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《Journal of Banking & Finance》1997,21(2):143-167
This paper finds that the returns of the world's 14 major stock markets are not normally distributed, and that the correlation matrix of these stock markets was stable during the January 1988–December 1993 time period. Polynomial goal programming, in which investor preferences for skewness can be incorporated, is utilized to determine the optimal portfolio consisting of the choices of 14 international stock indexes. The empirical findings suggest that the incorporation of skewness into an investor's portfolio decision causes a major change in the construction of the optimal portfolio. The evidence also indicate that investors trade expected return of the portfolio for skewness. 相似文献
In this study, we examine whether idiosyncratic skewness (IS) affects the returns of the Taiwan stock market. We find that speculative retail investors prefer positive skewness in stocks that leads them to overprice these stocks. As a result, the IS, that reflects gambling, has a negative relation with future returns. Gambling preferences vary with time, mainly occur during recessions and down markets. Moreover, the negative IS-return relation exists only among firms with prior capital gains. We use a difference-in-difference (DID) framework to mitigate the endogeneity concern and find that this IS effect is more significant among stocks with lower arbitrage limits. The IS effect remains significant even after controlling for the IS risk factor. Overall, the IS effect cannot be explained by either arbitrage limits or risk exposure. 相似文献
Forecasting asymmetries in aggregate stock market returns: Evidence from conditional skewness 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper provides a time-series test for the Differences-of-Opinion theory proposed by Hong and Stein (2003) [Hong, H., Stein, J.C., 2003. Differences of opinion, short-sales constraints and market crashes. Review of Financial Studies 16, 487–525.] in the aggregate market, thus extending the cross-sectional test of Chen et al. (2001) [Chen, J., Hong, H., Stein, J.C.. 2001. Forecasting crashes: trading volume, past returns and conditional skewness in stock prices. Journal of Financial Economics 61, 345–381.] for this theory across individual stocks. An autoregressive conditional density model with a skewed-t distribution is used to estimate the effects of past trading volume on return asymmetry. Using NYSE and AMEX data from 1962 to 2000, we find that the prediction of the Hong–Stein model that negative skewness will be most pronounced under high trading volume conditions is not supported in our time-series analysis with market data. 相似文献
This paper investigates whether firm-specific characteristics explain idiosyncratic volatility in the stocks of non-financial firms traded in the Indian stock market. It employs the linear time series five-factor model, augmented with a liquidity factor and the conditional EGARCH model, to extract yearly idiosyncratic volatility. We estimate a panel data regression to quantify the relationship between firm-specific characteristics and the volatility of individual securities. The results show that idiosyncratic volatility is significant in emerging markets such as India, and that cross-sectional return variations of firms are associated with firm-specific characteristics such as firm size, book-to-market ratio, momentum, liquidity, cash flow-to-price ratio, and returns on assets. We find that the idiosyncratic risk documented in this study is associated with smaller size of company, higher liquidity, low momentum, high book-to-market ratio, and low cash flow-to-price ratio. The findings suggest need to develop alternative tools to make investment decisions in emerging markets. 相似文献
In the absence of information regarding whether a trade is buyer or seller initiated, many researchers have employed the ‘tick’ rule as a proxy. These researchers have been supported in their endeavours by the work of Lee and Ready (1991) which suggests that the tick rule is 90% accurate. Unfortunately, the difficulty of securing data on this issue has made Lee and Ready's paper somewhat unique in that there have been few attempts to confirm their result in US markets and no attempts in other markets. The purpose of this work is to test the robustness of their result in the Australian securities market. Using cleaner intra-day data we mimic the Lee and Ready study to cast some doubt upon the robustness of their findings in different markets. Our results suggest an overall accuracy of approximately 74% as opposed to Lee and Ready's 90%. However, accuracy in excess of 90% is documented when zero ticks are excluded. Further analysis provides evidence that a volatile or trending market will decrease the accuracy of the tick rule. It is also demonstrated that the tick rule is less likely to accurately classify seller initiated trades and small buyer initiated trades. 相似文献
We assess the value relevance of the amounts for identifiable intangible assets and goodwill reported in the financial statements of all non-finance companies listed on the main market of the Portuguese Stock Exchange from 1998 to 2008. Additionally, we use panel data to explore the impact on value relevance of Portugal’s formal adoption of International Accounting Standards [IAS] and International Financial Reporting Standards [IFRS] in 2005. A distinctive feature of the accounting by our sample companies is that when they adopted IAS 38 and IFRS 3 in 2005, they were no longer required to recognise some intangible assets (such as start-up costs and research expenditures) and were no longer required to amortise goodwill.We find that net earnings, reported goodwill and other intangible assets are highly significantly associated with stock price. However, whereas earnings are related positively to stock prices when Portuguese Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) were applied prior to 2005, the value relevance of earnings appears to have declined after the adoption of IAS/IFRS in 2005. Although the change to IAS/IFRS had no impact on the value relevance of identifiable intangibles as a whole, the evidence suggests that there was a positive effect on the value relevance of goodwill. When the subclasses of identifiable intangible assets are considered, we found evidence of an increase in value relevance of goodwill, other intangible assets, and research and development expenditures. 相似文献
