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谈企业合同价格形成制度保证体系的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、企业合同价格形成制度体系的内容企业合同价格形成制度体系是指企业为保证企业合同管理的正确执行而制定的要求本企业合同承办人员和管理人员共同遵守的规程和体系 ,它主要侧重于管理的角度 ,是合同法律、法规及政策在企业的具体化 ,它是以企业合同价格形成程序体系为基础的。程序化管理是对合同价格形成工作的进一步细化和总结 ,它具有形象、便于操作、适应性强的特点 ,能在企业各单位全面推行。它将合同价格形成的全过程总体看作一个系统 ,一般分为五个程序即准备程序、合同价格审批程序、合同价格会签程序、合同价格履行程序和合同价…  相似文献   

2012年,面对复杂的经营发展环境和日益繁重的法律工作任务,中国石化法律战线的同志们积极进取、开拓创新,各项法律工作取得了积极进展和明显成效. 一是法律工作在规范管理中的作用不断增强.法律管理制度体系更加健全,新"三年目标计划"全面推进,企业总法律顾问述职全面展开;合同管理信息系统(CMIS)全面建成,总部和企业全部上线运行,标准合同示范文本使用率达到62%;企业工商信息梳理全面完成,企业自有注册商标处置行为进一步规范.  相似文献   

市场经济是法治经济、契约经济.企业的经济往来,主要是通过合同形式进行的.一个企业的经营成败与合同管理具有密切关系.企业合同管理是指企业对以自身为当事人的合同依法进行订立、履行、变更、解除、转让、终止以及审查、监督、控制等一系列行为的总称.其中订立、履行、变更、解除、转让、终止是合同管理的内容;审查、监督、控制是合同管理的手段.  相似文献   

第三方物流与煤炭企业物流发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第三方物流是指生产经营企业为集中精力搞好主业 ,把原来属于自己处理的物流活动 ,以合同方式委托给第三方专业物流服务企业 ,同时通过信息系统与服务企业保持密切联系 ,以达到对物流全程的管理和控制的一种物流运作与管理方式。第三方物流的实质就是指物流经营者借助现代化信息技术 ,在约定的时间、空间位置按约定的价格向物流消费者提供约定的个性化、专业化和系列化物流服务。第三方物流随着物流业发展而发展 ,是物流专业化的重要形式。它具有四大特征 :①第三方物流是合同导向的服务。多个企业可以同第三方物流企业签订专门合同 ,而且包…  相似文献   

建造合同执行过程中存在的主要问题 建造合同是为建造一项或数项在设计、技术、功能、最终用途等方面密切相关的资产而订立的合同.路桥施工企业建造合同执行中常常出现达不到预期的效果,常存在对项目部成本费用缺乏动态管理,造成项目成本预测偏差较大;设计变更和原材料价格波动大,对建造合同动态实施造成一定影响;项目分包模式的变化对建造合同的执行提出了新的课题,造成建造合同执行存在较大偏差等问题.  相似文献   

继2006年12月27日,国家发改委"2007年煤炭供需衔接视频会议",提出"今后一个月重点煤炭产运需三方根据市场供求关系自行确定价格"的要求后,2007年1月10日~17日,全国煤炭合同汇总会在广西桂林召开.据介绍,到目前冶金、化肥、炼焦等行业用煤合同已全部签订,平均上涨3%~5%.部分电煤合同价格未谈拢,但电煤涨价已成定局.  相似文献   

正企业合同管理是企业对以自身为当事人的合同依法进行订立、履行、变更、解除、转让、终止以及审查、监督、控制等一系列行为的总称。企业合同管理是市场经济条件下企业管理的一项核心内容,企业管理的方方面面都应围绕着这个核心开展,只有正确地处理好市场与合同、合同与合同管理、合同与合同法律这三对关系,合同管理  相似文献   

一、价格在企业经济合同管理中的地位和作用1 合同价格管理在企业经济合同程序化管理中占有重要地位。将经济合同管理全过程总体看作一个系统 ,可分为五个程序 ,即 :立项、审批、会签、履行和归档。五个程序按照时间的先后顺序环环相扣 ,实现了合同的全面、全过程管理 ,避免了只管合同某个环节忽视其他环节的情况发生。立项程序需以书面报告形式 ,说明合同标的的基本情况及数量、价款、作用、意义等 ;审批程序指的是立项报告经批准后 ,根据合同主管部门的要求 ,通过调研 ,考察其质量、价款等指标 ,达成初步意见后 ,填写《经济合同审批表》 ,…  相似文献   

