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20世纪90年代初,在前苏联阵营掀起一股规模浩大的市场化和民主改革,从苏东各国的转轨历程可以发现:民众对市场化改革的支持率与对民主发展的满意度具有一定相关性;但由于各国转轨模式以及社会经济基础的不同,当改革带来诸多社会经济问题时,各国民众的市场化支持率和民主满意度表现出不同的变化趋势,那些民众依然高度支持市场化改革的国家市场化改革取得了更好的成效,而民主的满意度更多地反映出民众对政权绩效的评估,而非对体制的评价。我国的转型发展必须考虑经济改革与民主发展的相互影响,正确处理好改革与稳定的关系。  相似文献   

As green marketing strategies become increasingly more important to firms adhering to a triple-bottom line performance evaluation, the present research seeks to better understand the role of “green” as a marketing strategy. Through an integration of the marketing, management, and operations literatures, an investigative framework is generated that identifies the various stakeholders potentially impacted through the environmentally friendly efforts of a firm. Specifically, the inter-connected nature of the core business disciplines of marketing, management (both strategy and human resources), and operations are examined as controllable functions within an organization from which strategies can be enacted to affect a firm’s stakeholders. The prior research in these areas is examined to identify potential research opportunities in marketing while also offering a series of representative research questions that can help guide future research in marketing.  相似文献   

金融制度的基本职能是为经济的运行筹集资金与分配资金.它是一个国家用法律形式所确立的金融体系结构,以及组成这一体系的各类银行与非银行金融机构的职责分工和相互联系.金融制度在长期发展过程中,形成了一定的系统,无论其产生或是变迁都是有一定原因的.前苏联的金融制度随着其经济管理体制以及经济结构的改变而变化,并且与之相适应.前苏联七十年间经济制度产生和变迁的路径直接影响了前苏联金融制度的安排.前苏联金融体制实质上是单一的银行制度,其银行是由国家计划严格控制、高度集中的体系.  相似文献   

捷克、波兰、匈牙利三国都曾经实行计划经济体制,在向市场经济转轨的过程中,不约而同地对各自的国有商业银行进行了股份制改革。经过十几年的改革,银行的经营状况得到明显改善。我国目前也处在计划经济向市场经济转轨的历史时期,也正在尝试对国有商业银行进行股份制改革。显然,东欧三国国有商业银行改革的经验教训对我们的改革将有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

回顾中东欧独联体国家转型走过的道路,可以发现,转型是一个多维度的内涵丰富的社会历史事件。从基本任务看,经济市场化、政治民主化是转型的基础性任务,经济市场化转型任务的确立有其内在的逻辑基础,市场化转型的内容和判断标准内含于经济转型的资源配置效率诉求中。  相似文献   

东欧各国的社会主义是在“民族道路”和“苏联模式”的选择与碰撞中发展的.东欧社会主义发展观的嬗变,可以分为被动移植苏联模式、反思修正苏联模式、两难选择发展模式三个阶段,每个阶段的变化都与苏联社会主义发展存在这样那样的关系.东欧各社会主义国家对社会主义传统发展观的反思和修正,在上世纪七十年代后逐步进入了两难选择的困境:企图消除苏联模式弊端的改革,最后都出现了自身难以克服的新的弊端,而正是这些新旧弊端共同导致了东欧各国社会主义的最终失败.  相似文献   

造成前苏联党政领导干部长期腐败状况的根本原因,大致可归纳为四方面,首先,最高领导人本身带头并纵容腐败;其次,领导干部任命制度被长期严重固化;再次,对掌权者的监督长期处于虚监状态;最后,领导干部终身制为贪官污吏提供了体制保护伞.苏共腐败垮台留下的历史警示是:第一,反腐败要求高级领导干部必须率先垂范;第二,反腐败必须大力推进民主政治建设;第三,反腐败必须让公权力在阳光下运行.  相似文献   

