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It has been argued that retail gasoline prices adjust more quickly to crude oil price increases than to price decreases. We investigate this issue using the statewide data on weekly retail gasoline prices in the United States between January 2000 and June 2007. Our analysis does not confirm the prediction that gasoline prices adjust more quickly to price increases in crude oil prices. On the contrary, the results suggest that in some geographic areas gasoline prices could change faster when crude oil prices decrease. These findings suggest that a national or a one size fits all energy policy for the United States may be misguided.
Hedayeh Samavati (Corresponding author)Email:

In a recent article Robert P. Murphy (2006) uses Cantor’s diagonal argument to prove that market socialism could not function, since it would be impossible for the Central Planning Board to complete a list containing all conceivable goods (or prices for them). In the present paper we argue that Murphy is not only wrong in claiming that the number of goods included in the list should be uncountable, but also that the number of equations/prices is irrelevant from the point of view of market socialism.
Juliusz JabłeckiEmail:

This paper shows that we can improve the statistical efficiency of dichotomous choice contingent valuation surveys by asking a second open question (anchored open-ended approach) instead of the traditional double-bounded approach. The former approach is shown to be more efficient than conventional single and double-bounded approaches using a Monte Carlo experiment, even when we allow for strategic behavior from respondents such as protest votes and yea-saying behavior.
Benjamin Miranda Tabak (Corresponding author)Email:

We assess the relationship between global liquidity and two important classes of asset prices on a global scale. For this purpose, we estimate a variety of VAR models for the global economy using aggregated data which represent the major OECD countries. According to the impulse responses obtained a positive shock to global liquidity raises the global house price index and later on via commodity prices also the global GDP deflator to the same extent. Hence, we conclude that there are subsequent spill-over effects from house prices to the overall price level. However, we are not able to find any empirical evidence in favor of the hypothesis that stock prices significantly react to changes in global liquidity.
Ralph Setzer Jr.Email:

Estimation of the price-induced welfare effects in vertical and horizontal market settings may prove a tricky task when multiple price changes are taken into account. Whether a multi-market sequential approach or a single-market approach is used the well-established, theoretical result suggests that these two partial equilibrium methods are equivalent in terms of implied welfare changes. This paper develops the methodology to empirically compare these two methods. We estimate the welfare changes to Greek cotton–yarn producers induced by the simultaneous change in the prices of cotton–yarn and the cost of labor. Results substantiate the multi-market approach offers more accurate welfare estimates than the single-market approach, in empirical work.
Stelios D. KatranidisEmail:

This paper examines the ex-dividend day behavior of stock prices in the Lisbon Stock Market over the period 1990–1998, extending on international evidence and discussing the adequacy of competing theories, considering the Portuguese institutional environment. We find that on the ex-day stock prices fall by less than the dividend, which is in line with the findings of several studies based on US and non-US data. The main contributions of this paper are: (1) the rejection of a tax explanation for the stock price drop, because it is inconsistent with the Portuguese tax regime; (2) considering the very small stock price tick and the fact that dividends are always integer multiples of tick size, the discreteness hypothesis of Bali and Hite (Journal of Financial Economics 47(2):127–159, 1998) is also ruled out as a possible explanation for ex-day price movements. We find no evidence of tax related clientele effects. We propose that ex-day price behavior may be an anomaly, reflecting a less than efficient market with low liquidity levels, price stickiness, and insipid arbitrage trading.
Maria Rosa BorgesEmail:

In this paper, we analyze the impact of terms of trade and risk-premium shocks on a small open economy in an intertemporal Dutch disease model, with international capital mobility. Given that an improvement in the terms of trade is associated with a decrease in the risk-premium on lending to this economy, we find that this can lead to a Dutch party (rather than Dutch disease) in which real exchange rate appreciation is associated with an expansion of the capital-intensive traded sector, hence, pro-industrialization. The economy also accumulates more debt in the long-run in response to the lower borrowing costs.
David Vines (Corresponding author)Email:

The puzzle that real exchange rates are less volatile in open economies is an important challenge to exchange rate theory. Adjustment of domestic prices to nominal exchange rate movements can account for only a small proportion of this effect. Real and nominal shocks display no obvious correlation with openness. It is shown here that real effective exchange rates are more strongly mean-reverting in more open economies, even after controlling for exchange rate regime effects. This is predicted by the theory of current account sustainability, because of its emphasis on ratios to GDP rather than to trade flows.
Michael BleaneyEmail:

This paper estimates forward-looking and forecast-based Taylor rules for France, Germany, Italy, and the euro area. Performing extensive tests for over-identifying restrictions and instrument relevance, we find that asset prices can be highly relevant as instruments in policy rules. While asset prices improve Taylor rule estimates, different assets prove most relevant across countries and this result could be seen as complicating the tasks of the European Central Bank. Encompassing tests show that forecast-based outperform forward-looking Taylor rules. A policy implication is that central banks ought to release their own forecasts and the basis upon which they are generated.
Martin T. BohlEmail:

This article examines the relative costs and benefits associated with experience-based higher education in comparison to traditional lecture-based courses. The spreading of fixed costs that has been heavily relied upon in recent years to slow the accelerating cost of a college education is more difficult to accomplish with experience-based courses. In addition, certain intellectual capital costs must be invested in the transition to a curriculum balanced by adequate opportunities for experiential learning. The benefits of the latter, however, are also high, perhaps disproportionately so. After reviewing the evidence regarding the benefits that accrue to students, colleges, and communities, it is concluded that economic analysis supports the inclusion of experiential education in most baccalaureate programs. Further empirical work is needed to educate decision-makers and the public about the tradeoffs involved.
Larry L. LawsonEmail:

This paper explores asset returns in a production economy with habit forming households. We show that a model with capital adjustment costs and relative habits is consistent with salient financial facts, such as the equity premium, the market price of risk, and the riskfree interest rate. These predictions are not at odds with good business cycle predictions. In the model, economy investment is strongly procyclical and more volatile than output, which in turn is more volatile than consumption. Moreover, consumption growth is positively autocorrelated and negatively (positively) correlated with future (past) stock returns.
Santiago BudríaEmail:

The paper builds an analytically tractable model that illustrates the “proximity–concentration trade-off” involved in horizontal multinationals. For low trade costs, firms are single-plant firms, for intermediate costs, some are single-plant firms whereas others are multinationals, for large trade costs, firms are multinationals. Because of the modeling strategy, the model is suited for a welfare analysis of multinationals. It shows that too many firms choose to concentrate their production in only one location. Also, for some transport costs, a reduction in transport costs worsens welfare.
Eric ToulemondeEmail:

This paper examines the macroeconomic costs and benefits of adopting a common currency for 13 Middle Eastern countries. Economic theory suggests that the main benefit is enhanced price stability, while the main cost is higher business-cycle volatility if the member country’s output is not sufficiently correlated with the area’s, as a whole. Using data from 1980–2005, the paper finds that the estimated cost and benefit measures exhibit substantial variability across the countries and are sometimes positively correlated. Moreover, focusing on the results for the last decade, it seems that many Middle Eastern countries (such as Bahrain, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria and United Arab Emirates) have achieved remarkable convergence both in business-cycle synchronization and inflation outcomes.
Georgios KarrasEmail:

This paper utilizes calculated historical volatility and GARCH models to compare the historical price volatility behavior of crude oil, motor gasoline and heating oil in U.S. markets since 1990. We incorporate a shift variable in the GARCH/TARCH models to capture the response of price volatility to a change in OPEC’s pricing behavior. This study has three major conclusions. First, there was an increase in volatility as a result of a structural shift to higher crude oil prices after April 1999. Second, volatility shocks from current news are not important since GARCH effects dominate ARCH effects in the variance equation. Third, persistence of volatility in all commodity markets is quite transitory, with half-lives normally being a few weeks.
Thomas K. LeeEmail:

Policy coordination in East Asia and across the Pacific   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper, we construct a macro-econometric model that describes the economic activity in the Asia-Pacific area and provide quantitative insights into the recent policy debates on monetary and currency coordination among the East Asian economies. The model includes a wide variety of monetary and currency policy rules that the East Asian economies adopt and allows for one country's policymaking to have substantial effects on foreign countries. We apply the model to three current policy issues: (1) the desirability of currency basket pegs in East Asia, (2) the anticipated effects of China's currency policy reform, and (3) the non-negativity constraint on Japanese nominal interest rates. The simulation analyses show the external economy effects of policy rules quantitatively and suggest the difficulty of monetary and currency policy coordination among the East Asian economies.
Koichiro Kamada (Corresponding author)Email:
Izumi TakagawaEmail:

Whilst there are many sizeable benefits from currency union, the main disadvantage is often the difficulty of adjusting to an asymmetric shock. Such adjustment is easier when the separate countries (regions) in such a union have flexible labour markets, and when there is a federal fiscal system to ease the adjustment process. The euro-zone has neither. We show that the trends in relative unit labour costs have in several recent cases been worsening relative competitiveness, thereby putting the euro-zone under greater centrifugal pressure. Nevertheless the costs of ‘exit’ are so high that it would only probably occur as a consequence of political mis-calculation.
Charles A. E. GoodhartEmail:

This paper examines the relationship between local financing of education and school district efficiency. In a system of local school finance, the capitalization of school quality in housing prices provides homeowners with verifiable information regarding the impact of school officials’ actions and strong incentives to act upon that information. I find evidence that school districts with a higher percentage of revenues from local sources perform better on state math tests. In addition, the amount of residential property within a school district is positively related to math test passage rates.
Joshua HallEmail:

In a fixed exchange rate regime, an exchange rate change can be a swift way to change the real exchange rate in the short run. Fiscal policy also affects relative prices, and fiscal policy response to various types of shocks can therefore be crucial for the credibility of an exchange rate peg. We develop a model within which fiscal policy plays a crucial role for ensuring the viability and thus credibility of an exchange rate peg. We use the insights of this model to take a closer look at Denmark, which has successfully pursued a fixed exchange rate policy since 1982.
Torben M. AndersenEmail:

In this paper we test the well-known hypothesis of Obstfeld and Rogoff (NBER Macroeconomics Annual 7777:339–390, 2000) that trade costs are the key to explaining the so-called Feldstein–Horioka puzzle. Our approach has a number of novel features. First, we focus on the interrelationship between trade costs, the trade account and the Feldstein–Horioka puzzle. Second, we use the gravity model to estimate the effect of trade costs on bilateral trade and, third, we show how bilateral trade can be used to draw inferences about desired trade balances and desired intertemporal trade. Our econometric results provide strong support for the Obstfeld and Rogoff hypothesis and we are also able to reconcile our results with the so-called home bias puzzle.
Jacques Melitz (Corresponding author)Email:

Theoretical durable-goods models suggest that a monopolist will prefer to lease rather than sell units of output due to the seller’s commitment problem with potential buyers. However, many monopolistic durable-goods manufactures are commonly observed simultaneously leasing and selling output. We provide a theoretical rationale for this observed behavior in firms engaged in trade with a foreign country. In a simple two-period setting we show that a foreign durable-goods monopolist will concurrently lease and sell output if the expected future exchange rate is lower than the current rate. With this concurrent strategy the firm earns higher profit than a pure rental or sales regime. Additionally, our model provides additional theoretical underpinnings for the empirical finding that increases in expected future exchange rates increase the current sales price of durable products. Finally, our analysis examines the role of product durability in determining exchange rate pass-though to domestic prices.
Michael K. Pippenger (Corresponding author)Email:

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