以八一钢铁合同管理和信用体系建设为切入点,简要阐述了企业合同管理与信用体系建设对企业经济效益与社会效益所产生的影响,进而强调"重合同,守信用"对企业可持续发展具有重要的促进作用.  相似文献   

指定分包商的涵义 指定分包商的概念.所谓"指定分包商"是指雇主或其合同管理人直接选定的,为完成某项特定工作内容与主包商签订分包合同的特殊的分包商,在国际工程承包中普遍存在.主包商与指定的分包商签订分包合同,负责对指定分包商工作的监督和协调,主包商可以按照分包合同价格一定比例提取管理费用和利润.  相似文献   

基于委托代理的地方政府公共事业管理方式创新,需健全地方政府公共事业委托代理运作招投标管理机制,完善地方政府公共事业委托代理运作合同保证制度,创新地方政府公共事业委托代理运作激励约束机制。  相似文献   

谈谈电力施工企业的合同管理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
论述了电力施工企业合同管理的重要意义,阐述了合同管理各个阶段的重点,强调合同管理是施工企业管理工作的重要内容之一,施工企业只有抓好合同管理,降低管理成本,才能增加企业经济效益.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the new business model of outcome-based contracts where the firm is tasked to achieve outcomes of equipment as a service contract instead of the traditional maintenance, repair and overhaul activities (e.g., power-by-the-hour® engine service contract). Through a qualitative study of two outcome-based contracts between BAE Systems, MBDA and the UK Ministry of Defence, we derive three value drivers of information, material and people transformation. Mapping it with transaction cost literature we propose five relational assets based on the value drivers; three value-driven alignments and two partnership inputs. We then study the relationships between the relational assets and contract performance through a quantitative survey by applying the partial least square (PLS) method. Our study shows that behavioral and information alignments are important to achieve outcomes. However, material and equipment alignment (i.e., joint supply chain) does not have a significant effect on contract performance. In addition, perceived control and empowerment mediated the relationship between partnership inputs and value-driven alignments. Our study provides a more integrated view of how various theoretical management domains overlap in the understanding of business models, and contribute to the understanding of value drivers and partnership factors in achieving performance in outcome-based contracts.  相似文献   

The article discusses the problem of risk management in business relationships. The authors' research (including a case study analysis of 5 different relations) enabled them to identify and characterize the risk management systems based on a combination of formal control and relational mechanisms. In the authors' research it has been assumed that relational risk has a negative influence on the cooperation results and therefore it should be a subject of management. The main objective is not to avoid taking risk in relationships, but to reduce it to the minimum possible level. Companies' cooperation, including partnerships with different entities and participation in business networks, is an immanent characteristic of contemporary business. Therefore managers should look for the most efficient methods of dealing with additional relational risk and opportunistic behavior of potential partners.In the paper the case study analysis of five relationships of companies operating on Polish market was presented. The main objective was to demonstrate the relation between the level of trust and the intensity of formal control (including contract and formal monitoring). The range of social control applied in analyzed relationships was also an important issue of consideration.The research presented in the paper indicated that companies located in Poland in order to reduce relational risk aimed at diversification of its partners or full integration. Managers often underlined their fear of being dependent on one particular partner. This phenomenon could comprehensively decrease the advantages of intensive and deepened inter-organizational cooperation in Poland. Furthermore, the research demonstrated the decisive role of relational mechanisms and limited significance of contract in business relationship risk management. However, relatively higher importance of contract was observed in unbalanced relations between partners representing diverse bargaining power. A positive relationship between application of relational tools and cooperation results was identified as well.The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the nature of the relationship risk management system and the role of particular mechanisms that enable to reduce risk and its negative influence on cooperation results.  相似文献   