吴瑾 《当代经济管理》2009,31(12):47-49
合理的产业结构是区域经济健康发展的前提.它有利于充分利用区域资源,发挥区域优势,提高区域产业经济效益,增强区域经济实力.产业结构在整个经济结构中居于主导地位,它的变动对经济增长有着决定性的影响.定量化的研究产业结构变动对经济产生的效益是一项非常困难的工作,而用偏离--份额分析法可以大致分析出各产业变动对经济的贡献.因此,文章运用偏离--份额法对全国东部、中部和西部三大区域的产业结构进行效益分析.  相似文献   

苏共之所以垮台,一个重要原因是它执政能力的衰竭,而“干部委任制”这种干部制度上的不民主、甚至反民主的做法则是它执政能力下降的根本原因。  相似文献   

Recent changes in the business environment have prompted marketing scholars to pay particular attention to sustainability as a topic of inquiry. Despite the progress made in the study of sustainability, there is a paucity of research on the topic in premier marketing journals. To address this issue, we focus on marketing-related journals and assess the intellectual structure of sustainability research in detail. Drawing on social network theory, we perform an extensive co-citation analysis using multidimensional scaling to examine 76,342 citations made in 1,320 sustainability-focused articles from 36 journals over 51 years (1958–2008). This study specifies that the topics of citizenship behavior, stakeholder theory, corporate performance, and the triple bottom line are integral sustainability research areas. In addition, the results indicate five required topics for examining sustainability in the marketing context: external-internal focus, social-environmental emphasis, legal-ethical-discretionary intent, marketing assets, and financial performance. Supported by the capabilities-based resource perspective, the sustainability-focused typology and framework advanced provide directed structure for future research.  相似文献   

对转型国家外商直接投资流入的影响因素进行了理论分析,并以西方转型国家中比较具有代表性的东欧四国为例,基于面板数据,构建计量经济模型对其进行了实证检验.分析结果显示,本国货币贬值与国民购买力(人均国内生产总值)对转型国家的FDI流入具有正面影响.这说明东道国的FDI流入很大程度上决定于其本身的经济表现.因此,致力于本身投资环境的健全,并维持稳定的政治经济局势是转型国家应持续努力的目标.  相似文献   

Conclusion Collectively, the responses of the individuals interviewed reveal that there is a multitude of reasons for participating in a marketing relationship. Although many of the reasons are cognitive in nature, many others are affective. This affective “dimension” of relationship marketing remains unexplored but would seem to offer great promise for explaining the long-term nature of a firm-consumer relationship. Moreover, a liberal interpretation of the collective responses of the interviewed individuals suggests an alternative fundamental axiom of relationship marketing consistent with the definition of Angeles (1992): Consumers enter into a marketing relationship because they expect to receive positive value from their participation. Acceptance of this axiom would seem to suggest a conceptualization and research agenda much broader and potentially more productive than that associated with the axiom currently being offered. Sheth and Parvatiyar have raised a question that, despite its obviousness in retrospect, has yet to be addressed satisfactorily. Hopefully their article will prove to be the genesis of an answer. Although no one is likely to agree with all of their propositions, or even their speculation that relationship marketing will ultimately improve marketing productivity, Sheth and Parvatiyar have done the discipline a service by focusing attention on a neglected topic. Indeed, what they have effectively done is to challenge the discipline to debate what they believe to be the fundamental axiom of relationship marketing in consumer markets. Regardless of the outcome of this debate, marketing knowledge will have advanced. A former editor of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science and theJournal of Marketing Research, he is currently working on a new formula for determining sample size in surveys.  相似文献   

该文探讨了前苏联党和国家领导人安德罗波夫在1982至1984年执政期间的主要政绩,包括:一、在社会主义建设理论问题上多方创新与发展;二、强化劳动纪律、整饬社会秩序与惩治腐败;三、积极推进经济体制改革工作,有效地遏制了经济的持续衰退。在此基础上,分析了产生这种结果的原因,除了苏联国内存在驱动改革的客观因素外,很大程度上与安德罗波夫亲身历经过1956年匈牙利事件有关。  相似文献   

