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Recent studies suggest that price differentials between what whites and blacks pay for housing are largely a function of changes in supply and demand in the two submarkets. These studies, however, estimate models that assume a unified housing market. As a result, imputed prices of housing attributes cannot vary with location, and the analyses obscure important racial price differentials. Based on a more realistic and complex housing market theory, the model described in this paper indicates that housing prices are substantially higher in the ghetto and transition areas than in white areas, and that within the same area blacks must pay more than whites for equivalent housing.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the reasons for the lower rate of home ownership of black households compared to white households in urban areas. A model of the demand for owner-occupancy by blacks relative to the demand by whites is formulated and econometrically estimated.The principal finding is that a percentage increase in the mean level of black household incomes produces a larger increase in the relative rate of blacks' home ownership than an equivalent reduction in the price of owner-occupied housing which they face. Although significant effects of within market discrimination against blacks as reflected in higher prices of owner-occupied housing to blacks are found, attempts to associate this price premium with measures of residential segregation were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

While much empirical research indicates that blacks pay higher prices than whites for housing, models that generate this result have not been given a convincing theoretical structure. To remedy this deficiency, the paper develops two different models in which racial market segmentation is possible. The first considers a cartel controlling a white neighborhood threatened by black entry; the second considers the effort of a suburban government to exclude blacks. After developing these models, we contrast the conditions under which private collusion and public coercion generate exclusionary policies that restrict the supply of housing to minority groups.  相似文献   

There is little credible evidence on whether price discrimination exists in the housing market. Using a large sample of single-family home sales from Florida where both the race of the seller and buyer are known, we present evidence using the traditional and Harding et al. [HRS, Harding, J.P., Rosenthal, S., Sirmans, D.F., 2003. Establishing bargaining power in the market for existing homes. The Review of Economics and Statistics 85, (1) 178–188] approaches to empirical estimation. Omitted variable bias is found to plague the traditional approach. Results from following the HRS approach indicate that price discrimination exists by whites and Hispanics against blacks and Asians. Price discrimination against blacks is restricted to non-majority black neighborhoods and is smaller in magnitude in neighborhoods containing younger and more educated homeowners.  相似文献   

Prejudiced groups self-segregate and exclude others. This is observed in South African apartheid, in the exclusion of Eastern European or Muslim immigrants from Western Europe and in ghettos formed by immigrants in many countries. In the United States, minorities (mostly African Americans) are segregated in central cities and wealthier European Americans reside predominantly in the suburbs. A fully closed general equilibrium model of the last case is presented. The model treats land, labor and product markets. Most whites flee the inner city for white-dominated suburbs. This benefits blacks by lowering inner city rents relative to wages. When whites are weakly prejudiced, exclusion from the suburbs hurts whites as well as blacks. But when whites are strongly prejudiced, a lump sum endowment transfer from whites to blacks can split the gains-from-trade: whites can pay transfers to blacks in exchange for blacks accepting exclusion. The transfer needed to compensate blacks is large if blacks are strongly hurt by exclusion and small if they are only slightly hurt. How much transfers to US central cities and to the poor compensate American blacks for the effects of exclusion is an open question.  相似文献   

This paper presents two models of discriminatory behavior by whites in an urban context. In the first, both the black and white populations of the city are assumed fixed and the model yields the counterintuitive prediction that white prejudice makes blacks better off. In the second model, blacks and whites both migrate freely between cities when by doing so they can raise their welfare levels. In this case the model predicts that increases in whites' taste for discrimination cause racially mixed cities to become less mixed; whites move out and blacks move in. The remaining whites retreat to an isolated suburban outer ring where they are compensated for remaining in the mixed city by consuming more land than whites in non- mixed cities. From a welfare standpoint, racially mixed cities are shown to be inefficient since they are more spread out and travel costs are higher.  相似文献   