市场链是大型企业业务组织单元和经营规模扩张到一定程度,其组织管理的边际交易成本超过了边际规模效率时而生成的一种新的管理模式。与一般的企业内部市场化不同,市场链是一种贯穿于企业运营全过程的整体性、流程式交易机制,它将企业内部不同部门、上下流程、上下工序和岗位之间的业务关系,构造成为通过内部市场价格机制调节的相互咬合、无缝链接、环环相扣的扁平化链状交易流程,以此实现对每一个利益主体的有效激励与约束,达到企业运营效应的整体优化。企业内部市场链是基于一体化业务流程的连续性、关联性而建立起来的在固定对象之间展开的确定性、重复性、高度专用性特质交易,按照高度专用性交易的强度,可以将市场链交易关系划分为不同类型,从而形成市场链的特质交易结构。与不同交易关系类型相适应的契约结构安排以及保障措施,不断地巩固和强化着市场链流程的特质交易关系。市场链管理模式有效克服了在信息不对称情形下企业基层组织和个人的动力不足与机会主义行为,极大地降低了企业内部的交易费用,从而能够强有力地推动大型企业超越"规模陷阱"、在持续发展中提高管理与运营效率。  相似文献   

电动汽车充换电设施新型经营模式初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为解决电动汽车充换电设施建设投资回收困难等难题,提出一种新型的电动汽车充换电设施经营模式,即:向用户提供电力衍生产品、快速换电服务以及车辆电池到电网(V2G)的合同管理等相关增值服务,并以充电时间和服务次数等计价方式灵活计算费用。与传统的售电经营模式相比,新型经营模式内涵丰富,具有较强的适应性和灵活性,既能对正常充电和快速充电进行科学合理计费,又能满足快速换电的结算要求,还能适应将来可能出现的V2G合同管理等增值服务的经营需要。  相似文献   

While contracts are signed in most business dealings, they are seldom used. These contracts are drawn up for different purposes: as a communication tool, to reduce uncertainty, or simply because it is customary. This study investigates how contracts are used in long-lasting business relationships and what factors influence the use of contracts. A number of studies claim that the negotiation process and the relationships developed during that process influence the subsequent use of contracts. In many cases, parties conduct business without contracts as they develop trust-based relationships. A conceptual framework is developed, which is then used to analyze three in-depth case studies. Findings show that the contract itself, rather than the negotiation process, has the greatest influence on how the contract is used.  相似文献   

企业内部市场:起源、演进及挑战   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
本文通过对工商管理史料的考察,认为M型结构是内部市场的摇篮;指出随着M型结构的推广,内部市场定价方法不断细化,竞争机制逐步引入企业内部并打破内部垄断,以及价格机制参与企业内部生产协调的范围从基本活动延伸到辅助活动;阐述了内部市场对科斯关于企业本质的命题、企业管理范式、交易费用经济学的逻辑完整性等提出的挑战;文章最后还指出了开展内部市场理论研究需要特别注意的问题。  相似文献   

Rise of strategic nets — New modes of value creation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the type and management of intentionally created business networks called nets. Nets are extensively being used to achieve a variety of benefits over those of a single firm or market transaction. We propose that the effective management of different types of business net is dependent on their underlying value creation logic. Based on this notion a value creation framework of three generic net types - ‘current business nets’, ‘business renewal nets’, and ‘emerging new business nets’ - is suggested. We argue that they pose widely different conditions and requirements for net management. The management mechanisms of these basic net types are then identified and discussed. We contend that the proposed contingency framework captures the complexity and variety of the expanding strategic business nets in a more valid way than the extant classifications of network organizations. The paper contributes to the emerging theory of network management.  相似文献   

The management of an enduring relationship between provider and supplier has at its heart an implicit interaction between the valuation systems of the counterparts. We take the view that this interaction is conveniently understood through the lens of knowledge management. Knowledge management informs our treatment of business to business relationships through two mechanisms. It helps us manage better the dissemination and co-creation of knowledge in an organisation and new work in the mapping of knowledge allows us to represent the knowledge aspects of a relationship in a way which allows us to manage it better.We present, therefore, an approach to allow the specific representation of these valuation systems and their interaction, using a case study of the marketing of a nuclear submarine programme to a government. A conclusion is that structures which support the co-creation of knowledge between the companies is critical to winning the contract and we indicate how this co-creation can be engendered.  相似文献   

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