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Many acquisitions are conducted by clubs, i.e., coalitions of acquirers that submit a single bid. We present a novel analysis of club bidding where the club creates value by aggregating, at least partially, bidders' values. We show that club formation can lead to higher acquisition prices when the number of bidders is exogenously fixed and large. However, when entry costs require bidders to optimize their participation decisions, club formation acts as an endogenous limit on competition and reduces the target's premium. In contrast, social efficiency with club bidding is always higher. Our findings can reconcile the contradictory evidence on club bidding.  相似文献   

Through a case study of a London borough's children's social services department (CSD), this article highlights themes concerning the reorganization of children's social care provision. Reorganizations have been driven in part by tensions between the desire of social work professionals to maintain their autonomous modes of working, versus an increasingly managerialist outlook of more recent government initiatives. The acceptance and incorporation of managerialist ideals into working practices may be driven by a climate of greater risk aversion, leading to creeping risk management across CSDs.  相似文献   

以2000~2009年中国证券市场A股上市公司为研究样本,实证检验了女性董事对于经营业绩的影响。在控制了女性董事与经营业绩之间的内生性关系后,研究发现总体上女性董事显著降低了企业经营业绩。当进一步将女性董事区分为女性非独立董事和女性独立董事后,经验证据显示,女性非独立董事损害了经营业绩,而女性独立董事有助于经营业绩的提升。无论在国有企业还是民营企业,这一结论均成立。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that risk perception is associated with differences in personality was proposed. Three personality variables were used, Rotter's Internal vs External Locus of Control Scale, Schwarzer's General Self-efficacy Scale and Taylor's Manifest Anxiety Scale. A scale asking for personal and general risk perception measured perceived risk. It was proposed that individuals low in anxiety, having an internal locus of control and high in self-efficacy should perceive general risks and personal risks higher than individuals high in anxiety and low in self-efficacy and having external locus of control should do. Fifty-nine business students responded to these three scales. The hypothesis was supported by the results and suggested that the personality measures and particularly anxiety were significantly associated to both personal and general risk perceptions.  相似文献   

This paper describes a framework for the integration of a rule‐based system capable of identifying an investor's risk preference into a quantitative portfolio model based on risk and expected return. By inferring rules consisting of an investor's objective and subjective risk preferences, the integrated methodology provides the assets suitable for the preferences. Through investment in the portfolio composed of the assets, the investor is able to obtain the following bene?ts: reduction of costs and time spent to determine target assets, and alleviation of anxiety from ‘out‐of‐favor’ assets. The framework is applied to the development of a knowledge‐based portfolio system for constructing an investor's preference‐oriented portfolio. In the procedure of the system for ?nding an optimal portfolio, the system uses an arti?cial intelligence method of a case‐based reasoning to obtain preference thresholds for an investor when the investor's past investment records are available. Experimental results show that the framework contributes signi?cantly to the construction of a better portfolio from the perspective of an investor's bene?t/cost ratio than that produced by the existing portfolio models. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility involves various economic and social issues. This case presents a dilemma of the trade‐off between economic benefits to shareholders and social benefits to other stakeholders. To respond to recent flat sales growth, as well as serious needs for cost reduction and meeting analysts' expectations, Homewonder Manufacturing Ltd. is considering a strategic plan to expand into Asia. To facilitate this plan, the CEO of the company proposed offshoring and outsourcing some business operations, as well as downsizing the company's current social programs. Various stakeholders will be affected by this plan. This case analysis requires an integration of the shareholder and stakeholder theories of the firm. It provides opportunities for students to consider whether relationships with other stakeholders are a salient corporate strategic concern, and perform costs and benefits analyses arising from this dilemma.  相似文献   

This study finds that firms with higher social capital and trust, as measured by firm environmental and social (E&S) performance, demonstrate better stock price efficiency. The result in a sample of 45 countries remains robust to alternative approaches addressing the endogeneity concerns. This relation is mainly derived from a firm's E&S engagements related to third parties and the whole of society, which regulate the firm's information environment after accounting for other influences. The positive role of E&S performance is further shaped by the firm's associated macro-level trust and social capital, as proxied by the market's cultural and institutional factors.  相似文献   

