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姜军  江轩宇  伊志宏 《金融研究》2020,476(2):128-146
本文结合我国实施创新驱动发展战略及股权质押频繁的现实背景,利用2006—2015年A股上市公司的数据,探讨控股股东的股权质押行为是否以及如何对企业的创新效率产生影响。研究表明,控股股东的股权质押行为会显著降低企业的创新效率。进一步地研究发现:(1)当第二类代理问题越严重,或质押风险越大时,控股股东股权质押行为抑制企业创新效率的作用越明显,表明控股股东股权质押伴随的掏空效应及短视效应,是导致二者负向关系的重要原因;(2)掏空效应和短视效应在影响控股股东股权质押与企业创新效率的关系上存在显著的替代效应;(3)研发投入强度下降时,控股股东股权质押对企业创新效率产生的负面效应更强。本文的研究不仅丰富了企业创新效率影响因素及控股股东股权质押经济后果的相关文献,对于规范控股股东股权质押行为,提高企业创新能力,实现创新驱动发展战略,也具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Little is known about the role of management control systems (MCS) in managing the strategic processes that underpin Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). To enhance our understanding of this phenomenon, this study employs Simons’ (1995) levers of control framework to explore how organizations leverage MCS in different ways in order to drive strategic renewal and trigger organizational change while simultaneously supporting society's broader sustainability agenda. Drawing on data gathered from France's largest listed companies – members of the CAC 40 – we provide insights into the structures and processes that companies employ to design, implement and monitor their CSR strategy. In doing so, we provide evidence of the way that organizations seek to attain their CSR objectives, and of the relationship between the management of CSR and other business processes. Of particular interest is the role of the levers of control in enabling managers to identify and manage threats and opportunities associated with CSR strategy, thus forming risk management processes that support organizations in their attainment of strategic objectives. Furthermore, the study provides evidence suggesting the use of MCS has the potential to contribute to society's broader sustainability agenda through processes that enable innovation, communication, reporting, and the identification of threats and opportunities.  相似文献   

This research concerns the performance management practices that unfolded in Strictly Come Dancing, a television show whose viewers were promised that they could be its co-creators through Web 2.0-based customer participatory measurement systems that directed the development of the series mechanically. Analysing the performance management practice of the 2013 Danish version of the show, we find that an emotive, antagonistic competitive language game and an authoritative, calculative language game were operating in interaction. They facilitated an expectation of consumer democracy and made viewers engage fiercely with the show, while simultaneously controlling the drama so that it would unfold in a way that matched the voice of the television company. The study provides novel insights into our understanding of how companies might produce and use customer participatory measurement systems as an integrated part of their customer participatory logic of value co-creation. It also adds to the methodological apparatus for analysing, conceptualising, and understanding organisational practices of performance management.  相似文献   

We investigate further the inconsistencies of the diversification-performance link by introducing efficiency as moderating factor. A data of 319 firms was used to conduct a panel data analysis excluding the financial sector industries and the results show three important findings. First, industrial diversification shows a significant contribution in performance improvement while international diversification shows no effect on performance. Yet, international-conglomerate shows a significant negative relationship with performance. Meanwhile, the efficiency results are contrary to our conjecture. We find that efficiency is a factor to enhance performance, but it is not the moderating variable on the diversification-performance link. This implies that the efficiency of the firm has no connection with the link between diversification and performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate how multiple values in non-profit hybrid organisations influence the adoption of management accounting practices. The empirical analysis centres on hybrid organisations established as co-production and co-management initiatives in social care. Pragmatic constructivism, centred on the role of values, informs the empirical analysis. This research shows that management accounting practices can develop without conflicts when only some actors are interested in management and their values predominate, despite the coexistence of multiple and conflicting values. However, in this situation, where conflicts are eliminated, the validity of accounting is compromised, as it does not represent all values. The evidence of this lack of validity is clear when considering the poor development of management accounting practices and the inability to develop some relevant measures, such as outcome measures. When only some values predominate, the opportunity provided by the multiplicity of values to the development of management accounting practices is lost, and possible inefficiencies may emerge. The use of pragmatic constructivism shows that this lack of validity, determined by the non-integration of values, would be reduced by increasing the discussion among conflicting actors’ values. Findings suggest that the presence of conflicting values, that at first glance may be interpreted as an impediment, would, on the contrary, be useful to support accounting validity, when stimulating discussion. In this respect, conflicting values should work alongside communication, to include dimensions of reality.  相似文献   

