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针对原全生命周期经济评价方法进行了改进.将项目的全生命周期分为决策、建设、运营三个阶段.项目决策阶段采用有无对比法,并兼顾项目自身、地区公司、集团公司三个层面的经济评价;项目建设阶段,建设期内采用跟踪对比法,竣工1年后采用前后对比法;项目运营阶段采用跟踪评价法.与方法相对应,明确了全生命周期经济评价指标体系为三大类6个亚类27项指标,实现了经济评价与完整项目管理的有效衔接.通过TYKF油田D8区SAGD项目的实例分析,进一步证实了评价方法和指标体系的实用性.  相似文献   

输变电建设项目财务评价探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在分析电网及输变电建设项目的具体特点基础上,提出将输变电建设定位于改扩建工程项目,采用增量效果进行财务评价。利用有无法计算增量现金流,选择销售电量和容载比等作为参数进行财务计算分析。  相似文献   

A large number of methodologies for Research and Development (R&D) project evaluation have been developed and reported in the literature over the last few decades. Almost all of this literature focused on the mechanisms and underlying theoretical foundation on which the evaluation methods are based. Very little attention has been paid to the effectiveness and suitability of the techniques, especially a comparison of the techniques. This paper presents a comparative study on a number of classes of R&D evaluation methods based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. We look into the various factors and characteristics of R&D evaluation methods that affect their suitability. A sensitivity analysis was also carried out to determine the critical factors.  相似文献   

以陕-京输气管道二线工程某储气库群项目经济评价为例,介绍了国内外储气库项目的现状、储气库的分类、典型工艺流程,总结了投资估算的编制方法、成本估算方法和经济评价方法的选择,展望了今后的发展趋势.  相似文献   

根据中国工程造价改革的重点是推行以"合理低价中标"为核心的工程量清单计价模式,在全面分析工程项目评标过程与主要影响因素的基础上,构建适应过程操作实际的评标指标体系,包括5类属性的16个评价指标。在评标模型构造时,运用熵值法确定指标的权重可以反映已知信息的客观情况,减少定权时由于人为因素产生的误差与错误。引入灰色系统理论,建立灰色关联度模型,计算各个备选方案的加权关联度,比较各个备选方案与最优方案的相似度,最终确定各个方案的优劣。算例分析演示了评标模型的详细计算过程,将此计算方法与其他评价方法对比,总结了该方法的特点。  相似文献   

通信建设施工企业质量体系评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着IT行业的迅猛发展,为了保障通信建设施工企业的顺利可持续发展,针对有关质量体系评估标准的研究日益受到关注,根据国内外通信建设施工企业质量体系建设涉及的有关质量评价环节,从与之紧密相关的功能性、严密性、易用性和效率特性等4个方面考虑,提出了三级质量评估指标体系,并列出了具体指标项目。同时,根据层次分析法等评估方法,对质量评估的实际操作进行了探讨。  相似文献   

党的十五届四中全会,对深化国营企业改革又提出了更高的要求,建筑施工企业的改革应该说是国企改革的先锋。施工企业应该看到,市场的变化必然要引起企业内部机制和措施上的变化,具体讲就是要在继承原来良好的管理经验和方法的基础上,精耕细作、精打细算;要通过现代化的管理手段,努力提高企业的经济运行质量。解决这个问题的关键是统一管理手段,提高管理档次,也就是要在施工企业内部逐步建立和实现项目管理微机化。1 当今建筑市场的显著变化是推行项目管理微机化的客观要求1994~1997年间,天津市的施工任务大多是一些体积大、建筑等…  相似文献   

项目管理应遵循的原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
项目管理是企业管理之基、效益之本,当前,项目管理失衡、创效能力不足等问题普遍存在。从实践经验看,项目管理优劣决定了企业效力与可持续发展能力。项目管理优,则企业强大兴盛、政通人和;项目管理劣,则企业动力缺失、举步维艰。结合本企业项目管理实践,笔者认为加强和优化项目管理,应遵循以下原则:  相似文献   

项目难度系数的确定是工程项目进行项目绩效定量评价的关键环节之一,尤其对多项目部的绩效定量评价更重要。依据项目难度系数的影响因素,确定每一影响因素的权重和项目因素单位分数。通过层次分析法和直观判断法综合对工程项目评价指标进行权重分析,提出了两种打分的方案,即对工程数量、投资额及项目难度等因素进行分类打分和根据单位数量及单价来确定分数,然后结合两种方法的结果来确定项目难度系数,并通过实验来确定项目难度系数计算方法的合理有效性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide managers with a set of guidelines to help them to choose the project evaluation and selection model that best suits their business environments. To this end the authors have surveyed the literature of the subject and used contacts made in training workshops with Swiss industry.
From this information the authors have identified five key issues — signposts that mark the route towards the appropriate project selection method. Once a sufficiency of project proposals has been identified — more than could be implemented with the resources available — then one takes into account successively how far the selection parameters can be quantified, how far one project interferes with or depends on the completion of another, whether a project has one or more than one objective, and the degree of acceptable risk. The procedure is presented in the form of a binary decision tree the various branches of which lead ultimately to twelve archetypal groups of methods. Each group is in principle suited to a practical situation represented by some combination of the key issues recognizable by a manager.
The paper discusses the strengths, weaknesses, limitations and practicality of the methods falling into each group. It concludes with suggestions about how a framework could be extended and refined. Keywords: Research and Development, Project Selection.  相似文献   

