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关于城市公共安全管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
城市公共安全管理日益受到重视.在对城市公共安全管理的内涵与特征以及其实体、技术和管理结构进行分析的基础上,就城市公共安全管理的战略与实施、评价与审核等方面做了探讨,并提出了在城市公共安全管理过程中应采取的思路与对策.  相似文献   

Hernando de Soto’s book The mystery of capital has renewed debate about illegality in low–income housing in Latin America, Asia and Africa. De Soto and others argue that property titles provide the poor with collateral for loans to improve their housing or set up a business. Critics argue that incorporation into the formal market will displace the original inhabitants. In this article I analyse these debates about legalization as expressions of the dualisms that have shaped western thought. The relation between legal and illegal can be understood as a variant of the public/private dichotomy. Challenging the opposition of legal to illegal, I argue that the difference between them is not as great as the proponents of legalization assume. This questions the efficacy of legalization as an engine of change. In Mexico, the beneficiaries of legalization have little interest in formal credit, preferring loans from friends or relatives, and legalization does not lead to displacement. The failure of theories about legalization to predict the outcome is a product of their reliance on dualistic thinking and of the exclusion of the private from their accounts of the process. Le livre d’Hernando de Soto, The mystery of capital, a relancé le débat sur l’illégalité de l’habitat à faible revenu en Amérique latine, Asie et Afrique. Selon de Soto et d’autres, les titres de propriété procurent aux pauvres une garantie pour emprunter afin d’améliorer leur logement ou de créer une entreprise. Les opposants affirment qu’une intégration au marché officiel déplacerait les habitants d’origine. L’article analyse ces débats sur la légalisation en tant qu’expressions des dualismes qui ont façonné la pensée occidentale. On peut appréhender la relation entre le légal et l’illégal comme une variante de la dichotomie public–privé. En contestant l’opposition légal–illégal, on peut affirmer que la différence n’est pas aussi importante que le supposent les partisans de la légalisation, ce qui remet en cause l’efficacité de celle–ci en tant que moteur de changement. Au Mexique, les bénéficiaires de la légalisation s’intéressent peu au crédit officiel, préférant les prêts entre amis ou parents, et cette légalisation ne provoque pas de déplacement. Les théories sur la légalisation ont échoué dans leur prédiction des résultats, car elles s’appuient sur une réflexion dualiste et excluent le privé de leur évaluation du processus.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of imperfectly durable local public good provision in a dynamic development framework. The private provision of these goods under contracts between developers and residents of condominium and homeowners' associations is examined. An optimal trajectory of public goods is determined and compared to time consistent contractual trajectories. This comparison is used to explain why developers typically transfer control of maintenance of these goods to residents before the development process ends. The optimal date to transfer control is determined and compared to existing contracts and recommendations in the industry literature. The optimal transfer date is nondecreasing in community size and length of the development process.  相似文献   

功能完备的城市公共安全体系是关乎城市公共安全的关键要素。当前,在中国城市公共安全体系中普遍存在诸如"应急性有余,制度化不足"、"亡羊补牢多,超前规划少"、"条块分割严重,整体联动缺乏"、"政府单兵作战为主,社会有效参与不足"等问题。因此,有必要建构一套"双维度、多线性"的协同治理型城市公共安全体系。认为应在完善政府内部治理结构和充分动员社会化力量的基础上,从政府系统内的自循环逐步过渡到政府与社会协同治理的双循环。  相似文献   

建设安全文化 促进安全生产   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
把企业文化的理念引入到安全生产工作之中,积极创建企业安全文化,对保障企业安全生产具有战略性意义。一、企业安全文化建设的地位与作用安全生产活动不以安全文化为基础,就会失去安全生产的灵魂。安全文化建设就是要造就具有现代  相似文献   

The Hicks induced innovation hypothesis states that a price increase of a production factor is a spur to invention. We propose an alternative hypothesis restating that a spur to invention requires not only an increase of one factor but also a decrease of at least one other factor to offset the companies’ cost. We illustrate the need for our alternative hypothesis in a historical example of the industrial revolution in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, we econometrically evaluate both hypotheses in a case study of research and development (R&D) in 29 OECD countries from 2003 to 2017. Specifically, we investigate the dependence of investments to R&D on the economic environment represented by average wages and oil prices using panel regression. We find that our alternative hypothesis is supported for R&D funded and/or performed by business enterprises while the original Hicks hypothesis holds for R&D funded by the government and R&D performed by universities. Our results reflect that the business sector is significantly influenced by market conditions, unlike the government and higher education sectors.  相似文献   

油田是一个没有围墙的大企业,风险点多,易受破坏和攻击,油区管理难度大,因此,文章对油区治安防控管理长效机制建设进行探讨。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(2):100787
This paper explores the impact of public investment on private investment in sub-Saharan Africa using the finite mixture model. We argue that the impact of public investment on private investment differs across groups of countries with similar but unobserved characteristics. Contrary to previous studies, the paper incorporates the potential presence of hidden heterogeneity and tries to explain the group membership. Using a sample of 42 countries, we find that the impact of public investment on private investment differs across three different groups of countries. Moreover, we find that countries with high risk of conflict, terrorism and repatriation of profits are less likely to be in the group where public investment crowds in private investment. The paper underscores the need for sub-Saharan African countries to ensure private investment security by reducing the risks associated with conflicts and terrorism, and preserving contract viability and repatriation of profits.  相似文献   

