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以"购买力平价"为代表的传统国际金融理论认为货币的对内价值与对外价值应该一致,然而近年来,人民币凸显了以"对内贬值与对外升值并存"为特点的"价值之谜"。本文从购买力平价出发提出"人民币价值之谜"问题、在对"谜"的成因进行简单分析的基础上,讨论购买力平价的适用性问题,并进一步提出以决定通胀与升值关系的"双效应-三阶段曲线"假说来解释"谜"的现象。  相似文献   

我国当前存在着人民币对内贬值与对外升值的状况。对这种状况怎么解释,国内有媒体撰文说:对内贬值是人民币购买力降低,而人民币购买力降低是物价上涨;对外升值是外汇市场上外汇严重供过于求,而外汇严重供过于求的原因是出口增加,外资流入。这样的分析,自然能够成立。但是,一国货币的对内价值为什么会直接影响其对外价  相似文献   

“人民币升值论”者提出的一个主要论据是,按购买力平价计算,人民币汇率大大低估了人民币的对外价值。购买力平价论仅仅以物价水平的简单对比作为衡量一国国际竞争力的标准,忽视了各国因经济发展水平不同、经济结构不同、经济体制不同、国内市场的发育和完善程度不同等等对国际竞争力的影响。尤其是在发达国家与发展中国家之间,简单的物价水平对比并不能真正反映一国的国际竞争力。可以设想,人民币汇率从目  相似文献   

于志慧 《新金融》2008,(4):29-33
根据"购买力平价理论",开放经济条件下,高通货膨胀率引起通货对外贬值,而我国目前的经济表现是高通货膨胀率环境下人民币汇率对外升值态势更加强劲,这一经济现象违背了传统的经济学原理,给国民经济健康发展造成极大危害.本文分析了人民币内外价值背离的原因,提出了相应的政府调控政策建议.  相似文献   

对于“根据购买力平价理论,中长期人民币必将升值”的观点,本文通过实证分析对比指出,即便购买力平价中长期对人民币汇率走势有所影响,但鉴于改革开放以来人民币购买力平价总体下跌的历史,未来伴随着中国经济成长的人民币升值空间也许并没有想象的那么大。  相似文献   

2005年7月起,我国实行以市场供求为基础,参考一篮子货币进行调节,有管理的浮动汇率制度。自此,人民币一直处在对外升值的通道中。截止2010年7月20日,人民币兑美元汇率累计升值约22.05%。但与此同时,人民币在国内按购买力计算的对内价值趋于下降,表现为国内资产价格大幅上升,消费品价格指数(CPI)一路上扬,人民币"外升内贬"的走势日益明显。本文在对人民币对外升值和对内贬值原因分析的基础上,深入探讨了这一现象共存的根源,并在此基础上剖析对我国经济产生的影响,提出了一些相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

2007年,国内物价上涨较快而人民币对美元保持升值态势,这种人民币对外购买力上升和对内购买力下降的现象引起社会各方面的普遍关注。该文首先从理论和实践方面分析了货币对外升值对内贬值的现象;其次指出人民币对内贬值的重要原因是流动性过剩;并认为人民币对美元升值的主要原因是美元走软。  相似文献   

购买力平价理论与人民币汇率升值压力实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过单位根检验、协整检验、葛兰杰因果分析等计量经济方法对购买力平价理论与人民币名义汇率之间的关系进行了实证分析。分析结果表明,改革开放以来人民币名义汇率的波动并不遵循购买力平价理论。因而不应以该理论为依据要求人民币升值。  相似文献   

(一) 探讨合理的人民币汇价水平的出发点,在于寻求汇价决定的基础。在这个问题上,国内目前存在着以下几种观点。第一种观点认为,人民币汇价的决定基础应该是货币的购买力平价。其理由是,汇价是两国货币对外币值之间的比价,货币的对外币值决定于对内币值,而货币的对内币值即为货币的购买力。一般地说,货币的购买力是不能直接表现出来的,它必须由价格水平来间接的反映。价格水平是货币购买力的倒数值,一国的价格水平越高,其货币的购买力就越小。  相似文献   

本文分析了近年来我国部分地区房价发展趋势,认为人民币汇率预期和境外资本流入与房价的波动具有一定的关联性.利用利率平价理论、购买力平价理论、预期理论作为解释境外资本流入房地产市场的依据,分析人民币升值预期与房价存在因果关系,人民币升值预期是诱因,境外资本流入是推力,房价不断上涨是结果,提出"房价与汇价双管齐下,本外币政策匹配出台"的政策建议.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the evidence on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in the long run. Previous studies have generally been unable to reject the hypothesis that the real exchange rate follows a random walk. If true, this implies that PPP does not hold. In contrast, this paper casts serious doubt on this random walk hypothesis. The results follow from more powerful estimation techniques, applied in a multilateral framework. Deviations from PPP, while substantial in the short run, appear to take about three years to be reduced in half.  相似文献   

