analysis and cluster analysis.From the cluster analysis six clusters of bootstrappers were identified, differing from each other with respect to the bootstrapping methods used and the characteristics of the business. On the basis of this information the different clusters were labeled: (1) delaying bootstrappers; (2) relationship-oriented bootstrappers; (3) subsidy-oriented bootstrappers; (4) minimizing bootstrappers; (5) non-bootstrappers; and (6) private owner-financed bootstrappers. The groups of financial bootstrappers show differences in their orientation toward resource acquisition, representing different aspects of an internal mode of resource acquisition, a social mode of resource acquisition, and a quasi-market mode of resource acquisition. We find that the delaying bootstrappers, private owner-financed bootstrappers, and minimizing bootstrappers all represent an internal mode of resource acquisition. The relationship-oriented bootstrappers follow a socially oriented mode of resource acquisition, whereas the subsidy-oriented bootstrappers apply quasi-market oriented resource acquisition.This study contributes to our empirical understanding by providing knowledge about the financial bootstrapping methods used in small businesses. Furthermore, by developing concepts this study contributes to the conceptual development of our knowledge about financial bootstrapping. The implication of this study is that financial bootstrapping is a phenomenon which deserves more attention in future research on small business finance. At the same time, financial bootstrapping behavior is probably a more general phenomenon, appearing in different contexts, such as R&D activities in large businesses, financing start-ups, etc. Finally, the study points out implications for small business managers, consultants, teachers, etc. Practitioners often tend to focus on market solutions to resource needs. This study shows, however, that this strong focus can be questioned. Resources needed in small businesses can in many situations be secured using financial bootstrapping methods, referring to internally oriented and socially oriented resource acquisition strategies.  相似文献   

In the first macroeconomic empirical assessment of the relationship between mobile phones and finance, the author examines the correlations between mobile phone penetration and financial development using two conflicting definitions of the financial system in the financial development literature. With the traditional International Financial Statistics (IFS) (2008) definition, mobile phone penetration has a negative correlation with traditional financial intermediary dynamics of depth, activity, and size. However, when a previously missing informal-financial sector component is integrated into the definition, mobile phone penetration has a positive correlation with informal financial development. Three implications result: There is a growing role of informal finance; mobile phone penetration may not be positively assessed at a macroeconomic level by traditional financial development indicators; and it is a wake-up call for scholarly research on informal financial development indicators that will orient monetary policy.  相似文献   

邱静  王清 《商业研究》2012,(3):27-35
本文从金融视角分析了四川地区经济结构现状、特点、问题,及制约经济结构转型中的金融因素。由于四川金融发展相对滞后,金融资源价格没有充分反映经济信息,资源配置效率低下等导致资金严重外流。因此,建议四川建立以政策性金融为导向,商业性金融并举的金融模式,以实现金融支持四川经济结构的成功转型。  相似文献   

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