This paper develops a framework for estimating demand for school infrastructure investment that is financed through local bond referenda. Our framework takes explicit account of the irregular and discrete nature of local capital investment and the objective functions of local school boards. Our empirical model consists of a three-equation system composed of a proposed spending equation, a vote equation, and a selection equation. Estimated income and price elasticities of demand for school infrastructure are similar to those found in studies of current school spending. We also find that school boards act like risk-averse, budget-maximizing agenda-setters.  相似文献   

当前,各级领导部门都提出“以人为本”的行政管理理念,以期转变执法观念,最大限度减少不和谐的因素。为此,各地交管部门相继推出具有浓浓“人情味”的措施,虽然这些措施在一定范围内取得了一定效果,但这些措施的合理法、合法性却值得商榷。  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between the private benefits' extraction by the initial controlling shareholder and the likelihood of the change of control post‐initial public offering (IPO) in France. We find that (a) in a weak investor protection context, the initial controlling shareholder with high private benefits of control is less likely to relinquish control 5‐years post‐IPO. (b) The initial controlling shareholder extracts private benefits of control through high voting rights and when the founder is involved in control at IPO. (c) Family controlling shareholders are less likely to end up with change of control post‐IPO than nonfamily ones. Such behavior is more pronounced with substantial voting rights, when the founder is in control and when the founder or his heir is an executive director. High private benefits of control contribute therefore to foster the survival of the initial controlling shareholder post‐IPO. Our findings are robust even after using alternative proxies of private benefits of control and also after running a survival analysis.  相似文献   

公共娱乐场所的出现,很好的满足了人们的娱乐需求。人们在享受娱乐场所带给人们快乐的同时,也要警惕各种消防事故。文章首先阐述了公共娱乐场所存在的安全隐患,然后,针对这些安全隐患提出了相应的应对策略,将安全隐患消灭在萌芽之中。  相似文献   


The operations of internationally active organisations continue to encroach on hostile locations that are vulnerable to the negative consequences of crises such as political upheaval, terrorist attacks or natural disasters. Yet research into how firms ensure the physical and psychological safety and security of international staff in these locations is limited. This article reports an empirical study exploring the expatriate safety and security practices of 28 internationally active organisations from three industries that commonly operate in hostile environments. We unveil starkly different approaches across the three industries, and label these approaches ‘regulatory’ (mining and resources), ‘informal mentoring’ (news media) and ‘empowering’ (international aid and development). We use institutional theory to propose that these configurations reflect legitimacy-seeking choices that these organisations make in response to the various institutional environments that affect each sector. Our results provide a platform for initial theory building into the interrelated elements of organisations’ safety and security practices, and the institutional factors that shape the design of these.  相似文献   

政府社会保障公共服务标准的制定和实施,有利于实现政府社会保障服务的规范化、透明化,开展政府社会保障服务的评估和比较,并促进社会保障服务的均等化。根据科学性、可比性、系统性、简洁性和可操作性等原则,本文选取了社会救助、社会保险、社会福利等方面的指标,构建了地方政府社会保障公共服务指标体系,并根据国际比较、国内比较和可及性等原则,对"十二五"时期北京市区县社会保障公共服务标准进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

This paper uses the translog cost function and cross section data from Florida to investigate the importance of socioeconomic characteristics (SEC) of local communities in the production of public safety. The approach used is noteworthy in four respects: (1) the underlying production function is specified as an AGEM production function; (2) SEC are treated as non-purchased fixed inputs; (3) two variables are used to proxy SEC in estimation; and (4) the paper test for the existence of endogenous quality differences in safety. It is shown that exclusion of SEC from the production (cost) function of safety leads to misspecification; and hence they provide a misleading guide to policy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper has been to compare research evidence related to consumer attitudes to specific price increases and to inflation as a general phenomenon with attitudes of British governments as expressed in government anti-inflation policies. In carrying out the enquiries the aim was to bridge the gap between economics and psychology. The findings indicate that the learning and relearning of prices in time of inflation presents considerable problems; so does communication between governments and the public. One message which would appear to have got through to governments is that of consumer discontent with rising prices. In response governments have at times introduced price restraint policies. The author suggests that the existence of inflation has shifted the focus of attention from satisfactions to dissatisfactions and that it may be necessary therefore to examine which factors are most important for consumer studies and for government policies: consumer attempts to maximize their satisfactions or their attempts to minimize their discontents?  相似文献   

It is incorrect and misleading to speak of unionization as a ‘human right’. The only human right is ‘self-ownership’, i.e. to pursue goals with one's own abilities but with no force or fraud against others. Government cannot dispense rights, only privileges and protections to some at the expense of others. A minimal degree of coercion exercised by government is unavoidable. But labor unions are not governments. Government has granted significant privileges to unions in the private sector, but such are not appropriate for public sector unions.  相似文献   

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