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This paper proposes a theory to explain the relative wage-rate increase for skilled labor that results from trade liberalization that relies on within-sector reallocations of production resources (skilled and unskilled labor) across firms. Motivated by some stylized facts, in a model with firm heterogeneity, including firms that differ in their skill intensity even within a narrowly defined industry, firms with relatively high skill intensity that are more likely to be exporters, and a positive association between a firm’s skill intensity and its product quality, I develop a general equilibrium model where firms with a higher skill intensity endogenously choose a higher-quality product, and tend to be more profitable. In this framework, a reduction in trade costs allows members of the workforce to reallocate to more efficient firms that produce higher-quality products, using their skilled labor more intensively, resulting in a rising skill premium. The main sources of the increasing wage inequality that followed trade openness are a positive link between a firm’s skill intensity, its product quality, and quality competition.  相似文献   

姚雪  叶文冰 《魅力中国》2010,(20):288-288
this essay is aimed to explore the differences between English and Chinese from three aspects. Firstly, English is hypotactic, while Chinese is paratacdc; secondly, passive voice is more often used in English than that in Chinese; thirdly, the expressions of English is stative, on the contrary, Chinese is dynamic.  相似文献   

The paper examines the wage structure in the Chinese state enterprise sector between 1981 and 1987. This period is of particular interest given the introduction of major labour market reforms in China during the early 1980s. In essence the reforms represented a movement away from administratively determined prices towards a market–oriented system combined with a relatively flexible system of labour allocation. The Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (1991) decomposition is employed to shed light on the role of changing labour market institutions over the period.
JEL classification : J 31; J 16  相似文献   

人类思维具有共性和个性,共性是我们交流的前提,个性是各民族在交流过程中需要适当转换才能进行的一些差异。思维方式与文化和语言有密切的关系,它是沟通语言和文化的桥梁。深入掌握中西思维方式的不同之处,对于我们正确处理句式翻译和语篇翻译以及成功地进行跨文化交际,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Wage Differentials Between Skilied and Unskilled Workers. — This paper analyzes the change in the ratio of wages paid to skilled and unskilled workers and the effect of these changes on employment by means of a simultaneous-equation pooled time-series cross-section analysis. Hypotheses are derived on the basis of specific theories. The data cover 23 industries over the period 1965–90. The explanatory variables are the cyclical deviations from long-run growth as well as several collective bargaining variables. The wage differential has a strong effect on employment of the two groups under investigation. However, demand has no significant impact on the wage relation.  相似文献   

二十世纪九十年代以来,商品、资源和包括资本在内的生产要素在全球范围内自由流动,使人们切实感受到世界经济已进入到一个崭新的全球化时代。区域之间、国别之间的经济交往越来越频繁、密切,而相互之间的经济互补性也日益彰显。在此背景下,全球采购作为一种市场交易手段和交易平台,也变得越来越引人注目。  相似文献   

This study adopts a semiparametric smooth coefficient model to evaluate the export–wage premiums, firm size–wage premiums, and the wage gap between skilled and unskilled labor. Particular focus is placed upon widespread evidence indicating that pay levels in ‘large’ and ‘export‐oriented’ firms are higher than in their ‘small’ and ‘domestic‐oriented’ counterparts. Applying the firm‐level data for Taiwanese manufacturing firms, we find a positive export–wage premium for skilled workers and a negative export–wage premium for unskilled workers. The hypothesis of a constant export premium across firm size is rejected. While most of the export–wage premiums for skilled labor can be attributed to the small and medium firms, the large exporting firms have a significant adverse effect on wages for unskilled labor. Moreover, our results suggest that the firm size–wage premiums for skilled workers are larger than those for unskilled workers. The wage gap between the two skill groups is also sensitive to size categories.  相似文献   

中国企业的工资差异和所有制结构   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
本文采用OaxacaBlinder分解法的扩展形式,分析了1995年中国城市不同所有制企业间工资差异的决定因素。我们发现,国有企业和外商投资企业工资高于城镇集体企业,但中央直属国有企业和外商投资企业的小时工资鲜有差别。此外,我们的研究结果强有力地证明了,中国劳动力市场的分割或者说是多层次、纯所有制差别和工作小时差别是观测到的工资差距的主要决定因素。我们的研究结果还强调了,尽管外商投资企业提供了较高的年总收入,但这是以更长的工作时间为代价的。  相似文献   

人力资源是存在于人身上的社会财富的创造力,亦是人类用于生产产品或提供服务的体力、技能和知识的综合反映。现在,美国的企业,尤其是成功的大型跨国公司,其人事管理已发展成全方位的人力资源管理。企业的人事部门已转变为人力资源管理与开发的战略性角色。从中美企业的比较看,两者之间存在着以下五大差异。  相似文献   

我国行业工资差距在不断扩大,且高于许多西方国家。国内现有文献大多将行业工资差距的原因归结为制度性因素。目前这一领域的研究不足之处表现为集中于实证分析,规范性分析太少;对行业工资差距的评判,大多从公平角度出发,较少从效率角度进行评价,缺乏科学的评判体系;忽视了行业非经济薪酬差别对经济薪酬(工资)差别的影响。  相似文献   