本文提出了"控制权收益异化股权定价规则假说",以解释上市公司控股权定价行为。该假说认为,获取控制权收益是并购方对控股权定价的关键考量因素之一,而正常生产经营收益在定价中的作用大大下降,这导致了上市公司控股权定价原则的"异化"。实证分析表明:在控股权的价格构成中,"壳"资源的价值非常重要;账面净资产与控股权价格正相关;净资产收益率与价格的正向关系不很显著;每股净利润与价格存在显著的负相关关系;控股权比例和股本规模与价格有很强的负相关关系。  相似文献   

中国特有的经济"双轨制"决定着上市公司受不同最终控制人的影响,由此造成不同控制性质的公司价值存在差异性。以2007-2011年中国所有A股上市公司作为研究样本,根据实际控制人性质将上市公司细分为非政府控制、县级政府控制、市级政府控制、省级政府控制以及中央政府控制这五种类型,实证分析了不同层级政府控制和非政府控制人对公司价值的影响。实证结果表明,相对于非政府控制上市公司,政府控制的上市公司价值更低,其中市级县级等低层级政府控制的上市公司价值更低。同时也发现政府控制的上市公司比例有显著性下降,说明中国经济主体转向非政府控制经济已初见成效。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how accountancy firms use corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a device to maintain legitimacy with key constituents. It explores who these constituents (audiences) are for their CSR actions and the strategies they use to maintain legitimacy with these audiences. Interview-based evidence from 18 large accountancy firms in the United Kingdom (UK) identifies the main CSR constituents as: clients and potential clients of the firm; graduates as potential entrants to the industry; internal audiences represented by the firms' staff and partners; and other external audiences constructed as members of those local communities in which the firm operate. In the largest firms, maintaining pragmatic legitimacy with some client, graduate and internal audiences is frequently dependent on the development of moral legitimacy established with other external constituents (communities). Consequently, the typologies of legitimacy developed are largely pragmatic, the most ephemeral and most easily attained form, rather than something that is enduring, embedded and taken-for-granted.  相似文献   

Momentum is a pervasive and persistent phenomenon in financial economics that has been found to generate abnormal returns not explainable by the traditional asset pricing models. This paper investigates some variations of the existing momentum strategies to increase profit and gain other desirable properties such as low kurtosis, small negative skewness and small maximum drawdown. We investigate these by using regression that is based on the latest techniques from deep learning such as stacked autoencoders and denoising autoencoders. Empirical results indicate that our regression-based variations can generate increased returns, and improved higher-order moments and maximum drawdown characteristics. Furthermore, our results reveal such improved performance can only be attained through the use of the latest deep learning technologies.  相似文献   

以2007~2009年长三角地区A股上市公司为研究样本,以投资者保护为切入点,分析投资者保护、关联交易对公司治理效率的影响。研究表明:长三角地区上市公司普遍存在控股股东,董事长来源于控股股东的公司关联交易明显多于其他公司,总经理来自控股股东的公司关联交易不明显,关联交易与投资者保护程度负相关,投资者保护程度与公司治理正相关。  相似文献   

Drawing from the theoretical insights of pragmatic constructivism, this paper aims to explain the difficulties faced by organizational actors in the translation of performance-based budgeting (PBB) into practice. The dichotomy of reality and illusion at the centre of pragmatic constructivism sheds light on the limitations and shortcomings that characterize the implementation of a business-like practice introduced as a component of the reform movement known as New Public Management (NPM). The paper investigates the case of an Italian Ministry through the analysis of interviews, policy documents, and governmental reports. The analysis shows that a failed integration of communication, values and aims between actors and an illusionary analysis of factual possibilities constrain the construction of causalities, hence jeopardizing the successful implementation of the performance-based budgeting reform. Rather than engaging in a co-authoring process, the actors are left with illusionary constructs that, while providing the appearance of a compliant organization, fail to produce the desired changes.  相似文献   

Summary We solve the optimal portfolio problem in continuous time from the point of view of a corporation, acting on behalf of risk neutral shareholders. Our model fits for example the case of a commercial bank. Risk aversion is generated endogenously by financial frictions, and increases when the value of the firm’s assets decrease. We find a remarkably simple investment policy: invest a multiple of the firm’s equity into the risky asset, keep the rest as cash reserves, and distribute dividends when the value of the firm exceeds some threshold. As a consequence, the firm locally behaves as a Von Neumann-Morgenstern investor with constant relative risk aversion.We thank three anonymous referees for their comments.  相似文献   