This is the third paper to arise from the same piece of research concerned with the development of Expert Systems (ES's) in the management of R&D. The first paper described the overall approach to the work and summarised the problems encountered, whilst the second focused on the software side of the work and the problems it entailed.
In this paper the focus is on the process of project evaluation itself. The simple purpose of creating an ES is to capture the expertise of those well versed in a particular field and try to reproduce it in the ES. In this work, however, the hypotheses on which the development of the ES was based, and their subsequent support by considering actual projects, cast doubt on the theoretical background of project evaluation as reviewed in literature. The basis of these doubts is set out in this paper together with discussion on what is necessary to improve the situation. It was necessary to come to these conclusions prior to the development of a final ES on project evaluation, and is here published not only because of its interest in its own right, but so that others who have already worked in the field might reconsider their data in the light of the criticisms. By this means they would have a contribution to make to a better understanding of evaluation and of the on-going work on a new ES, now developed and operational, which has been designed as a research tool as well as its normal function of giving managerial advice.  相似文献   

This article presents an application of the UTA method and its variant UTA-CR to determining utility functions for the multicriteria evaluation of residential real estate. Data for the city of Volta Redonda, Brazil, were used in this study. Unlike UTA, UTA-CR makes use of the decision agents’ preferences in relation to a set of criteria to determine a ranking of the alternatives. It was concluded that UTA-CR manages to obtain utility functions closer to the preferences of the decision agents as compared to these that result from the use of UTA. This demonstrates an important advantage of UTA-CR over UTA.  相似文献   

徐冉  郭洪亮 《河北工业科技》2012,29(6):446-449,472
在对当今主流科学项目的绩效评估介绍的基础上,提出用软件系统B/S结构实现的设计方法,使科学项目管理中的重要环节项目绩效评估实现了信息化。  相似文献   

政府工程采购在政府采购中的份额达60%以上,考虑政府工程采购过程中评标的重要性及评价过程本身具有的不确定性和复杂性,提出了构建基于灰色理论的政府工程采购灰靶评标模型。将决策目标下的各个指标值集结为目标综合效果评价值,分别定义正、负靶心,计算各评价对象到正、负靶心的距离,通过空间投影分析计算各方案的综合靶心距,再以综合靶心距最小准则构建目标规划模型,得到各个目标的权重。构建的灰靶评标模型扩展了灰靶决策方法的应用领域,是对政府工程采购评标方法的一次有益尝试。实例分析验证了该模型在政府市政工程采购评标实际应用中的有效性和科学性。  相似文献   

The relative importance of project success dimensions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Traditionally, the success of a project is assessed using internal measures such as technical and operational goals, and meeting schedule and budget. More recently, it has been recognized that several other measures should be used to define project success. These measures reflect external effectiveness: the project's impact on its customers, and on the developing organization itself.
In our study of 110 defense projects performed by Israeli industry, we used a multidimensional approach to measure the success of defense projects. Based on previous studies, we defined four dimensions of success: meeting design goals ; benefits to the customer ; benefits to the developing organization ; and benefits to the defense and national infrastructure . For each project, we asked three different stakeholders (the customer, the developing organization, and the coordinating office within the Ministry of Defense) for their views on the relative importance of these dimensions of success. Analysis of the data revealed that the dimension benefits to the customer is by far the most important success dimension. The second in importance is meeting design goals . The other two dimensions are relatively unimportant.  相似文献   

国内各行业对投资项目后评价工作日益重视,不断加强项目后评价理论方法研究与实践总结。作者结合多年从事项目后评价的工作实际,概述了中国石油在项目后评价方法体系建立与完善方面取得的成果,分析了当前后评价工作中存在的问题,并针对存在的主要问题,在报告编制、指标体系、调研方法、评价方法和数据库建设等方面,对如何进一步改进项目后评价方法体系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

针对县级农网建设与改造工程项目的实际情况,确定各项评价指标,提出一个科学、简捷,实用的评价方法,用于已竣工验收县农网建设改造项目的财务后评价。  相似文献   

考虑到政府工程采购评标是一个有限方案的多目标多层次决策问题,提出组合赋权与TOPSIS(逼近理想解排序)法。首先,构建了政府工程采购评价指标体系;然后,针对现有政府工程采购评标方法的不足,提出AHP(层次分析法)组合熵法确定各评价指标的组合权重,再结合TOPSIS法对政府工程采购各方案进行评标;最后,以某政府工程采购评标为实例,验证了组合赋权与TOPSIS法在政府工程采购评标中的应用是可行的。  相似文献   

This paper reports interim results obtained from research on the development of an expert system originally intended to be advisory to managers at all levels of R&D on the selection of projects. Whilst diversity had been expected, when the 'Experts' were consulted, there was a total absence of agreement as to how projects were selected.
This led to a shift in objectives. The first shift was from project selection to project evaluation which was identified as the real activity which managers undertook in conditions where the number of projects was likely to exceed the resources available. The second was to try to classify projects such that projects in one class might have similar criteria for evaluation
In pursuit of these new objectives, the rigorous thinking necessary to structure the guidance of the 'Experts' into an expert system gave new insights into the nature of projects themselves and their management in support of corporate strategy. This paper sets these out and will be followed by Pt. II which will report on structuring the actual Expert System, and Pt. Ill giving the details of the managerial approach and the decision support process of the actual expert system  相似文献   

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