The marketing environment has experienced dramatic changes in the late 1960's and the 1970's. This article deals with the design of the marketing mix in the 1970's to meet the demand of its changing environment. It encompasses a conprehensive review of the marketing literature pertinent to the subject.  相似文献   

Most physicians use some marketing techniques (albeit, unintentional or unplanned) in the operation of their private medical practices. They use marketing to attract patients, but seem unaware of the necessity and potential value of satisfying customer needs beyond the provision of adequate medical care. Medical service is often characterized by impersonality, with patients treated as machines rather than humans. This situation is partially a reflection of a seller's market, with a shortage or absence of private medical services in many areas of the country. In addition, the apparent lack of consumer orientation is reinforced by policies of the American Medical Association that forbid most forms of self-promotion and by the minimum fee schedules suggested by local medical associations that effectively preclude price competition. Physicians do not seem to recognize the congruity between their own interests or objectives and the total satisfaction of consumers in the marketplace for medical care.  相似文献   

试图从理论和实践两个方面探讨欧盟内部的语言选择问题,并就各种语言选择的利与弊作了全面深入的分析,最后明确了理论、实践上都较为理想的语言选择。  相似文献   

This article considers the marketing implications of the Federal Trademark Dilution Act (FTDA) of 1995. The FTDA, an amendment to the Lanham Act, will influence the manner in which marketing is practiced well into the twenty-first century. Although the FTDA is specifically concerned with protecting famous trademarks from being diluted—either by having their distinctiveness diminished or positive associations tarnished—by similar trademarks, its influence will not be limited to trademark or branding issues. Implications range from the allocation of advertising resources to the increased use of marketing research. Robert A. Peterson holds the John T. Stuart III Centennial Chair in Business Administration and the Charles E. Hurwitz Fellowship, both at The University of Texas at Austin. His Ph.D. is from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Peterson’s publications have appeared in such journals as theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, andMarketing Science. His research interests range from Internet marketing to research methodology to marketing strategy. He presently serves on the boards of several for-profit and not-for-profit organizations as well as an advisory committee to the Bureau of the Census. Karen H. Smith is an assistant professor at Southwest Texas State University. Her Ph.D. is from The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Smith’s research interests include consumer information processing, consumer knowledge structures (schemata), dilution of brand equity, and adolescent smoking. Her research has been published in theJournal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Education, andAdvances in Consumer Research. Philip C. Zerrillo is executive MBA director at The University of Texas at Austin. His Ph.D. is from Northwestern University. Dr. Zerrillo’s research interests have focused on broad-based business innovation, strategic development of distribution channel arrangements, the value of brands in the distribution channel, managing brands as assets, and the legal aspects of branding and channel decisions. His most recent research on antitrust regulation appeared in theJournal of Corporation Law, a University of Iowa law review.  相似文献   

This short note contains some reflections on the relationship between the resource-based view of the firm (RBV) and marketing. I focus on the main proposition of the RBV—that a firm should focus on what it can do better than others—and argue that it has implications for almost all marketing activities and that much thinking in the field already is consistent with it.  相似文献   

论述了1949-1950年间苏联不畏美国为首的一批反华势力设置的重重阻力,竭力解决中国联合国代表权问题的艰难历程。苏联政府坚持不懈的努力,不仅在于巩固和发展中苏两党两国人民的友谊,而且在于维护国际正义,提升联合国的威信与影响力。  相似文献   

This research explores empirically a socioeconomic/equity issue that has been extensively investigated in many areas, but never marketing—the so-called “earnings gap.” Specifically, the study investigates income differences between men and women in marketing, while controlling for differences in business experience, level of education, corporate level, type of industry, and size of firm. The research focuses on three areas in marketing: (1) marketing management, (2) marketing research, and (3) advertising agency management. Findings indicate that there is an “earnings gap” for marketers. Importantly, however, the data show that a substantial portion of the gap can be explained by variables other than sex.  相似文献   

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