该文在对通胀预期三种形成方式进行比较分析的基础上,认为不完全理性预期是较为符合实际的预期形成方式;而通货膨胀持久性、经济主体获得信息并进行有效分析的能力、中央银行信誉是影响不完全理性预期的主要因素。中央银行应在货币政策目标上赋予币值稳定更高的权重,并通过进一步加强与公众的沟通,尽量向公众提供能使其形成合理预期所需的信息量等方式来管理通货膨胀预期。  相似文献   

The present study examines the performance of Australian investment management organisations with direct reference to their specific characteristics and strategies employed. Using a unique information source, performance is evaluated for actively managed institutional balanced funds, Australian share funds and Australian bond funds. For balanced mandates, performance is evaluated with respect to the investment strategy adopted, the experience and qualifications held by investment professionals, and the tenure of the key investment professionals. The present study examines the performance of top management and the impact on returns when turnover arises. The research documents that a significant number of active Australian equity managers earned superior risk-adjusted returns in the period, however, active managers perform in line with market indices for balanced funds and Australian bond funds. A number of manager characteristics are also found to predict risk-adjusted returns, systematic risk and investment expenses for balanced funds.  相似文献   

控股股东支持是与掏空相反的一种利益输送行为,表现为控股股东用私人资源或其控制的资源支持处于困境中的上市公司。基于对近期文献的回顾与梳理,从外部环境、内部制度与支持方式三个角度研究控股股东支持行为。发现控股股东通常是在弱法律保护环境与中度经济冲击的背景下利用企业集团内部资本市场对其控制的上市公司进行包括负债、关联交易等在内的各种方式的利益输送。  相似文献   

控股股东所有权结构与关联方担保   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以我国A股上市公司1998年到2003年的关联方担保数据为研究对象,检验了不同股权结构下上市公司关联方担保发生的概率及其对公司价值的影响。本文的结果显示,随着上市公司控股股东持股比例的增加,上市公司为关联方担保发生的概率呈现出先显著上升、其后不显著、最后显著下降的交化趋势。此外,我们还进一步发现为关联方担保对上市公司自身价值的影响显著为负,且这种负相关关系在控股股东持股比例偏低时显著加强,而在控股股东持股比例处于高位时显著降低。这些研究发现意味着监管关联方担保行为的重点应更多侧重于控股股东持股水平较低的上市公司。  相似文献   

交叉持股战略动因的基本理论主要包括战略联盟、公司治理、逆向选择成本和交易成本。本文以2006年我国沪深非金融上市公司为样本,主要检验公司治理、逆向选择和现金流量管理等三个理论。研究初步发现:(1)随着我国上市公司第一大股东持股或管理层持股超过一定比率后越高,管理层浪费公司资源进行股权投资的倾向越小,公司交叉股权投资比率相应越小;(2)交叉持股起到了金融缓冲的作用,以为新增的长期资产投资提供内部资金支持,降低因外部融资造成的潜在逆向选择成本;(3)当现金流入流出不同步的时候,交叉持股作为一个流动性缓冲器,构成投资者现金流量管理系统的一部分。  相似文献   

对控股股东股利分配行为的监管,是监管部门和控股股东之间的博弈过程。均衡分析发现,监管部门的监管成本C越小、控股股东进行侵占造成的外部损失W(ζ)越大,控股股东进行规范分配的概率越大;控股股东持股比例L越高、对控股股东违规处罚的力度K越大,监管部门监管的概率越小。  相似文献   

本文以2003—2009年沪深A股主板上市公司为样本,采用配对检验和多元回归的方法,研究了终极控股股东与会计稳健性有效需求不足假说和利益侵占假说。研究发现:(1)终极控股股东控制权比率越高的组,会计稳健性越小,即或有控股样本公司会计稳健性高于相对控股组样本公司,而相对控股样本组公司又高于绝对控股组样本公司;(2)终极控股股东控制权与所有权分离程度越大,会计稳健性越低;(3)终极控股股东为国有性质的公司会计稳健性高于民营性质的公司。本文的研究深化了我们对新兴市场国家制度环境下会计稳健性理解,同时对进一步规范会计稳健性相关的制度安排和监管具有重要的启示和政策意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines how a functional tax strategy impacts the management control system (MCS) in a multinational enterprise (MNE) facing transfer pricing tax risks. Based on case study findings it is argued that the MCS in a multinational setting is contingent upon the MNE's response to its tax environment. Moreover, the paper extends existing contingency-based theory on MCS by illustrating the role of inter-organisational network collaboration across MNE transfer pricing tax experts. This collaboration, caused by a widely dispersed tax knowledge base, fuels the formal interactive control system and reduces tax uncertainty. The paper adopts an interdisciplinary approach for explaining findings, using contingency-based theory and network theory at the inter-organisational level.  相似文献   

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