The inclusion of multiple race information for the first time in the 2000 Census allows for a novel test for the presence of labor discrimination using the “one-drop rule.” Identifying discrimination is straightforward and essentially relies on the discontinuous nature of the one-drop rule, which treats biracial blacks similarly as monoracial blacks. If biracial blacks have levels of unmeasurable and measurable human capital that lie between the levels of monoracial blacks and whites then, absent discrimination, their wages should also lie between the wages of the two groups. Estimates from the Census indicate that biracial blacks have levels of education that lie almost perfectly between monoracial blacks and whites. In contrast, however, biracial blacks have wages that are roughly similar to monoracial blacks after controlling for education and potential work experience. Estimates from the 1980 Census also do not indicate that the parental characteristics and educational outcomes of biracial children differ from what would be expected by having both black and white parents. Several additional factors that potentially affect the human capital of biracial adults are explored. These findings provide some suggestive evidence on the “one drop rule” and the presence of discrimination in the labor market and provide new estimates of wages and educational levels of biracial blacks.  相似文献   

The study examines trends in the level of residential segregation by race in U.S. metropolitan areas. It finds that the majority of housing markets experienced an increase in segregation between 1960 and 1970. Established racial patterns were typically maintained, with black population growth accommodated by the peripheral expansion of minority areas. This general pattern of development occurred in both high- and low-income neighborhoods, and typically left the average black with fewer whites as neighbors. Although the average white was at the same time exposed to a slightly higher proportion of blacks, the vast majority of urban whites continued to live in racially segregated neighborhoods.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines those factors affecting public attitudes about the O. J. Simpson trial and the American criminal justice system. The separate and combined effects of these factors–which include race, age, gender, income, and education–were estimated using a logit model. It was found that blacks were more likely than whites to be sympathetic to Simpson and to believe he was innocent of the crimes he was charged with. Older individuals, males, those with higher incomes, and those with more education were less likely to be sympathetic to Simpson and more likely to think he was guilty. Finally, it was found that blacks were more likely than whites to perceive that the criminal justice system is biased against blacks.  相似文献   

This paper poses a model of the effects of job suburbanization and suburban exclusionary zoning on the welfare of blacks and other urban minority groups. It explores the circumstances under which blacks take suburban jobs and whether they are made better off if they do so. The possibilities that blacks outcommute from central area ghettos and that they relocate to suburban housing near the jobs are each considered. A hypothetical governmental project to subsidize the creation of 10,000 suburban jobs for blacks is explored in a cost-benefit framework, stressing the effects of suburban exclusionary zoning on the project's feasibility.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of segregation on commute distances for a sample of workers employed at a single company. With a CBD workplace, both black and white commutes increase with income. Both black and white workers increase their commutes if they move. However, commutes for all blacks are less than those for similar whites. Furthermore, black commutes increase much less quickly with income. Lastly, moves by black workers increase commutes by much less. With a suburban workplace, high-income whites and whites who move choose longer commutes from more distant suburbs. All blacks reverse commute from the ghetto. High-income blacks and those who move commute from the ghetto boundary.  相似文献   

Yinger's model of racial prejudice in the housing market is the first rigorous alternative to Bailey's early work. It is important both because his specification of racial prejudice is intuitively plausible and because it has been adopted in much empirical work but never before been subjected to rigorous theoretical examination. However, his derivation of equilibrium conditions rests in part on inappropriate analyses that significantly affect his conclusions. This paper derives what I regard as the appropriate equilibrium conditions. Yinger's original finding that the white community has strong incentives to foster seller discrimination against blacks remains strongly supported.  相似文献   