The standard expectations augmented theory of ex-ante Purchasing Power Parity which was first developed by Roll assumes that agents are risk neutral. A Covered Purchasing Power Condition is developed which holds for the general case of risk aversion. A risk augmented form of ex-ante PPP is then derived using a consumption-based asset pricing framework. This is tested for the post-Bretton woods period for the group of seven main industrial countries. The results suggest that risk aversion has a part to play in explaining deviations from PPP.  相似文献   

The recent literature on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) has emphasized the role of two phenomena that may lead to the rejection of the PPP hypothesis: structural breaks and non-linear adjustment induced by transaction costs. These two hypotheses are analyzed separately in the literature. We develop tests for unit roots that account jointly for structural breaks and non-linear adjustment. Structural breaks are modeled by means of a Fourier function that allows for infrequent smooth temporary mean changes and is hence compatible with long-run PPP. Nonlinear adjustment is modeled by means of an ESTAR model. Our tests present good finite sample properties. The tests are applied to a set of 15 OECD countries' RERs and are able to reject the null of a unit root in 14 cases. The breaks are usually associated with the great appreciation and later depreciation of the dollar in the 1980s and the ESTAR adjustment appears to play an important role.  相似文献   

“J”曲线效应与中美贸易收支   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从实际汇率的角度研究了人民币实际汇率变动对中美贸易收支的短期和长期影响.实证分析的结果表明:人民币实际汇率和贸易收支之间存在长期协整关系;马歇尔-勒纳条件不能成立,即当前还不能通过人民币实际汇率来有效地调节中美贸易收支,也说明当前人民币兑美元的升值并不能有效地改善中美贸易顺差过大的局面;并证明了人民币实际汇率变动对中美贸易收支的影响存在"J"曲线效应.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the degree to which models which exhibit nonlinear mean reversion (NMR) present a resolution to the Purchasing Power Parity Puzzle. This paper develops a method of estimating a representative distribution of half lives which is based upon the observed distribution of shocks in a given time series rather than choosing shock sizes arbitrarily which is the current practice in the literature. This approach is implemented with data on five real exchange rates. The empirical analysis shows that half lives shorter than the consensus are observed frequently enough to support the proposition that NMR is a solution to the PPP puzzle.  相似文献   

Recent advances in testing for the validity of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) focus on the time series properties of real exchange rates in panel frameworks. One weakness of such tests, however, is that they fail to inform the researcher as to which cross-section units are stationary. As a consequence, a reservation for PPP analyses based on such tests is that a small number of real exchange rates in a given panel may drive the results. In this paper we examine the PPP hypothesis focusing on the stationarity of the real exchange rates in up to 25 OECD countries. We introduce a methodology that when applied to a set of established panel unit-root tests, allows the identification of the real exchange rates that are stationary. Our results reveal evidence of mean-reversion that is significantly stronger as compared to that obtained by the existing literature, strengthening the case for PPP.  相似文献   

This paper examines the statistical properties of the bilateral real exchange rates of the U.S. vs. France, Germany, and the U.K. during the Post-Bretton-Woods period, and draws implications on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) hypothesis. Contrary to traditional studies that consider only unit root and stationary processes to describe the real exchange rate behavior, this paper considers an in-between process, the locally persistent process. The empirical results demonstrate the following two findings: (1) Locally persistent processes describe the real exchange rate movements better than unit root and stationary processes, which implies that PPP reversion occurs and PPP holds in the long-run. (2) The confidence intervals for half-life deviations from PPP under local persistence tend to be narrower than those obtained by assuming the ADF and the local-to-unity models.  相似文献   

So far, most univariate tests of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) have provided mixed support for PPP. In contrast, this paper focuses on a multivariate framework, which produces much stronger results. Unlike previous panel tests, however, we do not impose a common speed of mean reversion. The contribution of this paper is to show that the increased power of multivariate tests stems from high correlations across series, and not necessarily from imposing a common speed of mean reversion. We find strong evidence in favor of long-run PPP, which we show can be traced to the dollar vs. European currencies.  相似文献   

Introduction: Nowadays in this modern world, we should believe that economic development is affecting our lives. Economic communication and cooperation have already across the ethnic origin, skin tone and nationality. In this environment, trade exchange between different countries become even more ordinary, and the value of the currencies are seemed especially important. Therefore, we should now understand a phrase called PPP, which the full name is Purchasing Power Parity. It is a theory to research and compare the purchasing power relationship between the different Currencies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to propose and evaluate different methods for measuring and reporting exchange gains and losses on corporate monetary items. Focusing on the Swedish experience, the empirical validity of three laws/monetary relationships from economic theory were examined for currencies in the Swedish 'basket' for the period 1974–1981. The basic overall finding of the study was that a method based on the Purchasing Power Parity Theory appears generally superior to methods based on either Fisher's Open Relationship or the Interest Rate Parity Theory, and also superior to the currently favoured use of the closing rate.  相似文献   

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