本文利用在湖北企业职工收入分配调查中所得到的数据,运用对应分析方法研究企业开展工资集体协商对职工工资决定的影响。实证结果显示,尽管在政府推动下我国一些企业工资集体协商工作已开展起来了,并产生了一定的积极效应,但由于多数企业员工参与不够,真正平等意义上的工资集体协商制度还没有形成,因此,目前企业工资并非是由企业与员工双方平等协商共同决定的。本文最后对这一结果产生的原因做了进一步的分析,并提出应大力加强企业民主制度的建设,加大工资集体协商等相关制度的建设,并通过发挥各级劳动关系的协调作用,营造良好的氛围和社会环境,以促进企业职工工资决定机制的形成。  相似文献   

性别工资差别与人力资本--来自大学毕业生的经验分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在劳动力市场上 ,雇主歧视、人力资本的初始点和积累不同等原因都会导致性别工资差别。本文对上海市两所大学毕业生的能力培养和毕业后的两期收入作了实证研究。我们分析了毕业生的性别和人力资本差异对工资水平的影响 ,计量分析还发现在控制了其他因素后 ,大学里女性对自身学习能力的培养普遍高于男性 ,但是在劳动力市场上女性的工资仍然要低于男性 ,这种工资差别随工作年限的增长在扩大  相似文献   

余玮   《华东经济管理》2011,25(5):110-114
文章以1995-2009年沪深两市13815个A股上市公司样本为研究对象,实证研究了公司所有权类型、所在地区市场化的程度与董事的专业性、政府背景的关系。研究发现,当上市公司是国有企业,尤其是地方控股企业时,董事会中有专业知识的董事较少,但有政府背景的董事较多。当上市公司处在市场化程度较高的地区时,董事会成员中有专业知识的董事较多,有政府背景的董事较少。当董事会中有专业背景但没有政府背景的董事人数较多时,公司经营业绩越好;当有政府背景但不具有专业背景的人数较多时,公司经营业绩越差。本文的研究在丰富了公司治理文献的同时,对于了解我国董事会的构成以及决定因素提供重要的实证证据。  相似文献   

彭丽红 《开放导报》2001,(11):11-13
全球经济增长放缓对投资与消费信心的削弱,不确定性预期导致的审慎投资与消费, 不仅恶化了企业的竞争环境,而且直接影响了企业的生存基础, 许多企业不得不靠开始裁员以度难关。而中国经济的持续高速增长,国家经济实力的大幅提升,国内市场的巨大开发潜力以及中国即将加入WTO等,一方面强烈吸引着国际资本和人才流入,成为全球经济亮点;另一方面,跨国公司的纷纷抢滩必将对中国企业形成重创。因此,在关税与非关税壁垒逐步降低甚至取消的进程中,加速提升自身的竞争能力将是中国企业赢得生存空间的必由之路。  相似文献   

对于大多数国家来说人都有姓和名,而缅甸不同。一般来讲,人名称谓只是一个人的代号,是人们彼此相互区别的符号,在社交互动中被广泛用作个人符号。一个人的名字由两个部分组成,它们以"姓氏+名字”(如中文名称),但缅甸人的名字不同于中国人或是英国人的名字。因为缅甸人只有名字而没有姓氏,这是缅甸人名字的文化法则。它具有丰富的文化内涵,体现了民族特有的文化特征。  相似文献   

陈航  李东红  陈东 《南方经济》2021,40(5):14-33
跨境并购是中国企业获取海外市场与战略性资产的重要方式,已有研究表明国有资本直接参与跨境并购过程中遭遇了不少阻碍,但少有学者关注国有资本发挥的资源作用。文章则探讨了非国有制企业引入国有股东在跨境并购中获得的资源优势。以2009-2018年中国非国有上市公司跨境并购交易作为样本,研究发现:非国有制企业中国有资本持股的比例更高会带来更多的资源,有助于跨境并购的完成。而当被并购目标是上市企业、属于高科技行业以及位于制度完善度较好的东道国时,东道国合法性门槛提高,导致国有资本参股的非国有制企业仍然会遭遇到来自东道国的歧视与制度压力,削弱国有资本的资源优势。在进一步分析中验证了主效应的机制,发现国有资本能够帮助解决非国有制企业的融资困难问题,进而促进跨境并购的完成。除此之外,文章也利用工具变量法解决了潜在的内生性问题。  相似文献   

Do firms owned by foreigners pay higher wages than locally ownedfirms for apparently equivalent workers? Do such benefits accrueto all or only certain types of workers? This paper uses dataon individual wages in manufacturing industry for five Africancountries in the early 1990s to address these questions. Wepresent two main findings. First, foreign ownership is associatedwith a 20–40% increase in individual wages (conditionalon age, tenure and education) on average. This is halved to8–23% if we take into account the fact that foreign-ownedfirms are larger and locate in high-wage sectors and regions.Secondly, there is a tendency in some countries for more skilledworkers (using occupation and education categories) to benefitmore from foreign ownership than less skilled workers and thisconclusion holds after accounting for the size distributionof foreign firms. We discuss, but cannot directly test, theplausibility of two explanations for these findings: (i) foreign-ownedfirms employ technologies that are more skill-biased than technologiesin local firms and (ii) skilled workers in foreign firms aremore effective in rent-sharing than other workers. We contendthat these explanations may not be mutually exclusive and, hence,cannot be empirically distinguished.  相似文献   

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