Diversified banks (i.e. financial conglomerates) trade often at a discount compared to matched portfolios of specialized stand-alone banks. The existing research explains this evidence primarily with inefficiencies in the cash flow management of banks. This article analyzes the financial conglomerate discount by focusing on the role of expected returns approximated by measures of stock return skewness. Our empirical findings support the hypothesis that diversified banks have less skewed stock returns, i.e. they are more likely to perform badly than non-diversified banks. Due to the lower skewness exposure investors demand higher future returns, thereby lowering corporate value. Although the conglomerate puzzle is observed across industries, the previous literature examines banks separately, as the financial industry is hardly comparable to other sectors. We follow this field of research and show that huge banks quote at a discount as diversification into investment banking activities affects negatively the corporate performance. 相似文献
Recep Bildik 《International Review of Financial Analysis》2008,17(1):178-197
Previous evidence has shown that stocks included in (excluded from) an index exhibit significant positive (negative) abnormal returns on the announcement day, and that trading volume is affected by the event. This study examines the price and volume effects on stocks associated with the changes in the value-weighted index composition of two indices, of the ISE, where the index funds and index derivatives do not exist. Consistent with previous evidence, stocks included in (excluded from) the index tend to generate positive (negative) abnormal returns in ISE. Volume and volume volatility are also significantly affected. Our results seem to support the hypotheses of price-pressure, imperfect substitute and attention due to the lack of index-funds and derivatives market in Turkey. 相似文献
Hua Zhao 《Research in International Business and Finance》2010,24(2):103-112
The paper empirically analyzes the dynamic relationship between Renminbi (RMB) real effective exchange rate and stock price with VAR and multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models using monthly data from January 1991 to June 2009. The results show that there is not a stable long-term equilibrium relationship between RMB real effective exchange rate and stock price. There are also not mean spillovers between the foreign exchange and stock markets. Furthermore, the paper examines the cross-volatility effects between foreign exchange and stock markets using likelihood ratio statistic. There exist the bidirection volatility spillovers effects between the two markets, indicating the past innovations in stock market have the great effect on future volatility in foreign exchange market, and vice versa. 相似文献
This paper analyzes the NYSE Chicago's move to the Pillar integrated trading platform in November 2019. Following the move to Pillar, reported trading volume increases significantly for both equities and exchange traded funds (ETFs). The increase in trading volume and volume share in the NYSE Chicago is largely driven by trades against hidden liquidity. This increase in hidden liquidity is economically significant and is largely determined by the reporting of qualified contingent trades, QCTs. Although these trades were reported in the NYSE's Daily Trades and Quotes (DTAQ) files, these trades were not reported to the SEC's MIDAS database until to the move to Pillar. This paper shows the cross trade volume in the CHX comprises a significant amount of hidden volume in the U.S. 相似文献
This paper examines the impact of TSE Saturday trading on daily TOPIX returns and TSE trading volume over the January 1976
to January 1989 period. Saturday trading is shown to have no significant impact on mean stock returns for the other days of
the week. However, a significant shift in the pattern of Monday and Tuesday TOPIX returns is documented in the post-August
1986 period. This shift does not appear to be related to Saturday trading. TSE Saturday trading is found to have a significant
impact on the variance of stock returns on surrounding days. In addition, trading volume is significantly lower on trading
days surrounding Saturday trading. These findings are relevant to the timing of portfolio adjustment decisions. 相似文献
We employ high frequency data to investigate the spill-over effect between stock and foreign exchange (FX) markets in terms of return higher moments. We find a positive and bidirectional realized volatility spill-over effect between stock and FX markets. This result holds regardless of market properties (developed vs. emerging) and periods (crisis vs. non-crisis). Interestingly, our empirical results support a negative and bidirectional realized skewness spill-over effect between stock and FX markets in emerging regions. Overall, our analyses emphasize that it is important to account for the informational transmission through volatility and skewness in financial markets, especially during the turbulent periods. 相似文献
This study examines how the ownership structure of corporations shapes their responses to discontinuous technological change. We analyze whether mixed ownership, a situation where following privatization a company's shares are held both privately and by the government, is associated with less innovation in response to discontinuous technological change. We argue that mixed ownership is associated with governance conflicts that affect a company's ability to respond to the challenges posed by discontinuous technological change. Our empirical analysis uses data on European telecommunications operators for the period 2000–2016 when they faced sweeping technological change due to the advent of Internet-based communication services. Our baseline result suggests that operators with mixed ownership file around 70% fewer patents in relevant digital technologies than companies that are fully private or where the government owns a majority of shares. We find that mixed ownership also affects negatively the acquisition of externally developed technology. 相似文献
