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本期杂志发表的《与其读MBA,不如读哲学》一文对管理学和MBA教育进行了近乎挖苦的批评。作者试图以自己的亲身经历(从未读过MBA,只读过哲学,但却成为出色的管理咨询顾问)为论据,辅以学理的分析,证明管理学在理论  相似文献   

《药事管理学》课程教学改革对培养出既懂业务又懂管理和医药法规的高素质人才至关重要。文章阐述了《药事管理学》课程教学存在人员力量薄弱、学生自学难度高、教材建设更新速度慢和学生对法规知识认识薄弱等问题;可以从保持稳定教学学时提高教学质量、关注本领域新动态、丰富教学方法和增强学生实践能力的培养等方面加以解决。  相似文献   

汪罗娜  吴晓惠  饶梦 《商》2013,(13):370-371
本文立足中国MBA人才培养机制,对MBA培养提出跨学科交叉培养全流程优化的建议和相关设计,突破传统线性价值体系,提出在MBA培养流程上构筑价值星系的战略概念,达到连环协作的战略部署高度。从网状价值关系的提出,到具体流程优化模式的设计——"一个中心、三个主体、一个流程、一个体系",都体现出创新的理念构想,期望本研究能对MBA教育培养质量的提高有所帮助。  相似文献   

本文以《网页制作》课程为例,详细阐述了翻转课堂改革的必要性、实施过程及成效。其中,翻转课堂教学实施以“表单网页制作”知识点为例,将教学过程划分为课前、课中、课后三个阶段,利用翻转课堂教学顺序颠倒的特点,将知识传授放于课外进行,知识建构通过课堂活动实现。在每个阶段针对高职学生的学习特点采用灵活多样的教学方法,结合个人及小组协作等教学形式来促进学生知识建构及能力培养,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

如果以观点刺激和言辞美学来判定的话,那么学院派出身的加拿大管理学家亨利·明茨伯格的新作《管理者而非HBA》(《Managers not MBAs》)无疑具有很高的地位。在书中,他对现行的商学院模式进行了猛烈抨击,将自我标记为精英群落的MBA们狠狠掼在地上,并呼吁对管理学教育以及我们看待这种教育的方式进行彻底改革。他提出了一个令很多MBA毕业生们几乎要歇斯底里的观点:  相似文献   

项目协作知识流模型构建探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
协作知识流在项目特别是信息系统项目中起到重要作用,基于协作知识建构理论,在对协作、知识流、协作图、概念图等概念的深入分析和探讨的基础之上,提出并较为全面的论述了基于概念图交换的协作图模型这一新型的项目协作知识流模型构建方法。  相似文献   

《知识资产——在信息经济中赢得竞争优势》一书的中文版,作为世纪人文系列丛书·世纪前沿专题中的一种,近日由世纪出版集团、上海人民出版社出版发行。本书英文版出自牛津大学出版社,英籍原作者马克斯·H·博伊索特现任巴塞罗那ESADE商学院的战略管理学教授;中文版由张群群和陈北翻译,张群群校译。作者曾在北京主持和指导中国第一个MBA课程即中国一欧共体管理项目达五年之久,他坦言,在这部关于知识和信息经济的著作里,有许多内容受到了他的中国经历的很大启发。  相似文献   

曹亮  曹欢  刘文韬  张红杰 《现代商业》2011,(21):270-271
在经济全球化的今天,具有多国经验、全球化视野与能力的高级管理人才正逐步成为推动世界经济发展的重要力量之一。全球管理学联盟协会(CEMS)在这样的时代背景下应运而生并迅猛发展。它所推出的国际管理硕士(CEMSMIM)品牌也成为享誉全球的优秀品牌,短短几年时间就一跃成为世界第一的国际管理硕士项目。CEMS联盟与MBA教育中国际MBA教育以及产学研联合培养MBA教育模式具有不少相似之处。对其进行研究,了解其所代表的先进的国际管理教学理念与培养方法,将会为中国MBA教育的发展提供丰富的经验借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

《管理学》是经济管理类专业的一门重要的基础课程,同时又是一门范围极广的综合性的学科,其实践性、综合性和应用性要求对管理学教学进行改革。本文针对管理学教学中存在的不足,《管理学》课程的特点,并结合授课经历,对《管理学》课程的教学方法进行研讨,提出课堂"小组讨论"的教学模式,其不仅解决传统"填鸭式"教学问题,同时更有利于学生创新能力与团队合作精神的培养。  相似文献   

<正>《管理学》对我来说曾是一个很宽泛、很抽象的概念,但通过在贵州财经大学MBA班的深入学习,我发现当管理学与实务紧密联系在一起的时候,它又变的具体起来。管理有四项基本职能,即计划、组织、领导和控制,因本人从事金融管理工作,近期组织参与了山东省沂南县金融精准扶贫试点活动,当管理学应用到金融扶贫工作中时,使我对管理的职能有了更加深刻的认识。第一,计划职能是指管理者为实现组织目标对工作所进行的筹划活  相似文献   

高质量的会计学课程教学,对提升MBA教育的内在质量、提高MBA教育的社会声誉至关重要。本文对MBA会计学的课程设置、教学内容、教学方法以及教材与案例的选择等相关问题进行了研究,强调教师对MBA差异化教育规律、教学内容以及教学方法的不断探索与恰当运用是提升教学质量的关键所在。  相似文献   