This paper tests for racial discrimination in the rental housing market using matched-pair audits conducted via e-mail for rental units advertised on-line. We reveal home-seekers’ race to landlords by sending e-mails from names with a high likelihood of association with either whites or African Americans. Generally, discrimination occurs against African American names; however, when the content of the e-mail messages insinuates home-seekers with high social class, discrimination is non-existent. Racial discrimination is more severe in neighborhoods that are near “tipping points” in racial composition, and for units that are part of a larger building.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The market system contains fail-safe mechanisms to help those who are subjected to discrimination. A consistent libertarian political philosophy must come out for total repeal of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The law either is unnecessary or irrelevant. Efforts to claim that special legal privileges for minorities are reparations for years of enslavement or the equivalent are unconvincing. These "solutions" punish innocent people for the evil doings of others. This essay concludes with some thoughts about the forced transfer of some property now owned by whites to some blacks. A problem of social justice exists but it is not the problem addressed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the list and sale price of residential properties over the housing cycle. In down or normal markets the list price generally exceeds the sales price; however, when the housing market is strong, homes sell for more than their list price. This observation is not consistent with the assumptions made in the standard model of home sellers’ search behavior. We consider alternative models. In one, sellers set list prices based on their expectations of future changes in sales prices and the arrival rate of buyers; however, demand shocks occur. This model partially explains our data from the Belfast, U.K. housing market, but it fails to predict the list to sales price ratio during a sustained housing boom. We next describe a model where sellers’ endogenously select their search mechanism depending on the strength of the housing market. We find support for the conjecture that sellers switch to an auction-like model during housing booms. There also is evidence that during a downturn in the market, sellers’ list prices are sticky.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that African Americans wait longer to transition into first-time homeownership than white households with similar endowments. This paper relies on data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to examine the contribution of residential location toward the black–white gap in first-time homeownership transitions. For a sample of young renters who first left their parents' home during the period 1978 through 1987, I estimate continuous time duration models that explain racial gaps in rental tenure durations prior to first-time homeownership as a function of individual, household, and location-specific covariates. I find that while several residential location characteristics, particularly those associated with the supply of affordable owner-occupied housing, impinge upon racial gaps in first-time homeownership transitions, most of the racial gap in homeownership transitions would be eliminated if blacks and whites had similar individual and household characteristics.  相似文献   

黄辉  李启明  孙剑 《基建优化》2006,27(6):50-53,86
住宅房地产市场的本质表明,住宅房地产市场系统为一个开放的经济系统,其内部因素存在着各种外在和内在的关系,本文建立住宅房地产市场的协同演化方程,并得出住宅房地产市场投资额为住宅房地产市场系统的序参量,在自组织理论应用上具有一定的创新意义;再者,借鉴国内外住宅房地产市场的研究角度和方法,建立了南京住宅房地产市场系统的演化仿真模型,取得了很好的仿真效果。  相似文献   

文章首先运用HP滤波的方式分析了沪渝两地房产税对新房和二手房在价格和成交量上的影响,发现上海房地产市场对房产税的的征收反应更为理性,影响效果更好,但两地区新房和二手房市场的反映都存在差异;此外,利用房价对数模型,发现房产税都能有效的影响两地的房价,但由于影响两地房价的因素有很大的差异,效率并不一样,上海地区房产税每增加1%,房价将下降0.553%,重庆地区房产税每增加1%,房价将下降0.041%。因此国家需区别对待新房和二手房市场,并且因地制宜,推广不同的房产税模式。  相似文献   

基于我国1999-2010年房地产市场季度数据,本文建立向量自回归模型(VAR)和向量误差修正模型(VEC),将住房供给和需求同时纳入模型,分析我国利率政策、信贷政策和税收政策对住房价格的影响。结果显示,贷款利率在短期内对住房供给有负效应,但长期效应不明显;贷款规模对住房价格的短期冲击明显,二者之间存在正相关关系;针对保有环节征税可以通过影响住房供给,从而有效抑制住房价格上升。根据我国住房供求特点,应优先选择税收工具,通过促进住房供给实现控制房价的政策目标。  相似文献   

We combine a standard stock-flow housing market model, incorporating explicit relationships between house prices, the housing stock, and the rent level, with a parsimonious expectation formation scheme of housing market investors, reflecting an evolving mix of extrapolative and regressive expectation rules. The model results in a two-dimensional discrete-time nonlinear dynamical system. Based on realistic parameters, the model is able to generate endogenous boom-bust housing market dynamics with lasting periods of overvaluation and overbuilding. We thus exploit our model to investigate how real forces, in particular supply conditions, interact with expectations-driven housing market fluctuations.  相似文献   

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