Dr. Pangloss's comment about, “the best of all possible worlds”, is widely remembered, but what we tend to forget is how unpleasant his world really is. Candide's life is marred by pillage, murder, rape, war, torture and natural disasters. The only relief Voltaire provides Candide after each disaster is a bizzare re-iteration of Pangloss's absurd refrain that, “this must be the best of all possible worlds”. Voltaire's Candide warns us about scholarly self-deception and wishful thinking. This warning extends to theorizing about large organizations and corporate accountability: that monopolistic and oligopolistic elements may be underplayed: that the disciplining effect of market competition may be overrated; that managerial self-aggrandizement may be idealized as entrepreneurial heroics, and that research may be trivialized in the quest for objective results and tractable theories. This paper uses Agency Theory and Transaction Cost Theory to spell out the dangers of Panglossian theorizing. It rejects the notion that theories are dispassionate reflections of reality; instead, it views them as materialistically grounded in social conflict — as intellectual terrains on which social interests struggle to re-present and control their realities. In focussing on Agency and Transactional Cost Theory, three types of re-presentational distortion are considered here: those emanating from failing to acknowledge the constituitive potential of theorizing (stressing instead its natural and law-like character); those arising from overstating the empirical validity of theories, and those emerging from neglecting the interests that benefit from research. The implications of the paper are analogous to lessons that Voltaire teaches us through Dr. Pangloss: we may pay a high price if we listen to “simplifying assumptions” and “analytic approaches” of the Pangloss's of accounting thought. Their intellectual pollyannaism frequently promotes social causes that, after some reflection, we might prefer to dissociate ourselves from. Only by explicating the social underpinnings of accounting practices — contemporaneously and historically — and by investigating the social allegiances of different forms of theorizing, do we give ourselves the opportunity of such social self-awareness.  相似文献   


In Denmark existed in the years 1900—1940 a union of Burial Societies named »Genforsikringen af Begravelseskasser i Danmark» (the Reinsurance of B. S.'s in Denmark), including in 1940 about 1225 societies with 1)40,000 members. In the following pages we shall, for abbreviation, call it The Reinsurance. This union comprised, according to its byelaws, only B. S.'s connected with sickness societies belonging to the unions for such societies existing in the different parts of the kingdom and almost all receiving grants from the State. As such sickness societies are only intended for the less well-off part of the population, of which the majority are workers, we get rather good information on the mortality in this part of the people by researches on the mortality in the membership of the aforesaid burial societies.  相似文献   

地区养老金缺口出现以来,养老保险的区域均衡发展备受各界关注。从我国养老保险制度的历史演进出发,以2007-2016年31个地区面板数据为样本,通过构建区域基尼系数等指标度量我国城镇居民养老保障水平的区域差异,并运用FGLS实证模型探究养老保障水平的影响因素。结果发现:我国城镇居民养老保障水平整体偏低并存在区域差异,而提高政府对社保和就业的财政支出力度有助于养老保障水平的提高,因此,应提高统筹层级并通过财政政策调节区域发展差异。  相似文献   

We investigate whether an environmental social governance (ESG) disclosure moderates the relation between ESG controversies and analyst forecast accuracy. The previous literature has shown that ESG controversies increase uncertainty about a firm's future prospects, while ESG disclosure decreases this uncertainty. We therefore take the next step and integrate ESG controversies, ESG disclosure and uncertainty into one model. Our study is based on 8,369 firm-year observations across 51 countries from 2008 to 2017, containing data from RepRisk, Bloomberg and the Institutional Brokers' Estimate System. We find that analyst forecast errors are generally higher for firms with higher exposure to ESG controversies. More importantly, we establish ESG disclosure as a moderator that mitigates the strength of the relation between ESG controversies and analyst forecast errors. Additionally, we identify that the most important pillar for the relation derives from social controversies and disclosure.  相似文献   