Beginning in 1992, MBA students enrolled in a capstone Strategic Management course at Loyola University Chicago have, as their major course assignment, researched and prepared an original business plan proposal to provide a needed good or service, as well as employment opportunities, to residents in one of Chicago's underserved innercity neighborhoods. This paper describes the genesis of the project, how it works, and what the outcomes have been to date. The pedagogical model is arguably appropriate for MBA programs in or near any area that is economically underdeveloped, be it urban or rural.Jill W. Graham is Associate Professor of Management at Loyola University Chicago, where she teaches the capstone strategy course to both undergraduates and MBA students. Her research concerns various forms of virtue in organizational life, including principled dissent, organizational citizenship behavior, activist loyalty, servant leadership, and value-driven strategic management. Graham received her Ph.D. in organization behavior from Northwestern University in 1983, and taught at the University of British Columbia before joining the Loyola faculty in 1986.  相似文献   

Unethical behavior on the part of business corporations and their leaders has led many business executives and university administrators to call for the inclusion of ethics in MBA programs. This paper reviewed studies and commentary relating to the teaching of ethics in MBA programs in the United States. The results showed that ethics has not yet gained an integral place in the curricula of business schools. A plan of action for the systematic incorporation of ethics into the MBA curriculum was proposed based on the system model of training commonly used in the training field. In concluding, a question about the total responsibility of the business schools toward the promotion of ethical behavior on the part of their graduates was raised.  相似文献   

This study investigates the reactions of 561 MBA students to ethical marketing dilemmas. An analysis is conducted across time to determine how MBA students' attitudes about ethical marketing issues have been changing over the course of the 1980s. The findings show some support for the notion that MBA students in the late 1980s are somewhat less likely to use moral idealism when resolving an ethical dilemma and more likely to justify the decision in terms of its outcomes as compared with their counterparts at the start of the decade.George M. Zinkhan is Associate Professor of Marketing and the Conn Faculty Fellow at the University of Houston, which he joined in 1981. He has published over 50 articles in the areas of advertising, promotion, and knowledge development. Besides teaching at the University of Michigan, he has also been on the faculty at the University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Business. Michael Bisesi is an Associate Dean of the College of Business Administration. Prior to joining the University of Houston, he worked in the Florida university system. Dr. Bisesi is a member of the Business and Public Issues group in the College, and has particular interest in business-government relations, corporate political activity, regulation, and ethics. He also writes and researches in the areas of university-industry relations and business, education, and public policy. His work has appeared in such publications as the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Sloan Management Review, Planning and Changing, and the British Journal of Educational Studies. Mary Jane Saxton is an Assistant Professor of Management. She is co-editor of Gaining Control of the Corporate Culture, and co-author of the diagnostic instrument The Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap Survey which has been used extensively in private and public organizations to diagnose organizational culture. Saxton's research activities focus on organizational culture, organizational design and development, and individual reaction and adaptation to organizational change. She has lectured in graduate, associate and executive training programs. Her publications appear in such journals as the California Management Review.  相似文献   

This article describes our team teaching of asemester long course in business ethics taught oneevening a week to mostly part-time MBA students. Wediscuss the differences and similarities in ourbackgrounds, disciplines, and preferred teachingstrategies. Our team teaching approach, thesubject matter, and teaching strategies are alsodiscussed. A typical session of the course is brieflydescribed. We discuss how student performance isevaluated. Finally, we provide some thoughts on teamteaching a business ethics course and briefly commenton our redesign of this business ethics course in afour Saturday schedule.  相似文献   

浅谈计算机基础课程在高职院校教学中的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合现代教学理论和高等职业教育的人才培养目标,对计算机基础课程在高职院校实际教学中存在的问题进行了分析和探讨,结合教学实际,提出了具体措施与建议.  相似文献   

浅谈供应链管理课程实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张园园  邱荣祖 《中国市场》2009,(19):109-110
供应链管理课程在物流管理专业学生的学习中具有重要地位。本文分析了课程特点和所存在的问题,论述了在具体的教学过程中,如何激发学生自主学习的积极主动性,通过多种教学方式来提高教学效果,并积极培养学生的动手能力。此外,对现有的课程考核方式提出了改进方法,以期对学生的考核更为客观全面。  相似文献   

《发酵工程与工艺》课程是发酵工程的核心课程,该课程的教学效果在一定程度上影响毕业生的就业。成都理工大学在开设《发酵工程与工艺》课程以来存在着课程顺序不合理、工科特色不足、教学内容重复、实验教学薄弱等一系列问题,为此,应从理论教学、实验教学、生产实习和考核方式四个方面进行改进,使学生能具备较广阔坚实的知识基础,掌握较全面的实验技能和动手能力,进一步提高人才培养质量。  相似文献   

MBA programmes frequently form part of managers’ training and development activities. However, such programmes have been subject to intensifying criticism, with critics arguing that MBAs do little to enhance management practice. Against this background, the paper presents an exploratory study of UK MBA graduates, which sought to identify the ways in which their MBA programme was seen to contribute to management practice. The findings suggest that the MBA is seen to add value to management practice in terms of seeing differently, in respect of self, others and organization.  相似文献   

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