This paper revisits the role of board size and composition in corporate governance, employing a measure of private benefits of control (PBC) as an indicator of governance problems in firms. We calculate PBC using the voting premium approach for a sample of dual class stock companies traded on the Russian stock exchange between 1998 and 2009. Using fixed-effects regressions, we find a quadratic relationship between PBC and board size, implying the optimality of medium-sized (about 11 directors) supervisory boards. This result is substantially stronger for PBC than traditional measures of corporate performance. There is also some evidence that director ownership helps to mitigate governance problems. Most remarkably, we find that non-executive/independent directors are associated with larger PBC and thus do not seem to help improve corporate governance. In contrast, regressions with accounting performance measures as dependent variables tend to suggest a positive role of these directors in corporate governance. 相似文献
Call markets are claimed to aggregate information and facilitate price discovery where continuous markets may fail. The impact of the introduction of call auction has not been found uniformly beneficial, possibly due to poor design or due to ‘thick market externalities’. This paper examines the reintroduction of opening call auction at the National Stock Exchange of India in 2010. The results suggest that the auctions attract very little volume, the intraday pattern of volume and volatility in the continuous market remains unchanged and a large fraction of price discovery, measured by the Weighted Price Contribution, still takes place in the first 15 min of continuous market. However, the market synchronicity has improved after the introduction of the auction. Our findings suggest that the ability to attract volume in the call auction for effective price discovery depends on the institutional settings and the characteristics of liquidity supply in the market. 相似文献
Amanjot Singh 《Review of Financial Economics》2023,41(1):65-85
Insiders’ shares can act as collateral while raising funds from lenders. This study examines the impact of insiders’ stock pledging activities on stock price informativeness using a sample of 1835 Indian firms. Our findings report that insider stock pledging increases the informational efficiency of stock prices. This informational efficiency increases for larger firms with: (1) financial constraints (high leverage and low cash holdings); (2) greater reliance on trade credit; and (3) higher indulgence in related party transactions. We also provide evidence on abnormal share turnover as a trading mechanism through which insider stock pledging is related to stock price informativeness. Our findings are robust across different specifications and after accounting for endogeneity issues. 相似文献
The cross section of stock returns has substantial exposure to risk captured by higher moments of market returns. We estimate these moments from daily Standard & Poor's 500 index option data. The resulting time series of factors are genuinely conditional and forward-looking. Stocks with high exposure to innovations in implied market skewness exhibit low returns on average. The results are robust to various permutations of the empirical setup. The market skewness risk premium is statistically and economically significant and cannot be explained by other common risk factors such as the market excess return or the size, book-to-market, momentum, and market volatility factors, or by firm characteristics. 相似文献
On the long-term or short-term dependence in stock prices: Evidence from international stock markets
K. Victor Chow Ming-Shium Pan Ryoichi Sakano 《Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting》1996,6(2):181-194
This study examines the short- and long-term dependence in the United States and 21 international equity market indexes. Two heteroscedastic-robust testing methods, the modified rescaled range analysis and the rescaled variance ratio test, are employed to test for the existence of dependence. The evidence consistently reveals the absence of long-term dependence in these 22 stock returns indexes. The random walk hypothesis for most, but not all, stock returns indexes is not rejected. When the random walk hypothesis is rejected, the evidence supporting the rejection is weak and the stochastic dependence occurs mainly in short-horizon, rather then long-horizon holding period returns. 相似文献
In this study, we investigate the effect of analyst coverage on the idiosyncratic skewness (IS) anomaly. We adopt the ordinary least square method with the corresponding standard errors that are heteroskedasticity consistent and clustered by firm. Our results show that the IS anomaly exists in the Taiwanese stock market, and analyst coverage mitigates it. Moreover, we use one exogenous shock on analysts due to the mergers and closures of brokerages to address the endogenous concern, and to confirm that analyst coverage reduces the IS anomaly. Specifically, the buy and upgrade recommendations of analysts mitigate the negative IS spreads, but their sell and downgrade recommendations aggravate those spreads. Further, we use a quasi-natural experiment on short-sale constraints in the Taiwanese stock market and find that the effects of analysts' recommendations on the negative IS spreads are not subsumed by those constraints. 相似文献
Can Huang Yuqiang Cao Meiting Lu Yaowen Shan Yizhou Zhang 《Accounting & Finance》2023,63(3):3011-3041
Online stock forums allow investors to share information and exchange opinions, which facilitates the incorporation of firm-specific information into prices and reduces stock price synchronicity. However, prior research presents mixed evidence as to the value of messages in online forums. Using the information of the Eastmoney Guba online forum in China, we find a causal and negative relation between Guba messages and stock price synchronicity. The finding is robust after accounting for media reports and firm fixed effects and using both an instrumental variable analysis and an experimental design that exploits exogenous changes in the authenticity of Guba messages. We find the impact of Guba information is attributed to its roles in both information dissemination and investor interaction and is more pronounced for messages with a negative narrative tone. Additional tests suggest Guba messages improve firm information disclosure quality, reduce stock price crash risk and decrease stock return volatility synchronicity. 相似文献