This paper extends the research on the relation between financial performance and corporate social responsibility in two respects. First, it develops a model of strategic competition that includes consumer perceptions with respect to firm social performance. It is shown that in the presence of a positive valuation of social responsibility practices by consumers, a firm that endorses this responsible behaviour may obtain a better strategic position in the market, along with higher margin, demand, and profit. Second, the model's predictions are tested with a sample of Spanish banking firms. The empirical analysis confirms that consumers significantly value other features apart from price in making deposit and mortgage decisions, particularly a financial institution's social responsibility. A more disaggregated analysis shows first, that not every CSR dimension has relevance for consumers and second, that customers equally value activities that can have a direct impact on their well‐being (e.g., culture and leisure), as well as other activities that can be viewed more generally as public goods (e.g., heritage and the environment). These conclusions are of interest in the debate about a firm's social or ethical activities. It is shown that, provided that consumers value corporate social responsibility activities, firms can improve both their competitive position in the market and their profits by behaving in a socially responsible manner. Therefore, the design and implementation of corporate social responsibility practices could confer upon firms an initial competitive advantage over their competitors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the rhetoric deployed by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) to legitimise itself and Integrated Reporting (<IR>) and establish its ideology. We draw on Aristotle's rhetorical appeals – ethos, logos, and pathos – and the rhetorical theory of diffusion to conduct a rhetorical analysis of the IIRC's initial documents. Our findings demonstrate how the IIRC's rhetorical strategies serve to: authorise and moralise the IIRC's actions through ethos and pathos; contrast certain social interests and privilege a capitalist ideology through logos; and establish and maintain the IIRC's authority in a way that reflects the interests of the financial community and investors, again, through ethos. We demonstrate how the IIRC has strategically used rhetoric to gain support and develop its authority by contrasting and resisting competing ideological pressures. We also show how a capitalist ideology emerged from this struggle as the shaping force behind <IR> at the cost of marginalising wider social interests. Examining the IIRC's rhetorical process contributes to understanding the ideological struggle surrounding <IR> and enriches our empirical understanding of the ideological turn of rhetorical strategies. Our study contributes to theory and practice by advancing knowledge on the rhetorical strategies that shape and establish dominant ideologies in accounting practice.  相似文献   

The paper is a commentary on Bryer's article &ldquo;A Marxist Critique of the FASB's Conceptual Framework&rdquo;; the commentary is divided into three main sections. The first section begins by addressing the changing relationships between accounting and economics and, more specifically, the ideas of economic value and accounting representation (often called &ldquo;representational faithfulness&rdquo;, see Bryer, p. 582) that underlie Bryer's concerns with the FASB project. The second section considers the role of the FASB conceptual framework project in order to address the different ways that the &ldquo;impact&rdquo; of the FASB's Conceptual Framework project upon accounting practices can be considered. Several of the existing studies of this project that consider its purpose in social and political terms are reviewed. This is not to suggest that the FASB's work has had @9pno@2p effects, but rather that its consequences might be thought of in institutional and political terms. In the final section some of the specifics of Bryer's Marxist analysis are addressed. In particular the relationship between Marxian analysis and accounting change is considered.  相似文献   

This study provides a critical examination of contemporary financial and external reporting research from a corporate governance perspective. Adopting Hines' social constructionist approach to financial reporting, the study investigates research into accounting publishing patterns, published reviews of major subject areas within financial and external reporting research, and interviews a sample of accounting professors in British universities. The findings reveal a strong North American economics and finance-based positivist influence, a largely uncritical acceptance of accounting's subservience to the demands of the market, a reluctance to engage major policy questions and broader reporting constituencies. These appear to be conditioned to a large degree by internal features and pressures within the academic research community. Evidence is presented for greater attention to major environmental shifts impacting accounting and communities globally, a reinvigoration of researchers' direct engagement with reporting constituents in the field, a revisiting of major accounting, business, social and environmental policy questions, and a preparedness to address today's major corporate governance concerns of communities and governments.  相似文献   

Principals make decisions on various issues, ranging from contract design to control system implementation. Few studies examine the principal's active role in these decisions. We experimentally investigate this role by studying how a principal's choice of an incentive contract that may discourage misrepresentation, compared to a fixed‐salary contract, affects the honesty of his or her agents’ cost reporting. Results show that, besides an incentive effect and a principal trust effect, the active choice for incentives produces a negative “information leakage” effect. When principals use incentives, their choices not only incentivize truthful reporting and signal distrust, but they also leak important information about the social norm, namely, that other agents are likely to report dishonestly. Agents conform to this social norm by misrepresenting cost information more. Our results have important practical implications. Managers must recognize that their decisions can leak information to their agents, which may produce unanticipated consequences for the social norms of the organization.  相似文献   

This case study concerns a company, operating within a highly sensitive industry, which needs to adopt new planning and control procedures along with performance measures in order to ensure its long term survival. The case explores the characteristics of the UK funeral industry, and the impact of the incursion of large overseas companies on the operation of small family businesses. Porter's (1980) Competitive Strategy framework provides a vehicle for the analysis of generic strategies to secure competitive advantage when cost leadership is not a practical possibility. Product diversification and niche marketing are explored in a Teaching Note to a rewarding case, but one which may raise the emotional sensitivity of subjects.  相似文献   

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